Do babies go to hell, and what's up with God-Jesus dying?

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Dec 4, 2004
I feel like people here are discrediting religion because it has been actually proven to be false. It hasn't. Has it been proven to be true? Nope. That is what belief is all about.

What does it mean to prove it to be true? Burning bushes and parted seas not enough? Visions and voices from heaven, prophecies, miraculous healing? But then the point isn't to prove to others, instead prove to yourself. That's where the belief comes. Even shown a miracle a person can still choose to not believe, it still comes down to choice.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
I feel like people here are discrediting religion because it has been actually proven to be false. It hasn't. Has it been proven to be true? Nope. That is what belief is all about.

I think a lot of people have some sense of power believing that the Human Race is somehow highly advanced and we somehow have unlocked the secrets to the universe or something, and have thus proven that there is no God, etc.

We haven't. In fact, The human race knows jack shit about...well...basically everything.

1000 years from now (if we still exist) we will laugh at our own false sense of knowledge.

Things are going to be discovered that will change everything, I am sure.

There are too many unanswered questions to discredit even some such as religion.

Very well said, sir.


Golden Member
Dec 13, 2004
The main issue Jesus addresses is loving your fellow man and letting God work in you so that you can get past your own selfish lust, selfish greed and selfish pride.

God is perfect; he will create a reality with us in it that incorporates what is perfect in us. For now existence is flawed, the birthing pains of our future reality: would you be who you are without your suffering? To have faith in Christ is to love others at the cost of selfishness. To love others at the cost of selfish desires is to love Christ.

All of this selflessness is not earned; it comes from God giving us the ability.

A baby has no concept of others; a baby cannot be selfish if it doesn't know there is selflessness. A baby is a potential for future love or harm, but before that state it is only a beauty that allows for us to love it.

Christ lives in every human and how we treat every human is how Christ will judge us for having treated him. Babies are the greatest of all of Gods saved creatures, not because they are 'innocent' but because they live entirely by grace and love. We should strive to be politically and socially aware enough to work against everything that increases infant mortality and work towards everything that decreases it. I truly hate how this loving idea has been co-opted by many institutions that seek the opposite outcome. This is what Christ stands for: love, selflessness and helping because it is the human-loving thing to do.

God became Jesus, this is impossible. Jesus-God had the needs of a man, this is also impossible. God-Jesus died because some guys nailed him to a tree for saying how it would be a good idea if we all were just nice to each-other, this too is impossible. God-as-man came back from the dead after three days, this is also... impossible. Jesus spoke, in the flesh and blood, to thousands who were willing to testify to the death that they encountered him, after his death, which is of course impossible. Christ Jesus was then raised into an ethereal reality where he now sits at the right hand of the creator of all existence (which he happens to also be) and prepares a place for those of us who love him, which as we all know is impossible as well.

SO! If you're able to believe in six impossible things before breakfast, why not top it off with self-denying faith in Christ? Faith doesn't make logical sense, but if you accept selfless-other-loving truth and side with God against yourself you'll have the most fulfilled existence possible!

I'm not trying to preach, not really. And I don't expect to convince anyone of anything: your world view is yours, that's cool, I don't think you're "wrong" just different. Jesus said he didn't come for the people that don't need him. He came for the crack-addicts and emotionally broken. I just wanted to clear up what seem like a number of misconceptions about the biblical Jesus.

uh, what?

You're whole argument relies on the fact that God cannot do X.

God exists, he cannot do X, so God does not exist.

If you start your argument that there is a God, then anything can be done... he can even microwave a burrito so hot that he cannot eat it.


No Lifer
Aug 31, 2001
Pretty sure there was a thing called the Black Death in there. Hard to advance scientifically when the central power, the Romans, collapses and followed by major plagues.

But, I generally agree. We could be like the Tolans from SG1 right now.

the plagues came LONG after the dark ages started. and even they are could be blaimed on the church, the Romans had public baths and running water. people in the dark ages bathed once or twice a YEAR and thought rubbing themselves in shit would ward off the plague


Dec 4, 2004
uh, what?

You're whole argument relies on the fact that God cannot do X.

God exists, he cannot do X, so God does not exist.

If you start your argument that there is a God, then anything can be done... he can even microwave a burrito so hot that he cannot eat it.



Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Assuming that we get beyond the speculation regarding the existence of a creater god, and assuming that for now we grant the postulate that human intelligence can exist beyond the corporal, ie souls exist, the OP's post is difficult to discuss because he jumps beyond a basic metaphysical language into rhetoric.
The primary problem that I find illogical is: Why would a god allow for regionality. If you are born in India or Indiana. To an asian or german. Would a creater god present himself, his avatar, or prophet to only one region. What of those who are isolated living in some remote village in the amazon. Why would any self aware person who choses to act in the best way he knows how be punished for having been born in the wrong place.
Perhaps the analogy of the elephant and the 6 blind men is most accurate. No matter what you think you feel, you don't see the whole picture and certainly arguing or even killing the guy that feels the leg and thinks its a tree when you feel the tail and think its a snake is wrong.
IMHO religion serves as an arena to discuss ethics and moralities in a way that can reach even the most nonintuitive, but when the concepts are neglected for the sake of literal interpretation it has lost its purpose. Couple this with the manipulation by selfish power brokers it can be easily corrupted. The key is to keep your ears, eyes and mind open and when something smells fishy don't eat it.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2004
I agree with mattpegher's sentiments..

It's really one thing if you don't grow up on one of the coasts with a lot of immigrants -- say you're born and raised in the bible belt. Surrounded by a bunch of other christian folk... it's a lot easier to accept the idea that God's the only way to heaven.

But really, what about those born in remote indian villages? frankly if i were born in the middle east, i wouldve been muslim... and i wouldve had a hard time casting away my muslim beliefs. that's all very abstract still...

people talk about their positive testimonies as proof of the christian religion. how god changed their lives and is doing wonders for their families. frankly, ive seen men of faith of all different color and creed... people who really love god and people of different faiths. it's certainly not exclusive to Christianity.

the christian response to this is that the devil is a crafty fellah and he has us all tricked.. but frankly, I have a hard time believing that. Bluntly put, i don't want to believe that i cant trust my senses -- because my senses tell me something quite different from the bible.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
The next postulate that I have problems with is that of Hell. If you wish to grant the judeochristian definition of god, which is: Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent and Omnibenevolent. Then it would be illogical for this god to punish. Anyone. No matter what, once they are deceased there would be no logical reason to punish that soul. All would be forgiven.
Lately I have begun to postulate that if a creater god exists the universal concept of good and evil must be very different than the human understanding of such.
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Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Also, I see no reason that if a soul exists it should be exclusive to humans, or even animals. I am still not yet truely panentheistic as the question of divisibility of a soul vs the maintainance of individuality is as yet eluding me. But this has crutial implications to the concept of good and evil. I have long since given up on the concept as dicotomous, black and white. Instead postulating of good and evil on a linear continuous scale.
<-------evil------- 0 --------good----->
But truely panentheistic view point would be more congruent with:
0--------evil------- more evil----->
Where every action simply minimizes or maximizes your negative impact. Much like the monks who pray for forgiveness for any insect they may step on. I must admit though that this view point requires the reader to strickly adhere to the concept of evil as simply negative impact and let go of emotional, historical and rhetorical concepts.


Sep 28, 2004
Do you really believe that crap?

And how do you know that your faith is the correct one?

Did you read what I said about how faith in Christ is about loving others and denying other-hurting selfishness?

You tell me, honestly, is that wrong? Is something that helps makes someone who needs it more loving wrong? I admit the ideas are distorted by human institutions, but the concept of loving others at the expense of self and letting God be the one in you that does can be very beneficial.

I believe that religion has its place. And its place is far too high on peoples agenda.
Agreed, religion is a big problem, particularly when it takes the place of faith in Christ (as outlined above).

But once you use religion to, say, stop a child from having a life saving operation or blood transfusion, then religion is evil and is holding mankind back.
No doubt man&#8230; no doubt.
What i am is none of your fucking business.
unless you plan on killing people in the name of your beliefs, you are right.

I think that religion has become so completely perverted and misused that there is only rare positives that come from it.
There are ways of measuring this sort of thing using psychology and scientific observation. It turns out that modern faith in Christ, instead of faith in a religious sect, is a rare phenomenon, so you may well be right.

But that doesn&#8217;t men that has to be the way it is.

Our human minds are far too small to properly describe it.
this phenomenon is often referred to as the &#8216;holy otherness&#8217; of God. Part of the appeal of faith in Christ is that it allows for a faith that makes God personal to humans, through Jesus, despite being so amazingly incomprehensible that God might as well be a flying spaghetti monster.

Jesus is an anthropomorphism of the sun :
the vast majority of scholars in the study of biblical history believe that the existence of Jesus as a historical figure can be established using documentary and other evidence

Selfishness is a natural imperative and has no moral implications.
I do need to specify: other hurting, selfish-greed, selfish-lust and selfish-pride. I don&#8217;t know how you define &#8216;moral implications&#8217; but when selfishness is hurting others or at least making it less likely you will care for those that need it, I call it wrong;

Man's concept of selfishness necessarily derives from self-awareness AND social interaction. A baby has neither&#8230;
This is what I said; except we are arguing over what selfish means and I did need to specify my boundaries better. Other-hurting selfishness is something a baby doesn&#8217;t know about and therefore cannot be healed to be &#8216;immoral&#8217; for.

Except "faith doesn't make logical sense" doesn't make sense.
Clearly I think that my faith makes a lot of sense, from a functional stand point: But God as a human who died is foolishness to the logician.
there are wrong and right views
There are different vessels on this earth and if someone is a vessel for one thing and someone is a vessel for another is it my place to tell that vessel it is wrong for not being like me? I think better is to explain why I like being me and if the other vessel is inclined to chance, it can, if it isn&#8217;t then I&#8217;m not the creator to judge.

Also the statement that Jesus "didn't come for the people that don't need him"
That&#8217;s just what Jesus said, right man? If someone feels they are 100&#37; moral and don&#8217;t have to worry about what they do that isn&#8217;t someone Jesus is here for: right? Jesus is for the broken clay pots, not the ones with their cracks covered over with wax and paint.
But yea: the theoretical assumptions of our two points of view clearly diverge and I respect your disagreement because I don&#8217;t honestly know what&#8217;s right in that regard; Heady discussions to often take the place of loving ones.
On the other hand, if a believer (gonna say Christians here) Id have to go to church and close my eyes and make pretend and listen to another man try and give me a guilt trip.
Guild trip&#8230; that is so wrong&#8230; If it&#8217;s unintentional, from say talking about what is right and you feeling guilty, that&#8217;s one thing. But Jesus is here for people who already feel guilty, giving them a way up and out.
If you start your argument that there is a God, then anything can be done...
If God is the definition of right then God can never be wrong. If God contradicts himself God would therefore not be God because God will have contradicted what God said.
he can even microwave a burrito so hot that he cannot eat it.
exactly, but he cannot then eat said burrito because he is always right and there for put that limitation on his power.
When I say &#8216;impossible&#8217; I don&#8217;t mean for God, though, I mean for us to explain logically&#8230;
the OP's post is difficult to discuss because he jumps beyond a basic metaphysical language into rhetoric.
um&#8230; I meant it to be a funny, though potentially insightful, parody of H2G2.
Why would a god allow for regionality.
I am as I am because of what I have experienced, To change the world from what I have experienced is to create someone that is not me, but some other bloke with a different set of experiences&#8230; and I like me and you better than a theoretical other set of conditions that would have lead to a different world.
Now, notice how I didn&#8217;t speak out against anyone? All I can tell you about is my experience; I am not qualified to comment on other&#8217;s experiences.
The question isn&#8217;t religion; the question is: do we side with God against our other hurting selfish desires?
If you do, then I have good news for you: Faith in Christ can give you the grace you need to do that.

The next postulate that I have problems with is that of Hell
If I cut a branch off of a tree because it is rotting and will kill the tree am I punishing the branch or saving the tree? When God does away with everything that isn&#8217;t part of Christ (other loving) then everything else will be gone, which is sad because I like reality, but good because we&#8217;ll have a better reality.
Lately I have begun to postulate that if a creater god exists the universal concept of good and evil must be very different than the human understanding of such.
The bible says about as much; The problem though is how we deal with our lives now, and following the self-denying other-loving path is what we know to be right: do that and you will at least not have the wrong motives. In my life I&#8217;ve found that selfishness provides my life unless my behavior comes from faith in Christ.

I see no reason that if a soul exists it should be exclusive to humans, or even animals.
Fish gata swim, bird gata eat. The essential existence of other things isn&#8217;t in jeopardy, it is all natural: our awareness of others and self allows for faith that goes beyond our animal/tribal mind-set and denies self for others we don&#8217;t know.
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child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
I feel like people here are discrediting religion because it has been actually proven to be false. It hasn't. Has it been proven to be true? Nope. That is what belief is all about.

I think a lot of people have some sense of power believing that the Human Race is somehow highly advanced and we somehow have unlocked the secrets to the universe or something, and have thus proven that there is no God, etc.

We haven't. In fact, The human race knows jack shit about...well...basically everything.

1000 years from now (if we still exist) we will laugh at our own false sense of knowledge.

Things are going to be discovered that will change everything, I am sure.

There are too many unanswered questions to discredit even some such as religion.

No, religion claims to have all the answers and claims the human race is special.

Ask any scientist and they'll agree that the amount of knowledge we don't know is infinitely more vast than what we do.

It also takes a massive amount of ego to believe a totally omnipotent being has created an entire universe just for humans.

Hopefully in 1,000 years we'll look back and laugh at how long Middle Eastern superstitions stuck around.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Long attempt to address everyones comments accepted.

With regards to the Hell postulate: As the teleologic arguments have shown argument by analogy is neither logical or deductive. One can make thousands of analogies that seem to associate with the argument but fail to adhere to direct logical progression. Omnibenevolence = all good= unable to cause harm or suffering unless it was necessary for the whole. A deceased soul's suffering cannot benefit the whole. therefore punishment after death is illogical.

With regards to the regionality debate: Yes you are who you are, but say for a moment that Jesus was God incarnate. Why Isreal? Why not appear serially to different regions. Or maybe he did. Maybe he was called Bhudda, and Confuscious and hundred of other names. Maybe any presentation of a man or woman that taught love and forgiveness may have been God incarnate, and we as selfish humans failed to move beyond worship to understanding.

But postulation aside, it would be illogical for an omnibenevolent god to chose arbitrarily one group over another.

You see the value is in the teaching, not where or from whom they came. Belief that human improvement and, if actual, extracorporal satisfaction is dependent on what religion or metaphysical belief you profess is counter-intuitive. For to truely embrace the concepts of good and love you must accept all people and all things without exclusion due to thier beliefs. If an atheist professes that he values morality and ethics without a non-corporal construct, then he is of equal value to the universe. And if an omnibenevolent god exist he will be rewarded for his behavior regardless of faith.

To my mind, you both will become one with the universe remaining cogniscent but indivisible from each other and it and your reward or punishment will be intrinsic to the intimacy of this nature. You will be at once, yourself, your friend, your enemy and...
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Senior member
Jul 31, 2009
What does it mean to prove it to be true? Burning bushes and parted seas not enough? Visions and voices from heaven, prophecies, miraculous healing? But then the point isn't to prove to others, instead prove to yourself. That's where the belief comes. Even shown a miracle a person can still choose to not believe, it still comes down to choice.

The problem with these things is that there is no 100% true record that any of this even happened. I like to believe it did, because I would LIKE to believe that there is something more then just pure nothing when I die. True, you can call this wishful thinking but I will take wishful thinking over assuming that there is no existence after death.

Maybe sometime in the future we will find more logical explanations for what happens after death, if anything.

But for now, I believe in God, and Jesus, and that is what I believe. I do not care if you do not believe it, that is your choice. I do not care if you think i'm a fool for believing it. I would rather be a fool with hope, then a genius with none.


Senior member
Jul 31, 2009
No, religion claims to have all the answers and claims the human race is special.

Ask any scientist and they'll agree that the amount of knowledge we don't know is infinitely more vast than what we do.

It also takes a massive amount of ego to believe a totally omnipotent being has created an entire universe just for humans.

Hopefully in 1,000 years we'll look back and laugh at how long Middle Eastern superstitions stuck around.

While I consider myself a Christian and Believe in God and Jesus; I do not buy in to the Church. I believe that while there is many truths to the written accounts such as the Bible, and what have you. I also believe that they have likely been twisted and changed to certain peoples benefits at the time of writing, etc, and have been greatly misused.

Basically, for all we know over half the information written in any book of religious purpose is false, and was made of for the benefit of those attempting to manipulate the masses.

Cerpin Taxt

Feb 23, 2005
What does it mean to prove it to be true? Burning bushes and parted seas not enough?
We do not have burning bushes and parted seas. We have stories about burning bushes and parted seas, but then we also have stories about dog-headed aethieopians, cyclops, minotaurs, mermaids, chupacabras, etc, etc...

Visions and voices from heaven,
A lot of people have visions and hear voices. Nobody's ever demonstrated heavenly origins of any of them, and quite often we put those people in mental hospitals.

Funny thing about so-called "prophecies"... when people aren't out-and-out fabricating stories of their fulfillment, they are both deliberately attempting to fulfill previous predictions while simultaneously ignoring the slews of failed predictions that encompass them. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Even a blind hog gets a corn cob once in a while. Pick your metaphor. At the end of the day, it's all confirmation bias.

miraculous healing?
You mean like all those people "miraculously" healed by Benny Hinn? Should we delve a little deeper into those?

But then the point isn't to prove to others, instead prove to yourself.
Obviously the burden of "proof" you've set for yourself is irrationally low.

That's where the belief comes. Even shown a miracle a person can still choose to not believe, it still comes down to choice.
You can't show someone a miracle.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
While I consider myself a Christian and Believe in God and Jesus; I do not buy in to the Church. I believe that while there is many truths to the written accounts such as the Bible, and what have you. I also believe that they have likely been twisted and changed to certain peoples benefits at the time of writing, etc, and have been greatly misused.

Basically, for all we know over half the information written in any book of religious purpose is false, and was made of for the benefit of those attempting to manipulate the masses.

So if religious texts are corrupted by men and we have no way of telling what parts have been manipulated and what parts have not, then the entire book becomes suspect.

If the entire religious text is suspect and there is no god, then we have no problem.

If the entire religious text is suspect and there is a god, then we cannot possibly hope to please it since the only "guidebooks" available have been altered by human hands and no loving god would condemn his creations to an eternity of torment for not adhering to man made religious dogma created to further their own agendas.

Therefore, whether there is a god or not, it's up to us to make the most of our lives, live piously, and not worry about what may or may not come after this life since we have no way to know and no loving god would punish us unless we choose the correct random religion out of thousands.


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2002
81 do you know that your faith is the correct one?

Dude, that's the thing about faith. You don't KNOW. There's no scientific instruments to measure anything, so you can make a SWAG and say it's true, or it's not true.

It's FAITH. Stop trying to think scientifically about it. To do so only shows your own silliness.


Senior member
Oct 31, 2004
Dude, that's the thing about faith. You don't KNOW. There's no scientific instruments to measure anything, so you can make a SWAG and say it's true, or it's not true.

It's FAITH. Stop trying to think scientifically about it. To do so only shows your own silliness.

well you put your faith in jesus christ... paul writes about it somewhere, but he states along the lines that the faith would be meaningless if jesus were not god

that is -- a biblical faith isn't so fickle that you're just believing something out of total ignorance. rather, there is some depth to it. id suggest googling that.

to that end, is the idea that you just have to go on faith the only answer that you have about other worldviews?


Sep 28, 2004
So if religious texts are corrupted by men and we have no way of telling what parts have been manipulated and what parts have not, then the entire book becomes suspect.
Just ask yourself: Is denying other-hurting selfish natural impulses a good thing? If it is then whatever is good for learning to do that and changing your ways is good, no matter how suspect the origins. It is best not to hurt others for your own gain, everyone knows this, no book is needed but it can be helpful.

With regards to the Hell postulate: As the teleologic arguments have shown argument by analogy is neither logical or deductive.
But theorizing through them is explanatorily useful for future inductive empiricism which can then be used to better support findings deductively.

But we should state our assumptions out right, ontologically i accept that truth exits, epistemologically i deny that truth can be entirely known and proven, deterministically i assume that foreknowledge does not create pre-destination and I believe that knowledge is gained through discrete methodology that accounts for the ideographic context.

So, sociologically, I would argue for realism, anti-positivism, Volunteerism and nomothetic methodology.

From this stand point it seems that the key to understanding the phenomenon of Christ is to look at it from a series of case studies and inductively derive a set of testable hypothesis that include as many moderating and mediating constructs as necessary for explanation. From this we can do a longitudinal assessment of a statistically significant sample of people to see the overall impact. From the few cases I&#8217;ve encountered in my own life this will show a great deal of individual psychological and sociological benefit. This, of course, is more of an idiographic interpretation. My argument doesn't go to basic assumptions regarding fairness, location or end-game scenarios but the impact other-loving faith in Christ has on the individual&#8217;s well being.

I believe that teleological thinking is the basis of many a Machiavellian going against the self-denial and other-loving that is intrinsic to what is a much more deontological Christian world view which ascribes simply to the duty of loving others and not performing other-hurting selfishly lustful, greedy or prideful acts.
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Golden Member
Jul 17, 2009
Just ask yourself: Is denying other-hurting selfish natural impulses a good thing? If it is then whatever is good for learning to do that and changing your ways is good, no matter how suspect the origins. It is best not to hurt others for your own gain, everyone knows this, no book is needed but it can be helpful.

But theorizing through them is explanatorily useful for future inductive empiricism which can then be used to better support findings deductively.

But we should state our assumptions out right, ontologically i accept that truth exits, epistemologically i deny that truth can be entirely known and proven, deterministically i assume that foreknowledge does not create pre-destination and I believe that knowledge is gained through discrete methodology that accounts for the ideographic context.

So, sociologically, I would argue for realism, anti-positivism, Volunteerism and nomothetic methodology.

From this stand point it seems that the key to understanding the phenomenon of Christ is to look at it from a series of case studies and inductively derive a set of testable hypothesis that include as many moderating and mediating constructs as necessary for explanation. From this we can do a longitudinal assessment of a statistically significant sample of people to see the overall impact. From the few cases I&#8217;ve encountered in my own life this will show a great deal of individual psychological and sociological benefit. This, of course, is more of an idiographic interpretation. My argument doesn't go to basic assumptions regarding fairness, location or end-game scenarios but the impact other-loving faith in Christ has on the individual&#8217;s well being.

I believe that teleological thinking is the basis of many a Machiavellian going against the self-denial and other-loving that is intrinsic to what is a much more deontological Christian world view which ascribes simply to the duty of loving others and not performing other-hurting selfishly lustful, greedy or prideful acts.

WTF is this bullshit?

Let me save you (and everyone else) the trouble of sifting through all the convoluted nonsense surrounding religion.

I've written a new book called "The Atheist Bible" that is due for publication in December this year..but I think I'm going to post it for free now as a public service. Members of every world religion should find something of value in it's pages. I did my best to capture and capsulize the most useful and profound insights from the prophets of every religion (including Christianity). If you follow the advice within, not only will it ensure you live a good and moral life, but it will also save you countless hours that would otherwise have been wasted in church hearing the same message preached with a lot of unnecessary baggage.

Prepare yourself. This is powerful stuff...

The Atheist Bible

Chapter 1

Don't be a dick.

The End.​


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Even if one could Prove the existence of God and that god were the god of the Bible, I could never follow such a contemptible, immoral, and vile creature.

Jesus comes across as alright, but god doesn't.
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