Do you Smoke (Cigarettes?)

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Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Since this post came up I thought I would ask this question.

Why is it alot of people who smoke throw there Cigarette butts out of the car window when finished?

A) My car didnt come with an ash tray.
B) I dont want to get my ash tray dirty.
C) It makes me look cool.
D) I like to see if I can hit a car behind me while driving.



Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
That's really such a lame thing to do...I don't give a crap if someone wants to smoke, and I think banning smoking from bars is stupid, but for f*cks sake don't toss your butts out the window. The filters take like 10 years to decompose and all curbs at stop signs/lights here look like ashtrays. Littering is littering...end of story.



Oct 9, 1999

Neither! When you uneqivically prove to me that smoking will kill me, maybe I'll consider quitting. Until then, I will base my belief that I'll bury you all from the doctor's words when I went through a medical smoking study......

" Are you sure you've smoke an average of three packs a day? Because your test results all show that you have the lungs of a 21 year old "club smoker" that has only occassionly smoke for three years."


Aug 15, 2001
i started about 2 weeks ago, after some college classes, a shot of nicotine really really helps. i only smoke 3-4 a day so im not really worried. they key to smoking is not letting IT control you, i know i can stop anytime if i want to.


Jan 11, 2001

<< i started about 2 weeks ago, after some college classes, a shot of nicotine really really helps. i only smoke 3-4 a day so im not really worried. they key to smoking is not letting IT control you, i know i can stop anytime if i want to. >>

haha same here but i keep it under 2 a day. but on the weekends i go crazy and smoke like 6 a night.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
Well, there are those who are genetically so well armored that they can pretty much do as they please and have no ill effects. My great grandfather smoked cigars constantly his whole life and lived to be 102. On the other hand, my father presented a clean bill of health every year despite being a 2+ pack-a-day guy since high school (he's 60 now) and then abruptly suffered a near-fatal stroke about this time last year. It's all about your personal genetic makeup, but the more/longer you smoke, the more you push the odds out of your favor.

Out of curiousity, how old are you and how long have you smoked?



Senior member
Mar 8, 2001
I tried to give up smoking, but my dad called me a quitter.

No, really, I've never touched a cig. I don't intent to. Too nasty for me, and everyone else around.




Oct 9, 1999
I'm 33, I chewed tobacco since I was 11 and I started smoking when I was 18-19. From 20-26 I smoked 3-4 packs a day (The military stores sold cartons of cigs for $4/carton back then.) When the military jacked up the prices I cut back to 2-2.5 packs a day. I went through a smoking study at age 29 when I was assigned to an Army Hospital and one of the nurses was part of a smoking reasearch team in his civilian job. During one of my periodic physicals they did a health risk appraisal on me. The Physician Assistant came to give me the results........" From your answers of red meat consumed 3X a day, 3 packs of cigs a day, 3-4 glasses of alcohol a day and other poor lifestyle choice, you should be dead. From your physical test results, there is no health problems noted."

When I was smoking 3-4 packs a day I also ran the two mile in around 12:00-13:00 minutes.


Elite Member
Nov 29, 2000
0 I said, some people are genetic kevlar, I guess you're one of them.



Oct 9, 1999
I used to smoke a pack a day, but I quit, mainly because I couldnt afford the damn things. $5 a pack in NYC, and now they want to raise it to $7? Jesus.

I think the most fun thing about smoking was how social of a thing it was, at least in college. Constantly calling each other up "Dude, you want to have a smoke?" and just hanging out and having a good time. Gave us an excuse to do something.

<< ...and to those who have smoked and quit, congratulations, but don't act like you are god and everyone should be able to do it, you may just not have as much of an addictive personallity as some people. >>

Its that kind of defeatist attitude that is never going to let you quit. I have quite possibly one of the most addicitive personalities on the planet. Hell, I get addicted to things that arent even addictive! Moderation just is not in my vocabulary.

But I looked around and saw everyone else quitting, and if they can do it, why cant I? I made the same excuses as you (addictive personality waaah), but in the end, I just decided to quit, and did it. The first month was a bitch, and I constantly had cravings, but now its like Ive never smoked. The cravings really do go away after a while.

So stop making excuses and fvcking do it. If I can do it, so can everyone. The main reason its so fvcking hard is because everyone tells you its so hard! You expect it to be hard so it feels that way. But its not! Once I realized that its a piece of cake.

The best motivation I had going for myself was to take that $5 a day, and instead of buying stoges, put it in a jar. That jar is now your absolute disposable income. Use it on absolutely useless things. Buy the PS2 you want but cant afford after 2 months. Or get a lap dance every week if thats your thing.

Its only hard cause you make it hard!

<< i started about 2 weeks ago, after some college classes, a shot of nicotine really really helps. i only smoke 3-4 a day so im not really worried. they key to smoking is not letting IT control you, i know i can stop anytime if i want to. >>

Famous last words. Stop now! If I had a dollar for every time I heard a smoker say "It doesnt control me" and "I wish I had never started" I'd be filthy rich!


Senior member
Jul 26, 2001
Never have, never will. I never saw any benefits to it. People just tell me that it's relaxing, but I'm a pretty calm guy by nature. Also peer pressure never got to me because I don't give a sh!t about 90% of my peers think.


Senior member
Jul 6, 2001
Quitting is easy, I've done it dozens of times.

Didn't Kevin Pollack have some humor bit on people smoking for the flavor? Yeah, right. If that was the case, they'd be making cigarette flavored candy and breath mints. And smokers breath is by far the most deadly of all breaths. Even worse than a dirty sanchez.

Watching my grandma decay from a waddling smoker, through a tracheotomy, on oxygen 24 hours, emphysema, intensive care, then a drawn-out death was enough to make me never try cigs.


Jun 23, 2001
Don't get me started on smokers. I have no clue on when you guys think smoking is cool, as I've never been offered a cigarette and none of my friends have either. I like living in California because I don't have to eat my dinner while somone lights up at the table next to me..

I don't see how people can get started, the affects it causes. The smell stinks like crap and everytime I pass a smoker I intentially force myself to cough.. And I do it very loudly, hey, if you can pollute the air, I can certainly be an asshole. Because me being an asshole doesn't affect anyone. And you guys rarely use ashtrays, you flick the stupid things out car windows or just drop them and step on them.. Note to the idiot smokers: cigarettes aren't bio-degradable.

If there's a point in my life where I should be young and stupid, it should be right now. I'm 14, soon 15 and still have the common sense not to smoke. None of my relatives smoke except for my Aunt who smoked a little while she was in college, but I wasn't alive then, so yeah.

By all means, if you want to smoke, go light up by a freakin' dumpster, an alley or your own house.

As you probably can see, I've never touched a cancer stick or any other drug (other than medicine). Never have, never will.
-- mrcodedude


Jan 24, 2001

<< Anyhow, I really don't care about this stuff for now. It's your way and I don't care if you smoke. The only reason I hate cigarettes is the second hand smoke. Guaranteed to make other people's hair and clothes stinky. California did a good job outlawing smoking in public place. It's not about smoker's right. It's about nuisanes to people around you. You surely wouldn't want me to do something that emits strong odor next to your table at a restaurant such as finishing my project board using strinkiest markers possible do you? >>


I lived In Califonia when they inacted the smoking ban, and all I can say is IT WAS A REALLY BAD IDEA!

I smoke, my wife and I used to go out quite a bit, eating and to bars. the day they had that ban we stopped going out. I think I accually entered maybe 4 bars in the time I was In CA after the ban, Left in DEC 2000.

There were quite a few resturaunts in San Diego that were NO SMOKING before the ban, and some smaller sit down bars went under because of the ban. Resteraunts also hurt due to the ban. When we would go out to eat with family or freinds it was no unusual for me to stick around and have a few beers or cocktails after the meal. when that ban hit that ended, IF we ate out we ate and left, Very rarely did we stay for drinks, (I honestly can't remember EVER STAYING FOR DRINKS AFTER THE MEAL). Resteruants make a HUGE CHUNK OF MONEY ON THOOSE DRINKS. You pay $3 bucks for a beer that costs them about 50-75 cents!:Q

NON smokers needed a law because it is YOUR RIGHT to eat in a resteraunt?!?!? Since when? I am a firm beleiver that bussiness owner should have the say in how there bussinesses are run and what clientel that they go after.

And for all you ALL you Anti-Smoking ZEALOTS a few facts.

If you die in a hospital your bill is pretty much the same regardless of the reason for the ailment. IE if I am in a bed due to lung cancer/ emphesema and the guy next to me had kidney failure the cost is the same (basically).

Couple that with the fact that smokers die younger, ON AVERAGE SMOKERS LIFETIME HEALTH BILLS ARE LOWER!

Also because Smokers die younger they draw considerbly less in Social Security, couple that with the OUTRAGEOUS TAXES IMPOSED on cigerettes and Smoker MORE THAN PAY THERE FAIR SHARE.

AND as far as second hand smoke causing cancer, Sorry but it does not. The sudy the American Cancer People did WAS TOTALLY FLAWED. When you decide the outcome BEFORE the study is performed you typically will get what you are looking for. The Studies have failed to look at some very crital data, in any long term study it is nearly impossible to have a control group so you typically don't have one. BUT if you set out to prove Second hand smoke causes cancer YOU CAN IF you know where to look.

Here's how you do it.

You need to find a profession that works in a smoke filled work place so they picked waitress and bartenders.

Next you need to look at the rates for lung cancer for people who worked in this vocation for say 10 years oir more.

then compare those rates to the general population and IT's HIGHER (considerably) If I recall it's somewhere around 30% higher.

there you go You have just proved second hand smoke causes cancer.

BUT what you failed to look at was the rat of smoking for those vocations compared to the general Populus.


Now you can either summerize that people who are exposed to second hand smoke are more likely to develope Lung cancer due to the fact they are exposed to second hand smoke (this is what the ACA and CAlifornia Dept of health did) OR you could come to the conclusion that the reason for the higher rate of Lung cancer is due to the higher rate of SMOKING by people in those professions (that's just plain silly).

If you don't like the smell of smoke DON'T go to places that allow smokers!:Q Believe me place will switch to a NON SMOKING Policy IF it pays them to do it(like many resteruants did in SD BEFORE THE BAN WAS ON THE BALLOT) Here in MN people are trying to get the same stupid laws passed, some cities have and due to the high level of tourism it has cost them ALOT because the fishing is just as good in Detroit lakes as it is in Bemidji.

Ok I'm done ranting and I will answer the question.

I smoke and I am trying to quit


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001

<< Nobody wants to be smoking. Can you think of anyone who says "man, is there any way I can get me a habit I can't stop that could possibly kill me?" Usually we start as kids and are addicted before we a old enough to know better.

What gets me most is the raising of cigarette prices constantly. If you add up the amount that is paid right now in taxes on cigarettes, and then factor in the realization that only a small amount of smokers get any smoking related illness that requires medical attention, you will realize that we are getting reamed. You non-smokers act like you know that you are paying for our hospital bills for smoking related illnesses, well, you certainly are not. If you added the amount we pay in taxes, you'd see that we pay billions more than we will ever actually need. Most smokers do not die of a smoking related illness, but the government would like you to believe we do so they can get approval to have our cigarettes taxed some more. It really pisses me off. GRRR!!!!!

Amen to the first part, I couldn't have put it better myself. I try quitting every 6 months or so, I can usually get about a month or so down, but then something big happens and I'm at the gas station picking up another pack.

On the second part, the main reason for raising prices is to get people to quit, mainly young people. Older people can afford to pay 3.50+ per pack, but as prices raise, more and more people choose to not start. Thats the main goal. It's goin got work on me... I said a long time ago that I will never pay over $5 for a pack, and it's worked in places that prices are that high. I was in NY and they were 5.25 a pack. I was finding like there was no tomorrow for a smoke, just had a really bad run in with a cop, but when I saw the prices I bought gum instead. Went almost 2 weeks cold turkey without a smoke (then I came home to the 3.00/pack prices). I'm hoping that within a year or so prices will be above $5 and then I can quit completely.


Diamond Member
Oct 17, 1999

<< << i started about 2 weeks ago, after some college classes, a shot of nicotine really really helps. i only smoke 3-4 a day so im not really worried. they key to smoking is not letting IT control you, i know i can stop anytime if i want to. >> >>

<< Famous last words. Stop now! If I had a dollar for every time I heard a smoker say "It doesnt control me" and "I wish I had never started" I'd be filthy rich! >>

I was about to say something very similar. That's basically how all addicts start out. I won't be hypocritical, I admit I was the exact same way. I looked at my addict friends thinking how could they be addicted to it so bad when I could just smoke one in a blue moon or 3 a day and stop the next day without any consequences. After I became addicted, I felt so bad for not taking one of my best friends' advice in quitting while I was ahead. But they understood how I felt 'cause that's how they started, and they didn't heed their addict friends' warnings. Since I've quit, I've helped out my friends kick their habits as well, knowing precisely how it felt, and reassuring them how good it will feel when they're free of smoking.

TrevL63, there's nothing anyone can say to show you what can happen, but I hope you will have the strength to stop once you've realized how dangerous it is.
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