Do any of you guys lift weights? Let's start a suppliment/myth thread.

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Golden Member
Jul 19, 2000
Quaze: Try working specific muscle groups. Free weights will help you more since you have to keep the weight stable as well as lift it. My favorite tricep excercise is called the skull crushers. Lie on your back with a fairly light weight(to get used to the motion) in each hand. Raise your arms to where the part of your elbow that bends in is up and your fists are down. Keep your elbow in place and lower your hand to your skull till your wrist almost touches your fore head. Then extend without moving your elbow from its position.

If you can keep your elbows from moving around when you do any of them will work the triceps better. On cable pull downs especially, dont let your elbows move from place. If they do, you end up working out more than just the triceps.

As for your back, just make sure it is stretched and you dont bend over to pick things up, but bend at your knees.


Jul 14, 2000
bleeding jawa

You sure seem bitter at something - nobody here claimed they were experts in excercise or nutrition.

Mister T

Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
The FDA are a bunch of morons when it comes to sports nutrition.
Take a look at their recommended daily allowances for protein, carbohydrates and fat. For anyone doing serious weight trainging like myself, there is a huge imbalance in the protein department. Many people in the weightlifting community agree that the FDA promotes carbs too much.

I used to take supplements a few years back so I have some idea of what seems to work... Here is what has worked for me.

I have found that taking 20g a day, every day for cycles of about
6 weeks works well. Many advocate loading for a week, then maintanence dosages of 5 grams/day... "loading" for 6 weeks straight is much more effective. Creatine is not dangerous. All it will do is supersaturate your muscles with water and allow you to push yourself longer and harder... You will also improve recovery time.

Ripped Fuel - Twin Labs
Phenlytropic PPA - Mass quantities
Both are variations of weight cutting "cocktails." They usually contan ephedrine, caffeine and/or yohimbe. Expect an incread of about 5 bpm in resting hart rate and an increase in body tempeature by 1/2 degree. This stuff can be dangerous so use caution and stick to the recommended amount on the bottle.

ANDRO and other Testosterone Precursors

They work. This is no BS. They increase the level of natural testosterone in your body. This stuff is like nothing else. Make sure not to take too much and cycle frequently... example:

4 weeks on
2 weeks off
4 weeks on
2 weeks off
4 weeks on

It is a good idea to load on creatine during your last mini-cycle
in order to preserve gains made while on ANDRO. A noticable side effect is INCREASED sexual drive and ability to lift massive amount of weights

Protein Supplements

Take them if you can bear to drink them
Whey protein is top notch. Take Soy if you are on a Cutting cycle.

Aside from all these supplemnts, I must emphasize the importance of

Consistent Training
Good Diet

Taking supplements requires discipline. Don't take them for the sake of taking them.

Oh, and my only last words of wisdom is that while everyone may claim
to be an expert about lifting and/or supplements, it is best consult a certified personal trainer and/or strength conditioning coach.
Asking your doctor for advice is pretty worthless unless he is a sports doctor or you have a serious medical condition that must be taken into account.

BTW, I am not a bodybuider. I am an amatuer Olympic Lifter and also
happen to be a Supervisor in a Health Fitness Facility.

Mister T

Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000

EAS is overrated, but they do make good stuff.

Bill Phillups wrote a book on supplements which is excellent reading for anyone interested.



Senior member
May 17, 2000
I've been having great success with cocaine. I've found that it really gives me that "jacked up and good to go" boost I need in the gym. It makes work outs seem like a piece of cake! The downside is however, that it's VERY expensive and hard to find. I tried GNC but they don't carry it.


Nov 30, 1999
anyone use the liquid creatine? supposedly it has no loading phase and gets in your body much quicker, and doesnt deteriorate into lesser substances...any info?


Diamond Member
Oct 25, 1999

I think you can find some sample workouts from the cyberpump website. Oh, and don't forget your back. I don't mean lower back, but rowing type muscles. I don't think I saw you mention that. Do some pull ups or bent over rows. Good luck.




Jul 14, 2000
chipbgt last I heard that stuff was either a waste of money, oroverpriced, or useless or something - I can't remember - but you'll notice that even though its been out a long while most companies are still selling in powder form; they have a reason for that


Senior member
Nov 16, 1999
Fresh baked chocolate chip cookie bars have always worked for me

I try to make exercising and weightlifting a mental and a spiritual discipline. I take no supplements, work out two or three times a week, am 35 years old, 6'1", and weigh about 185-190. I try to emphasize function over form, because such a mindset correlates better to spiritual truths, which are more important to me. But, whatever floats your boat

Incidently, I am (or was, I might be just under it now), a member of the "1100 Pound Club," if you know what I mean. So, I feel like I've done ok simply by maintaining reasonable discipline over extended time.

But I am sure proper supplements would have enhanced my physical progress, if not my mental and spiritual.


Elite Member
Oct 10, 1999
<<2.What is the best tricep excercise and how do I excercise my back?>>

My favorite Tricep exercise is the millitary press, it doesn't totally isolate but if done daily and hard you will get very strong in the tri's, shoulder and lat's. The key is to push hard, get your max weight limit up. It's amazing how good this exercise is for you. I actually consider a millitary press a much better lift than a bench press (which I consider close to useless, unless you are looking to grow some breasts).

<<Phenlytropic PPA>>

This sounds like an herbal version of one of the phen-phen drugs, these chemicals are known to cause long term damage to the heart. A drug that increases heart rate and potentially blood preasure (as indicated by the thermal increase) are very very dangerous.

<<ANDRO and other Testosterone Precursors>>

Ouch, you are actually suggesting some herbal type version of steriods to people? Increasing your testosterone level is a dangerous thing to do, any site that lists complications from steriods should give you and indication of similar side effects to using a testosterone percursor.

<<The FDA are a bunch of morons when it comes to sports nutrition.>>

If you are talking specifically about the daily requirements I may agree that some of their recomendations are untested and probably unreliable. But if you are talking about the reliability of using foreign substances to try to improve performance you better listen to what they say. The FDA should be regulating the use of herbal and &quot;natural&quot; products that are meant for consumption, there are too many companies and people out there that will sell stuff that is downright dangerous.


Oct 9, 1999
I'll say something else real quick about creatine.

It no longer adds much weight to max bench and lifts for me (it does, but not the same effect anymore as when I first used it) but it does give me more strength on my last exercise then when I'm not on it.

Someone commented on the aburdity of us reccomending all these supplements that are not FDA tested, but I am a serious athlete and they give me a performance edge. Maybe one day they will kill me, so what?

If the alcohol and the sex don't get me first, then I guess the years of supplmenting will. I've considered that consequence and am willing to live with it.


Jun 13, 2000
Bleeding Jawa, are you so threaten and insecure about your size that you have to rant off the holier than thou crap? If you would look at the thread, and if you knew ANYTHING about these supplements (if you don't then you're intruding on this thread with complete ignorance), the main supplements ppl talk about ARE Creatine and HMB, which are one of the safest and most academically researched supplements out there.

Not saying they're completely safe just because there is academic research on it, but look at some of the crap that people put and do to their body everyday. Carbonated drinks, fastfood, cigarettes, spending hours upon hours in front of a computer... at least these folks have the determination to go after something beyond being stickly thin or obese.

Now that my rant is over, here is what my experience is. Creatine is definitely something worth looking into, and it's cheap as hell too. True, a lot of it is water retention, but it also affects the ATP process so you get more energy. More energy equals a more intense workout, so in the long run it'll help with growth. HMB is also something I like, but like many mentioned, it's way too expensive. You'll read some articles with people saying how it doesn't work at all, well, i'll disagree. It does, it just might not be worth it to those who can afford it. Personally, I use it a few times a yr when i get the motivation to really push myself, just so i can make the most of those periods.

I've taken other things in the past too, like Tribulis Terrestris, DHEA, Glutamine, Vanadyl, too many to remember really. But personally, i think the most effective has been Creatine.

If you're in a limited budget, I would say take Creatine and some nice protein (Prolab Whey is good). But ESPECIALLY protein, even if you decide to skip the creatine. There's no point in pushing yourself so hard if you don't feed your muscles what it needs for recovery and growth. But if you really want to experiment with some more supplements, i would suggest Tribulis Terrestris (increase testosorone), Glutamine (help recovery), and HMB if you can afford it (and even then, it might not give you a big enough effect to justify it... your choice, but if you have the $$$ why not check it out?).

Those are just my suggestions that comes to mind... i haven't really taken anything for about 8 months now, just because i don't have the will to push as hard anymore (argh, 4th yr student trying to get into grad school), so taking them would just be a waste. I still try to hit the gym at least 3 times a week though.

Speaking of which, anybody know how effective is the ATP Advantage Creatine Serum? These are the so called 'no load, no maintence, no cycling' creatine. This really appeals to me, and i was thinking on checking these out. Anybody know if they're worth it?

Mister T

Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000

This sounds like an herbal version of one of the phen-phen drugs, these chemicals are known to cause long term damage to the heart. A drug that increases heart rate and potentially blood preasure (as indicated by the thermal increase) are very very dangerous.

Not Exactly. Let's review. Caffeine, ephedrine and yohimbe.
Caffeine - found is most carbonated beverages
Ephedrine - found in Sudafed (psuedo-ephedrine hydrochloride to be exact)
Yohimbe - a non-stimulant that facilitates blood flow to the extremities.

Phenlytropic PPA is not &quot;dangerous&quot; if used appropriately. If it is used for (6) 2-week cycles during the course of the year it is definitely not dangerous. However, if you do have a heart condition to begin with, you should avoid this along with any other stimulants.

Ouch, you are actually suggesting some herbal type version of steriods to people? Increasing your testosterone level is a dangerous thing to do, any site that lists complications from steriods should give you and indication of similar side effects to using a testosterone percursor.

Wow... back up amigo. Testosterone PRECURSORS.... precursor is the keyword here. A steriod is a synthetic version of testosterone. The way a steroid works compared to how a precursor works when in the body is quite different. A steriod causes all natural production of testosterone to cease. The presence of precursors on the other hand stimuates the body to produce more natural testosterone. There is a fine line here. However, there is a limit. If the body ends up producing too much, it will start converting it to estrogen.

BTW, back in the day when athletes were juicing steroids like crazy, they had around 10x-15x the natural levels of testosterone in their bodies. It has been known in many international circles that athletes taking low dosage steroids in the vicinity of 2-3X natural levels does not cause long term damage. With the proper cycles and adequate estrogen inhibitors it can be done quite safely and effectively. I am not promoting steroid use here, just trying to clear some misconceptions.


Mister T

Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
2 Questions.

1). What is the FDA percentages for daily intake of Carbs/Protein/Fat?

I think it is 60/25/15... If someone can verify I would be grateful.

2). What is the ratio of Carbs/Protein/Fat on livestock animal feed?

Happens to be very close to what the FDA recommends.

Does'nt anyone see anything wrong with this? Why do you think so
many Americans are FAT!!!!! America is the Fattest country. We have the FDA to thank for that. I could continue my rant, but I will exercise self-restraint...


Senior member
Jun 1, 2000
No supplements.

I eat a big breakfast, medium size lunch, small dinner. Try to eat healthy snacks throughout the day.

I eat normal stuff. Try to stay away from fast food. The meat I eat is usually lean chicken. Leafy greens every day and fruit.

I change up my weight lifting style (to avoid plateaus). Right now I am going heavy, 50% to 75% of max, with around 4 sets of 8-10 reps, 4-5 exercises per workout. 5 days a week in the morning for 1 1/2 hours (could take 1 hour but I end up talking to people).

Don't know how to tell you if it is working but random people do compliment me on my body.

Bleeding Jawa

Golden Member
Feb 3, 2000

For your information, I have a lot of personal experience in this area.
1. I am a Physical Education teacher &amp; teach classes specifically in weight lifting &amp; conditioning.
2. I am a highly successful track &amp; field coach who has coached dozens of all-state athletes (primarily power athletes--sprinters) over the past 7 years (during the &quot;creatine age&quot WITHOUT the use of supplements or creatine--I DO NOT ALLOW IT!!!
3. I have been a professional personal trainer &amp; have also worked in a health club.
4. I am a former Division I Track Athlete &amp; have been heavily exposed to nutritional supplements, steroids, and creatine for 10 years.

I just got a PM from one of the MD's on this board who agrees with me...I guess, it must be that the power of the internet overwhelms any sort of research or experience done by REAL professionals in the field.

It was said that creatine is one of the safest &amp; most thoroughly researched products on the market. TRUE---to a small point.
- 1st off...steroids, if taken properly, DO WORK, and are pretty safe....for a while. It is mainly the long term effects that are DEADLY!!! What do we know about the long term effects of creatine? NOT A DAMN THING!!!! It has only been used regularly &amp; for about 8 years &amp; studied for even less. Steroids weren't found to be that dangerous until AFTER people started dying from it.
- 2nd...who do you think that MOST of the &quot;research&quot; comes from on these products??? Simple--the research comes from the same companies who sell them to you.

MisterT: You made a comment about the FDA knowing nothing about Sports Nutrition. I would agree with this in that I would never suggest that my athletes simply follow FDA guidelines...high performance athletes often times need to greatly increase their caloric intake. Those who REALLY want to &quot;Get Big&quot; may actually have to ingest 5000+ calories a day to see significant gains. Basically that means you are eating about six OR MORE solid meals, plus lifting 4 hours or more each day. Most of us work for a living &amp; that is really rather difficult to accomplish.

However, more importantly, what the FDA DOES DO: They make SURE all food &amp; drug products are safe for human consumption!!! &quot;Nutritional Supplements&quot; do not fall under their jurisdiction &amp; therefore are never tested by the government. Do you realize that many of these supplements have been found to contain Cyanide &amp; other poisons?!?!?! Yes, some brands are better than others; however, when they say &quot;100% Pure&quot; that doesn't mean JACK SH!T!!! There is NOBODY to make sure that statement is true.

BiB: When you say that I sound &quot;bitter&quot; about something, YOU ARE RIGHT!!! The biggest problem that I have is that MANY of the members on this forum are teenagers. And these are the first people who are going to rush out &amp; buy this crap just to improve their self-image. Furthermore, with the hormonal makeup of most teenagers, they are never going to see any real performance gains from these products anyway. Most of them can lift 1 or 2 times a week &amp; see HUGE strength gains. A small part of it is from lifting; however, the biggest comtributer is PUBERTY!!! There is never another time in your life when you will see such great gains. Also, most teenager don't yet understand that not all of them are going to &quot;get big.&quot; When I started competing in college, I began an intense weightlifting program. In high school, I lifted pretty regularly, but not as intensly as at the college level. Well, in 12th grade, I was 5-10&quot;, 150lbs; I could bench about 175lbs freeweights &amp; could squat 285lbs. After 5 months of college-level lifting (&amp; eating a LOT more), I had increased my bench to 240lbs &amp; my squat to 485+ (I did that without too much work, but never tried more)---my new size??? 5-10&quot;, 155lbs. All I gained was 5lbs of mass, even though my muscles grew considerably stronger. (BTW I have ALWAYS been between 4-5% body fat.) Years &amp; years later, with no serious training, I am still 150lbs with about 5% body fat. I may get stronger or weaker, but this is the &quot;size&quot; that I am, and the size that I will stay.

In my opinion Creatine is the worst, because the directions on the packages are designed, NOT for optimal performance, but so that you will use it up faster &amp; have to buy more!!! For those of you who have done research and read REAL scientific journals, you will find that there is NO gains to be derived from &quot;loading&quot; since you just urinate most of it out anyway, plus you do the same with your regular doses as well. Your body is only capable of processing so much creatine at a time. If you take in more than it can process, you just piss it out. That's some EXPENSIVE PEE!!! When they say 5-6 grams a day, most people take it all at once or in two doses, but your body cannot handle that much. (Keep in mind that your body produces up to 2 grams a day --if you have not already eaten that much). Studies have shown that taking 6 doses a day at 1/2 gram each (3 grams) will give a GREATER performance gain for power athletes than taking one dose of 6 grams. That means you are only taking 1 GRAM MORE than what your body would normally use on any given day anyway!!! You can get (6) 1/2 gram servings by cutting up a few tunafish sandwiches. (Tuna &amp; Salmon are great sources of creatine). Those taking large doses are not only &quot;wasting&quot; all the extra by peeing it out, but you are forcing it to be passed through your kidneys &amp; liver which is where the danger of extended use lies.

HOWEVER...those of you would like to continue getting raped by the [cough]Nutritional[/cough] Supplement Industry, who am I to stand in your way!!!

[&quot;Arnold Voice&quot;]You sissy computer nerds need to get PUMPED, so you don't look like little girls...[/&quot;Arnold Voice&quot;]


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Lot's of great stuff here guys....!

One other question about protein....someone posted 20 grams a day is what is suggested by the FDA...but can that be right?

Bleeding Jawa

Golden Member
Feb 3, 2000
&quot;MisterT&quot; recommends 20 grams a day.

The FDA does not suggest, test, regulate, or have anything to do with creatine usage.


Golden Member
Oct 24, 1999
Mister T, 20 grams of creatine a day, you're wasting your money. The body cannot store that much at one time. You end up pissing it away. For those who have read my previous replies to topics of this subject, I'm a big gym rat. I lift 6 days a week, for the last 15 years. I take the following supplements: EAS creatine and HMB, Designer Whey protein, which is highly recommended because it has in it what the label says. I also use Better Whey protein by Apex. I take chromium picolinate, L-carnitine and insitol to control blood sugar and L-glutamine a branch chain amino acid. BTW, these work for me and I'm not telling anyone to take these, just my experience with what works. Designer Whey and EAS products are high quality, pricey products that are true to their labels. Anyone lifting should vary their diet as well as supplements and excercises to optimize gains. Your body becomes accustomed to what you do and eat.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
I think you guys are confusing what I said. I meant regular protien, not Creatine

Bleeding Jawa

Golden Member
Feb 3, 2000
20 grams of protien equals 80 calories from protien.

If you are taking in 3000 calories (typical intake for athletes, not necessarily enough to &quot;gain&quot, then 2% of your calories are coming from protien. You probably want to look at more like 30% (ie 225+ grams of protien). Again, this is assuming you are eating a relatively balanced diet of carbohydrates/fats/proteins.


Platinum Member
Feb 9, 2000
Well...other than &quot;normal foods&quot; I drink two Myoplex Deluxe shakes (84 grams of protien there) and a Jamba Juice Sm00thie that has 27 grams of protien.

Plus, nary a day goes by that I'm not eating any kind of meat...ribs, chicken, etc.

So do you think I'm doing ok Mr. Jawa?
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