Disappointed by the Conroe launch


Senior member
May 10, 2002
Yes, I know... another thread. The thread I was attempting to place this in was locked before I hit "Post Message".

Honestly, I was more disappointed with Anandtech. What Intel has done is a paper launch by simply not calling it a launch. Neither ATI nor Nvidia could get away with a stunt like this without people calling it out for what it really is.

As many have pointed out, this is six months away. Will AMD have a response in six months? Well, that all depends on what we will permit as a "response".

Will AMD have a product ready to ship when Conroe is shipping? I think we are all willing to admit the answer to that is that they won't. Intel will be in possession of the "performance crown" when Conroe ships.

However, if AMD is permitted to paper launch (except it won't be called a launch) their next generation part, then it is entirely possible they could have a "response" to Conroe six months from now, or maybe shortly after.

What Intel has done is disgusting. They have cast shadow over the fact that the fastest x86 CPU you can buy today, and for the next six months, is from a competitor. Six months is a very long time in this industry, and Intel may have likely cost AMD a lot of money with this little stunt. I can already tell that some people have decided to put off upgrades until Conroe.

However, Anandtech has validated this little stunt. They have fallen into the very trap that they berate the GPU manufacturers for trying. They have restarted the nasty trend of the paper launch, and we are all worse off for it.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2003
This is true to some extent, AT did not use the best choice of words. "Intel set to regain performance crown" would have been far more accurate. And by letting this information leak it has probably cast an unfair shadow on AMD. ON the other hand, it's useful information to the extent people will be able to plan their upgrades according. But a 6 months window is rather absurd, and I agree with classifying this as a paper launch. AT and daily tech people need to be more careful about their headlines in general. FOr example, that "asus is brainchild behind origami" thing makes no sense technically and after reading the article it may be misleading. I think they meant to say "origami is asus' brainchild"


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Tanclearas
Six months is a very long time in this industry, and Intel may have likely cost AMD a lot of money with this little stunt. I can already tell that some people have decided to put off upgrades until Conroe.

Actually, in the world of hardware and hardware development, 6 months is very short.


Mar 1, 2006
Yeah, I tend to agree since, the final product is not quite ready for release anytime in the very near future. I think it was a good showing on Intels part. I just wish we were closer to an actual release date.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2001
It's IDF. It's not a product launch. Intel shows off tech like it does every year.


Senior member
Sep 19, 2001
Wow, man some people just can't stop complaining, I swear. Every time there is a new launch, there's gotta be someone to cry about it.

Tanclearas, a paper launch is when a company says something is launching, i.e. products are available, but they are not. All 4 companies in question have been guilty of this (AMD, Intel, ATI and Nvidia). This is not a paper launch. Do you expect this product at retailers this week, next week or the week after? I really don't think so.

It's manufacturer representation of available product that defines paper launches. We all know that conroe isn't expected in stores until Q3, so wait until then to cry paper launch.

What Intel has done is disgusting. They have cast shadow over the fact that the fastest x86 CPU you can buy today, and for the next six months, is from a competitor. Six months is a very long time in this industry, and Intel may have likely cost AMD a lot of money with this little stunt. I can already tell that some people have decided to put off upgrades until Conroe.

Mr Ruiz, is that you? You sound very heartbroken, why? Shouldn't you be happy, for those people who have put off purchasing a product for six months now might possibly get a better product for the same or a cheaper price. This is called a free market with competition buddy, Intel is not here to be kind, gentle and courteous to AMD, nor do we want them to. I mean christ, their public corporations not the Red Cross.

When information for a company people support doesn't come out in time, the fans beg for information sooner and more. But if it's a competitor, oh no, it's too soon. They should have waited.


Diamond Member
May 29, 2003
Deeznuts, as long as you qualify it as a launch you should address the concern that AT is allowing a paper launch despite being so critical of them, and I have not heard of a 6 months paper launch period.


Senior member
Sep 19, 2001
Stoneburner, my point was that this was not a launch. A launch I think is defined as when a manufacter says something will be available for purchase. You may argue with that definition, but putting that aside I think the crucial factor is the representations, of a manufacturer, of when a product will be available for purchase.

Paper launches generally mean that a manufacturer has stated a product will be available on a certain date, yet no product can be found. That is why it is hated and why AT dislikes this practice. It's manufacturer representation, consumer expectation, and disappointment.

I don't see that here, so why the crying? It's not supposed to be available until Q3 (July to September). Wait until then to cry paper launch is all I'm saying.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Yea, apparently, I missed the "launch". This is IDF. They showcase new and upcoming products every year. What else would they showcase? Stuff they already have?

Just be glad this is working silicone, unlike those empty shell Playstation 3's.


Golden Member
Dec 11, 2005
As others have stated, this is not a product launch. Its more of a tech preview than anything else. This is whats to be expected down the line and who knows, maybe Intel will be able to increase the performance compared to whats being shown today. You can compare it to concept cars, they're close, you have a good idea of what they're like but in no way are they for sale nor totally representative of what you'll get walking into a dealer in the future.



Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2005
I'm sure companies like AMD are always busying themselves with what their competitors have to offer. If the latest benchmark is remotely true, I wonder what AMD will do. Weren't they planning on cutting back on consumer cpus and focusing on the server market nstead?


Senior member
May 10, 2002
Originally posted by: deeznuts
Wow, man some people just can't stop complaining, I swear. Every time there is a new launch, there's gotta be someone to cry about it.

Tanclearas, a paper launch is when a company says something is launching, i.e. products are available, but they are not. All 4 companies in question have been guilty of this (AMD, Intel, ATI and Nvidia). This is not a paper launch. Do you expect this product at retailers this week, next week or the week after? I really don't think so.

It's manufacturer representation of available product that defines paper launches. We all know that conroe isn't expected in stores until Q3, so wait until then to cry paper launch.
Originally posted by: deeznuts
Mr Ruiz, is that you? You sound very heartbroken, why?

Read and think about something before you respond with a jack-ass response. I'm concerned that the door is open to paper launches by simply not calling them paper launches. There is a difference between demoing a product at an IDF and allowing a premiere review site like AT to benchmark select games. I would find it equally distasteful for AMD to try this, but if Intel can do it, then why not AMD.


Senior member
Sep 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Tanclearas
Read and think about something before you respond with a jack-ass response. I'm concerned that the door is open to paper launches by simply not calling them paper launches. There is a difference between demoing a product at an IDF and allowing a premiere review site like AT to benchmark select games. I would find it equally distasteful for AMD to try this, but if Intel can do it, then why not AMD.

I did read it, and I thought about it. And it was so absurd I had to come up with an absurd response as well. That was mine.

Paper launch = people wanting a product that is supposed to be there and isn't there.

Intel never said the product was available. So there. Dispute that in any way you can, I don't think you can. Intel offered us a preview of products that are supposed to be available Q3. Nobody has said otherwise. What's the beef? There simply cannot be any disappointed consumers when nobody expects a product because the manufacturer hasn't said it's available yet. It's so simple, just let the emotion subside and think about it.

What Intel has done is disgusting.
Why? Giving us consumers a preview of future products? That's disgusting? Well let's cancel CES and all trade shows, and the Detroit Motor show, and well, screw it everything involving previews of new technology, until I can actually buy it, or at least close to it. yeah They cherrypicked the games, but that's their prerogative, it's their show and their rules. AMD is more than welcome to do the same when they have a chance. These things are for previews, and final decisions made when actual products are out, and tested by independent reviewers. Plain and simple.

have cast shadow over the fact that the fastest x86 CPU you can buy today, and for the next six months, is from a competitor.
Boo hoo. It's called competition buddy, and it ain't pretty. Get used to it.

EDIT: Disgusted is a strong strong emotion. And to exhibit that much emotion because of a for profit company's practices, that do not directly affect anybody in a way (like enron and the retirement accounts of their employees) I think is going overboard. Everyone just needs to relax, and don't catch feelings over a piece of silicon. Now silicone, that's a different issue altogether!


Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2001
Originally posted by: TecHNooB
I'm sure companies like AMD are always busying themselves with what their competitors have to offer. If the latest benchmark is remotely true, I wonder what AMD will do. Weren't they planning on cutting back on consumer cpus and focusing on the server market nstead?
Perhaps Conroe is is the reason they're switching focus.

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Deeznuts, my question to you is: why are you ok with Intel comparing an old processor to a processor that won't be out in 6 months?

Within 6 months time, what we see in the Conroe may not be all that great. 6 months in the computer industry is a long time. Many things change in the computer industry, and they change very quickly. To already announce the winner would be foolish.


Jul 25, 2003
It did strike me as somthing of a double standard, not that I think there was anything wrong with Anandtech (or any other site) for covering the story, but because people made such a big fuss over ATi (some even went so far as to claim that the X1900XT/XTX was a paper launch because they had to wait up to 24 HOURS after reading the launch article before they saw availability).

Even if Intel did not call this a product launch what they allowed was much closer to a launch review than they have ever done in the past, at least to my knowlage.

Personally I think a preview of up and coming tech is interesting reading, but I also think to many biased readers make these "preview articles" a witch hunt twards people with opposing positions even if those people are just being cautious and fair minded.


Diamond Member
Feb 2, 2000
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Deeznuts, my question to you is: why are you ok with Intel comparing an old processor to a processor that won't be out in 6 months?

Within 6 months time, what we see in the Conroe may not be all that great. 6 months in the computer industry is a long time. Many things change in the computer industry, and they change very quickly. To already announce the winner would be foolish.

I never knew you can buy FX-62's now.

Quinton McLeod

Senior member
Jan 17, 2006
Originally posted by: dexvx
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Deeznuts, my question to you is: why are you ok with Intel comparing an old processor to a processor that won't be out in 6 months?

Within 6 months time, what we see in the Conroe may not be all that great. 6 months in the computer industry is a long time. Many things change in the computer industry, and they change very quickly. To already announce the winner would be foolish.

I never knew you can buy FX-62's now.

When reviewing the article, I saw AMD X2 2.8... I didn't see a FX-62


Golden Member
Oct 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Deeznuts, my question to you is: why are you ok with Intel comparing an old processor to a processor that won't be out in 6 months?

Within 6 months time, what we see in the Conroe may not be all that great. 6 months in the computer industry is a long time. Many things change in the computer industry, and they change very quickly. To already announce the winner would be foolish.

Thats true.

Also another point is i dont get people which wait 6 month for something to buy, but after those 6 month u have another product coming out so what u wait another 6 months.

Get something which is good now, and u will have something for those 6 months. The fact that conroe comes out and will be better than the athlon, wont make my X2 suddenly obsolete and useless. But on another point i still get to use one of the fastest cpu's u can get NOW.


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Tanclearas
Yes, I know... another thread. The thread I was attempting to place this in was locked before I hit "Post Message".

Honestly, I was more disappointed with Anandtech. What Intel has done is a paper launch by simply not calling it a launch. Neither ATI nor Nvidia could get away with a stunt like this without people calling it out for what it really is.

As many have pointed out, this is six months away. Will AMD have a response in six months? Well, that all depends on what we will permit as a "response".

Will AMD have a product ready to ship when Conroe is shipping? I think we are all willing to admit the answer to that is that they won't. Intel will be in possession of the "performance crown" when Conroe ships.

However, if AMD is permitted to paper launch (except it won't be called a launch) their next generation part, then it is entirely possible they could have a "response" to Conroe six months from now, or maybe shortly after.

What Intel has done is disgusting. They have cast shadow over the fact that the fastest x86 CPU you can buy today, and for the next six months, is from a competitor. Six months is a very long time in this industry, and Intel may have likely cost AMD a lot of money with this little stunt. I can already tell that some people have decided to put off upgrades until Conroe.

However, Anandtech has validated this little stunt. They have fallen into the very trap that they berate the GPU manufacturers for trying. They have restarted the nasty trend of the paper launch, and we are all worse off for it.

So are all the AMD peeps crying now?? tyrying to still make Intel out to be the bad guy...thats too funnyeee


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: dexvx
Originally posted by: Tanclearas
Six months is a very long time in this industry, and Intel may have likely cost AMD a lot of money with this little stunt. I can already tell that some people have decided to put off upgrades until Conroe.

Actually, in the world of hardware and hardware development, 6 months is very short.

Are we suppose to be crying becuase AMD is losing invisible money??
You can`t lose something you don`t have!!


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: deeznuts
Wow, man some people just can't stop complaining, I swear. Every time there is a new launch, there's gotta be someone to cry about it.

Tanclearas, a paper launch is when a company says something is launching, i.e. products are available, but they are not. All 4 companies in question have been guilty of this (AMD, Intel, ATI and Nvidia). This is not a paper launch. Do you expect this product at retailers this week, next week or the week after? I really don't think so.

It's manufacturer representation of available product that defines paper launches. We all know that conroe isn't expected in stores until Q3, so wait until then to cry paper launch.

What Intel has done is disgusting. They have cast shadow over the fact that the fastest x86 CPU you can buy today, and for the next six months, is from a competitor. Six months is a very long time in this industry, and Intel may have likely cost AMD a lot of money with this little stunt. I can already tell that some people have decided to put off upgrades until Conroe.

Mr Ruiz, is that you? You sound very heartbroken, why? Shouldn't you be happy, for those people who have put off purchasing a product for six months now might possibly get a better product for the same or a cheaper price. This is called a free market with competition buddy, Intel is not here to be kind, gentle and courteous to AMD, nor do we want them to. I mean christ, their public corporations not the Red Cross.

When information for a company people support doesn't come out in time, the fans beg for information sooner and more. But if it's a competitor, oh no, it's too soon. They should have waited.

YEAH!!!! Go get em deezenuts


Jul 13, 2005
Originally posted by: Tanclearas
Originally posted by: deeznuts
Wow, man some people just can't stop complaining, I swear. Every time there is a new launch, there's gotta be someone to cry about it.

Tanclearas, a paper launch is when a company says something is launching, i.e. products are available, but they are not. All 4 companies in question have been guilty of this (AMD, Intel, ATI and Nvidia). This is not a paper launch. Do you expect this product at retailers this week, next week or the week after? I really don't think so.

It's manufacturer representation of available product that defines paper launches. We all know that conroe isn't expected in stores until Q3, so wait until then to cry paper launch.
Originally posted by: deeznuts
Mr Ruiz, is that you? You sound very heartbroken, why?

Read and think about something before you respond with a jack-ass response. I'm concerned that the door is open to paper launches by simply not calling them paper launches. There is a difference between demoing a product at an IDF and allowing a premiere review site like AT to benchmark select games. I would find it equally distasteful for AMD to try this, but if Intel can do it, then why not AMD.

Ok....so why are the AMD peeps all up in arms....
Am I misisng something or is this normal for all this crying to be taking place??


Golden Member
Jul 31, 2004
Originally posted by: Quinton McLeod
Deeznuts, my question to you is: why are you ok with Intel comparing an old processor to a processor that won't be out in 6 months?

Yes, it is ok because its the best thing AMD has available for them to compare it to. If AMD gives Intel a pre-production NDA system to bench it against, then I'm all for it as well. Should the ATI X1900 benchmarks in early Feb. be compared against the 7800GTX 512 or a unreleased 7900 GTX? I didn't see anyone complaining when the 7800GTX was compared to the X850XTPE last July. "Oh no, it's not fair to compare a new product against the competitors currently available top of the line product." You must not spend alot of time here or have never visited the video forums. Atleast Intel was kind enough to overclock the FX-60 chip to FX-62 speeds, something that may be shipping when Conroe is released.
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