do teachers have a legitimate gripe about having to do work outside of school?

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Hugo Drax

Diamond Member
Nov 20, 2011
This is probably why. Holy crap talk about a shitty salary. And only a 1.17% a year raise over 25 years. Less than inflation. start at 39115 then 25 years later only 50560

District School Year Years Exp. 2 Years College 3 Years College Bachelor's Master's Master's +30 Specialist in Ed. Ph.D or Ed.D
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 0 0 0 38473 38838 39115 39392 40144
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 1 0 0 38830 39195 39472 39748 40499
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 2 0 0 39186 39553 39830 40106 40859
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 3 0 0 39545 39909 40185 40461 41395
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 4 0 0 39901 40267 40544 40821 41961
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 5 0 0 40259 40805 40892 41453 42523
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 6 0 0 40618 41342 41529 42108 43085
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 7 0 0 40976 41907 42188 42766 43648
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 8 0 0 41334 42469 42844 43421 44210
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 9 0 0 41899 43031 43499 44081 44773
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 10 0 0 42461 43594 44156 44736 45338
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 11 0 0 43024 44156 44815 45392 45901
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 12 0 0 43604 44770 45473 46047 46434
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 13 0 0 44202 45404 46127 46716 47115
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 14 0 0 44407 45621 46351 46947 47349
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 15 0 0 44612 45838 46575 47178 47583
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 16 0 0 44818 46055 46800 47408 47816
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 17 0 0 45020 46257 47003 47609 48018
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 18 0 0 45222 46460 47205 47812 48221
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 19 0 0 45856 47131 47897 48524 48943
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 20 0 0 46058 47333 48099 48726 49145
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 21 0 0 46260 47535 48302 48928 49347
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 22 0 0 46914 48225 49016 49659 50091
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 23 0 0 47408 48732 49531 50180 50616
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 24 0 0 47902 49239 50046 50701 51141
ACADIA PARISH 2011-2012 25 0 0 48396 49746 50560 51223 51666


Administrator Elite Member Goat Whisperer
Mar 5, 2001
This is probably why. Holy crap talk about a shitty salary. And only a 1.17% a year raise over 25 years. Less than inflation. start at 39115 then 25 years later only 50560

District School Year Years Exp. 2 Years College 3 Years College Bachelor's Master's Master's +30 Specialist in Ed. Ph.D or Ed.D

Holy shit - you can teach in your state without a Bachelor's degree? A Master's is required in NY.


Diamond Member
Jul 23, 2001
I think one aspect that isn't usually talked about is downtime during the day for teachers versus other professions.

There is little to no sitting down, while in the classroom you are always "on"
There are no extended lunches.
You definitely can't ever come in late.
Most days you have a prep period, but you're probably using this for work and not to check fantasy baseball.

How many other jobs are there where you almost constantly need to be alert/working for the entire day?

As far as the OP's question. Yes teachers do have a right to gripe - we're working overtime and not getting paid for it. If we just worked an 8 hour day your child would likely miss out on graded papers, letters of rec, tutoring, sports, parent e-mails, online grades/updated websites, plays/concerts, iep/504 meetings, parent teacher conferences, phone calls home, etc.

Are the vacations nice? Yep! They are also absolutely necessary - stress accumulates and if teachers/students/administrators didn't have regular breaks the job wouldn't be possible in my opinion.
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Jan 11, 2006
I think one aspect that isn't usually talked about is downtime during the day for teachers versus other professions.

There is little to no sitting down, while in the classroom you are always "on"
There are no extended lunches.
You definitely can't ever come in late.
Most days you have a prep period, but you're probably using this for work and not to check fantasy baseball.

How many other jobs are there where you almost constantly need to be alert/working for the entire day?

Almost anything having to do with kids. My wife is a private pediatric speech therapist and she is "on" all day.



Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
I am a teacher and I can tell you I have never and will never complain about salary or time of the job. First off, I knew fully well what I was getting into before becoming a teacher.

In fact, I think new teachers are very well compensated. The fact that in most school districts, your pay is not much higher the more experience you have does bother me. But new teachers are paid well for being right out of college.

As far as the time thing, I usually get to school about 6:30-6:45(about 45 minutes before school starts to get everything ready). Then leave probably around 3:30 which is an hour after school ends. I do NOT get a lunch break, as I have lunch duty every day which means I eat standing up in the cafeteria monitoring students. So the school day is 7 hours of which I don't get a lunch break so that is 7 required hours, but I am there normally between 8 and 9 hours. I teach for about 5 and a half hours of the day and the last hour and a half is normally filled with meetings. There is maybe 1 day a week where I will actually have that hour and a half to myself which I will use to plan or grade papers if needed.

Usually a few times a week I will have to grade papers for a few hours, and make lesson plans for the following week for another couple of hours.

Overall, it is not bad at all. I used to be in IT before getting certified to teach math and I work 10x harder than I did at any previous job and make less money. But I wouldn't trade it for the world. I actually love what I do now and that is more of a perk than summers off or more pay(at other jobs).

Now, whoever said that teachers who are not coasting after a few years of teaching doesn't know what he is talking about. If you think for a second that teaching any subject doesn't change in 10 years, you are kidding yourself. A lot can stay the same if you don't change grade level at all over 10 years, but even that can change significantly. Every teacher should be trying to improve every single year they teach, not just reteach the same thing the same way each year.

But back to the point of the entire thread. No, teachers should not be complaining about the work they do outside of school. It is part of the job that we all signed up for. I actually enjoy grading because I want to see how each of my students do on tests as it is a reflection of how I am doing as a teacher.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2005
I think one aspect that isn't usually talked about is downtime during the day for teachers versus other professions.

There is little to no sitting down, while in the classroom you are always "on"
There are no extended lunches.
You definitely can't ever come in late.
Most days you have a prep period, but you're probably using this for work and not to check fantasy baseball.

How many other jobs are there where you almost constantly need to be alert/working for the entire day?

Hate to double post, but I just saw this, perfectly stated. The constant on is very important. Not only do you need to be "on", but also energetic even when you didn't get much sleep the night before. The way my schedule works, I have to go about 4 and a half hours before I can use the bathroom every day.


Jun 23, 2005
Women have no reason at all to complain. If anything, they have it too good in those teacher positions living in nice houses and driving nice cars and taking a third of the year off to do nothing. Conservatives realize this, that is why school budgets are being slashed and teacher positions are being eliminated to take some of the disproportionate amount of hardship placed on the privileged taken off with tax cuts instead.

About the only thing they have to complain about is Obama. Under Obama, over 90% of the jobs lost have been jobs held by women.


Sep 12, 2001
A friend of mine complains a lot about it, but it seems every couple of months she has another two weeks off (not to mention the whole summer), so I have a hard time finding sympathy.


Sep 11, 2005
I think a lot of it depends on the subject and grade level. If you're an elementary school teacher and you need to spend an hour coming up with game or activity for your class, then no, you can't really complain IMO.

My mom is a Special Ed teacher and spends a fair amount of time outside of the classroom doing IEPs, filling out paperwork, and thinking of ways to better reach her students. She also loves her job and makes six figures with benefits and has said that she has nothing really to complain about besides the bad kids.

It seems to me that the good teachers love their jobs and accept some extracurricular work, while the less passionate ones have the "my school day is over, I'm through with work" mentality.


Jan 3, 2006
My friends' mom is an elementary school teacher. I hear her a lot saying how much work she has to do once she gets home. Grading papers, making assignments, etc.
But she wouldn't do anything else. I think it totally fulfills her.


Jul 11, 2004
Holy shit - you can teach in your state without a Bachelor's degree? A Master's is required in NY.

Requirements are pretty lax for the areas without good teachers, specifically science and math.

I think you need a BS in a science/engineering field to teach any science course.

I think the requirement to teach math is that you need to have taken one level higher in college than what you are teaching. So if you took calculus 2 in college, then you are qualified to teach calculus 1 at the high school level.


Sep 20, 2007
In Ontario, yes, most definitely. They're the most pampered bunch of whiners around. $70 grand plus a year and a 30 hour work week, plus full benefits, three months vacation, and a $40k/year pension with said benefits are practically slavery you know.

But I digress. I don't know how things are in the States. Probably not as bad as they're made out to be though. I don't have a lot of respect for the teaching "profession". However, that's a long and personal story. Needless to say, I didn't get to where I am today because of them.


Platinum Member
Jan 3, 2010
Nope. Fuck them. I work in IT. I take my work with me in my pocket 24x7x365. I don't want to hear shit from them.


Nov 18, 2007
You're not considering the amount of stress it is to handle so many kids in a single day...

If you have worked in IT, perhaps doing some kind of helpdesk or phone support, look at how many anxious people you've had to talk to in a day. Let's say you average 1 person every 10 minutes. That is 6 an hour. In a 8 hour day, that is 48 people. Look at how miserable the average IT customer service person is.

If you've ever had kids, more than 1, look at how crazy they can be through various stages of growing up. Look at how different each of your kid's personalities, and the mental exhaustion of trying to keep up with it (well unless you have one of those families that was mostly raised by daycare, then its hard to relate).

If you've been to a university in a challenging degree, look at how much work you had to do outside of class. Even if lots of the homework and projects were simple, the actual challenge was the time management of it all. Its a lot to keep track of.


Take all 3 of those, and multiply them all by 3, and have them happen all at the same time.

I do NOT envy teachers.

This, have you met kids? Would not want to deal with 30 of them at once.


Nov 3, 2009
Bolded the important parts. Special ed teachers get extra money. In many districts, band and choir teachers also get extra money because of the class size. Chicago pays more because CoL is higher.

As for the cars, well, I know a few people that would rather spend money on an expensive lease or expensiver car payment than other things. When I was a kid in rural MI, it was always the Corvettes and Camaros in the trailer parks. Most people make enough money that they can make some choices, cut here or there, and get one or two extravagant things.

There's a movie about it called $30k Millionaires.

The jeep? Well, everybody needs a hobby. Fishing is more expensive. Hell. Smoking may be more expensive now.

He's single, I'm betting?

It's also possible that your "IT" job sucks.

hes not special ed, specialty. auto shop. makes his jeep habit much

30k? try 60K.


mostly spot on through, he rents an apt that costs about what my mortgage does, but he has a roommate.

my job sucks no more than most I'd imagine

OK, that's pretty atrocious.

thats more than my wifes district, shes step 4 + ma and will get about 33k this year.

This is probably why. Holy crap talk about a shitty salary. And only a 1.17% a year raise over 25 years. Less than inflation. start at 39115 then 25 years later only 50560

you arent understanding how that works. the contract only lasts for a few years at a time, and probably has a built in pay step up each year of a few percent.

thats what each teacher with that experience makes THAT year

Holy shit - you can teach in your state without a Bachelor's degree? A Master's is required in NY.

thast retarded. my wifes masters in education cost me about 16K. it taughter her pretty much nothing about being a more effective teacher. the job doesnt pay enough to require that kind of extra education.

Illinois has continuing ed requirements but they are pretty easy to fullfill, and I agree with them having to do SOMETHING. I have to learn at work constantly to stay up with tech


Senior member
Feb 16, 2010
Requirements are pretty lax for the areas without good teachers, specifically science and math.

I think you need a BS in a science/engineering field to teach any science course.

I think the requirement to teach math is that you need to have taken one level higher in college than what you are teaching. So if you took calculus 2 in college, then you are qualified to teach calculus 1 at the high school level.

Some states will let you teach if you have passed Praxis II in the subject area but most good districts will not let you teach without a degree in the area. My certifications are Math, Science, History, English and school computer specialist. You don't want me teaching English. I will not teach History but I get "you make Science fun" all the time. Some schools will look at my certificate and expect me to teach one section of each. Not Fun.


Apr 10, 2000
I thought teachers don't get paid over the summer if they're off hence why a lot of them will get separate summer jobs.


Oct 10, 1999
Nope. Fuck them. I work in IT. I take my work with me in my pocket 24x7x365. I don't want to hear shit from them.

I work in IT as well (sys admin), and also take my work with me via my smartphone. I'm oncall frequently, and even when I'm not oncall I still get calls. I'll still take that over dealing with the shit my wife does as a teacher any day of the week. You could double my salary and there's still no way I'd want to put up with the asshole kids, worthless parents, and absurd school board regulations she does day in and day out.


Senior member
Oct 7, 2010
Do you guys realize the stress a teacher is under?

Not only are more kids misbehaving nowadays due to bad parenting, but they are also at times getting outright violent. Any job where you have to deal with such "customers' will be stressful enough, but teaching is far more stressful because even though you want to beat the crap out of the little twerp, at the same time you feel guilty as a teacher if you just standby and watch the twerp mess up his life. Also, the public for some reason views teaching as different from any other job, and places excessive demand on the teachers, demanding that teachers make sacrifices for the kids to the point that the teacher is often expected to shutup and take it up their butt. The public demands that pay be tied with teacher performance, even though there is no objective way to measure teacher performance, and teachers know that standardized tests used to measure those so called performance only lead to mindless zombies for students.

And of course teachers have the right to complain. It is just that our society has become so messed up that working afterhours without extra pay is increasingly becoming the norm.


Senior member
Dec 16, 2004
In Ontario, yes, most definitely. They're the most pampered bunch of whiners around. $70 grand plus a year and a 30 hour work week, plus full benefits, three months vacation, and a $40k/year pension with said benefits are practically slavery you know.

But I digress. I don't know how things are in the States. Probably not as bad as they're made out to be though. I don't have a lot of respect for the teaching "profession". However, that's a long and personal story. Needless to say, I didn't get to where I am today because of them.

My wife is at school everyday at 7:30am and leaves around 6:00pm; we have dinner and then she prepares her next lesson and finishes off with some marking 8:00pm -10:00pm. Those are long hours, including the basketball she coaches twice a week. You're right they do get paid well, but it's deserved IMO.
Apr 17, 2003
I think the bigger issue is with public service employees as a whole...there just aren't any accountability measures. I work with public sector attorneys the time...they tell me how they lost this case or that case...anywhere else, they would've gotten the boot already.
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