Do you guys smoke weed?

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Jan 3, 2001
I waited until I was 18 and done with high school before I started smoking pot.

The main thing i'd be concerned about at 16 is the people who he has to go to in order to buy the stuff. Most high school drug dealers also have connections to other drugs and have no problems trying to push adderall and similar things.

I've found that now at almost 23 years old it's a lot easier to find a late 20's or mid 30s dealer who ONLY sells pot. These are the guys I like to buy from, they also give you the best deals.

It's a "thing" at high schools now. There's no dealers per se- people just have it. Everyone on his football team is doing it so I think we just wants to fit in. I talk to other parents in the area and they have similar issues.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
It's a "thing" at high schools now. There's no dealers per se- people just have it. Everyone on his football team is doing it so I think we just wants to fit in. I talk to other parents in the area and they have similar issues.

What do you mean now? Try at least Las fifty years.


Jun 3, 2011
i smoked weed between the ages of 18 and 23; i stopped weed entirely by 28, kept doing drugs on and off until about 30.

i feel that drugs have helped me become a better person; i find their effect both therapeutic and enlightening .. although i also believe this might not be experienced by every user.
my drug list is: weed/hash, cocaine, mushrooms/LSD (don't like, rarely did it), extasy.

first off, i think it's vital to experience drugs as a pleasurable substance because we, as a species, use them profusely - not just stoners, drugs have been used by every civilization to have ever existed.
pretty much every person we hold dear, every artist, every creator, has used drugs and they often are part of the inspiration behind the work. using them allows us to understand that part of society.

second, i truly believe that drugs show you how your mind works, aspects of yourself you are otherwise incapable of perceiving. i'm not a fan of getting all spiritual but essentially, that + science.

i do believe that drugs do harm mostly through being subjugated by a black market, through having no education associated, ignorance, bad quality, and crime.

(consider that for a long period of time in europe, you could go to the shops and buy anything, coke, heroin, opium .. you'd think we would have a worse social situation, but we didn't)

i also believe that drugs, like anything else which is powerful, can cause big problems unless there is a social safety net; that you should know better (learning through your peers) than to take drugs in some situations, be they when you are required to be not-on-drugs, or when you are in some states of mind, or simply to learn if you are a person who should not take so and so drugs.

i have what is called an addictive mentality; i like things i like and i like to have them always. (not just drugs)

however, i have never had a problem with addiction - call me lucky? maybe it's due to my being in touch with my feelings, which leads to me know when to not take the drug. maybe it's because i was moderate, because i always completed the come-down cycle, because i did not associate drugs with psychological need, or another long list of "things which are no-nos when it comes to drugs".

i've seen people get messed up with drugs, people who could not handle themselves, people who got mad cravings, people who behave like idiots as soon as anything goes inside them.

that's it. this is my little speech. there is no conclusion. you decide.


Oct 2, 2010
It's a "thing" at high schools now. There's no dealers per se- people just have it. Everyone on his football team is doing it so I think we just wants to fit in. I talk to other parents in the area and they have similar issues.

It never wasn't a thing, it's been a "thing" for decades. But I know high school drug dealers, they are for sure pushing adderall if nothing else, and probably meth since it's generally cheaper to get (depending on locale), wouldn't be surprised if there is some 25i-NBOMe or similar LSD-like substances (but nowhere near as safe nor as good trip as real LSD) since real LSD is a bit harder to find for that age group unless you're in NYC or similar large city.

But yeah, if you think highschool kids are JUST pushing pot, i'd say 3/4 times they're also pushing something else.
May 11, 2008
It never wasn't a thing, it's been a "thing" for decades. But I know high school drug dealers, they are for sure pushing adderall if nothing else, and probably meth since it's generally cheaper to get (depending on locale), wouldn't be surprised if there is some 25i-NBOMe or similar LSD-like substances (but nowhere near as safe nor as good trip as real LSD) since real LSD is a bit harder to find for that age group unless you're in NYC or similar large city.

But yeah, if you think highschool kids are JUST pushing pot, i'd say 3/4 times they're also pushing something else.

Here in the Netherlands too. Cocaine in combination with alcohol is all the rage for some time. And ecstasy. Although weed is popular too.
May 11, 2008
I used to smoke marijuana and hasj (Hasjiesj) a few years ago (+10 years ago) but i stopped because i felt it hold me back. Instead of doing useful stuff i would be sitting stoned gaming and listening to music all evening. I would forget the outside world and just be in my head only, away from the physical realm.
I gave it up. After that i had a period of alcohol and stronger stuff, but i gave that up too. Now it is just alcohol occasionally. But i prefer now to stay sober with some incidents here and there of becoming intoxicated. For some reason, i cannot stand the smell of weed anymore. Makes me nauseated and gives me a headache, a pressure feeling in my head.
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Jan 2, 2000
No. Did a few times in my younger days, then I grew up.

It's a complete waste of money and time.


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
not after waking up, at least a little bit...

on weed you may perceive ...."WOAH SOME PROFOUND INSIGHT",
(e.g.;the style iof that car body says a lot about the mindset of the guy driving it, or whatever...)

and then you see how saints with TRUE spiritual insight which was derived from years and years of deepest true spiritual meditation and prayer have openly stated:

the "insights" of hemp smokers are pure delusion.

Ramakrishna said something like that, as did lots of other profoundly insightful souls.

Weed is merely a bringer of DELUSION. It merely temporarily alters connections in brain synapses. The "INSIGHTS" it gives are DELUSION DELUSION DELUSION

Are you LAZY or something??? The REAL WORK of life is to MEDITATE - attune and exemplify GOD!
(True meditation, and please not idiotic pop "guided imagery" buffonery which has zero relationship to true spiritual mediation. The gigantic whales in the sea with their gigantic brains are meditating on GOD)

Marijuana has zero relationship with TRUE insights it's a delusion delusion delusion.

Awesome. Come to a weed topic and find a dude tripping on LSD.


Jul 20, 2003
ahhh haaa here's your lazy observer-critic...

makes a put-down pot shot while (pathetically) adding nothing.

An observer-critic fails. ALWAYS. (Remember that because it will help you in other contexts)

You seem mad for being spiritually enlightened. Maybe you need to smoke some weed and calm down.


Jun 19, 2006
I use to, a lot. For some reason it started to make me feel paranoid and I stopped the daily use and would just partake at a party or the like. Now, its just to much hassle. Not saying when I retire to Hawaii I wont pick it up again.


Jan 6, 2002
I started smoking because of a friend who has advanced Glaucoma, it helps relieve eye pressure. She's always been totally against drugs, but she's losing her vision and weed will help a good bit with things until it's too late. I found it makes everything better, sex on weed is mindbogglingly good. Food tastes better, every sense is just heightened. I would have never started if it wasn't for her, and she would have never started if it wasn't for her Glaucoma. Weird how things work.
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Diamond Member
Dec 23, 2006
Unfortunately it wasn't until a few months after I quit smoking that I started having some lower back pain and difficulty sleeping. Woulda been nice!

As a normally very very lazy person, I was slightly less lazy when I smoked regularly. I was a lot more likely to clean house and cook vs play WoW all day. There were still WoW all day sometimes though.

As far as it dumbing you down generally, making you a less effective version of yourself, that was not the case with me. During the stretch I smoked, I was particularly good at work, took on a lot of new responsibility and did pretty great at it, while looking for and buying my first home (age 21 mind you) with no help from anyone so it's safe to say I was being about as good a version of myself that I reasonably could have been. It may turn some or even most people into useless slobs, but certainly not everyone.


Nov 11, 2004
I just think it's funny for people that are totally against marijuana when they have no problem drinking alcohol which is a million times worse health wise. You don't hear about someone beating up someone else because they smoked weed. They just get tired and hungry.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
I just think it's funny for people that are totally against marijuana when they have no problem drinking alcohol which is a million times worse health wise. You don't hear about someone beating up someone else because they smoked weed. They just get tired and hungry.

Yeah I think they both can have bad effects if abused, but I don't really consider weed that much worse than alcohol. I really think it should be legalized, but regulated like alcohol. Ex: 18+, can't drive under influence, etc.

What pisses me off is people who have possession end up with bigger jail sentences than people who have actually done harm to others. If they want to nail drug related crime at least go after the ones that are actually causing trouble like the cartels, gangs, etc. But cops are too scared to touch those, so they'll go after the small guys doing it recreationally and harming no one.


Nov 11, 2004
Yeah I think they both can have bad effects if abused, but I don't really consider weed that much worse than alcohol. I really think it should be legalized, but regulated like alcohol. Ex: 18+, can't drive under influence, etc.

What pisses me off is people who have possession end up with bigger jail sentences than people who have actually done harm to others. If they want to nail drug related crime at least go after the ones that are actually causing trouble like the cartels, gangs, etc. But cops are too scared to touch those, so they'll go after the small guys doing it recreationally and harming no one.

Umm alcohol is a ton worse for you than marijuana. You can die of alcohol poisoning, liver disease. Smoke a lot one night and you fall asleep


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Yes, by the truckload but I prefer dabs (more power!).

yeah everyone gets that scary "i'm gonna die" feel once in a while.

They do? Crap, I've been missing out on the big scare for over forty years! I better get to work on correcting that right now.

I love living in Oregon.


Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
I am one of those guys who had a very bad experience like some already described, panic, heart racing like crazy, you think you're gone die....was a LONG, LONG time ago, at times where weed wasn't even a fraction as potent as it is today. Haven't touched weed ever since although I had 100,000 opportunities for sure.

Red Squirrel, I mean you said it earlier, you had the same experience but YET you say it's not worse than alcohol? It's a psychotropic/hallucinogenic after-all, and from my understanding modern crosses/breeds are ULTRA potent. Go on Erowid, there you can read plenty of similar experiences, even by people who get controlled grown and the purest "medical weed" from a dispensary, ending up calling the ER because they were thinking they're gonna die after a bad experience. I am not "against" MJ by a long-shot, but I think people need to be educated and responsible. Weed can be VERY bad if people have pre-existing conditions like anxiety etc. (its often those people who smoke weed), it can literally mess some people up, trigger psychosis etc... I didn't make this up, it's a fact that this can happen.

I don't like "the authorities" going after people who just like smoking for their personal use or grow a couple of plants, this is idiotic - but I also don't like that some people glorify weed and disregard the potential negatives.
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Feb 4, 2009
I'm shocked so few appear to have smoked it. I have but I haven't in about 20+ years.
I have grown to think South Park is correct about weed "not before or after College".


Diamond Member
Sep 7, 2006
Used to smoke daily for years, but when I hit about 20 it just started making super paranoid and uncomfortable. I drink regularly now. Nothing crazy, but you don't really get fat from smoking weed. Please no corny munchies jokes.

I've probably smoked a total of 20 times in the past 10 years. Think I'll pick some up sometime soon just to check in. Think I'll go with an indica strain as I hear the effects are moderately different from sativa. More mellowed experience as opposed to a more highly active mental state.

It's unfortunate cannibas has such a negative stigma attached to it. Even hemp is illegal. We are a shockingly fucking stupid society.

Red Squirrel

No Lifer
May 24, 2003
Umm alcohol is a ton worse for you than marijuana. You can die of alcohol poisoning, liver disease. Smoke a lot one night and you fall asleep

Never really said weed was worse, but I do think it still needs to be treated similarly. It's still a mind altering substance that can affect your judgement. Statistically speaking alcohol is probably way worse though. But thing with alcohol is if you are drinking at a half decent pace you can probably feel the buzz coming before it gets to a point where it will alter your mind. I tend to drink until I feel a slight buzz, then slow down or stop.


Oct 2, 2010
Yes, by the truckload but I prefer dabs (more power!).
I haven't smoked anything BUT dabs in over a year, once you have a nice rig and such, and as along as you can find wax/shatter/etc regularly, then dabbing is the way to go, and cheaper in the long run.

Also, from my experiences the panic feeling and heart racing only comes when you think about it. If you go into the experience with a good mindset and are just thinking normal things, you'll be fine. The problem is for a first time smoker your expectations of what pot does is so skewed by the media that your mind EXPECTS a lot more than weed actually does, and your mind basically THINKS it should be freaking out because of "OMG DRUGS" but weed is so benign its mostly a mental thing, not a weed thing. In reality weed is a LOT less than what the media implies it would be, the high isn't as debilitating as getting drunk (assuming you aren't trying to smoke it like its tobacco with HUGE puffs) and if you're in a nice comfortable environment with food and a friend to watch you, you should be able to just relax and enjoy music, food, TV, or just some banter with your friends.

Also, don't smoke alone if its your first time or you're inexperienced, that's just asking for a bad time.
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