Discussion of suppressors/silencers.


Senior member
Feb 27, 2011
Obviously there's been a lot of discussion of bump fire stocks since the Vegas shooting, I've also read erroneous facts regarding suppressors aka silencers. Hillary stated how much worse Vegas would have been if he had silencers on the rifles, she waited a whole 2 hours into Monday morning to unleash this, ultra classy. I'm a firearms enthusiast and shoot a lot of sanctioned bullseye pistol matches, I'm not an expert on all things firearms but it drives me nuts to see false statements from people that have the supposed IQ to know better.

First off the average 5.56/.223rem shot from an AR15 is roughly 165db,,, VERY loud and painful if shot with no ear protection. WITH a suppressor the db level drops to a balmy 135db which is still still uncomfortable and damaging just not as bad as unsuppressed.

I've target shot long range several time with guys owning suppressed rifles, 243AI and 260 Remington to be exact, sitting next to them I still wore ear protection as it is still uncomfortable just not deafening as unsuppressed. This is why you hear about silencers being promoted for hunters. Hunters want their senses sharp to hear animals walking ect. but are then subjected to possibly damaging db levels from often large bore rifles.

Hollywood has done a lot to vilify the silencer often making the noise all but disappear in action scenes. In the case of 3000+ fps rifle cartridges this is false as I explained above, the noise is still loud to the point of being damaging. Fact is most high power rifles are mach 2-3, a large percentage of the report of a firearm comes from the miniature sonic boom of the projectile, the silencer only reduces the noise from gasses escaping the muzzle rapidly. The exception to this comes from subsonic ammunition such as 22lr. There are also some calibers such as 300blk which is a "wildcat" version of the 5.56/
223 that allows a 30 caliber bullet to be shot from a trimmed 5.56/.223 cartridge, there are special loadings (often hand loaded by enthusiasts) of 300blk with slow heavy bullets that remain subsonic, these get to Hollywood noise levels and are still quite deadly, YouTube should give you plenty of examples.

So there are the basic facts, yes a pistol or rifle with silencer can achieve Hollywood quite levels but the majority aren't. People buy them for novelty, hearing protection and in long range shooting there is evidence that they increase accuracy due to less turbulence while the bullet exits the barrel. As with anything they can be used by criminals to pull off mafia style hits, fact is they aren't 99.9999% of the time hence the push by some to lift the NFA regulations on them.

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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Silencers are great. They really should come with every weapon, since that's what people buy weapons for. I wouldn't buy a gun unless I had somebody to kill with it, and I think that's the reason why most people buy guns (they want to kill people)... so unless you are buying a hunting rifle it should definitely come with a silencer.

Not sure why everyone wants to ban them. Silencers don't kill people, they just help assassins do it quietly. I'm sure chicago would sleep better at night without all that loud gunfire, that's probably where they should start handing them out.


Senior member
Feb 27, 2011
Silencers are great. They really should come with every weapon, since that's what people buy weapons for. I wouldn't buy a gun unless I had somebody to kill with it, and I think that's the reason why most people buy guns (they want to kill people)... so unless you are buying a hunting rifle it should definitely come with a silencer.

Not sure why everyone wants to ban them. Silencers don't kill people, they just help assassins do it quietly. I'm sure chicago would sleep better at night without all that loud gunfire, that's probably where they should start handing them out.
Trolling right off the bat I see. Did you by chance actually read my post?

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Pipeline 1010

Golden Member
Dec 2, 2005
Trolling right off the bat I see. Did you by chance actually read my post?

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I have a hunch it might have been a sarcasm post. Saying that most people buy guns to kill people when the so obviously overwhelming opposite is true is either sarcasm or autism.

I get the feeling that this thread will devolve into people clutching their pearls over extremely unlikely circumstances in which suppressors would actually result in worse circumstances and completely overlook and deny any benefits of suppressors.
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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Trolling right off the bat I see. Did you by chance actually read my post?

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Well I agree with your post in that I think everyone who buys a handgun or non-hunting rifle should get a silencer too.

I would just point out that the "point" of a silencer is not to make the report "silent" or to protect your ears, it is to mask the sound of the gunshot as something else. If you'd like, I can post a video that shows this... there is a video of IRCG (Iran Revolutionary Guard Quds Force) using silencers while attacking an Iraqi militia. From the perspective of the militia, you cannot tell that they are gunshots at all. It totally makes the report unrecognizable (and thus, stealth).

That is the "point" of a silencer. Not to protect your ears.

Otherwise, great post!


Senior member
Feb 27, 2011
Well I agree with your post in that I think everyone who buys a handgun or non-hunting rifle should get a silencer too.

I would just point out that the "point" of a silencer is not to make the report "silent" or to protect your ears, it is to mask the sound of the gunshot as something else. If you'd like, I can post a video that shows this... there is a video of IRCG (Iran Revolutionary Guard Quds Force) using silencers while attacking an Iraqi militia. From the perspective of the militia, you cannot tell that they are gunshots at all. It totally makes the report unrecognizable (and thus, stealth).

That is the "point" of a silencer. Not to protect your ears.

Otherwise, great post!
Sound like something else huh, like a duck call perhaps, maybe you could whip one of those up for me. So how many times have you heard a silencer in person.....

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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Sound like something else huh, like a duck call perhaps, maybe you could whip one of those up for me. So how many times have you heard a silencer in person.....

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So you don't want to see the video? Sounds like you are the one who is only used to hearing duck calls. You even seem to think your assassination assistance device is "for your health". LOL

In the video, you can see the confusion that being attacked by a silenced weapon causes in the reactions of the militia soldiers as several get shot in the head before they realize what is going on. The reports sound like the supersonic "snap" of a bullet as it passes nearby, at least a the short ranges in the video. When the Iraqis finally do realize what is going on, the IRCG soldiers are a few dozen meters away (and you get to see them on camera too!). It is a very bloody video, so I won't post it in this thread... but suffice to say - silencers are NOT "for your health".


Senior member
Feb 27, 2011
So you've never heard one in person then, would have been much easier to have said so then renacting a video you saw on YouTube. Have you ever even heard an unsuppressed 5.56/.223? I'll give you a hint,,,, it's a LOT louder than on youtube, maybe we should tell Hillary this as well.

A side note, my step father who served in the Army for several years now has permanent hearing damage from practice/qualification shooting only, no combat seen. Due to this he now has lifetime health coverage from the VA, not cheap for them, he's had 2 AFIB surgeries in the past 3 years and numerous ICU stays. Perhaps they should have invested in "silencers".

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Jan 6, 2005
Silencers are utterly ridiculous and completely unnecessary. Having spent a considerable amount of time on ranges, government issued ear plugs were more than adequate. Need something more substantial, use hearing protection like landscapers use.

The only people who want silencers are poachers and posers.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
This is what silencers are used for in real life.



NSFW - video (with silencers clearly being used) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6H3TwVecK4

But remember, this is what most gun owners want to do. If there is anything that recent history has shown me, it is that gun owners are murderous assassins just waiting for their chance to ascend the pantheon of shooters and possibly obtain the "high score".

Silencers probably would've helped paddock kill 2x as many people. Is that your eventual goal OP? To beat his high score?
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Senior member
Feb 27, 2011
You're a piece of work. I'm just spreading facts to water down the horse shit I read far to often in the media. Spin it however you like but the facts are the facts. Of course shitty people will use these devices sometimes to assist in evil deeds, that's how the world works.

Also not sure now 135db over 165db really helps poachers, again just spreading info. If you've never sit next to a high power "poaching" caliber rifle suppressed and hear how loud it still is you have no right running your mouth otherwise.

Nighty night trolls.

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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
You're a piece of work. I'm just spreading facts to water down the horse shit I read far to often in the media. Spin it however you like but the facts are the facts. Of course shitty people will use these devices sometimes to assist in evil deeds, that's how the world works.

Also not sure now 135db over 165db really helps poachers, again just spreading info. If you've never sit next to a high power "poaching" caliber rifle suppressed and hear how loud it still is you have no right running your mouth otherwise.

Nighty night trolls.

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You should watch the video so you can know what it will be like for your future victims when you get silencers legalized and you can put one on your bump-stocked AR15 w/ extended magazine. I posted it above for you.

You are definitely right that you can hear the shots. They don't sound like normal gunshots, but that's the point, right? Right.
Jul 9, 2009
Suppressors are very popular among the long range shooting and hunting community. Anything that helps prevent hearing loss and damage is looked on favorably. They're legal to use and own here in Texas and quite a few people are spending the $400 - $1,500 for the stamp to get them.
It may have gotten cheaper with new legislation just passed in this session.

Reading more input the cost of the stamp is $200.00 the rest may be for the purchase of the suppressor and the gun smithing.
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Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Kangaroo cullers can use suppressors in australia (at least in the ACT). There are various considerations but culling often takes place in suburban areas/close to homes. Otherwise they are illegal.

Also it's not like the movies. Unless people are using subsonic ammunition and what not the gunshot will still make quite a bit of noise. It's not as loud and doesn't really sound like a gunshot though.

You probably think I am joking but I am not. A previous boss of mine used to get a culling licence and shoot 350 kangaroos a year. They are basically vermin.
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Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
Kangaroo cullers can use suppressors in australia (at least in the ACT). There are various considerations but culling often takes place in suburban areas/close to homes. Otherwise they are illegal.

So I guess all this BS about "ear protection" is more gun-owner BS to try to obfuscate their true murderous motive (stealthy assassination). I am assuming that kangaroos can easily hear (and flee from) a gunshot... but not a silenced gunshot, which is why australia only allows them to assassinate Kangaroos.

OP and Taj are planning their own Las Vegas style attacks and probably need all the help they can get. So they are ending friendship with bump stocks, and silencers are their new best friend!


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
So I guess all this BS about "ear protection" is more gun-owner BS to try to obfuscate their true murderous motive (stealthy assassination). I am assuming that kangaroos can easily hear (and flee from) a gunshot... but not a silenced gunshot, which is why australia only allows them to assassinate Kangaroos.

OP and Taj are planning their own Las Vegas style attacks and probably need all the help they can get. So they are ending friendship with bump stocks, and silencers are their new best friend!

I suppose that's true and there is also a restriction on the calibre of ammunition. Due to the proximity to peoples houses. People don't need access to suppressors generally though. In fact australia has very restrictive gun laws comparatively. Also kangaroo meat/steak is quite tasty.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
Suppressors are cash and carry in most European countries as a SAFETY device.

For good reason, because even with suppressors most rounds are NOT hearing safe. But it sure helps with reducing hearing damage and noise pollution.
Jul 9, 2009
So I guess all this BS about "ear protection" is more gun-owner BS to try to obfuscate their true murderous motive (stealthy assassination). I am assuming that kangaroos can easily hear (and flee from) a gunshot... but not a silenced gunshot, which is why australia only allows them to assassinate Kangaroos.

OP and Taj are planning their own Las Vegas style attacks and probably need all the help they can get. So they are ending friendship with bump stocks, and silencers are their new best friend!
Not something I usually do, but i'm going to have to report this post. I cannot have you making false accusations that I am planning some type of violent attack.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Jun 10, 2004
So I guess all this BS about "ear protection" is more gun-owner BS to try to obfuscate their true murderous motive (stealthy assassination). I am assuming that kangaroos can easily hear (and flee from) a gunshot... but not a silenced gunshot, which is why australia only allows them to assassinate Kangaroos.

OP and Taj are planning their own Las Vegas style attacks and probably need all the help they can get. So they are ending friendship with bump stocks, and silencers are their new best friend!

You should be ashamed of yourself for a disgusting post.

As someone who suffers from tinnitus and as a medical doctor in training, I strongly recommend the use of suppressors for all as a SAFETY device.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2016
I cannot have you making false accusations that I am planning some type of violent attack.

Oh I'm sorry, did I give away your plans? I guess you better give up on silencers and maybe work to legalize bombs or something, now that everyone knows why you wanted silencers.

You should be ashamed of yourself for a disgusting post.

As someone who suffers from tinnitus and as a medical doctor in training, I strongly recommend the use of suppressors for all as a SAFETY device.
LOL, snowflakes. Buy some earplugs, idiot.


Sep 5, 2000
You should be ashamed of yourself for a disgusting post.

As someone who suffers from tinnitus and as a medical doctor in training, I strongly recommend the use of suppressors for all as a SAFETY device.

does that offend baby?

tell it to the dead you fuckwit.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
And the urvile is out of here. Jesus guys. You don't think you are going a little to hard there? Not that it's really any of my business but holy shit.


Golden Member
Aug 3, 2017
Do you need a suppressor? Or can you just buy ear protection? I know that in aus except in some edge cases. They figure people are responsible enough to just buy some ear protection. The government doesn't want to interfere to much with peoples right to buy ear protection for use during shooting.That's aus though YMMV.
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