Do Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the same God?

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Jul 13, 2005

This is a very good read -- I personally say they do not worship the same God!!

taken from the above link --

YUSUFALI: Take not with Allah another object of worship; or thou (O man!) wilt sit in disgrace and destitution.
PICKTHAL: Set not up with Allah any other god (O man) lest thou sit down reproved, forsaken.
SHAKIR: Do not associate with Allah any other god, lest you sit down despised, neglected.

- Source: Quran, Sura (chapter) 17:22offsite

Yet the Quaran also states that Muslims, Jews and Christians worship the same God:

YUSUFALI: And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)."
PICKTHAL: And argue not with the People of the Scripture unless it be in (a way) that is better, save with such of them as do wrong; and say: We believe in that which hath been revealed unto us and revealed unto you; our Allah and your Allah is One, and unto Him we surrender.
SHAKIR: And do not dispute with the followers of the Book except by what is best, except those of them who act unjustly, and say: We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you, and our Allah and your Allah is One, and to Him do we submit.
- Source: Quran, Sura (chapter) 29:46offsite

However, Islamic tradition teaches that only Muslims will be admitted to Paradise. Though they are considered "People of the Book" - a reference to Jewish and Christian scriptures - Jews and Christians are excluded.

Muslims claim - without providing irrefutable proof - that Christians and Jews have corrupted the Scriptures, and teach that everyone must instead accept the teachings of the Quran.

When compared with the Jewish and Christian scriptures, the teachings of Quran show that Allah is not the same God worshipped by Jews and Christians.

God — The Koran asserts that the god of Islam is the God of Christians and Jews (Sura 29:46Off-site Link). Nothing could be farther from the truth.7

The god of Islam, Allah, is most definitely not the God of the Bible. Allah is presented in the Koran as an autocratic ruler who is aloof and arbitrary (Sura 5:40Off-site Link). Allah is unknowable whereas the God of the Bible is knowable (2 Timothy 1:12Off-site Link). Allah is impersonal, unlike the personal God the Scriptures reveal (1 Peter 5:6-7). Allah is unitarian (Sura 4:48Off-site Link) whereas the God of the Bible is trinitarian (2 Corinthians 13:14Off-site Link). Here is what the Koran says about the God of the Bible (Sura 4:171Off-site Link): “Believe in Allah and say not ‘Trinity.’ Cease! It is better for you! Allah is only One God. Far is it removed from his transcendent majesty that he should have a son.”

Allah is capricious (Sura 2:284Off-site Link), whereas the true God is trustworthy. And Allah is never anywhere presented as a god of love — which is the essence of the nature of the true God (1 John 4:7-16Off-site Link).

Jesus — The Koran denies point blank that Jesus was the Son of God (Sura 112:2-3Off-site Link). It also denies His atoning sacrifice by claiming that he never died (Sura 4:157Off-site Link). A substitute died for Him on the Cross. Jesus was translated to Heaven, like Enoch, where He will remain until He returns to kill all pigs, destroy all crosses, and convert the world to Islam. Jesus will marry, reign for 40 years and then die and be buried next to Muhammad in Medina.8 Jesus is characterized in the Koran as nothing more than “an apostle of Allah” (Sura 4:171Off-site Link).
- Source: The Truth About Islamoffsite Dr. David R. Reagan

In November, 2003, evangelical Christian leaders took George Bush - who identifies himself as a Christian - to task for his assertion that "Muslims worship the same Almighty" that he does:

At a news conference with Prime Minister Tony Blair in England on Thursday, a reporter noted that Bush has often said that freedom is a gift from "the Almighty" but questioned whether Bush believes that "Muslims worship the same Almighty" that he does.

"I do say that freedom is the Almighty's gift to every person," the president replied. "I also condition it by saying freedom is not America's gift to the world. It's much greater than that, of course. And I believe we worship the same god."

Bush's remarks sent immediate shock waves through Christian Web sites and radio broadcasts. A Baptist Press report quoted Richard D. Land, president of the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, the nation's largest Protestant denomination, as saying that Bush "is simply mistaken."

"We should always remember that he is commander in chief, not theologian in chief," Land said in a telephone interview yesterday. "The Bible is clear on this: The one and true god is Jehovah, and his only begotten son is Jesus Christ."

The Rev. Ted Haggard, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, also issued a statement contradicting Bush.

"The Christian God encourages freedom, love, forgiveness, prosperity and health. The Muslim god appears to value the opposite. The personalities of each god are evident in the cultures, civilizations and dispositions of the peoples that serve them. Muhammad's central message was submission; Jesus' central message was love. They seem to be very different personalities," Haggard said.
- Source: Bush's Remark About God Assailed Washington Post, Nov. 22, 2003

Mutually Exclusive

Neither Christianity nor Islam can logically endorse the other religion’s distinctive claims and practices without denying its own.

Much more needs to be discussed concerning Muslim and Christian relations in a religiously pluralistic world. However, we must conclude that despite their common monotheism, Islam and Christianity have very different views of God, worship, and mission. Therefore, it is unreasonable to claim that they worship the same God.- Source: Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?offsite by Douglas Groothuis,

Trinity -- The Most Important Difference

The Muslim and Christian view of God have many similarities. Muslims and Christians agree that there is one God who is the Creator of everything in the universe. Both view God as sovereign, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy, just, and righteous. In these ways, Christians and Muslims worship the same God. However, there are also significant differences between Islam and Christianity’s view of God. While Allah (Allah is the Muslim and Arabic word for God) possesses the attributes of love, mercy, and grace, Allah does not demonstrate these attributes in the same manner as the biblical God acts.

The most important difference, though, between the Muslim and Christian view of God is the concept of the Trinity. Christians believe that God has revealed Himself as one God in three Persons: God the Father, the Son of God (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit.

God’s Son became a human being, Jesus Christ, to take away the penalty and power of sin by dying on the cross. After rising from the dead, Jesus went back to heaven to be with His Father. He sent His Spirit to teach men the truth through His Word, the Bible. One day, Christ will return to judge the earth; those who have trusted in Him will go to heaven, but those who have rejected Him must be separated in hell from the holy God.

Therefore, the belief in the Trinity is essential to the Christian faith. Without the Trinity, there is no incarnation of God’s Son in the Person of Jesus Christ. Without Jesus Christ, there is no salvation for sin. Without salvation, sin condemns all to hell.
- Source: Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God?,

Pray To Jesus

Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2011
...while, at the same time, rejecting the Bible and claiming that the only true book of god is the Quran.

Watch this:

It was the statement on the lips of the Muslims violently charging through Asia and Europe that they should burn any book they find that is not the Quran because if the book agrees with the Quran it is redundant and if it conflicts with the Quran then the book is false.

Thank you. That is a good video.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
So, either Abraham worshiped 3 different gods at the same time, or Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are talking about 3 different Abrahams.

Which is it?


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
Which is also the Atheist talking point -- concerning video that debunk Atheism!!

How do you debunk a lack of belief?

Really, your statement doesn't even make sense.

The only way to "debunk atheism" (which in and of itself is a logical fallacy) would be to provide evidence -give atheists a reason to believe.

Where is the video that provides evidence that god is real? Where is the video that provides evidence that christ was divine? Or that the bible is the infallible inspired word of god?

Pray To Jesus

Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2011
How do you debunk a lack of belief?

Really, your statement doesn't even make sense.

The only way to "debunk atheism" (which in and of itself is a logical fallacy) would be to provide evidence -give atheists a reason to believe.

Where is the video that provides evidence that god is real? Where is the video that provides evidence that christ was divine? Or that the bible is the infallible inspired word of god?

Atheism is a religion of wrong beliefs. The very name of this religion, atheism ( without God) is a rejection of reality.
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Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2006
Atheism is not a religion. Sure there are types with evangelical delusions (looking at tc), however atheism itself is more of a philosophy. In fact in order to truly be atheist you must have pondered existentialism, the greatest of philosophies in my opinion; it will plunge your mind and heart into darkness and they will be reforged stronger than before. . . Or you will be crippled by depression(nihilism) unable to cope with reality. It is the acceptance of truth as it is self evident, and the acceptance of self as is self evident. Afterwards if you survive you will be the ultimate human, the Übermensch.
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Jul 13, 2005
How do you debunk a lack of belief?

Really, your statement doesn't even make sense.

The only way to "debunk atheism" (which in and of itself is a logical fallacy) would be to provide evidence -give atheists a reason to believe.

Where is the video that provides evidence that god is real? Where is the video that provides evidence that christ was divine? Or that the bible is the infallible inspired word of god?
as has been stated in another thread by dphantom--- Evidence or proof? Evidence we have in plenty with the Universe, its origins, life, Laws and so forth. Proof though is something we cannot do. No one can "prove" God exists. But many of us see "evidence" of Him around us and within us.

With that said, there are scholars/philosophers who have offered a proof of God's existence. George Berkeley for one has offered a proof showing God does exist.

Of course, any evidence can have alternate explanations. Explanations that discount God can exist. Hence Faith enters the picture for Christians and others who believe in God.

then it goes on --

To me it is self evident. To atheists who require scientific evidence, data that measures in some way God, perhaps not.
Then we finally reach this --

As an Atheist your answer to anything a Christian or believer in God posts is always prove perhaps we are at am impasse?
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Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
The idea that there are different gods, when looking at the concept of god in as logical a manner as possible, is just plainly absurd. And yes it is possible to apply logic to the concept of a god. All religions are orbiting around the same general concept. If the sky burst into flame and the sea parted we would all immediately conjure at least a thought of God. Even atheists! Clearly that god is the same for all of us, though he may be different in some insignificant ways.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
The idea that there are different gods, when looking at the concept of god in as logical a manner as possible, is just plainly absurd. And yes it is possible to apply logic to the concept of a god. All religions are orbiting around the same general concept. If the sky burst into flame and the sea parted we would all immediately conjure at least a thought of God. Even atheists! Clearly that god is the same for all of us, though he may be different in some insignificant ways.

How is the concept of gods(plural) absurd and that one god you assert the same for all of us?

You have merely asserted things without any evidence to support it other than your assertions.


Sep 7, 2001
Has anyone (e.g. an academic or other) "done the math" on whether it is possible (or feasible) for global population to have went from eight persons (Noah's family) to seven billion in the span of 4000 years since the (alleged) flood, accounting for life expectancies at different times, wars, plagues, major natural disasters, and such? Seems like it would require every child-bearing woman to have popped-out a lot more children than could be considered believable. Anyone?


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
Has anyone (e.g. an academic or other) "done the math" on whether it is possible (or feasible) for global population to have went from eight persons (Noah's family) to seven billion in the span of 4000 years since the (alleged) flood, accounting for life expectancies at different times, wars, plagues, major natural disasters, and such? Seems like it would require every child-bearing woman to have popped-out a lot more children than could be considered believable. Anyone?

Some Pro-Flood dude has, I can't recall the Birthrate # he came up with. Seems to me it wasn't really that high, but it didn't take into account Famine, War, Disease, and other such things.

More interesting than that is it would require going from 8 people to Egyptians building pyramids within < 200 years.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
Table napkin math says that the Noah story is false. The movie coming out looks fun though.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
The population growth from the flood until the pyramids, assuming 6 child bearing adults, is about 136% according to the internet. 8 people to 27,000,000 in 349 years.

Compare that to the highest population growth today around 4%.

The Noah's ark story is absurd on every level. I think they say that 100 years after the flood people built the tower of babel and it threatened god. Someone want to run the numbers on getting from 8 people to the 50,000 or so needed to build something that great in 100 years lol?


Dec 13, 2013
Christians believe in the Trinity. Those that don't are not Christians.

umm no. just no. trinity is a doctrine. why is it that christianity can not consistantly define jesus as either the son of god or jsut god. in sunday school more or less jesus is taught as the son of god. why is it that reading up on some of the beliefs of the denominations that some of them believe that jesus is actually god. if jesus was god then why was he talking to a different entity when he was on this earth.

trinity is a DOCTRINE that was established at a early church council sometime around 300 to 500 AD. there are a lot of early christian beliefs that were persecuted after the formalizing of the church. some of these are known as the apocrypha


Dec 13, 2013
Atheism is not a religion. Sure there are types with evangelical delusions (looking at tc), however atheism itself is more of a philosophy. In fact in order to truly be atheist you must have pondered existentialism, the greatest of philosophies in my opinion; it will plunge your mind and heart into darkness and they will be reforged stronger than before. . . Or you will be crippled by depression(nihilism) unable to cope with reality. It is the acceptance of truth as it is self evident, and the acceptance of self as is self evident. Afterwards if you survive you will be the ultimate human, the Übermensch.

there are a wide variety of athiesm types. so no athiesm in itself is not a religion. some of them are more or less a religion though. a religion of opposition to dieties.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
How can the lack of belief be a religion?

If I don't like hamburgers that does not make me part of an anti-hamburger cult.


Dec 7, 2009
How can the lack of belief be a religion?

If I don't like hamburgers that does not make me part of an anti-hamburger cult.

What if you don't believe in hamburgers? Then you just appear senile. or insane to those that just know hamburgers to obviously exist. This is how absurd atheists appear to theists, and vice-versa.


Platinum Member
Sep 12, 2013
That's not a fair analogy. More appropriate would be a lack of belief in Unicorns, Fairies, or Leprechauns.


Jul 13, 2005
That's not a fair analogy. More appropriate would be a lack of belief in Unicorns, Fairies, or Leprechauns.
yep always dodge and weave and fact I looked up the word atheist in the dictionary -- there was no meaning -- all the dictionary said was see -- dodge, weave and deflect......


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
What if you don't believe in hamburgers? Then you just appear senile. or insane to those that just know hamburgers to obviously exist. This is how absurd atheists appear to theists, and vice-versa.

A 5 year old can show you a hamburger. No one can show you a god.
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