Distributing SETI across a network?

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Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001


<< I'm excited following this and I don't understand a damn thing you all are talking about. But I sense progress! And when we are done, we definitely need to archive this work so the next large assimilation will be easier. /me goes to look up the name of the CEO at the new local CALL CENTER. :Q >>

Agreed! It's fun to see everyone get involved in this project!

BTW, I checked one of the machines I installed the script on to see if it was running (service should have started at 4:00 PM) at 4:30. CPU utilization was only about 4%, so I don't think it was running I was on my way out of work for an appointment, so I didn't have time to look into it. If I have time this weekend, I'll install it on a few more machines and see if it kicks in. I may be wrong, but if I install it during the weekend, shouldn't the service start immediately?

I'd have to go back and look at the batch file but I believe there's a net start in there by default so yes, no matter what time you installed in it will start immediately. Hypothetical scenario, the user logs in at 08:05, our install dealio runs and installs everything, pulls down a wu, starts. It's now a few minutes after 8, the service is started and running, 16:00 comes, tries to start an already running service and moves on, 8AM comes the next day and it will stop the service. The point of my ramblings being that the first day it's installed it will run until 8AM the next day. Not sure if you're overly concerned with that but I figured I would let you know.

To create the huge xnet stop script do this, create the text file with all your wrkstation names, strip out the extra crap. Load up excel, import the document. You'll now have an excel document with all the names in column a, insert a new column to the left of the data, add in the text 'xnet stop \\' in column a and '\setiservicename' in column C. Save as text file and exit excel. Load file up in note pad, you'll have something that looks like this:

xnet stop \\ machine1 \setiservicename
xnet stop \\ machine2 \setiservicename

What you need to do is highlight the entire blank space between the \\ and machine, this is not actually a series of spaces but a tab. Cut and paste what you just highlighted into a find/replace and replace it with nothing. You'll be left with:

xnet stop \\machine1\setiservicename
xnet stop \\machine2\setiservicename

Save this as 'bigbadmammajammasetistopfile.cmd' [note filename is very important, will fail if not called that ] and put xnet.exe either in the same folder or in your path and you're golden.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Well my script creates a shared directory with the install file loaded and ready, is this possible?

xcopy C:\INSTALL\PUSHinstall\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat \\ListOfKnownPCs\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat

How would you add the IF EXIST to that?



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
New idea! Run scheduled tasks! We could set up new tasks to run once to run the PUSHinstall.bet that is installed on the \\servername\INSTALL folder! what about that?



Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000

<< So we get the output w the computer names and we can either create a big bad batch file that stops/starts the services on each individual machine or w go w the AT option and have it automatically scheduled. Given that IndyJaws probably likes to take a day off now and then, if he's not going to run it 24x7 then the AT job will probably work better than the xnet. If he's going to run it all the time then it wouldn't hurt to have the ability to stop them if necessary. >>

Actually, the idea of running a batch file that will stop/start the services on each individual machine is somewhat appealing. With that, I could edit the list of users easily, stopping some and keeping others going. As far as scheduling that batch to run, I'm sure there are plenty of shareware/freeware programs that will let me schedule batch files. Even though the list of users in the domain (appx. 310) is pretty large, that batch file shouldn't take too long to run, should it?

Once again, you guys are awesome


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Still need to install as a service, if you wanted to set the times yourself to run them then REM out the schedule.



Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001

<< Well my script creates a shared directory with the install file loaded and ready, is this possible?

xcopy C:\INSTALL\PUSHinstall\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat \\ListOfKnownPCs\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat

How would you add the IF EXIST to that?


if exist \\%1\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat goto quit
xcopy C:\INSTALL\PUSHinstall\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat \\%1\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\shortcut to PUSHinstall.bat


depending on how you attack running it for multiple machines, running w the %1 may not be the best way to do it. This would work for a single machine if you ran 'batchfilename.bat machine1'

Me too tired to think more, done packing, early flight, sleep now. I won't be able to check back in until the 1st or 2nd depending on how bad I'm hungover. Returning flight is 12:40PM on the 1st, let's hope I'm sober enough by that point to actually be able to walk onto the plane under my own power. Rest assured to those of you who won't be drinking this new years eve, I will be picking up the slack. Everyone enjoy yourself and give Shuxclams a hand...I want to come back and see a few hundred w/u's already completed.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Hey Narzy, werent you working with that Nullsoft installer, I am still thing about this.



Elite Member
Feb 26, 2000
eyelids to heavy to answer anything, but I have been working with it :Q...get back to you soon


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000
Well, I returned to work this morning (ugh, working on New Year's Eve ), and it appears the two clients I installed the script on did not do any work. At least Setiq reports that they haven't done anything. That's very strange, as they show up as clients on my Setiq list. I'm going to install it on another few machines and see what I get.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
IndyJaws, you have your SetiQ locally correct? What is the subnet mask set for on your Q? Try leaving it all 0's (, another consideration is gateways, if there are gateways or routers in the domain the its possible that port 5517 needs to be opened on them. :disgust: Thirdly, since you have access to those two rigs, open up the task manager and see if stcli is running on each of them, if so look in the C:\program files\stcli\state.sah file and look at the "progress" line to see how far they went if they did. One other thought, did you include your user_info.sah file on the disk you installed from? They could be hung authenticating.



Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000

<< IndyJaws, you have your SetiQ locally correct? What is the subnet mask set for on your Q? Try leaving it all 0's (, another consideration is gateways, if there are gateways or routers in the domain the its possible that port 5517 needs to be opened on them. :disgust: Thirdly, since you have access to those two rigs, open up the task manager and see if stcli is running on each of them, if so look in the C:\program files\stcli\state.sah file and look at the "progress" line to see how far they went if they did. One other thought, did you include your user_info.sah file on the disk you installed from? They could be hung authenticating. SHUX >>

The subnet mask is (what we have set up for the network on our workstations). I forgot to mention earlier that I had checked the two computers earlier for the state.sah file, and it didn't exist

Can I put a pause statement in the install.bat file to be able to see what feedback the script gets before the DOS (CMD) box closes? Maybe that would provide me with a clue?

Edit: Would it also make a difference if I'm running both Seti Driver and Setiq on this box? I haven't installed the service yet, still running the driver.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Try setting it to, that should do the trick, basically what it sounds like is it never downloaded a Wu.



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Actually a logfile would be cool to see what happened, let me see what I can do.



Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Remember SetiQ won't give out work units to a user until it has received work units from that user. If this problem is the case I would suggest downloading a WU directly from berkeley to the client on your work station and processing it. After downloading and before it gets done processing put in the proxy address and restart the client so that the completed result goes to SetiQ and cache is started for your account, then the machines should get WUs correctly.

Easy way to check if SetiQ has given a WU to a client is to click "browse" from the options and then select "clients". After that click the link that says "Click for a report with WU detail" and see if each of the clients has a WU distributed to it. You won't be able to see them though if they have them but did not get them from SetiQ.


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000
I'm about to give up. I wanted to try the service on my machine, so I stopped the client, and ran Shuxclams' script. It seemed to install fine. Also made sure to set the IP to loopback. Then I copied the downloaded WU's from my seti directory to the newly created directory and started the service. I expected to see the CPU util go up to 100% when it started, but it didn't. It's the same as the other 4 clients I've set up for Setiq. They show up in the list, but have not downloaded any WU's. They attempt to contact each day at 4:00 PM (per the scheduling), but they don't get anything to work on. I'm getting so frustrated for not understanding what the h3ll I'm doing and bugging everyone. BTW, I changed the subnet mask to as well. Any final suggestions before I spontaneously combust? I really want to help with the race, but can't take much more


Elite Member
Nov 20, 2001

Take a break and relax. Give it a little time before you try again. It would be nice if you could get it done super fast, but your mental health is more important to the TeAm than any amount of WUs you produce. Sit back and let some of the guys like Shuxclams and Soul Assassin who are more seti network saavy than I take a look and see what they can come up with.


Senior member
Jul 5, 2001
stupid question but you have got your userinfo file in there with the client havn't you? it isn't waiting for a user responce?



Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
From the sounds of it the clients don't have a user_info.sah, or are indeed waiting for user input on whether to be a new user of existing user

Run the cli on your machine without the service install, and connect directly to Berkeley to get the WU, then change it to go through your SetiQueue

If needed PM me and i will download a WU, crunch it to 99% and email it to you (with your user details), run it and it should upload and the setiqueue will conenct and download WUs



Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
This does not sound good. Let me understand something, IndyJaws, I remembered reading this thread that you decided you were only going to run these computers during non-working hours....is that right? If that is the case there is really no reason to try and hide the SetiDriver Icon because there will be no one there to see it? If each machine can reach the internet it seems a simple straight forward installation of SetiDriver would work on these machines. Each SetiDriver should be configured to just AUTO TRANSMIT. Each will act as a stand alone computer running SETI for your SETI EMAIL ADDRESS.

Now the part that I don't understand, but may not be as complicated as the routines you seem to be trying to apply here, is this: Is there a program or a service that can be run on each machine that simply starts up SetiDriver at a certain time each evening and turns it off at a certain time in the early morning? I don't understand the complexities you all are going through with this but maybe it is time to fall back to the KISS principle.

Anyone can join in here and tell me the part I don't understand. I'm sure the solution can't be as simple as I've suggested but then sometimes you never know unless you ask.


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000
Thanks for the kind words . I was blowing off a bit of steam earlier and have calmed down a bit. Like I told ConfusedBW in a PM (BTW, Confused, YHPM ), I'm usually the one people go to for all the answers. I really hate being on the other side of the fence :disgust:. I'm sure the answer is simple, but I've somehow made it harder than it should be.

To answer one question, yes, my user_info.sah is on all the client machines. I think all that is needed is to get Setiq to d/l the WU's to the clients. It's just a matter of having Setiq send one back to get the process started. Hopefully ConfusedBW will be able to get me on my way.

Thanks again for the help, everyone!


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001
Do this, go to the dir you copied the files to and attempt to run exactly what the service/seti driver is trying to do.

Basically should amount to:

seti.exe -proxy

or whatever the ip is. Let us know what the output/result is.

Made it back from my trip alive although I drank more champagne and shots than any human should. Let's get this workin...time's a-wastin.


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000
Welcome back SA! I had a few too many shots of Jager myself Monday night

I'll try what you suggested when I get to work tomorrow. Do I just need to do the IP address, or IP: Port?

Now I'm started to get excited again...


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2001

<< Welcome back SA! I had a few too many shots of Jager myself Monday night

I'll try what you suggested when I get to work tomorrow. Do I just need to do the IP address, or IPort?

Now I'm started to get excited again...

If you're running it on the same machine that you run setiq on run it as:

seti.exe -proxy

or just use the actual ip, doesn't matter...if it's on a diff box then just use the ip of the setiq machine

If something bad happens then, assuming these machines have unrestricted internet access, just run the seti.exe program. Also, just in case none of the above works, dl a work unit tonight slap it on a floppy, put it in the proper dir and stop/start the service. If that doesn't start crunching we got problems elsewhere.


Golden Member
Nov 24, 2000
Ok, here's what I get...

When I try the IP address without the port setting:
Using proxy server
Found data file: no. Found result header file: no.
Getting data - connecting to server.
connect: No such file or directory
Can't connect to server; will retry in an hour.

When I try the IP with the port setting
Using proxy server
Found data file: no. Found result header file: no.
Getting data - connecting to server.

Then it just hangs there with no sign of life

Hopefully, this tells someone something?
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