Do girls that normally reject you become touchy feely? *FINALLY AN UPDATE!*

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Jul 18, 2000
Best.... thread.... EVAR


M4H, you're rant is dope. Keep them replies coming

I'm still laughing actually, soooooo funny responses


Feb 4, 2002
Originally posted by: neomits
Girls Suck

and when they don't suck, they suck even more.

BTW I say you keep doing what you're doing, i.e. not returning any of her advances.... let her smolder for you. Maybe this is just the messed up girls that I know, but every time I've been in a similar situation, if I've responded in kind, the girl was pushed away by it. Eventually, if she really wants you, it'll come out. And then you can go have wild monkey sex.


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2000
Good luck buddy.

I think she just does not want to seem "fast" and for you to lose respect for her as as "easy" girl. For instance, it may only be 2 month since her breakup and it might be too "fast" for you guys to get together.

Just hang on to it for a while 1-3 month and see where it takes you. If you are going nowhere, then you have wasted your time. She is just playing you.


Senior member
Mar 8, 2001
Originally posted by: Pers
HAHAHAHAHAHA!...exactly right.

I'm married with two daughters, and i can vouch that women are all crazy.
They don't know what they want.

They want people to want/like/adore them..but they may or may not want to reciprocate (changes all the time)

I guess you have to look at the situation as it is (not as you imagine or hope it will be), and decide whether you like the way it is currently. if so, continue to be friends with her, enjoy the moment, don't humiliate yourself and grovel for more than it is. If/when she decides she wants more, she will tell you outright. we (men) tend to read to much into what these women do (because we are generally always thinking about sex). They (women) only occasionally think of sex, and we think that all their actions are sexual in nature..not true.

if you don't agree with me, i just don't care.,

not only do i agree with you, but i urge you to write a book dude..

I agree totally, but it seems there's a different book for each one.. yesno?


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2001
thanks for the support... i guess i'll stick around to see what happens... a listen to be learned i say.

if i am getting played.. then so be it.. stupid of me in the first place... heh oh well... time to see where things go

wish me luck? gonna go workout with her soon...

i'll update on what happens in the future. heh.

this thread rocks ;p... 100+ replies.. hahaha


Jun 16, 2000
Oh my gawd... I HATE when crap like that happens.. they think it's perfectly normal to be like that..

this is how it goes:

- we think they want something. they don't.

- they think what they are doing is fine. we think they are leading us on.

Jan 31, 2002
Ok, it's been awhile.

Have you done anything yet? You'd better have - I mean, geez. Didn't you get the message from my earlier rant? She's throwing signals, she's getting pissed that you haven't responded, and if you don't do something about it soon you'll get to hear what a fireball in the sack she is - from your best friend that she's been pining to.

Chrono, I'd like you to try something here. Take your good hand. Reach right down the front of your pants, between your legs. Do you feel balls there? Yes? Good. Now put them to good use. You've got no excuse for not having done something yet.

(And for god's sake, take your hand out of your pants and wash it first before you go hit on her again. )

Think about this from the girl's perspective. You're trying to get with a guy. Now, both genders know very well that guys are physical creatures. We like to be touched. (And not just like that, you sick f@p-bastards.) How would you let a guy know you're interested? That's right - physical contact, at any time possible.

I'm going to start a timer. When it runs out, as a man, I'm afraid I'll have to do the right dishonourable thing and be this girl's shoulder to cry on. And no, I'm not telling you how long you have, so you'd better assuming I'm getting on a plane to (insert your location here) tomorrow.

- M4H


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2001
i'll see what i can do
i don't know what..
I don't want to jump the gun here you know? maybe right now isn't the right time to do something like this...

yes i have balls, otherwise, i wouldn't have done the things that i've done in the first place...
err... let's not talk about that... so ya
i'll update later on on what happens...
thanks again all!


I think there's deafening silence here, so I might as well respond to someone by that nick: Deafening Silence, see there's a difference. He spoke explicitly of his feelings toward her and has shown no objections at all. On the other hand, she has indicated an objection verbally. That's the big difference.

Chrono, here's what I think really: My point really was to speak strongly of how making advances would be crossing the line. However, there's nothing wrong in still having interest in her. Why not once again ask her out? As I said, when a woman speaks of independence/freedom and hence not wanting to be involved with you, it isn't that she's totally closed to the idea. It's just that she's reserved about it and wants something extremely convincing from you if she should let go her guard. Kissing or physical moves is definitely not what such woman wants. In fact, it turns her off. The physical is getting too forward and could be perceived as violatiing her. This is the type where she wants something you have to offer in the emotional, intellectual and mental sense, not the physical sense. It is from then that she might become receptive on that subject. That's all I was trying to convey to you.

If you do ask her out again and she says "no", it's up to you whether to give up on trying. But basically, if you're still interested in ever getting her, don't dare make any advances. She wants the emotional/mentally stimulating, not physical. Of course that's my perception as a woman. Whether you want to accept it or not is your decision.


Golden Member
Jan 27, 2000
W00T! My first 10...

Go for it man...

We here in ATOT are behind you...seriously...turn around.



Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2001
hey luvly, i actually completely agree with you on that. touching a girl is never the key... it actually prevents them from touching you back...

so... i don't konw.. i'll just stick around (I try to not touch her at all really) to see what happens

maybe something will happen? maybe she'll see something? maybe not... but i'm patient enough to see... but of course anxious about the outcome
oh well let's just wait and see then.


Senior member
Mar 28, 2001
BE HER FRIEND unless she makes it plain she wants something else, if all else fails ask this is the best advice I can give on women ( they are nuts and we make them that way )

Good luck


Jul 1, 2002
I had a girl SAY and DO nearly the exact same things and it turned out she was a lesbian :Q

However, she did agree to go out with me for a short time (only guy she ever tried to date) but it didn't work out for obvious reasons...


Diamond Member
May 23, 2001
Originally posted by: whiteboyatcal
I had a girl SAY and DO nearly the exact same things and it turned out she was a lesbian :Q

However, she did agree to go out with me for a short time (only guy she ever tried to date) but it didn't work out for obvious reasons...

If this is the case... Ask if you can watch.



Golden Member
May 19, 2001
First - Stop being her Emotional Tampon.

Second - What do you want? Another friend or a date?

If you want friends, go out with your guy buds. Having women as friends comes later, when you're married and have kids. Right now you want a "partner".

Either she wants to be with you on terms that the two of you agree on or move on down the road. It is tough and it sucks, but being her friend will likely get you nowhere.

I was "friends" with my wife. It took me moving on and running into her a couple of years later to get past that BS.

Being friends with someone you have feelings for sucks and you need to get away from that situation.

The end result is that either she realizes that she doesn't want to be without you, or you find someone that wants what you want.

Good luck. I hope you have the courage to do the right thing.


Mar 27, 2001
#1 when wanting to use the mouse of a computer for example, normally i'd say "hey i wanna see something" then i'd take my hand and move it close to the mouse, then she'd move her hand away and i'd use the mouse. (and vice versa). but recently she did something different... and instead of waiting for me to move my hand, she'd quickly grab onto my hand and the mouse... and move the mouse. Same when we were watching tv... normally she'd throw me the remote or i'd throw the remote/hand it to her. The last time she gave me the remote... she took my hand... put the remote in my hand and told me to turn the channel, but instead of removing her hand, she held onto my hand and told me to change the channel.

so...why don't we replace the hand on the mouse and the hand on the remote, with the mouse on the crotch and the remote on the crotch....
maybe your new story will be:

#1 ....recently she did something different... and instead of waiting for me to move my crotch, she'd quickly grab onto my crotch and the mouse... and move the crotch-mouse. Same when we were watching tv... normally she'd throw me the remote or i'd throw the remote/hand it to her. The last time she gave me the remote... she took my crotch... put the remote on my crotch and told me to turn the channel, but instead of removing her hand, she held onto my crotch and told me to change the channel.

~now if taht happens then i think shes into you

#2 she calls me up to talk to her on the phone every night... even though we have nothing to say sometimes.. she just stays on.. if i tell her to sleep she doesn't want to (even though she's 3/4th's asleep or something) i know, i know, doesn't mean much really does it? it's just strange. for instance if i leave her house, she'd tell me to call her when i get home. (i'm not her b/f or anything... just a friend?) very strange

thats just plain stupid...hang up foo. just be like "o i'm sorry b!tch my mommy has to use the phone and i have to go to sleep with my brother because we share beds and have sex together, bye bye"

#3 she also likes to put her head against me a lot of times... for instance we were playing cards.. she took my glasses off and asked if i could play cards without em'.. i was like "why not.. err" so we played.. but she kept staring at me.. weird i say.. but anyway.. after playing a few games.. she then put her head against the side of me and kept it there... i finished passing out the cards and then tapped her with her cards.. but she just stayed on the side of me... strange...

follow rules from comment #1 : replace head with breasts:
#3 she also likes to put her breasts against me a lot of times... for instance we were playing cards.. she took my glasses off and asked if i could play cards without em'.. i was like "why not.. err" so we played.. but she kept staring at me.. weird i say.. but anyway.. after playing a few games.. she then put her breasts against the side of me and kept it there... i finished passing out the cards and then tapped her with her cards.. but she just stayed on the side of me... strange...

#4 also when i was leaving her house recently... i told her that i was leaving and so i got up.. she said "ok" so as i walked off from where she was she grabbed onto my carpenter pants (the side of the jeans with the lil thing where you could put hammers through to hold) .. she wouldn't let go... (course she could be playing/messing around) but she wasn't giggling/laughing or anything... she just stared at me.. and kept holding onto the side of my pants... after i pryed her hands off.. and attempted to walk out of her room.. she grabbed onto them again... over and over.. never laughing though... so weird...

from what I could seems she has a deficiency in smartness, frankly shes an idiot.
In other words, shes trying to tell u that you are more of an idiot than and that u act like a girl and u should change your name to nancy



Senior member
Jul 10, 2001

When the time is right. Slap her butt real hard. That'll show her who's boss.


Jul 18, 2000
some guys are on a roll in this thread

My thoughts: Ladies like if you play hard-to-get. So she actually wants to fux0r you cuz she THINKS you play hard to get, but in reality, you have no friggin' clue, lucky you


Golden Member
Apr 16, 2000
Originally posted by: luvly
Hon?, you better give a second thought before you try advancing. If you cherish those hands or lips of yours, think whether you are willing to see them disappear. :Q LOL! Seriously though, stop the hallucination. You?ll see what your mind wants to see.

Can a girl get touchy? Yes, she can. She very much can, so stop reading too much into it. Even if all you said were true, either she's weird or that is her nature and you're reading too much into it. I refuse to believe that she's so childish that she can't be straight-forward with you if she wanted something from you when you've already made clear that you're interested in her. Hence, I conclude that you?re reading too much into it. Could she possibly have feelings for you? Yes. But does that give you the licence to touch her? No. A girl having feelings for a guy is not to be equated with that. It?s one thing if you never told her that you liked her, but it's another when you?ve actually told her that you like her.

Yeah because we know how straigtforward and mature women can be
they never mince their words, no, not women.

Don't ignore what she said: "there's this girl that i like and she knows how i feel about her... i asked her if she wanted to try out our relationship and she said that something was preventing her, which is she wants to find herself or be alone for now."

He can't ignore what she said, but she can ignore it to her hearts content? Oh of course she can, I forgot, shes a WOMAN, women don't have to play by any rules, they can just make up whats acceptable or not on the fly, and if you go against that YOU are the jerk

If she were so sure of you, she would never give any excuses. She's truly trying to find herself. Don't make any advances, as that would constitute harassment. I'm sure she likes your company and probably has some kind of feeling toward you, but to her that does not translate to being a bf/gf or making advances. She probably wants to be your friend and enjoy that flirting.

Yet another reason to be rid of girls forever, if she flirts with you and gives off OBVIOUS signals it's harrassment if you respond
. K if you don't want to be involved with someone don't act like she acts, plain and simple, no rational (theres the problem) person would do that. Only a woman.

Remind me when next meeting with male friends to rid myself of the innocent touches, be very cautious and never touch them, as some of them might read into it and feel that gives them the ticket to make advances.
If you love yourself, don't ever mess with a woman/girl who clearly states that she wants her moment alone to find herself. Basically, it's a subtle way of saying, "I like you, but just as a friend, for you have not successfully convinced me that I should sacrifice my independence or freedom for a relationship with you in particular."

I seriously wonder how many more times I can use
here....always one extreme or the other, its either "oh I can't touch men at all" not "oh maybe I shouldn't touch them in certain ways, or under certain circumstances that might lead them to believe otherwise.". Since you obviously werent paying attention let me explain it, its not that she was touching him, it's that she was doing so in a rather serious manner, and in a very unusual (for her) fashion. And all this changed after he talked to her about being together.

Jesus, seriously, women SUCK.
They make up whatever rules they want, when they want, how they want, and if you don't follow along your screwed....
Seems to me the MAN in this situation was up front, he said "hey, are you interested?" she said "yes but I cannot right now" which means she, at some point, might very well move past whatever hurdle she felt she needed to clear.
Then the man said "ok, thats fine I can respect that, I will wait." then the WOMAN decides to start throwing out signs left and right (and yes, being more touchy-feely that she USED to be does count as a sign, if she was ALWAYS like this then thats one thing) now you say, in not so many words, he would be harrassing her and forcing himself on her if he made any advances....


You know what, F-women....stupidest group of human biengs to ever walk the face of the Earth.

SO stupid....if she was mature like you say she HAS to be (hahahahahahahahahaha riiiiight, try dating ANY woman sometime, I DARE you not to strangle her) ten why the hell wouldn't she get the hint that acting different (especially in a more touchy feely way) is just going to give him the sign that she changed her mind?

My advice dude, bail on this chick, she want her time alone, so be it, leave her alone, don't call her when you get home, don't spend every other night around her, let her come to you, you don't want to force yourself on her and be a harrassing pr!ck....



Aug 10, 2002
Hold her round the waist then give her a light kiss on the lips and see how she responds. Be gently and sweet while doing it thought. Either she'll slap you or kiss you back.
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