Do any medications make you weaker.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Ok Heres a list of medications I have been taking.
a. ability (for depression and bipolar) 1 times daily
b. cymbalta (for depression and bipolar) 1 times daily
c. Busprophine (for anxiety) 2 times daily
d. Xanex (for anxiety) 3 times daily
e. Ibprophen (For pain in my back) 3 times daily
f. Suboxne (for opiod addiction got hooked on lortabs after back injury) 20mg daily
g. Heres the kicker that seems to make me weaker. Sinus medication. advil liquid gel. or capsule form I take about 6/8 a day

So out of the medications that I have listed are there any that can make me weaker. Make it harder for me to lift. See I dont know if its my sinuses that are killing my weight training or if its the medication that I take for the sinuses. Either way if any effect me I would love to know. I take so many
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Mar 15, 2007
wow thats alot, really need 3 anti psychotics? prob high as hell with all that hehe.. People say it will make you weaker i guess but i dont know how that would affect muscles from stretching and growing as long as you have the will power to complete a work out etc..


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
wow thats alot, really need 3 anti psychotics? prob high as hell with all that hehe.. People say it will make you weaker i guess but i dont know how that would affect muscles from stretching and growing as long as you have the will power to complete a work out etc..

trust me I need all 3. I mayed multi post about how bad my depression is. I wont get into it again. I will just say I cant leave my house alot.

So what do you mean they will make me weaker. Which ones the anti psychotics do? How bad will they affect my lifting. I thought the sinus meds made me weaker at least thats the way I feel half the time

edit. The anti phycotics dont get me high at all are they supposed to? I have tried multi ones. most made me sleep for over 30 hours. I did that almost 5 days in a row. I would sleep for 30 or so hours get up for an hour and go back to bed for 30 more.
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Diamond Member
Dec 13, 2009
that is a lot, seems like your killing yourself more from all those daily. Maybe you should try to force yourself to leave your house a lot and stop saying can't or anything else negative. Of course i don't know about the thread describing your condition, but you can train your brain and change your own perspectives, habits..etc just like you train your body.
Force daily long walks in the park, go canoeing, hike with friends...etc.
Your brain changes patterns based on environments, in serious situations, it can even change your body and your senses to survive but you can gradually do much of that through mental training...even if it takes having to hire a hardass coach to force you to push yourself.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
that is a lot, seems like your killing yourself more from all those daily. Maybe you should try to force yourself to leave your house a lot and stop saying can't or anything else negative. Of course i don't know about the thread describing your condition, but you can train your brain and change your own perspectives, habits..etc just like you train your body.
Force daily long walks in the park, go canoeing, hike with friends...etc.
Your brain changes patterns based on environments, in serious situations, it can even change your body and your senses to survive but you can gradually do much of that through mental training...even if it takes having to hire a hardass coach to force you to push yourself.

You dont understand its I cant do these things. I go through extreme high and lows all the time and they can switch in an instant. I can go from everything being perectly fine and then all of a sudden I cant get out of bed for a week. It sucks. Its not that I need a life coach or something. Its in the chemesty of my brain and theres no changing that. Sometimes I can drive through threw way traffic and other times I cant even drive in my small home town. Ive tried to push myself and it doesnt work. Ive tried different meds and it doesnt work its just sometimes(most of the time) I just cant do what every day people can do.

But this thread is more on my medications and weight lifting. How harmful are these meds to my body and weight training.

edit: the other day I was just sitting in bed thinking about going to my suboxone appointment and I had a huge panic attack. Just thinking about driving through that heavy traffic just scared me to the point that I passed out. Luckalie I was on the phone with my mother at the time describing what was going on (shes an RN) and when I passed out she called 911 and I woke up in the emergeny room. This was on wendesday. this is the story of my life
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Jun 19, 2004
I made the choice many years ago to deal with my demons without the aid of anti psychotics. I have nothing against them if they work for you. The thing is, if you're still having major episodes when taking half the medicine cabinet AND you're having secondary side effects, you have to ask yourself: Am I REALLY better off taking all these meds?


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
I made the choice many years ago to deal with my demons without the aid of anti psychotics. I have nothing against them if they work for you. The thing is, if you're still having major episodes when taking half the medicine cabinet AND you're having secondary side effects, you have to ask yourself: Am I REALLY better off taking all these meds?

You didnt see me before I started taking my meds it was bad

But I will take the recommendation of the earlier guy and ask my pharmasist


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
You didnt see me before I started taking my meds it was bad

But I will take the recommendation of the earlier guy and ask my pharmasist

I called walmart they said no medication that I am taking should affect me physically. Just make me tired. So I guess the weakness is in my head.


Golden Member
Nov 22, 1999
Given the cocktail of meds you are on, how could you NOT experience any physical side effects? It sounds like you've given up by saying your current situation is all due to chemicals in your brain and there's no changing that. I'm not doubting that brain chemistry plays a role but how you think and interpret things is playing a large role here as well.

For example, you thought about going to an appointment or driving, you interpreted those events as scary and you reacted with fear, then you had a panic attack. So your beliefs about what's a threat or danger to you fed into your attack. You can learn to change how you think about things, it's going to take some hard work though. Right now you interpret the world as a dangerous place, I sensed that when you asked about learning how to fight because you want to go to bars. Your view of the world is distorted right now, meds aren't going to change that.

You said you don't need a life coach, but you need to start working on your mind. You should be going to therapy and attending support groups every week. I'd also recommend reading every self help book on depression, panic, and anxiety you can get your hands on until you kick this.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Given the cocktail of meds you are on, how could you NOT experience any physical side effects? It sounds like you've given up by saying your current situation is all due to chemicals in your brain and there's no changing that. I'm not doubting that brain chemistry plays a role but how you think and interpret things is playing a large role here as well.

For example, you thought about going to an appointment or driving, you interpreted those events as scary and you reacted with fear, then you had a panic attack. So your beliefs about what's a threat or danger to you fed into your attack. You can learn to change how you think about things, it's going to take some hard work though. Right now you interpret the world as a dangerous place, I sensed that when you asked about learning how to fight because you want to go to bars. Your view of the world is distorted right now, meds aren't going to change that.

You said you don't need a life coach, but you need to start working on your mind. You should be going to therapy and attending support groups every week. I'd also recommend reading every self help book on depression, panic, and anxiety you can get your hands on until you kick this.

I do see a therapist. Hes in the same small town so that makes it much easier to go to those appoitments. as for reading you can probably tell from my grammer and spelling that my english skills arnt up to par. Its very difficult for me to read. It takes me forever to try to read one page. I have to read then reread the same page or forum post just to understand it correctly. This process takes forever.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2004
Honestly it sounds like you're putting more effort into coming up with excuses than finding solutions. You don't have to read a full book every day; if you're slow at reading, go 1 page at a time. If your English isn't up to par, then make it a goal to improve your English skills, and start working towards that goal (which would also help improve your motivation.)

Start stepping outside your comfort zone by doing things you're usually afraid to do like going to public places and having fun (or at least trying to, I know the first few times can be intimidating rather than fun.) Don't do anything drastic at first (Karaoke without knowing anyone in the audience for instance.) Take one small step, and once you're comfortable with that area, move on to the next one.

Make a list of little things you wanna accomplish in the next week (ride a bike, have a walk, go to the movies, etc...) and start ticking these goals off one by one. If you lay things out visually like that, you'll feel much better about your progress.

edit: oh and saying things like "My brain is hardwired to act this way" is a recipe for lifelong depression. Don't ever think like that!
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Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Its easy to say step out of your comfort zone for someone that isnt going through massive depression. Its something that work on paper but it doesnt work in real life. In real life you go through highs and lows. When you go through a low its impossible to do anything but to sleep eat and thats about it. Thats why the government has found me to be disabled because I cant do the things normal people can do. Its not something I can just will to get better its the chemistry in the brain that causes this. If it was something that I could just will away the government would never have found me to be disabled. Now when I go through High points that when I go out and do fun things. Like go to the movies recently to see xmen and green lantern.

Basically your advice doesnt work theres no way to push through a depressive state for people with sever depression. It may work for people with just mild depression. But I dont have that I have sever depression you should be able to see that with all the meds I take.

I have the following conditions. Bipolar sever depression with high anxiety.


Diamond Member
Mar 21, 2003
Meds plus exercise have worked to speed the end of depression in many individuals. Good research exists on how your brain responds to exercise in much the same way that meds try to compel it to.

Give it some thought and consult your doc. If you want to get extreme about it, join a Xfit box and go suffer with other humans. It is amazing what that will do for your depression.

Keep your chin up,



Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
Meds plus exercise have worked to speed the end of depression in many individuals. Good research exists on how your brain responds to exercise in much the same way that meds try to compel it to.

Give it some thought and consult your doc. If you want to get extreme about it, join a Xfit box and go suffer with other humans. It is amazing what that will do for your depression.

Keep your chin up,


Ive read this to this is also why I have been exercising so much lately. the last 2 days my depression has been reeally bad so I havent been exercising like I should.


Senior member
Mar 9, 2011
This may or may not relate to your experience, but it's one of the things that has helped me.

What we have forgotten is that thoughts and words are conventions, and that it is fatal to take conventions too seriously. A convention is a social convenience, as, for example, money. Money gets rid of the inconveniences of barter. But it is absurd to take money too seriously, to confuse it with real wealth, because it will do you no good to eat it or wear it for clothing. Money is more or less static, for gold, silver, strong paper, or a bank balance can "stay put" for a long time. But real wealth, such as food, is perishable. Thus a community may possess all the gold in the world, but if it does not farm its crops it will starve.
That quote from Alan W. Watts pretty much sums up everything I had been doing wrong with my thinking. In an effort to hold on to certain things I kept them in my thoughts and they adversely affected my ability to get on with what was really going on in life. Perhaps you are also missing out on day to day pleasures by hiding in the security of the thoughts you can hold on to even as they bind you.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
What you really need is a shrink who actually wants to help you fix your problems instead of covering them up with chems.
I've been depressed and stressed and angry for large chunks of my life. I work them out. And they control me less than they used to.

But yes, a combo like that could easily suck the life out of you. Talk to one doctor about all the drugs you are taking and see if you cant eliminate one or substitute one for two.


Diamond Member
Sep 10, 2004
Wow. That's a lot of meds. When I got sober, I was on Xanax, a beta blocker, and an SSRI to control my panic attacks and depression, and while I was working out at the time, they most definitely made me weak.

Xanax is highly addictive, and in my experience, tolerance builds quickly. It helped me in the short term, but over time it became apparent that it wasn't the solution to my problem.

I won't go on any further, but to answer your question, just about any one of those meds can have an impact on athletic performance, and all of them definitely.


Jun 4, 2005
jesus christ!

um, yeah, looks like someone's not being an effective doctor and doing what's best for your health and is instead just trying to make money off you and getting some kickbacks. there's no need for all that medication.


Nov 23, 2001
You can always troubleshoot this problem using the delta method: What changed? Take a look at how long you've been on these given drugs and how long you've been working out, and start looking at differences in your energy level and how much you've been able to lift or how much cardio you can do. Some thoughts and questions:

Have you been going to the gym consistently and maintaining a routine of some sort? It's possible that not going consistently has resulted in your simply being out of shape, and you need to build back up.
Have you been taking the drugs at consistent dosages and intervals?
Have you added any drugs recently, to detrimental effect? Subtracted any?
How's your diet and vitamin intake? Consistent? If not, maybe you have changes in energy levels due to nutrient deficiency. In other words, look for potential causes outside of your drug intake.

I'm kind of with everyone else in questioning your need for that many drugs, and in questioning the motivation of your doctor(s) in prescribing them. However, I don't know you and therefore shouldn't judge you on this, as you could very well need them.

In addition to asking your pharmacist, you should also take initiative do some research into what you're taking into your body and what effects these drugs have, and what interactions they have. If I'm going to take something long-term, I'm damned well going to know what the hell it does to me.

Personally, I have high blood pressure (like 213/135 untreated) and take meds for it. One of them, bystolic, is a beta blocker and forcibly reduces heart rate, thus making it considerably more difficult to do cardio. Since April, I've been going to the gym regularly (4-5 times per week) and have gradually improved my ability to do cardio even while on them, and my blood pressure has dropped into a healthy range. Cutting the bystolic dosage in half as of last week (after visit to doctor) has resulted in my heart rate maxing out higher.

There's an iphone app by Micromedex that lists drug interactions, and there are resources on the internet you can hit to learn more.

Cymbalta: Common side effects include decrease in appetite (the food theory above), nausea, fatigue

Abilify (Aripiprazole): Common side effects include increased weight, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue

Buspirone Hydrochloride (there's no direct match against what you posted, but this might be it): nausea, confusion, dizziness, headache, hostility

These are some pretty scary drugs... The above are the minor side effects. Major ones include further depression and suicidal behavior. And death from cardiac issues.


Golden Member
Aug 12, 2007
you didnt see me before I started to take the medications. Without them I go into a deep depression where I cant get out of bed or do anything but sleep. I am thinking about stoping the ability for a bit to see if I improve without it. also hoping to loose weight since it c auses sever weight gain and very tired feeling. Im hoping I have more energy without it.

like I was saying before thou without the drugs I was just pile on my bed. I couldnt even leave my bedroom to go to the bathroom. I had to use bottles to piss in so I didnt have to leave my room. It was bad. At least 90 percent of the time I can go do things now and leave my room.


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2001
Trust me when I say unless you've seen someone close to you change because of these afflictions, you will never believe that they aren't able to overcome these things. It's easy to blame the afflicted for being weak, but in reality its so much more than that.

I have had a cousin that went through something similar. He can't leave the house without a guardian, he needs to have these medications with him at all times or he might not be able to get home. I've grown up with this guy and he's like a completely different person without the medication after he got sick.

It's almost unbelievable but it's not something you can just "suck it up" and snap out of. He almost succeeded in killing himself on my kitchen floor because of his depression. The police had the scene roped off for 2 days while they collected possible evidence, needless to say the puddles of blood were hard to clean off. He's fine now but we have absolutely no sharp objects in the kitchen any more except for forks.

You won't believe how many kinds of drugs he needs to take just to have some semblance of a normal life. All of you people saying "this is crazy, the doc's a quack" have never had this happen to someone close to you, or you'd understand.

That being said, the drugs you're taking shouldn't cause any actual physical weaknesses. You will feel sleepy and tired (the norm with these kind of medications) so that'll affect your strength. There's not much you can really do except take advantage of the times when you're not tired and work out during those times and see if you can get more in.


Senior member
Sep 1, 2001
What you really need is a shrink who actually wants to help you fix your problems instead of covering them up with chems.
I've been depressed and stressed and angry for large chunks of my life. I work them out. And they control me less than they used to.

But yes, a combo like that could easily suck the life out of you. Talk to one doctor about all the drugs you are taking and see if you cant eliminate one or substitute one for two.

Not that you're saying this to him per se, but it's typically bad advice to suggest unknown netizens to stop any of their medications without proper supervision by a physician. You know nothing of their true clinical situation and risk getting yourself into a very murky game of moral/legal/criminal finger-pointing if there is an adverse outcome like debilitation, death, suicide or murder. There is no legal precedent that I know of for liability in a case like this and you probably don't want your name to be immortalized in such a fashion.

Now for all we know, this strange melange of meds could be that single combination that keeps him from landing back into a psychiatric hospital again and the physician isnt comfortable changing it yet until there has been a demonstrated period of stability. Whatever the case may be, the OP should continue with these medications as prescribed since OP's psychiatrist is ultimately responsible for OP's psychiatric illness course and all changes should be discussed/agreed upon between the two as part of the professional contract they have with one another. It's enticingly easy to anonymously tell OP to stop meds over the internet when you arent the one who has to fix things if/when they go wrong.

OP it's great to ask questions about your meds and do research on them. You should be as involved in your treatment plan as possible, but at no point should you do anything without telling your psychiatrist first. It's unlikely that your psychiatrist has intentionally deceived you, so you should show the same respect and stick with the plan that you both have agreed upon.
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