Do any of you guys lift weights? Let's start a suppliment/myth thread.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Hey guys....if any of you guys lift weights, do you guys use suppliments and which? And how about your eating habbits?

The current suppliment combination I use is:

Phosphagen HP (Creatine)
Myoplex Deluxe

You may notice they're all by EAS. What do you guys think of them in respect to other companies?


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
I think that creatine is pretty much the same regardless of who makes it. I haven't used creatine in about 3 years, but the last time I used it I put on about 14 pounds over a two week period. Keep in mind that this means that I went from 230 to 244, which isn't a really huge percentage and also that creatine increases mass by increasing water (and therefore glycogen) in the cell..... so although your muscles are temporarily "bigger" and you have more short term power, you don't actually have more true muscle mass.

I just started lifting again after about a two and a half year layoff (I think...time flies). I broke out the creatine and the HMB that I had sitting and have started taking it again. The first time around with HMB actually caused me some concern because I wasn't getting sore after workouts and began to think that I wasn't working hard enough... even though I'd be soaking wet and shaking at the end of working out. Turns out that it was the HMB. The stuff is remarkable in its ability to help recovery. I usually take 3 capsules 3 times per day. The directions say 4 capsules 3 times per day, but the stuff is so expensive that I hold back a little. When my leftovers are gone, I don't think I'll buy more new.... it's about $100 per month!



Oct 9, 1999
My supplement diet includes:

Prolab Creatine (100% creapure)
Strawberry Designer Protein
EAS Myoplex Strawberry
Sportpharma protein bars

and soon


As far as EAS goes, I think all over they're products are overpriced because of who they are, but they're myoplex is the best shake going.



Oct 9, 1999
I'll use this double-post space to comment on my eating habits.

I try to eat well, I stay pretty lean (8% bodyfat or so) all the time no matter what, but If I eat junk I can't really see muscle cuts as well as I'd like, and I'm obsessed about that

I really only eat subs as far as fast food go, and the odd pizza slice


Senior member
Jun 4, 2000
How safe is this stuff?

I'm 17 and have been exercising / lifting for about 6 months now. I have gained 0 pounds in fact actually lost 1 or 2. When I started out I was only 4% body fat. I'm much stronger and built now and I look it, still have a LONG way to go but the no weight gain seems odd to me.


Oct 9, 1999
I'm very hesitant to reccomend certain supplements to people your age, despite the fact that I was 17 when I started creatine. Its a delicate balance to be introducing stuff like that to your system while your still growing, but I'll very breifly sum up my experience the first time I cycled creatine.

Took it for 8 weeks. I started at 170lbs, and at the end of the 8 week cycle I weighed 183. Three weeks after the cycle I had only lost 3 of those gained pounds. Problem was, I now felt very weak while I was off of the creatine and rarely felt like working out. This was due to my using it as soon as I started working out seriously, and never getting used to working out without it.

My next cycle worked just as well, as I gained another 14lbs or so.

I now weigh about 215lbs (I'm 6'6) and am going to start another cycle soon.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Meltdown, that's a great success story in my book!

Here's my story...I'm 19 and started working out consistanly, and hard about 6 months ago. SInce then, I have gained a great amount of size. My question is, do you think using the suppliments I listed in the first post is a good thing or a bad thing? Also, what do you think of HMB? Netopia's post has got me very intrigued, but it is rather expensive.



Oct 9, 1999
After almost three years of working out seriously and supplementing seriously, I can offer these opinions.

Phosphagain HP is a waste of money. Don't pay for flavour, don't pay for name. You can buy any creapure labeled creatine for much cheaper. I don't buy ANY EAS products other then Myoplex cause they overprice everything, just like in the computer business.

As far as HMB goes, it does what he said, reduces post workout soreness and speeds recovery time, but outside of that when I used it I noticed no other positive effects. Too expensive to justify its use in my opinion. Money better spent on more protein powder.


Senior member
Oct 15, 1999
You can go a very long way without taking any supplements at all. I am not at all naturally gifted at gaining strength, but have gotten good results without any supplement use. What you do in your workouts, your rest, and what you eat are much more important than supplements. I use soy or whey protein powder as a source of additional protein, but that's just plain old protein.

Eventually, I suppose I'll hit a plateau that I won't be able to pass without using supplements; if I do hit that plateau, I will be be content. My two goals are to be stronger than a large majority of the people at or somewhat above my bodyweight, and to look good. I can accomplish both those without supplements. It's nice to know you did it entirely on your own, and you don't have to worry about the cost (or health concerns) of supplements.

That's my anti-supplement spiel. There's nothing horrible about taking them--I just prefer not to. A REALLY good book, the one that has most influenced my workouts and the one to which I owe most of my current progress, is Beyond Brawn by Stuart McRobert. There's not a single picture of some greased-up competitive weightlifter in the whole book, just tons of good advice for regular (and non-supplement using) people.

Ness--I also lost a little weight for a while because of working out and running occasionally. After losing about 5 lbs, I began to gain weight again. I'm up about 10 lbs in a year to 155+, and I know that it is all as a result of muscle gained, not muscle/fat packed on from eating a lot of calories. Just concentrate on your workouts--try to get stronger, and let your weight take care of itself.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
I'll put in a second for the working out clean. Suppliments seem to be a waste to me. I haven't worked out seriosly since I left HS (8 years ago), but I did pretty well without the suppliments and if I had put that much weight on while I was fit I can't imagine how overweight I would be now. Just remember one day you will probably stop working out and all that muscle will turn to fat pretty quick (and double or triple in volume), can't tell you how many older body builders I've seen that have breasts (they need Kramers Man-bra).

Keep it natural, eat healty and don't worry about it, you will crave what you need.


Oct 9, 1999
I agree that supplements aren't necessary, but for me the decision to use them was to bolster my athletic performance, and perhaps just as important, for vanity reasons.

Great results can be made without supplements like Creatine. I rarely use it anymore myself, as I'm pretty damned happy with how I look at this point.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Lot's of great opinions guys!

One thing that I've always wondered, is Sodas (I know, kinda dumb ;p ). But how bad are they? I mean, I eat like a champ...Ribs, salads, steak, chicken, fruitsm, you name it. By the book. But one thing I am having the damnest time conquering is my Soda affliction. I used to drink Pepsi all the time. I have cut down on that, big time. But every other day or so, I crave that diet-pepsi. At least the diet has no sugar, but people tall me the carbonatin is bad.

What do yo u think?

vi edit

Elite Member
Super Moderator
Oct 28, 1999
Pop/Soda/Soda Pop is one of the worse liquids you can put in your body. It's

a) if it has caffine it's a dieuretic, meaning it makes you pee a lot causing dehydration

b) it acidates your blood decreasing the amount of oxygen your blood can carry

c) usually leaves you burpy and makes your workouts not as strong as they could be

Just try this - go without a pop for a week, and see how you lift. Then, after the week, drink a pop about two hours before you lift - I guarantee you'll notice a big difference in your workout quality.


Oct 9, 1999
Diet pop is worse for you then regular pop, becuase there is something in it (can't find my literature on it right now) that prevents your body from releasing enough Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) to your muscles.

All pop is bad. Caffeine acts with the sugar in the pop and has a seriously negative impact on your bodies water levels, leading to dehydration (read, make your muscles look smaller and perform worse).

Caffeine in supplement form acts as an energy booster, and does not have the negative dehydrating effects that it brings in other forms, at least not to such a great extent.


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999
Maybe some supplements can help somewhat, but you are better off buying real food with your money.

As for training, check out these sites:

Here are some good articles, but there are more also:

Look around the website for the video clip of Dr. Ken squatting 407 for 23 reps. It is awesome. Keep in mind he only weighed about 165 lbs at the time he did that, which was very recently, and he is also over 50.
These websites are great. They dispel myths and can get people who are frustrated with lifting weights back on course.
Don't believe the muscle magazines!




Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
I started working out this January, weighing about ~123lbs. My first day in the gym I maxxed out on the flat bench at 135lbs. By May, I was up to ~130lbs, and maxxed 215lbs on the flat bench. However, for the last 2 months, I've sort of hit a plateau. I haven't increased much at all in strength and have hovered ~130lbs. Since working out, I haven't changed my diet at all, besides eating a more at each meal. I'm gonna give it another month or so, if things don't improve I'll probably have to start taking supplements.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Well I have lifted weights 7 years and have used almost every supplement out there. My personal favorites are products by EAS. However, through this expereince I have come to a realization that supplementation does not give you that much of an edge/advantage. During my peak performance, I weighted about 140 and had a bench max of 245. That was when I took phosphgen HP, hmb, myoplex(on and off), and designer protien. However right now, I weight 145 (most people cant beleive I'm so light because I look like I weight about 170) and bench 235 max. I haven't used any supplementation for over a year now. I just try to eat as much protien as possible. Sure, with creatine, I might be able to add another 10-20 lbs on my bench and 5-10 lbs of extra lean body mass, but how much added advantage is that really? The minute you stop taking supplements, you lose all the affects within 2-3 months.


Jul 14, 2000

What u say about EAS I totally agree with. Their quality is definitely top of the line, and their Myoplex is great - but much of what they have can be attained at a fraction of the cost - like with phophagain just mix some juice with much cheaper creatine from another company (as long as its not flour heh).


I'm not surprised by your results whatsoever. Eating more each meal is good - but are you getting regular intakes of protein throughout the day? Thats a good step to take. Furthermore you've been working out straight (?) for 6 months now - time to rest man!! Those gains you've made are very good and I'd be happy with them.

Of course you want them to continue. Take a week or two off, then when u get back try changing your program around as well - don't be worried about losing strength over those one/two weeks; I find that an amount of time such as that will give you great recovery, but 6 months straight can very well be overtraining, so just take a break.

And when u do come back eat more and more each meal, try and crank your bodyweight up and your strength will go along.


REgarding this stuff I love it, and I just can't help drinking it. I'm sure that drinking some water with it will counter some of its negative effects...its obviously a good idea not to drink it, I'll probabbly get cancer but I can't help it. The first time I took creatine I also drank a buttload of Diet pepsi and I put 12 pounds bodyweight on in 40 days (180->192) and took my benchpress up from about 205lbs to 245, which was good because I'd been working out steadily before that, so it wasn't like I was experiencing beginner's growth.



Bleeding Jawa

Golden Member
Feb 3, 2000
I think it's really interesting to see how many "Experts" we have here. Especially those that seem to think they are professional exercise physiologists. It's also kind of scary to see how many are polluting their bodies with "who-knows-what." None of these supplements fall under FDA testing & many have been found to have a horendous amounts of toxins. Just get your butts away from the computer long enough to eat correctly & you won't need any of this crap.


Platinum Member
Feb 16, 2000
I dont take any supplements and don't plan to, its all about eating protein after you lift weights, it works miracles for me, I weigh around 165-175 and am in great shape for weight lifts, the protein I eat after I weightlift helps build my muscles back quickly and prepares me for the next day, it also helps me lift more the next time I go at it.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Well, one thing I find funny is all my friends who tell me the same thing as Bleeding Jawa just said, but then proceed to drink and use almost every drug under the sun every weekend.

Go figure


Platinum Member
Dec 29, 1999
After working out the immediate intake of protein and then a balanced meal will work wonders for recuperation and protein synthesis for tissue repair ... however, eating protein from natural sources like tuna, chicken breasts and beef won't compete with a high quality protein drink. That's a fact. You can be totally natural without taking supplements but if you take a protein drink right after a workout you will be amazed at the benefits from this method solely as opposed to nothing at all. You need to get protein synthesis happening during that window of opportunity which research has suggested to being anywhere from 30 mins after exercise to 2 hours. So, there's some leeway there but any kind of protein is better than nothing at all. So, eat that protein!



Oct 17, 1999
I just read the HIT FAQ at cyberpump and have a few questions. Since none of my friends work out, I figured this would be the best place to ask. So anybody willing to answer them?

1.I want to get a full body workout what excercises would I want to do besides doing squats, bicep curls, calf raises, crunches, military press, and bench press? What area am I lacking in?
2.What is the best tricep excercise and how do I excercise my back?
3.What are some good sources for proteins and carbohydrates that would be in your average household?
4.Where should your hands be situated on the bar when doing a bench press?

That is all I can think of right now.




Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
2.What is the best tricep excercise and how do I excercise my back?

For tricepes, I love the cable pull downs...both two handed and one. They work big time. Also keep in mind, a lot of chest excercises work your triceps.

4.Where should your hands be situated on the bar when doing a bench press?

Usually the bar has lines where you put either your pinky or ring finger on. If it doesn't, "shoulder length" is usually the way.


Golden Member
Jul 19, 2000
Just regular GNC Creatine and my daily Centrum vitamines. I dont have a problem losing weight, i cannot put any on. The first cycle of creatine i gained close to thirty, but i was also sick for a few months and lost 30lbs. So it was neutralized. For about a year, i didnt gain anything or notice any sort of increase in energy. I took about 6 months off and started up again last week on creatine. I have noticed the energy as my workouts went from 1 hour to 1:30+. Whey protein never did anything. I tried hydroxycut without any results. Overall, i was better off without anything.

Most important thing i noticed is that if you dont have a regular sleep schedule, nothing will help.

Linh: Try changing your work out around. If you do the samething over and over, you will plateau. If you do a full body workout everytime, switch with what you start with. Try different chest exercises and till you find one you like. I plateaued on my bench around 270lbs around christmas. I stopped doing the regular bench press and started doing others and the size of my chest greatly increased. I dont bench as much, but i am stronger overall.

Anyone have any good ab exercises. None of the machines work anymore cause i can do many many reps with the whole stack. Exercises without the machines, i have to do a hundred or so crunches or sit ups to get the same effect.
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