Do you think Kaeppernick's not standing up for the anthem has more to do with

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Platinum Member
May 21, 2007
i don't agree with his views or how he carried out his "protest" ... but some of you guys are acting like he said he was oppressed which was not the case. so bringing up his money or what have you, has no merit to this discussion IMHO

many people protest, it's their right too and that is what makes this country so great. you don't need to agree with it but you can still respect it


Dec 13, 2013
I'd say most people are pretty much aware of the issue he is supposedly pointing out to begin with. I'd like to be paid millions of dollars myself from the NFL to sit on a bench.

I dont think he ever said he was being repressed himself.


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2011
American football needs more streakers like our European brethren. A good old fashioned nekkid romp on the pitch during any countries anthem really puts the game into perspective.


aka Brandon
Jul 18, 2004
I'd say that his statement has worked more than he anticipated. I mean every single news outlet, sports related or not, is talking about it and bringing up the issue at hand that he was protesting.

In other words, it worked.

I'd say it did more than him giving money to some of the oppressed people he's talking about. It has spread awareness of the issue a lot since his protest.

Not from what I've seen. The press I've seen has been talking about him, not what he stands for. And by not standing he's giving the message that the entire country from the bottom up is not to be celebrated... the same country that gives him the freedom to act the way he did, and get paid millions of dollars playing a game (and playing it poorly at that)

Anybody who thinks they can generate action by inaction is simply taking the lazy way out. Gaining false praise for a cause when no helpful action has been taken.


Dec 13, 2013
Sad that everyone missed the actual message and immediately starts in on him and his past then add in his on the job performance.

Would you expect a lot of ignorant, insecure, scared, twinkiedicked, Abrahamic Jihadi cultists to act any different? The pitchfork, torch, noose, pyre, and stonings are their bread and butter.

Just ask John Adams about the most beautiful droppings of fecal matter.

The President of the United States of America said:
I. Humphrey Ploughjogger to the Boston Evening-Post
Bostun, the thurd of March 17631

Lofing Sun

Thes fue Lins cums to let you no, that I am very wel at prisent, thank God for it, hoping that you and the family are so too. I haf bin here this fortnite and it is fiftene yeres you no sins I was here laste, and ther is grate alterashons both in the plase and peple, the grate men dus nothin but quaril with one anuther and put peces in the nues paper aginst one anuther, and sum sayes one is rite, and others sayes tuther is rite and they dont know why or wherefor, there is not hafe such bad work amumgst us when we are a goin to ordane a minstur as there is amungst these grate Fokes, and they say there is a going to be a standin armey to be kept in pay all pece time and I am glad of it Ime sure for then muney will be plenty and we can sell off our sauce2 and meat, but some other peple says we shall be force to pay um and that wil be bad on tuther hand becaus we haf pade taksis enuf alredy amungst us, and they say we are despretly in det now but howsomever { 62 } we dont pay near upon it so much as bostun folks and thats som cumfurt but I hop our depetys will be so wise as to take care we shant pay no more for that, the Bostun peple are grone dedly proud for I see seven or eight chirch minsturs3 tuther day and they had ruffles on and grate ty wigs with matter4 a bushel of hair on um that cums haf way down there baks, but I dont wonder they go so fin for there is a parcel of peple in Lundun that chuses um as they say and pays um, but our m—— thinks themselfs well off if they can get a toe shirt to go to Leckshun in,5 but that is not their sorts for if they ant well pade they cant help it and they ort to be for the bible says the laburrer is wurthy of his hier and they that prech the Gospel should live by the Gospel, but Ime dredful afrade that now there is so many of these minsturs here that they will try to bring in popiree among us and then the pritandur will come and we shal all be made slaves on.6 I have bote your juse harp and intend to come home next week and tell your mother so. so no more at prisent but that I am Your lofeing father

Humphry Ploughjogger

The President of the United States of America said:
III. Humphrey Ploughjogger to the Boston Evening-Post
[20 June 1763]

To the Publishers of the Boston Evening-Post.

Plese to put this following, in your next Print.

I Arnt book larnt enuff, to rite so polytly, as the great gentlefolks, that rite in the News-Papers, about Pollyticks. I think it is pitty, they should know how to rite so well, saving they made a better use ont. { 64 } And that they might do, if they would rite about something else. They do say we are a matter a million of muney in det. If so be the matter be so, I dont see but the Cunstibles must dragg two thirds on us to goal, for our land and housen and creeturs wont pay tacksis, without ther is muney to sell them for. And I am shure ther arnt haff a million of muney amongst us. And now the war is done, we cant bring in any more amungst us.—In the war time I could sell my fatt ocksen, and sheep, and every thing I could raise on my place, for a pretty good round price in muney. So that the war did me some good, 'tho' I lost by it two of my sons, as stout young fellows as ever took a man by the sholders. But now I cant sell any thing, because nobody has no muney hardly. And they do say that amost all the muney folks can rake and scrape, is sent away by water to buy Corn and Hemp and such like, besides that that is sent to buy fine cloths. As to finery gentlefolks may do what they ples, for we cant make um so fine here as they bring um from Lunnun. But I know we can raise as good Ingean corn here as they can in Virginny, and as good Wheet as they can in Connetticut, and folks say we could raise as good Hemp, as they raise in any part of the world. And if so be, this be true we might raise anuff amongst us, to send to Lunnun to pay for our fine cloths; for they do say, it fetches a nation1 price, and they want abundance of it ther, about their shipping, but no body amungst us knows how to raise it.

What I'me ater is, to get some great larnt gentleman, who has been to Old Ingland, and knows how they raise Hemp there, and can read books about it, and understand um, to print in your News, some direckshon, about it, that we may go to trying, for we cant afford to run venters, by working, may be, a month and then have nothing come of it for want of working right.2—I'le affirm it, a little short piece in the print, no bigger than these few lines I send you at this present riting, if it did but tell us how to raise Hemp, how to fitt our land and feed, how and when to sow it, how to gather the crop and when, and how to dress it, and suck like would do a thousand pounds worth of good.

Seems to me folks must have a queer kind of souls to love to study, to fling dirt and play hide and seek in the News, better to walk or ride about the country, in good weather, and study like King Solomon, the Herbs from the Cedar of Lebanon to the Hysop in the wall. I'le avouch it I've took more delight in looking upon a bunch of leeves, or blossoms, or sprigs of grass for two hours together, to see how nice and pretty it is made, than I ever did last winter, or spring in reeding any of them scolding pieces in the News, and yet tho' I want bro't up to College I love to reed.

I wonder why folks will rite so as they do in the News, they make amost all the world hate um for it. whereas I'le say it they could make every body love um if they would rite about farming, and teech country folks how to pay their rates by rasing hemp and such like. For it would be strange, if we in a land of light were not as good as Heathens, and I've seen it in a sermon book, that they worshipt, even arter he was dead, that man that taut um how to use Grapes, and tother too that taut um how to sow corn and such like. Thes Pagans were fools to worship um, tho it shows that they lov'd and honour'd the man that did um good, which we Chrischans dont always do, tho I hope most of us should.—Sum of our ministers say that none of thes heathens are sav'd, which I cant hardly beleeve.

I do say that our great knowing rich men cant answer it to a good conshence, if they dont take sum panes and spend sum muney too, to learn us little ignorant poor folks how to pay our rates, and get a living, dont they remember the parable of the Talents!—besides we have work'd hard and lost our sons and brothers in the war, to defend them in hole skins, and got so far in det that we cant pay saving they contrive sum way for us.—I wonder whether they ever sit alone and medetate.—If they did their bowels would yerne toward us.—I sit up sumtimes till 12 a Clock at night thinking about myself and Naibours our land and stock and rates, and about the war, and about my too poor dear sons, one of um died of a camp fevur, and tother was skalp'd by the Ingeans, till my hart is redy to burst and my eyes run over. I'm shure if I had as much larning, books and time to spaer from my labor, with my poor abillitys, thof3 I say it, I could find out 20 ways of teeching mankind things they want to know, and helping um pay their dets and live comfortable.

Good Mr. Elliot did rite sumthing once about farming, but not enuff about Hemp.4—I see his book tother day, poor man he's ded now, but our loss in his gain.—I red a good deel in his book, and like it extrordinary well. I wish I had one of um. I suppose I could get one for haff a dollur. I think I'le leeve off tacking the News papers for haff a yeer, and bye one, and in haff a yeer I hope the News will get cleer again of so much wicked langage, and ripping and rending of one grate man agenst another! There's sundry leeves at the end ont, put out by a fine man, folks say I know him, I've seen him ride by my house, and thof I durst not speek to him yet I'm a fool for it, for they say he's a nice good-natur'd free Gentleman, yet I love him for the pains he has took to make folks ditch their meadows, and sow Wheet and Hemp and such like.

I do say it would be a nice thing if we could raise enuff Hemp to pay our rates, and bye a little rum and shuger, which we cant well do without, and a little Tea, which our Wifes wont let us have any peace without.

I've been as long as a sarmon amost, so I wont rite no more at present. Sumbody put a lettur of mine into the print tother day that I was asham'd to see there, so I wanted to let the world know I could if I try'd both spell and word a lettur, abundance better than that was, and I have told um sum things they would do well to think on, when they go to bed and when they get up, if their Wifes dont pester um too much. So I remain your's to sarve.

Humphrey Ploughjogger

P.S. Seems to me if grate Men dont leeve off writing Pollyticks, breaking Heads, boxing Ears, ringing Noses and kicking Breeches, we shall by and by want a world of Hemp more for our own consumshon.
Reactions: Humpy
Mar 11, 2004
This thread is exactly what I expect from ATOT and the OP.

i don't agree with his views or how he carried out his "protest" ... but some of you guys are acting like he said he was oppressed which was not the case. so bringing up his money or what have you, has no merit to this discussion IMHO

many people protest, it's their right too and that is what makes this country so great. you don't need to agree with it but you can still respect it

Expecting the dumbshits on here to understand anything, let alone something that somehow in any way impacts their "enjoyment" (isn't it weird how they allegedly love football but you only ever see them constantly crying and bitching about literally every goddamn thing?) of a sport is like, well expecting them to understand literally anything. This forum is chock full of dumb shits like the OP, John Connor, SpeedDemon, and the like, bitching and moaning about political correctness and millenials, whilst, well just look at threads like this. Talk about entitled whining attention whores. Of course they're too goddamn stupid to see their hypocrisy.

And of course you also see their true personalities ("he should be fucking grateful that there are these rich white billionaires fleecing money from people to support these stupid black athletes otherwise they wouldn't have jobs at all; instead they'd have 50 kids they'd abandon!").

Oh and OP is still just butt hurt over Harbaugh booting his personal savior Alex Smith. Dude is such a fucking stud though, he had 2 dynasties! 2 of them! I mean technically he hasn't accomplished jack shit (2 playoff wins woo-wooo!) that actually counts as a dynasty. But, like I said, basic comprehension of simple facts and concepts tends to elude him.
Reactions: Humpy


Jun 22, 2001
Not from what I've seen. The press I've seen has been talking about him, not what he stands for. And by not standing he's giving the message that the entire country from the bottom up is not to be celebrated... the same country that gives him the freedom to act the way he did, and get paid millions of dollars playing a game (and playing it poorly at that)

Anybody who thinks they can generate action by inaction is simply taking the lazy way out. Gaining false praise for a cause when no helpful action has been taken.
There are ways to fight for a cause without harming yourself. Just as there's a difference between taking a military objective by force with ground troops and inducing mass casualties when you can use robots/air strikes. Or even better, propaganda like a hot meal and bed so the enemy won't even take up their arms. Kaep did it the stupid way and he's going to pay the price for being a birdbrain.


Nov 29, 2006
This thread is exactly what I expect from ATOT and the OP.

Expecting the dumbshits on here to understand anything, let alone something that somehow in any way impacts their "enjoyment" (isn't it weird how they allegedly love football but you only ever see them constantly crying and bitching about literally every goddamn thing?) of a sport is like, well expecting them to understand literally anything. This forum is chock full of dumb shits like the OP, John Connor, SpeedDemon, and the like, bitching and moaning about political correctness and millenials, whilst, well just look at threads like this. Talk about entitled whining attention whores. Of course they're too goddamn stupid to see their hypocrisy.

And of course you also see their true personalities ("he should be fucking grateful that there are these rich white billionaires fleecing money from people to support these stupid black athletes otherwise they wouldn't have jobs at all; instead they'd have 50 kids they'd abandon!").

Oh and OP is still just butt hurt over Harbaugh booting his personal savior Alex Smith. Dude is such a fucking stud though, he had 2 dynasties! 2 of them! I mean technically he hasn't accomplished jack shit (2 playoff wins woo-wooo!) that actually counts as a dynasty. But, like I said, basic comprehension of simple facts and concepts tends to elude him.
It's not political correctness you dipshit - it's respect - something your parents forgot to beat it into you when you're a kid, and now.

No one is entitled to anything, but, speaking as a veteran, I have every right to call any dipshit that disrespect this country based on false pretense just that, a dipshit. That's including you.

And, as an aside, since your stupid ass can't even debate football and just keep harping on about Alex Smith without understanding the context. He's an upstanding citizen, I admire the guy for the MAN that he is, more so than he is a quarterback. Get it through your thick skull. There is no contest between Kaepernick to Alex Smith when it comes to who's a better human being. But, I do understand why you'd worship Kaepernick.

Carry on, dipshit.
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Reactions: OutHouse and Humpy


Dec 13, 2013
It's not political correctness you dipshit - it's respect - something your parents forgot to beat it into you when you're a kid, and now.

No one is entitled to anything, but, speaking as a veteran, I have every right to call any dipshit that disrespect this country based on false pretense just that, a dipshit. That's including you.

And, as an aside, since your stupid ass can't even debate football and just keep harping on about Alex Smith without understanding the context. He's an upstanding citizen, I admire the guy for the MAN that he is, more so than he is a quarterback. Get it through your thick skull. There is no contest between Kaepernick to Alex Smith when it comes to who's a better human being. But, I do understand why you'd worship Kaepernick.

Carry on, dipshit.

No, dumbshit, just because you decided you would try to survive the hazing game, and then go shoot some dodos in the water, which being a pawn cog in a large, well oiled machine meant you were not at much relative risk, does not mean you have any special specialness, much less any authorita. Need someone to point that out to you in the constitution, or do you need some handholding to ease your insecurities at not understanding documents of freedom?

Also, nice to see you are fond of beating children, maybe you will see what a beating involving someone of your own size will be like sometime. You still wouldnt ever see the light of intelligence or morality.
Reactions: Humpy


Nov 29, 2006
No, dumbshit, just because you decided you would try to survive the hazing game, and then go shoot some dodos in the water, which being a pawn cog in a large, well oiled machine meant you were not at much relative risk, does not mean you have any special specialness, much less any authorita. Need someone to point that out to you in the constitution, or do you need some handholding to ease your insecurities at not understanding documents of freedom?

Also, nice to see you are fond of beating children, maybe you will see what a beating involving someone of your own size will be like sometime. You still wouldnt ever see the light of intelligence or morality.
I was going to respond to this, but decided to laugh it off instead. Too precious.


Aug 26, 2000
Some people need to chill out on their shallow militant enforcement of symbolism and simply listen to what some people have to just may not be what they fear it was meant to be.


Golden Member
Dec 5, 2000
I saw it on Twitter so I'm going to steal/paraphrase it: "They said protest non-violently. What they really meant was comply."

So really, what I mean is: gtfo here with your nationalistic bull. Maybe actually read what he said in his recent interviews and take a minute to think about it. Of course, it's your right to not.


Jun 15, 2001

Colin Kaepernick: People don’t realize what’s really going on in this country. There are a lot things that are going on that are unjust. People aren’t being held accountable for. And that’s something that needs to change. That’s something that this country stands for freedom, liberty and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now.

Is this something that’s evolved in your mind?

CK: It’s something that I’ve seen, I’ve felt, wasn’t quite sure how to deal with originally. And it is something that’s evolved. It’s something that as I’ve gained more knowledge about, what’s gone in this country in the past, what’s going on currently. These aren’t new situations. This isn’t new ground. There are things that have gone on in this country for years and years and have never been addressed, and they need to be.

Will you continue to sit?

CK: Yes. I’ll continue to sit. . . I’m going to continue to stand with the people that are being oppressed. To me this is something that has to change. When there’s significant change and I feel like that flag represents what it’s supposed to represent, this country is representing people the way that it’s supposed to, I’ll stand.


CK: There’s a lot of things that need to change. One specifically? Police brutality. There’s people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable. People are being given paid leave for killing people. That’s not right. That’s not right by anyone’s standards.

So many people see the flag as a symbol of the military. How do you view it and what do you say to those people?

CK: I have great respect for the men and women that have fought for this country. I have family, I have friends that have gone and fought for this country. And they fight for freedom, they fight for the people, they fight for liberty and justice, for everyone. That’s not happening. People are dying in vain because this country isn’t holding their end of the bargain up, as far as giving freedom and justice, liberty to everybody. That’s something that’s not happening. I’ve seen videos, I’ve seen circumstances where men and women that have been in the military have come back and been treated unjustly by the country they have fought for, and have been murdered by the country they fought for, on our land. That’s not right.

Do you personally feel oppressed?

CK: There have been situations where I feel like I’ve been ill-treated, yes. This stand wasn’t for me. This stand wasn’t because I feel like I’m being put down in any kind of way. This is because I’m seeing things happen to people that don’t have a voice, people that don’t have a platform to talk and have their voices heard, and effect change. So I’m in the position where I can do that and I’m going to do that for people that can’t.

Is this the first year that you’ve sat during the anthem?

CK: This year’s the first year that I’ve done this.

All the preseason games so far?

CK: Yes.


CK: The support I’ve gotten from my teammates has been great. I think a lot of my teammates come from areas where this might be the situation. Their families might be put in this situation. It’s something that I’ve had a lot of people come up to me and say, ‘I really respect you for what you’re doing and what you’re standing for.’ So to me that’s something that I know what I’m doing was right and I know other people see what I’m doing is right, it’s something that we have to come together. We have to unite. We have to unify and make a change.


CK: It wasn’t something that I really planned as far as it blowing up. It was something that I personally decided – I just can’t stand what this represents right now. It’s not right. And the fact that it has blow up like this, I think it’s a good thing. It brings awareness. Everybody knows what’s going on and this sheds more light on it. Now, I think people are really talking about it. Having conversations about how to make change. What’s really going on this country. And we can move forward.

Are you concerned that this can be seen as a blanket indictment of law enforcement in general?

CK: There is police brutality. People of color have been targeted by police. So that’s a large part of it and they’re government officials. They are put in place by the government. So that’s something that this country has to change. There’s things we can do to hold them more accountable. Make those standards higher. You have people that practice law and are lawyers and go to school for eight years, but you can become a cop in six months and don’t have to have the same amount of training as a cosmetologist. That’s insane. Someone that’s holding a curling iron has more education and more training than people that have a gun and are going out on the street to protect us.

Do you plan to things beyond sitting during the national anthem, as far as activism?

CK: Yeah, most definitely. There are things that I have in the works right now that I’m working on to put together in the future and have come to fruition soon. Those are things that I’ll talk about as we get closer to those days.

Any concern about the time of this and the possibility if it being a distraction?

CK: No, I don’t see it being a distraction. It’s something that can unify this team. It’s something that can unify this country. If we have these real conversations that are uncomfortable for a lot of people. If we have these conversations, there’s a better understanding of where both sides are coming from. And if we reach common ground, and can understand what everybody’s going through, we can really affect change. And make sure that everyone is trated equally and has the same freedom.

Has anyone from the NFL or team asked you to tone it down? It doesn’t seem as if anyone if trying to quiet you.

CK: No. No one’s tried to quiet me and, to be honest, it’s not something I’m going to be quiet about. I’m going to speak the truth when I’m asked about it. This isn’t for look. This isn’t for publicity or anything like that. This is for people that don’t have the voice. And this is for people that are being oppressed and need to have equal opportunities to be successful. To provide for families and not live in poor circumstances.

In your mind have you been pulled over unjustly or had bad experiences?

CK: Yes, multiple times. I’ve had times where one of my roommates was moving out of the house in college and because we were the only black people in that neighborhood the cops got called and we had guns drawn on us. Came in the house, without knocking, guns drawn on my teammates and roommates. So I have experienced this. People close to me have experienced this. This isn’t something that’s a one-off case here or a one-off case there. This has become habitual. This has become a habit. So this is something that needs to be addressed.

Colin you’re the only player in the NFL taking this stand. Why do you think you’re the only one doing this?

CK: I think there’s a lot of consequences that come along with this. There’s a lot of people that don’t want to have this conversation. They’re scared they might lose their job. Or they might not get the endorsements. They might not to be treated the same way. Those are things I’m prepared to handle. Things that other people might not be ready for. It’s just a matter of where you’re at in your life. Where your mind’s at. At this point, I’ve been blessed to be able to get this far and have the privilege of being able to be in the NFL, making the kind of money I make and enjoy luxuries like that. I can’t look in the mirror and see people dying on the street that should have the same opportunities that I‘ve had. And say ‘You know what? I can live with myself.’ Because I can’t if I just watch.

Do you think you might get cut over this?

CK: I don’t know. But if I do, I know I did what’s right. And I can live with that at the end of the day.

Does this have anything to do with your relationship with the 49ers or the NFL?

CK: No, this is about the way people have been treated by this country.

How long did you talk when you addressed the team?

CK: It was conversation. They asked me to talk and just explain why I did what I did. And why I felt the way I felt. I had an open conversation with them., I told them why I felt that way and looked at things the way I do. A lot of it has to do with the history of the country and where we’re currently at. I opened it up to all my teammates. Come talk to me if you have any questions. If you want to understand what I’m thinking further, come talk to me. It shouldn’t be something that should be hidden. These conversations need to happen and can bring everybody closer.

Where there people that disagreed?

CK: There were people that said I want to understand further. Let’s talk. So I’ve had those conversations and will continue to have them with my teammates. It’s something that – the knowledge of what’s happened in this country and what’s currently happening, I think everybody needs to know. And when you have the knowledge of those things you can make an educated decision on what you really feel and what you really stand for.


CK: I don’t understand how it’s the wrong way. To me, this is a freedom that we’re allowed in this country. And going back to the military, it’s a freedom that men and woman that have fought for this country have given me this opportunity by contributions they have made. So I don’t see it as going about it the wrong way. This is something that has to be said, it has to be brought to the forefront of everyone’s attention, and when that’s done, I think people can realize what the situation and then really effect change.

Are your teammates talking about football or this?

CK: No, we’re focused on football while we’re in meetings, while we’re on the field. That’s what our focus is. But in our free time, we have conversations about this. That’s not something that we should be ashamed about or shy away from. We talked about football, we handled our business there but there’s also a social responsibility that we have to be educated on these things and talk about these things.

Have you considered getting teammates to join your stance?

CK: This isn’t something I’m going to ask other people to put their necks out for what I’m doing. If they agree with me and feel strongly about it then by all means I hope they stand with me. But I’m not going to go and try to recruit people and be like ‘Hey, come do this with me’ because I know the consequences that come with that and they need to make that decision for themselves.

Have you reached out to anyone to seek guidance before this?

CK: This is a conversation I’ve had with a lot of people a lot of times over a long period of time so it wasn’t something that I planned on having a conversation about at a particular time. It just so happened it was the other night that people realized it and talked about it.

Any concern that focus is on you and not the issues?

CK: I do think that the talk has been more about me, more about I know a lot of people’s initial reactions thought it was bashing the military, which it wasn’t. That wasn’t my intention at all. I think now that we have those things cleared up, we can get to the root of what I was saying and really address those issues.

Do you know of any other players who feel the same but not ready to step forward publicly?

CK: Yeah, I know there’s other players that feel the same way. I’ve had other players reach out to me. Once again, it’s not something I’m going to ask them to put their necks out. I know the consequences that come along with my decision and if they feel strongly and want to stand with me, then I hope they do. If it’s something they’re not ready for then that’s what the conversations are for and they can make that decision when they’re ready or if they’re ready.

Do you fear for your safety on the road?

CK: Not really too concerned about that. At the end of the day, if something happens, that’s only proving my point.

Has Dr. Harry Edwards been helpful?

CK: Once again, it wasn’t something I consulted anybody on. It was a conversation I had when someone asked me about it. Dr. Edwards is a good friend, he’s someone I talk to a lot and run things by and have a lot of conversations with and we have a lot of similar views.

Does the election year have anything to do with timing?

CK: It wasn’t a timing thing, it wasn’t something that was planned. But I think the two presidential candidates that we currently have also represent the issues that we have in this country right now.

Do you want to expand on that?

CK: You have Hillary who has called black teens or black kids super predators, you have Donald Trump who’s openly racist. We have a presidential candidate who has deleted emails and done things illegally and is a presidential candidate. That doesn’t make sense to me because if that was any other person you’d be in prison. So, what is this country really standing for?

It is a country that has elected a black president twice…

CK: It has elected a black president but there are also a lot of things that haven’t changed. There are a lot of issues that still haven’t been addressed and that’s something over an eight-year term there’s a lot of those things are hard to change and there’s a lot of those things that he doesn’t necessarily have complete control over.

What would be a success?

CK: That’s a tough question because there’s a lot of things that need to change, a lot of different issues that need to be addressed. That’s something that it’s really hard to lock down one specific thing that needs to change currently.

Again, it's his right. Just because some of us think it's the wrong way to go about bringing attention to the problem, or that it's disrespectful, doesn't make us nationalist, inbred morons.


Diamond Member
Jan 22, 2009
I have no idea; that's why I asked. And hey, more money is one of the stock answers that libs use for every problem.

I don't know what he does with his time or money, do you?

How is money going to solve the issue that he is protesting? How will money solve oppression of minorities?


Dec 7, 2004
I saw it on Twitter so I'm going to steal/paraphrase it: "They said protest non-violently. What they really meant was comply."

So really, what I mean is: gtfo here with your nationalistic bull. Maybe actually read what he said in his recent interviews and take a minute to think about it. Of course, it's your right to not.

Some people need to chill out on their shallow militant enforcement of symbolism and simply listen to what some people have to just may not be what they fear it was meant to be.

It's the same tired BLM nonsense where people blame someone else for a group's problems, instead of looking at the actions of the group that caused their problems.


Sep 7, 2001
Hard to say minorities are oppressed while playing in a league full of minorities that are making millions. I'd buy his bullshit more if he used some of his money to help the people he claims are oppressed
In the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s and before, blacks could make a very good living, far better than median income among the white masses, in things like prize fighting and playing music, dancing and singing, things that entertained white people. It was among the few ways that blacks could actually become fairly affluent, albeit 1 in 100K odds (like getting into the NBA, NFL). They would get harassed on state boundaries, county lines, when traveling to their next venue. Cops would call their buddies in another jurisdiction tipping them off they were coming and to have a welcoming party for them. Sooooo no racial oppression back then, either?
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