Do you believe that Israel is America's friend??

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No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
double standard? perhaps we would have been better off supporting the arabs including wonderful peeps like saddam. the only reason most arab states have any weight at all is their oil. otherwise they wouldn't have been worth bothering with at all.

I say fvck Israel. We give them so much, and what do we get in return? The hatred of the rest of the Middle East mainly because of our association with them. Not to mention all of the financial support that we give them that we will never see returns on. Fvck Isreal, fvck 'em right in the ear.

yes, our life woulda been easier in 1940 if we had tossed the brits aside and buddied with hitler. whether someone hates you doesn't give credence to their position.


Jun 27, 2000
they've hated us for long before the iraq war, or even the first iraq war. they've been hating us for a LOOOOONNG time, so the iraq war is not applicable here.

Walleye -

Once again you have no clue what you are talking about. The antiamericanism has been going on since the 50s, since israel in its current state was created in 1948. It accelerated with the fall of Communism. I don't really see what your point is here. We were an extraordinary weathy nation in the earlier 20th century (WW1 days) and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

And for what it's worth, all foreign aid from this country sits at around 1% of the GDP. If you want to bitch about wasted money, go look at agricultural subsidies.


Dec 1, 2002
Originally posted by: Elemental007
they've hated us for long before the iraq war, or even the first iraq war. they've been hating us for a LOOOOONNG time, so the iraq war is not applicable here.

Walleye -

Once again you have no clue what you are talking about. The antiamericanism has been going on since the 50s, since israel in its current state was created in 1948. It accelerated with the fall of Communism. I don't really see what your point is here. We were an extraordinary weathy nation in the earlier 20th century (WW1 days) and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

And for what it's worth, all foreign aid from this country sits at around 1% of the GDP. If you want to bitch about wasted money, go look at agricultural subsidies.

we were not extroardinarily wealthy prior to WW2, actually.

the spanish american war and ww1 made the US a superpower, but we werent really wealthy till the rest of the industrialized countries were decimated.

wasted money is social security... something like 30% of the government's annual budget goes to social security.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

lol i'd like to see you back that up. anti americanism has always been alive. going frmo love to hate doens't take long.


Jun 27, 2000
Actually, yes we were. We were also isolationlist. We weren't as wealthy as we were today, but everything is relative. But what good is it to argue with you on this?


Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

lol i'd like to see you back that up. anti americanism has always been alive. going frmo love to hate doens't take long.

Read a history book. I'm sick of debating basic issues with people on these forums. We had an isolationist policy thru the 1930s and antiamerianism DID NOT EXIST! We were just any other country, for the most part.

The 40s were characterized by WW2.


Dec 1, 2002
Originally posted by: l3ored
your enemy's enemy is your friend, they kill just as many muslims as "we" do

muslims arent our enemy.

insane people are our enemy. insane people who kill innocent people. they're disgusting... worse than any enemy that has the decency to face you on a battlefield.


Senior member
May 25, 2003
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: l3ored
your enemy's enemy is your friend, they kill just as many muslims as "we" do

muslims arent our enemy.

insane people are our enemy. insane people who kill innocent people. they're disgusting... worse than any enemy that has the decency to face you on a battlefield.

dood, we do kill inocent muslims, thats why the world is pissed at us, not on purpose, but it happens


Dec 1, 2002
Originally posted by: l3ored
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: l3ored
your enemy's enemy is your friend, they kill just as many muslims as "we" do

muslims arent our enemy.

insane people are our enemy. insane people who kill innocent people. they're disgusting... worse than any enemy that has the decency to face you on a battlefield.

dood, we do kill inocent muslims, thats why the world is pissed at us, not on purpose, but it happens

that's not why the world is pissed at us...

that's part of why the world is pissed at us... but it's impossible to reason world hatred down to a single, or even a few large reasons. people just hate americans, it's really that simple (complex)


oh, now i see what you were saying.

and they kill innocents of us. far more than we kill of them. people die... it's really tragic, sad, whatever. but people get killed when any army goes anywhere.


Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: l3ored
your enemy's enemy is your friend, they kill just as many muslims as "we" do

muslims arent our enemy.

insane people are our enemy. insane people who kill innocent people. they're disgusting... worse than any enemy that has the decency to face you on a battlefield.

Your ignorance is astounding. So, in your eyes:

1. Israel kills no civilians, of course.
2. The solution to the middle east is so simple, just destroy the palestinians
3. Everwhere else in the wrong is WRONG, europe is WRONG, the UN is WRONG, all blatently WRONG, and israel is RIGHT



Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Wrong Forum.
Here's a little tip for ya. No country is any other country's "friend". Every country looks out for itself and no one else. When it's in the best interest of a country to have good relations with another, then they are friendly. Works both ways.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Elemental007
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

lol i'd like to see you back that up. anti americanism has always been alive. going frmo love to hate doens't take long.

Read a history book. I'm sick of debating basic issues with people on these forums. We had an isolationist policy thru the 1930s and antiamerianism DID NOT EXIST! We were just any other country, for the most part.

The 40s were characterized by WW2.

you talk of ignorance but don't point out that the palestinians were not actually under israeli occupation until 1967?


Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Elemental007
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

lol i'd like to see you back that up. anti americanism has always been alive. going frmo love to hate doens't take long.

Read a history book. I'm sick of debating basic issues with people on these forums. We had an isolationist policy thru the 1930s and antiamerianism DID NOT EXIST! We were just any other country, for the most part.

The 40s were characterized by WW2.

you talk of ignorance but don't point out that the palestinians were actually under israeli occupation until 1967?

I'm going to go eat dinner, but I'm going to counterpoint that when I get back.


Dec 1, 2002
Originally posted by: Elemental007
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: l3ored
your enemy's enemy is your friend, they kill just as many muslims as "we" do

muslims arent our enemy.

insane people are our enemy. insane people who kill innocent people. they're disgusting... worse than any enemy that has the decency to face you on a battlefield.

Your ignorance is astounding. So, in your eyes:

1. Israel kills no civilians, of course.
2. The solution to the middle east is so simple, just destroy the palestinians
3. Everwhere else in the wrong is WRONG, europe is WRONG, the UN is WRONG, all blatently WRONG, and israel is RIGHT


the latest UN mandate is what we're following in israel.

europe cant be defined by calling them europe, you dumbass. they're not a single country, or a single entity, like the UN, or america. alot of europe kisses america's ass, and rides our coattails. i never said isreal kills no civilians, but they try not to. noone wants to kill innocent people... except for terrorists who set out to do just that. i have no interest in killing all the palestinians, either. the problem is, no outside effort will ever result in peace for anyone, and us not helping will result in far more deaths. at some point, leaders just get sick of their people getting killed, take a more heavy handed approach.

oh, and since we own the UN, the UN security council mandates that created are ALWAYS in our best interests. (they wouldnt get passed if we declined, since we have veto power and trade power over all the other countries to get things we want passed).



Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Walleye
oh, and mods, can we get this moved to P&N?

i had to leave to get clothes for christmas...but to address a few things walleye said


since when is egypt democratic? oh wait, it's not - they just agree to support israel and we aid them as well...hmmm

egypt isnt democratic, dumbass. they dont support isreal one bit, and we dont aid them much either. we aid everyone in the fvcking region regardless. egypt is the country that spearheaded the invasion of isreal after the creation of isreal in... 1948 or 1949, not sure. it was also one of the primary targets of isreal's preventative first strike in the 6 days war.

your reading comprehension skills correlate w/ your idiocy. I never said Egypt was democratic. quite the contrary. but they still get foreign aid up the a$$ + our support.
you're a dumbass


lol...yea...people hate us cause they're jealous of us and disney movies are based on true stories. We do absolutely nothing to provoke their hate *cough* iraq war * cough* far you're the dumbass.

they've hated us for long before the iraq war, or even the first iraq war. they've been hating us for a LOOOOONNG time, so the iraq war is not applicable here.

oh yeah, so they're allowed to judge us by disney movies, eh? it's your asses who go and watch stupid sh1t shows like friends and crap, and their asses who believe them to be accurate portrayals of american lives. how but you shut your dumb ass? the ignorance is just pouring now...

see i already know you're a fool. so i try to stick to recent events as you wouldnt' really know anything about 'history' k?

i didn't say they judge us by disney movies...i merely suggested that you see the world as one big disney movie. like i said....take some sort of reading comprehension class, you're really a dumbass. the whole idea of people terrorizing us over jealousy is ridiculous and childish. grow up and think for yourself (although i doubt you doing any thinking would contribute to anything positive).


yeah apparently their intelligence is great than ours. there are several reports which support the mossad's knowledge of 9-11 yet they never warned us about it....great friends, eh? i bet 9-11 excited israelis just as much as it did the arabs. they now had even the hicks support to destroy the mideast.

are you stupid or something? oh, of course you are. you've proved that many times by now. guess what, OUR OWN CIA had intelligence that something was going to happen on September 11th, 2001. guess what!?! they also had intelligence that something would be happening on september 10th, and 9th, and every day before and since. do you realize how MANY terrorist threats we recieve?!?! are you that stupid as to think we can seriously respond to each and every one? guess what, 1 got through our nets! dumbass...

wow... it's funny how the cia's intelligence has been proven to be sh!tty a number of times...yet we stilll gave them the benefit of the doubt for the iraq war and saddam's 'wmd'. and isnt' that convenient...just call orange alert every day so if we get bombed, the pres. could act like we knew about it but didn't have the resources to prevent it..."let's bomb iraq instead tho! we'll show those dirty arabs who they're fvcking with!" anyway..mossad KNEW about the specific event (according to some reports) and didn't do anything to prevent it. see, there's a difference between realizign there are people who hate us and woudl love toshed harm on us any day, rather than KNOWING of a SPECIFIC event that would take place - to the extent that you're sitting there on top of a van, waiting for it to happen? get it mullet boy?


they supply us with weapons? i think we are capable of creating weapons of our own. Arab countries supply us with oil...but oh...we can easily just steal that because we are powerful...and oh..they shouldn't mind... we have a right to steal their oil because we're powerful...and they're only jealous...and i'm a dumbass sheltered from reality....hey why don't you stfu already k?

our buying their weapons was a joke, but it's clear you're too stupid to figure that one out. god you're dumb. no, we dont steal their oil. jesus.. what are you, 15? you dont even have a clue how politics works. go back home and cry to your mommy.

loool you'd be surprised at the number of 15 year olds i k now that know more politics than you, your mom, and your cowboy dad combined, got it? yea...anyway funny joke, i'm still tickling myself.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: Elemental007
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: l3ored
your enemy's enemy is your friend, they kill just as many muslims as "we" do

muslims arent our enemy.

insane people are our enemy. insane people who kill innocent people. they're disgusting... worse than any enemy that has the decency to face you on a battlefield.

Your ignorance is astounding. So, in your eyes:

1. Israel kills no civilians, of course.
2. The solution to the middle east is so simple, just destroy the palestinians
3. Everwhere else in the wrong is WRONG, europe is WRONG, the UN is WRONG, all blatently WRONG, and israel is RIGHT


the latest UN mandate is what we're following in israel.

europe cant be defined by calling them europe, you dumbass. they're not a single country, or a single entity, like the UN, or america. alot of europe kisses america's ass, and rides our coattails. i never said isreal kills no civilians, but they try not to. noone wants to kill innocent people... except for terrorists who set out to do just that. i have no interest in killing all the palestinians, either. the problem is, no outside effort will ever result in peace for anyone, and us not helping will result in far more deaths. at some point, leaders just get sick of their people getting killed, take a more heavy handed approach.

oh, and since we own the UN, the UN security council mandates that created are ALWAYS in our best interests. (they wouldnt get passed if we declined, since we have veto power and trade power over all the other countries to get things we want passed).

and we all know terrorists are only arabs. white people and israelis are not terrorists. you know what , you're right. you win. i'm sorry....for wasting my time with you.



Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
Does Israel receive U.S. aid?
Yes. It is the number-one recipient of American foreign aid, receiving some $2.1 billion in military financing and $600 million in economic aid per year. (The number-two recipient is Egypt, which annually gets $1.3 billion in military financing and $615 million in economic aid, an arrangement that began in the late 1970s as a reward for Egypt?s becoming the first Arab state to make peace with Israel.)


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Elemental007
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
Originally posted by: Elemental007
Originally posted by: 0roo0roo
and there was no real antiamericanism anywhere. Israel is directly linked to the rise of antiamericanism and nothing else.

lol i'd like to see you back that up. anti americanism has always been alive. going frmo love to hate doens't take long.

Read a history book. I'm sick of debating basic issues with people on these forums. We had an isolationist policy thru the 1930s and antiamerianism DID NOT EXIST! We were just any other country, for the most part.

The 40s were characterized by WW2.

you talk of ignorance but don't point out that the palestinians were actually under israeli occupation until 1967?

I'm going to go eat dinner, but I'm going to counterpoint that when I get back.

remember the italians sang Tu Vuo' Fa L'Americano after the war. and not soon after during the cold war they decided we were arrogant imperialists

and remember, the vietnam war happened before the israelis occupied palestine which was after the arab war. and during the vietnam war, anti americanism in europe spiked

remember, europe didn't have lasting democracy until recently, and for most of our history they thought we were a quaint experiement doomed to fail.

make sure to mention how anti-Americanism began in the 18th century from the musings of such eggheads as the aptly named Count de Buffon, the leading biologist of his day and, I presume, a Frenchman.

According to Buffon and his associates, America was a dank continent where all life degenerated owing to the climate, particularly its humidity.

do you really think the french farmer vandalizing a mcdonalds is thinking of palestine? lol.

europe has funneled 3.5billion euro to palestine since 1994. has that stopped terrorism?

We then traveled to France -- the cradle of anti-Americanism. Disdain and disapproval of the United States has a long history here -- it goes back to the Enlightenment when French science decreed that nature in the New World was second class, damp and degenerate. Those scientists went so far as to believe that the U.S. habitat led to impotence and therefore humanity would not survive in the American climate.

The poet Baudelaire coined the expression Americanization and he did not mean it as a compliment. Stendhal sniffed that Americans were concerned only with the smell of money, and, in the fifties, that American import the refrigerator was denounced as a plot to destroy French domestic comfort.

Generation after generation of French intellectuals added their contribution to what has become a national conviction that America poses a danger to everything the French hold dear.

This body of intellectual anti-Americanism is in total contradiction to the visible Americanization of Paris -- perhaps nowhere else in Europe are there as many U.S. fast food and clothing outlets. No one was able to help us solve this enigma.

more fun on anti americanism

Americans are advised by many abroad (and by some at home): "Ask yourselves why you are so hated." It might be worth remembering that similar questions were put to Jews in the 1930s. And to recall that, as Victor Klemperer recorded in his diaries of the war years in Dresden, some Jews internalized the worldview of their enemies and persuaded themselves that such violent hatred must, indeed, have had a rational source in their own behavior.

The truth is, on the European Continent there is little experience of working democracy. Italy and Germany have had democracy only since the late 1940s; Spain, since the 1960s. France is not a democracy; it is a republic run by bureaucratic and party elites, whose errors are dealt with by strikes, street riots and blockades instead of by votes. Elements of the French system are being imposed throughout the EU, even in countries such as Denmark and Sweden that have long practiced democracy with success. In a French-style pseudodemocracy, intellectuals have considerable influence, at both government and street levels. In a true democracy, intellectuals are no more powerful than their arguments.

The view is that sophisticated, civilized Europe has nothing to learn from "adolescent" America. What these Euro-elites particularly abhor is the way in which the framers of the Constitution made every effort to involve the population through the process of public debates, town meetings and ratification votes--and this at a time when Europe was still governed (for the most part) by the absolute sovereigns of the ancien régime.

This cultural racism is particularly directed at the supposedly "know-nothing" President George W. Bush and his "gung ho" Texas background. The European intelligentsia gets its notion of America chiefly from Hollywood, TV soaps like Dallas and fiction. Few of them have any experience of America, outside of three or four big cities. Middle America is unexplored territory. The fact that the U.S. has proved a highly efficient crucible for melding different peoples into a human sum greater than its constituent parts is seen as a misfortune in Europe because it produces a cultural stew that lacks purity of any kind and is therefore at the mercy of commercial forces.

? Third, European elites tend to look at Americans as a subcivilized mass, whose function is to be obedient consumers in a system run by big business. The role of competition in U.S. economic life--and in every other aspect of life--is ignored, because competition is something Continental Europeans like to keep to a minimum and under careful control.


Jun 27, 2000
Originally posted by: Walleye

the latest UN mandate is what we're following in israel.

europe cant be defined by calling them europe, you dumbass. they're not a single country, or a single entity, like the UN, or america. alot of europe kisses america's ass, and rides our coattails. i never said isreal kills no civilians, but they try not to. noone wants to kill innocent people... except for terrorists who set out to do just that. i have no interest in killing all the palestinians, either. the problem is, no outside effort will ever result in peace for anyone, and us not helping will result in far more deaths. at some point, leaders just get sick of their people getting killed, take a more heavy handed approach.

oh, and since we own the UN, the UN security council mandates that created are ALWAYS in our best interests. (they wouldnt get passed if we declined, since we have veto power and trade power over all the other countries to get things we want passed).

GOD you are so STUPID. You go around calling everyone a dumbass yet it radiates from you like stench from a dog turd.
(the majority of) Europe IS a single entity, and read this:

EU Poll Finds Israel Greatest Threat to World Peace

You completely and 100% missed the whole point of my post. You completely missed it. I don't even know what to say. Just wow.....just....WOW....

You have made me lose all faith in the california education system.


Golden Member
Jan 12, 2001
btw...your essay sucked.. palestinians don't even get labeled palestinians - instead you illustrate it as a Israeli vs. Terrorism conflict.. U SUK AT TEH RITENG SKIlZ!

edit: at least you could get a job at fox news or the new republic?!!


Platinum Member
Mar 4, 2000
Originally posted by: Walleye
Originally posted by: Argo
I'm sick of the billion+ in aid we provide Isreal every year. There's no excuse for it.

I believe it's 2.4 billion per year.

we provide everywhere billions in aid. and beleive me, it's a lot more than 2.4 billion to isreal.

and there is a lot of reasons for it.


You would have a little bit more credibility if you demonstrated a vocabulary thats not so primitive as to resort to profanity.


No Lifer
Sep 21, 2002
we provide aid to egypt for one, one of the aggressors in the arab wars against israel.

don't even try to pretend the un is a moral authority, it is a political forum. the resolutions, hearings whatever against israel are brought by countries far dirtier then israel and which get a free pass on all their transgressions, its hipocrisy in action.

Believe it or not, Israel is the only one of the 185 member countries ineligible to serve on the United Nations Security Council, the key deliberative group of the world body. Even Iraq is eligible. So is Iran. And so, too, are Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.

Why is it that these seven nations, all cited by the U.S. State Department as sponsors of terrorism, are eligible to serve rotating terms on the Security Council, yet Israel, a democratic nation and member of the UN since May 11, 1949, is not?

To be eligible for election, a country must belong to a regional group. Every UN member state?from the smallest to the largest?is included in one of the five regional groups. By geography, Israel should be part of the Asian bloc but such countries as Iraq and Saudi Arabia have prevented its entry for decades.

As a temporary measure, Israel has sought acceptance in the West European and Others Group (WEOG), which includes not only the democracies of Western Europe but also Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Turkey and the United States.

Here, too, despite the support of several countries, including the U.S., Israel still has not been admitted.

Thus, without membership in a regional group, Israel can never be elected to serve a term on the Security Council or, for that matter, to the other most important bodies of the UN system, such as the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the World Court, UNICEF and the Commission on Human Rights.

The Charter of the United Nations proclaims "the equal rights...of nations large and small." But only Israel, among all the UN members, is denied the right to belong to any regional group.

Emergency Special Sessions of the United Nations General Assembly are rare. No such session has ever been convened with respect to the Chinese occupation of Tibet, the Indonesian occupation of East Timor, the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the slaughters in Rwanda, the disappearances in Zaire or the horrors of Bosnia. In fact, during the last 15 years they have been called only to condemn Israel.

Whereas Arab states have traditionally used UN fora to demonize and isolate Israel (for example, they routinely attempt to deny Israel its credentials), they now believe they enjoy "Western" support which emboldens them

The intense hostility that Israel faces in the UN and the anti-Semitic reverberations are illustrated by two events that occurred at the Commission on Human Rights in 1991 and 1997. During the 1991 session, the Syrian Ambassador repeated the Damascus Blood Libel that Jews killed Christian children to use their blood to make Matzoth. The Western democracies could not be stirred to challenge this age-old anti-Semitic libel (which the Ottoman Sultan as the ruler of Syria, denounced when it surfaced in the 1840s). It took intense US pressure to procure a challenge to this libel in the record, and then only months after the Syrian representative emphasized to the Commission, "it's true, it's true, it's true."

On 11 March 1997, the Palestinian representative charged, in a chamber packed with 500 people including the representatives of 53 states and hundreds of non-governmental organizations, that the Israeli Government had injected 300 Palestinian children with the HIV virus. Despite the repeated interventions of the Governments of Israel and the US, and UN Watch, this modern Blood Libel stands unchallenged and unrefuted on the UN record. No appropriate action by any UN body or official has been taken to date.

The Chairman of the Commission on Human Rights, a Czech, agreed to place on the record his letter to the Ambassador of Israel, sharing his "concern as to the charge made" against Israel -- "an allegation made without evidence, on the basis of a newspaper article ... proved completely false." The Chairman reneged on his agreement after he was called to task by a delegation of Arab Ambassadors and received no support from other regional groups -- including Western Europe.

Blood Libels are vicious and persistent carriers of anti-Semitism. The "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" were but a fiction of the Czarist police in the 1890s. Yet they are a well of anti-Semitic pollution -- published today in thousands of copies world-wide. The Damascus Blood Libel was raised 150 years later in the Commission on Human Rights. The latest PLO Blood Libel bears the imprimatur of the UN record and has yet to be removed by consolidated action of the Commission or by any UN agency or official on the public record. (Nor was there any rebuke in 1992 to a UN document circulated in the Commission by the PLO observer, which stated that Israelis "celebrating ...Yom Kippur, are never fully happy even on religious occasions unless their celebrations, as usual, are marked by Palestinian blood.")

The treatment of Israel in the UN is often dismissed as realpolitik -- the power of Arab numbers -- and recently, as a reaction to Israel's Likud government and Prime Minister Netanyahu. Yet even during the hopeful days of the Rabin/Peres peace negotiations there were the usual anti-Israel resolutions passed each year in the UN General Assembly and 5 in the Commission on Human Rights.

Since the Oslo accords, 259 Israelis have been killed and 5000 injured by Palestinian terror attacks. During the same period, 34 resolutions deploring Israel were passed at the UN, but not one against the terror attacks. The unique treatment of Israel cannot be explained on purely political grounds. Though anti-Semitic canards can go unchallenged in the UN, the mere reference in the 1997 Commission on Human Rights to an allegedly blasphemous reference to Islam, by a UN expert and from an academic source, brought a rebuff by consensus by the Chair, and the deletion of the offending sentence.

The viciousness with which Israel is attacked, and the reluctance of even democratic states to defend Israel or to accord it the same latitude for mistakes and wrongs that it freely and reciprocally accords other states, has a special quality and origin.

There is ample justification for the conclusion of Professor Anne Bayefsky of York University, Canada, writing of the UN Human Rights system: "It is the tool of those who would make Israel the archetypal human rights violator in the world today. It is a breeding ground for anti-Semitism. It is a sanctuary for moral relativists. In short, it is a scandal."
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