Do you belive that Dinosaurs once existed?

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Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: VFAA
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Originally posted by: VFAA
People, let's take one important thing into consideration. Back than, people only knew of Europe and Middle East. When the flood occured (and it did happen whether it was God or science doing it) known lands were affected by it. Therefore, people assumed it was the "world flood" since they didn't explore our planet yet. They believe the whole world was only where they lived.


What time frame are you speaking of?

lol what time frame do you think? It's all black on white... Just have to pay attention to it .

What I'm curious about is the timeframe in which that flood occurred. If it was only about... four thousand years ago or so, most of the civilizations in the world we know had begun to take shape. China and Egypt were both beginning to flourish, Rome would come about in another millennia or so. To say that "people only knew of Europe and the Middle East" is ignorant and quite foolish.

Just my opinion, though.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Originally posted by: VFAA
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Originally posted by: VFAA
People, let's take one important thing into consideration. Back than, people only knew of Europe and Middle East. When the flood occured (and it did happen whether it was God or science doing it) known lands were affected by it. Therefore, people assumed it was the "world flood" since they didn't explore our planet yet. They believe the whole world was only where they lived.


What time frame are you speaking of?

lol what time frame do you think? It's all black on white... Just have to pay attention to it .

What I'm curious about is the timeframe in which that flood occurred. If it was only about... four thousand years ago or so, most of the civilizations in the world we know had begun to take shape. China and Egypt were both beginning to flourish, Rome would come about in another millennia or so. To say that "people only knew of Europe and the Middle East" is ignorant and quite foolish.

Just my opinion, though.

Ignorant and foolish, how's that? How should I refer to Europe and Middle East than, while speaking about them 4,000 years ago?
We're concentrating on Middle East here mainly. NOT the entire world. Yes, many civilizations started to form but people we're talking about didn't know it. They just didn't explore the unknown land to them yet. They were ignorant and only thought about themselves mostly. That's how Jesus Christ died.
That's how life is...


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: VFAA

Ignorant and foolish, how's that? How should I refer to Europe and Middle East than, while speaking about them 4,000 years ago?
We're concentrating on Middle East here mainly. NOT the entire world. Yes, many civilizations started to form but people we're talking about didn't know it. People back than were highly ignorant and only thought about themselves mostly. That's how Jesus Christ died.
That's how life is...

As if any of our societies today are any better.

Jesus Christ died in a backwater Roman province because he challenged the ruling religious order. In colonial America, he would have been burned as a witch.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
Jesus Christ died in a backwater Roman province because he challenged the ruling religious order.
Hey, that's one theory. There are hundreds of why he died. Wanna know the one priests talk about often at a Sunday mass?

- He died for us, sinners.

Though it's written that he had visions as a child where he would be crucified.


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: VFAA
Jesus Christ died in a backwater Roman province because he challenged the ruling religious order.
Hey, that's one theory. There are hundreds of why he died. Wanna know the one priests talk about often at a Sunday mass?

- He died for us, sinners.

Though it's written that he had visions as a child where he would be crucified.

I'm sure people would rather he die a martyr's death than a mere political one. Life is more interesting, it has more meaning, if it's for some higher purpose.

I'm glad to know that Jesus died for everyone. I'm sure the Native Americans that were killed by the thousands found peace. I'm sure my brother found peace as he died, his intestines dying and failing inside him. I'm sure Jesus died for the billions of people that didn't have the fortune to live in an isolated Roman province at the time.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Zakath15
Originally posted by: VFAA
Jesus Christ died in a backwater Roman province because he challenged the ruling religious order.
Hey, that's one theory. There are hundreds of why he died. Wanna know the one priests talk about often at a Sunday mass?

- He died for us, sinners.

Though it's written that he had visions as a child where he would be crucified.

I'm sure people would rather he die a martyr's death than a mere political one. Life is more interesting, it has more meaning, if it's for some higher purpose.

I'm glad to know that Jesus died for everyone. I'm sure the Native Americans that were killed by the thousands found peace. I'm sure my brother found peace as he died, his intestines dying and failing inside him. I'm sure Jesus died for the billions of people that didn't have the fortune to live in an isolated Roman province at the time.

Hey, relax man. It's just a forum where we compare our differences. Don't take everything personally.
Anyway, it's getting late.. I mean early and I'm yet to go to sleep so off I gggoooooooo.......:::::::::zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Dec 26, 2001
Originally posted by: VFAA

Hey, relax man. It's just a forum where we compare our differences. Don't take everything personally.
Anyway, it's getting late.. I mean early and I'm yet to go to sleep so off I gggoooooooo.......:::::::::zzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

This is why I don't debate religion too often. Too easy for me to come off as angry.

I'm off to bed anyway, yay for carpet shopping.


Jan 10, 2002
Hopefully in the future we will be asking

"Do you believe there were once humans who believed something lived in the sky and was invisible but that it could hear and see everything that we did and thought"
"Legend has it that they would always be killing each other and say that their God told them to kill the infidels" "And they would always be arguing about whose God was better or more powerful or would kill people who didn't think like they did"

Too bad that future date wasn't now


Jul 16, 2001
god is just pretend..and yes the dino's were here and some still are.


Golden Member
Jun 3, 2001
Originally posted by: IGBT
god is just pretend..and yes the dino's were here and some still are.

That's your own opinion .

Ok, now I'm off to bed, g'night all!


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
The bible was planted by "Satan" to fool the gullible. How else do you explain so many holes? The bible is not perfect therefore could not of come from God.

Therefore, it is my conclusion that the dinosaurs wrote the bible cover up their existense.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
Originally posted by: her209
The bible was planted by "Satan" to fool the gullible. How else do you explain so many holes? The bible is not perfect therefore could not of come from God.

Therefore, it is my conclusion that the dinosaurs wrote the bible cover up their existense.

I think you maybe on to something here



Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: chiwawa626
Ok so i dont have his original post but to sum it up he said: Dinosours are fake, god created man, darwin is bs, evolution is bs, jesus is the way to heaven.

I replyed:
uh i guess i am dammed
So you dont belive one word of evolution, you think darwin spent his life making up stuff? You know they do teach evolution in school rather then "each kind produced after its kind"...Well i can tell you if you dont accept jesus or a certain form of god, it really dosent matter.

he replys:
Darwin is a complete idiot who is more than likely if God didn't get to him is burning in a roaring flaming burning hell as I speak to you. As far as it being taught in school I am glad they are teaching a false theory instead of the Bible. I would not want people who don't believe in God teaching my children something they know nothing about. Leave Gods book to His preachers. In 1948 they kicked out the Bible from schools and in 1963 prayer was kicked out. When Gods Holy Word is not welcome and Gods praying people are not welcome Christians are not welcome. I will tell you this one thing Jesus said "I am the way..." Notice He didn't say He was a way. But Jesus said I am the only way to heaven. If you miss the Lord Jesus Christ you will have missed it all and it would have been better had you not been born. Yes, the whole world can be wrong and is wrong. When God sent the flood He drowned everyone living on planet earth and only 8 escaped. Gods Word states "Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord." If you get Born again the only way you get their is/For by Grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is a gift of God." Just like you had nothing to do with your first birth you wont have nothing to do with your second birth. You didn't decide to be born from your mothers womb the first time neither can you decide to be born again. It takes the divine work of the Holy Ghost and He will point you to God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ marching up Golgathas hill in bloody sandals with a crown of thorns smashed into His skull with an old rugged cross scraping His shoulders. The sinless Lamb of God bleeding and dying for the sins of the whole world. Through the ear of faith after He has given up the Ghost and died they take Him off the cross and bury Him in a borrowed tomb and on the third morning He gets up and He proclaims "I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore." If you ever are gonna get into Gods heaven this is the only way. I have spoke the truth to you it is my prayer God Almighty Will draw you through His Word. You have no faith of your own but the Bible says Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. I have preached you the Word of God out of that Old King James 1611 Bible Gods Holy Inerrant infallible alive Word of the Creator Almighty God the Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless you. signed Forrest

I reply:
Where did all the bones come from? how do u know ur rite? how do u know the bible is true? how do u know there is an afterlife?

he replys:
Ill tell you how I can be sure the Bible is true. I was a satanist and I stole a Holy King James Bible to use in a satanic ritual. What happened next astonished me and shocked me as I opened up that Bible and began to read it the Holy Ghost of God began to deal with my wicked heart. For the first time I knew I was a lost sinner on my road to hell. I came to the place in that Holy Bible that states "What saith it the word is nigh thee even in thy heart and in thy mouth that is the word of faith which we preach that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus and shalt belive in thine heart that God hath raised Him for m the dead thou shalt be saved." I humbled myself in the presence of the Creator the Lord Jesus Christ and I begged Him to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and save me. He planted that faith into my heart to beleive His Word. that is how I know beyond a shadow of a doubt. I am a witness. I have just witnessed to you what Almighty God done in my life. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen. I through the eyes of faith seen God in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ marching up Golgathas hill walkning in bloody sandals with a crown of thorns smashed into His skull, with an old rugged cross scraping His shoulders beat beyond recognition. The sinless perfect Lamb of God cruicified for my sins and your. They took Him down and buried in Him in a borrowed tomb and 3 days later He Ressurected out of that grave na dproclaimed "I am He that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive forevermore." That happiness that I had searched for all my life that I couldnt find in drugs, alcohol, money sucess nothing would or could fill that void but o when Christ came into my heart all that I longed for was filled. I have found a friend that will be their in the midst of storms. He will be their when the world is on fire amen praise His Name. Jesus came into this world to save sinners. Christ cam to seek and to save the lost. If you find yourself helplessly hoplesley lost with the convicting power of the Holy Spirit nudgeing you you can be saved amen.

I reply:
Where did the bones come from lol?

no reply back yet ...

What does the fossil record and evolution have to do with Jesus and going to heaven?



Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: CZroe
Don't you people know what the words "Leviathon" and "Behemoth" refer to? Christians, Jews, and all believers of the Old Testament posting here I'm ashamed of you. Not knowing enough about your own faith to remember two simple words that are engrained in everyday speach! You hear them in TELEVISION commercials for crying out loud! Do a search. Not only does the Bible describe Dinosaurs, but it describes EXACTLY how they were preserved... THE FLOOD. THAT is why there is a tree growing straight up through "billions" of years of (Sedementary!) layers. THAT is what explains the earth's recorded "mass extinctions" with no record of evolutionary "links." Evolution is full of holes and Creation's only hole is that you can not explain it.

This business of a "tree growing straight up billions of years" is news to me. Can you please provide a link to where I can read more about it?




Platinum Member
Apr 13, 2001
just wondering where the stuff came from that made the big bang theory happen. I agree that the planets started with some sort of process like the big bang, but where did the universe come from? Thats the true question.

And what is the blackness we see at night? Why isn't it red?

I know there are several theories but none can be substantiated.



Dec 26, 2000
Their is no telling what them fruitcake scientists have done with elephant bones and rhinosaurus bones

ROFLMAO!! That's rich.

I like how he spelled it 'rhinosaurus' and not the correct way. Hmmm.

Anyway , yes I do believe dinosaurs existed.


Oct 17, 1999
Originally posted by: snooker
just wondering where the stuff came from that made the big bang theory happen. I agree that the planets started with some sort of process like the big bang, but where did the universe come from? Thats the true question.

And what is the blackness we see at night? Why isn't it red?

I know there are several theories but none can be substantiated.

Humans can't see the infrared part of the light spectrum.


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 1999
Dinosaurs didn't exist. The bones we saw today were made by God for some freakin' reasons.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2001
not only did dinosuars exist but try getting a plumber on a saturday

(Wierd version of a woody allen quote)

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
People, let's take one important thing into consideration. Back than, people only knew of Europe and Middle East
Ahahahaha..try to convince the Asians of that


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Dinasours are make-believe... just like elves, gremlins and Eskimos.

Kinda like Canadians, ya know?


Aug 15, 2000
Originally posted by: djheater
Originally posted by: CZroe

That must be the single STUPIDEST post I've ever seen on Anandtech!

Stick around.... you ain't seen nothin yet... the post you referred to doesn't even scratch the surface... (and it was a joke.... dork.)

Lol im glad i posted it

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