Do you think there should be border control?


Mar 25, 2001
Not just the wall but do you agree with the government spending on border control at all? Do you think there should be less, the same, or more? Are there other methods of control that you think would be more effective?

The wall is an ineffective, expensive, wasteful way to do it but at the end of the day it is border control. Do you think we should be stopping people from crossing it?


Nov 11, 1999
Not just the wall but do you agree with the government spending on border control at all? Do you think there should be less, the same, or more? Are there other methods of control that you think would be more effective?

The wall is an ineffective, expensive, wasteful way to do it but at the end of the day it is border control. Do you think we should be stopping people from crossing it?

So that's soft pedaling what the conspiracy theorist in chief tweeted out earlier today?^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

Sweet freaking Jebsu. If he's not delusional then he's trying to make a lot of other people that way.
Reactions: Meghan54


Oct 15, 1999
Not just the wall but do you agree with the government spending on border control at all? Do you think there should be less, the same, or more? Are there other methods of control that you think would be more effective?

The wall is an ineffective, expensive, wasteful way to do it but at the end of the day it is border control. Do you think we should be stopping people from crossing it?
It needs to be closed or open. The halfassed setup we have now of allowing illegals to filter through so we can have a ready supply of cheap unprotected labor to exploit needs to end.


Nov 11, 1999
It needs to be closed or open. The halfassed setup we have now of allowing illegals to filter through so we can have a ready supply of cheap unprotected labor to exploit needs to end.

Except that's not an accurate reflection of reality. The notion that we want to lock down the border like the Former GDR is absurd. Cross border activity is the life blood of all border cities on both sides.

What we really have is a mostly stable population of people who crossed the border long ago. 2/3 have been here 10 years or more. They're married into America. Their kids were either born here or are Dreamers raised here. The "Mexican Invasion" ended 9 years ago-

So whatever we're doing we must be doing reasonably well or it wouldn't be that way. "Caravans Coming!" & "Big flows of people!" are Trumpian bullshit of the worst kind.


Feb 1, 2008
This is the thing...
And we're talking fact, not right winged Trump fiction.
There are two ways to illegally migrate into the USA.
One, run like hell in the dark of night, and second simply catch a flight to any major American airport.
99.999% of illegal immigrant hopefuls chose option two.

Those that have not the money and must use option one, they stick out like a sore thumb. They come with little if nothing at all other than the shirt on their back.
They are easily spotted, and easily caught by authorities. Then deported.

Those with the money and the necessary faked papers simply book a flight just like anyone else planning a trip via modern aviation.
Most of the illegals in America did not run across any border, or across any dusty dirty desert, nor have ever seen a border patrol guard.
Most simply saved or borrowed the money, obtained the necessary papers, jumped on an airplane to any US city of their choice, and that's about it.
Goodbye poverty, hello Beverly Hills.

WHY... do you think so much money is sent back to family living in Mexico from illegal workers living in America?
To pay the cost for their family and friends to join them, here, in the good ole US of A.
Money for papers, airplane bookings, cell phones, and a car.

And then we have Donald Trump pushing this con-artist scam that spending billions on miles of cement block is going to stop anyone. And speaking of cement block, the cement block between Donald's ears has got to be the thickest block of them all.
He knows damn well his wall will not have any impact on illegal immigration.
He only thought up that nonsense during his campaign because he knew his base would believe anything. And eat up that nonsense.

Trump is only persistent pushing this wall idea because either he fears losing a chuck of his base come 2020, or the most likely reason is Donald receives some financial kickback off his wall construction.
After all, Trump is nothing but a crooked businessman. Spending billions for a wall can only add up to big bucks for his Donald Trump piggy bank.
Especially after they slap his name across the full length of that wall, in GOLD.

Illegals do not run across borders. Not with todays technology in modern aviation.
Running, sweating through all that desert dust and prickly brush is so old school.
Far too easy to be spotted.
And it's so terribly hard to run through a desert with a suitcase, dodging border patrol and barking dogs, not to mention with clutching onto their dinning room furniture.
No, the choice of travel is good old America Airlines.
Or United, or the cheapest airline available.

How ignorant can people actually be?
Well I guess pretty ignorant considering they elected Donald Trump, and fell for his scam hook line and sinker.
And they are all about to be taxed big time for a huge useless block of cement.
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Jul 9, 2009
Yes, time to shut down the borders to a trickle of people. This will put economic pressure on Mexico to send other nations illegal migrants back to their home countries.

"Mexican officials have aided a "Holy Week" caravan of over 1,000 migrants headed to the U.S. border to demand Easter asylum, according to reports.
According to an account from the Center for Immigration Studies, Mexican authorities have allowed the migrants to drive north “with relative ease.”

Shut down the border until and unless Mexico ends this war on the United States borders.


Jun 11, 2004
I’m sorry but they do.

LOL. So that's all you gleaned from his very accurate post... The vast majority of illegals did not come here in any manner that even a mile high wall would deflect... You know just as well as I do the CBP’s guidelines for the prototypes require that they only be strong enough to repel attempts to tunnel beneath them at a depth of 6 feet. Most tunnels of this nature go well below 60 feet. The thought that we could just arm the wall with fiber optics would make an already impossible to build wall be even more prohibitively expensive... Total pipe dream.


Admin Emeritus Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
This is the thing...
And we're talking fact, not right winged Trump fiction.
There are two ways to illegally migrate into the USA.
One, run like hell in the dark of night, and second simply catch a flight to any major American airport.
99.999% of illegal immigrant hopefuls chose option two.

Those that have not the money and must use option one, they stick out like a sore thumb. They come with little if nothing at all other than the shirt on their back.
They are easily spotted, and easily caught by authorities. Then deported.

Those with the money and the necessary faked papers simply book a flight just like anyone else planning a trip via modern aviation.
Most of the illegals in America did not run across any border, or across any dusty dirty desert, nor have ever seen a border patrol guard.
Most simply saved or borrowed the money, obtained the necessary papers, jumped on an airplane to any US city of their choice, and that's about it.
Goodbye poverty, hello Beverly Hills.

WHY... do you think so much money is sent back to family living in Mexico from illegal workers living in America?
To pay the cost for their family and friends to join them, here, in the good ole US of A.
Money for papers, airplane bookings, cell phones, and a car.

And then we have Donald Trump pushing this con-artist scam that spending billions on miles of cement block is going to stop anyone. And speaking of cement block, the cement block between Donald's ears has got to be the thickest block of them all.
He knows damn well his wall will not have any impact on illegal immigration.
He only thought up that nonsense during his campaign because he knew his base would believe anything. And eat up that nonsense.

Trump is only persistent pushing this wall idea because either he fears losing a chuck of his base come 2020, or the most likely reason is Donald receives some financial kickback off his wall construction.
After all, Trump is nothing but a crooked businessman. Spending billions for a wall can only add up to big bucks for his Donald Trump piggy bank.
Especially after they slap his name across the full length of that wall, in GOLD.

Illegals do not run across borders. Not with todays technology in modern aviation.
Running, sweating through all that desert dust and prickly brush is so old school.
Far too easy to be spotted.
And it's so terribly hard to run through a desert with a suitcase, dodging border patrol and barking dogs, not to mention with clutching onto their dinning room furniture.
No, the choice of travel is good old America Airlines.
Or United, or the cheapest airline available.

How ignorant can people actually be?
Well I guess pretty ignorant considering they elected Donald Trump, and fell for his scam hook line and sinker.
And they are all about to be taxed big time for a huge useless block of cement.

Your opinion is not supported by facts. Where do you come up with 99.999% of illegals just hopped on a plane, your ass? Most people flying in have temporary visas, then they illegally over stay said visa. The border agents would disagree with your numbers as well. You ARE a MORON.


Aug 5, 2000
For the fact that Trump is a racist or wants to appear that way to his supporters is IMO what's driving his steadfast desire to build that wall. He can't be that stupid to think that putting up a wall will stop the bulk of those brown folks from "contaminating" the nation with what he sees as undesirables. He can't be so stupid to think that Mexico would pay for the wall as he promised they would just as he knew it was meant to hook a whole lot of suckers who for better or worse wanted to hear it and believe it no matter how ridiculous it sounded.

That he somehow has to appear to want to make good on that "campaign rhetoric" he stoked the crowds with is just some kind of half-ass effort to appease his base and get himself off the hook in this regard. I bet he now wishes he never said it to begin with.

The level of border control we now have is commensurate with the demand for the cheap slave labor our own business owners need to have to keep their profits rolling in. It's a self-balancing kind of thing where supply is meeting the demand for the services required to keep our business folks happy.

Trump has to know that if he's going to fvck around with this balance and make those business folks who make up the donor class angry at him, he will pay at the polls dearly so he knows that he can't let that happen but he also needs to appease the portion of his base that are racist/traditionalist/nationalist. Ergo, things are the way they are and will be unless the donor class business folks see things otherwise in the future.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
Trump is an idiot, so I'm not even going to address any his great wall plans.

Completely open borders is a terrible idea that no sovereign nation could survive for long. Completely close borders would be almost as bad. What we need are controlled borders where we regulate the flow of visitors and the migration of folks into our country, as well as stop the flow of illegal contraband to the best of our ability.

We have to do our best to prevent criminals and enemies of the state from coming in. And as callous as it sounds, our capacity to accept immigrants is not limitless.
Reactions: GoodRevrnd


Mar 9, 2005
Physical barriers don't always stop people but they do impede them enough to increase the chances they'll be caught. What would happen to a military installation if it had open borders? We don't need a contiguous wall from sea to sea but we do need to impede crossings near populated areas and have enough enforcement to collect those who do manage to cross them.

This problem has been allowed to go unchecked for far too long. Mexico has a heavily armed southern border and we should too.
Reactions: IJTSSG


Jun 30, 2004
Not just the wall but do you agree with the government spending on border control at all? Do you think there should be less, the same, or more? Are there other methods of control that you think would be more effective?

The wall is an ineffective, expensive, wasteful way to do it but at the end of the day it is border control. Do you think we should be stopping people from crossing it?

The sort of wall imagined by the Tweeter-in-Chief could be an environmental problem. Environmental problem is a euphemism to explain that there are various species -- some endangered -- for which the southern border has no significance.

Back in 2003, I went backpacking with two friends in a little place called the Cabeza Prieta Wildlife Refuge, bordering on the Organ Pipe National Monument, and bounded by El Camino Diablo -- the famed trail traversed by Father Kino in the southwest, following the border. We spent the night very close to the border. I was using a ZZ-Zip stove that burned pine cones and wood chips; it would make water boil in ten minutes. But that morning next, I had some trouble with it, and it was puffing clouds of black smoke until I got it heated up.

Within minutes, there was a border patrol helicopter circling our location. Apparently, we "appeared to be Americans," and the helicopter flew away, realizing there had been a false alarm. Somehow, I think someone saw the smoke.

Also interesting about that wildlife refuge: during the 19th century, there was a gold rush, and some 450 Mexican nationals were swarming all over that area. They all died of thirst. Then, there's the story about the water salesman. He had occupied a small cabin near a "tank" -- a depression in the rock where rain-water accumulates, and he thought to make a business selling "his" water. Two men shot him to death.

Between helicopters, sensor devices, cameras and other means, we don't need Emperor Tweet to build a "Great Wall." The bigger problem consists of businesses too unscrupulous to vet their low-wage employees. If "Sanctuary Cities" are defined as the problem, the issue there is one of jurisdiction.

I just think we have bigger problems to solve, and that the immigration "problem" can be resolved without a lot of fanfare. The bigger problems seem more attached to phenomena we cannot so easily see. Gripes about immigration seem to arise from the annoyance of finding a crowd of dark faces looking for work in the Home Depot parking lot -- work that no legal citizen much wants to do. It all seems to be about dark faces, anecdotal folklore morphed into propaganda about someone who was shot to death by an "illegal." One or two incidents make the news, and the notion of statistics goes out the window.

Then, there's the work-visa issue -- people coming to the US legally to do work in high demand, when local labor is in short supply. Any meth-freak in Western Pennsylvania should see that jobs at the steel-mill are a thing of the past. Why not take the hard road to fill the positions taken by these special green card workers? And why blame skilled immigrants? Or China? When somebody keeps inventing more robots to take the place of folks who do "heavy lifting."


Oct 18, 2005
Your opinion is not supported by facts. Where do you come up with 99.999% of illegals just hopped on a plane, your ass? Most people flying in have temporary visas, then they illegally over stay said visa. The border agents would disagree with your numbers as well. You ARE a MORON.



Oct 18, 2005
Not just the wall but do you agree with the government spending on border control at all? Do you think there should be less, the same, or more? Are there other methods of control that you think would be more effective?

The wall is an ineffective, expensive, wasteful way to do it but at the end of the day it is border control. Do you think we should be stopping people from crossing it?

Yes a country should control it's borders. But by your own admission the administration has chosen the dumbest way to do that. We can control our border without looking like the Berlin Wall.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
The Great Wall of China could not keep a general charged with defending it from opening the gate.
Reactions: Indus


Feb 6, 2002
Considering towards the end of the Obama administration illegal crossings from Mexico were a negative, we are doing it about right.

Time to move on from this.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Most of the Trumpian talk about "securing the borders" is just racism dressed up because he told a bunch of white people that brown people are to blame for their problems. I don't remember any rally chants about fixing visa overstays where people simply fly in and never leave.

The US obviously needs border controls but if you really want to improve things pass the Gang of 8 immigration bill and end the drug war that's massively destabilzed Mexico and Central America.
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Reactions: Brainonska511


Oct 22, 1999
I think there should be border patrol and agree with some sort of barrier in heavy trafficked routes. The 3,000 mile wall is stupid, a waste of money, and would negative effects on the environment.

If you really want to stop illegal immigration, attack the businesses hiring them. We probably all need a migrate worker program that requires companies to comply with all labor laws and protections. We also need to rework welfare so you don't lose/significantly reduce your benefits by working a shitty job, so more poor Americans might be willing to take the work.

The idea the wall would have any effect on drug trafficking is just fantasy though.


Oct 18, 2013
This is the thing...
And we're talking fact, not right winged Trump fiction.
There are two ways to illegally migrate into the USA.
One, run like hell in the dark of night, and second simply catch a flight to any major American airport.
99.999% of illegal immigrant hopefuls chose option two.

Your numbers are way off.

66% are overstays, and about 30% "run like hell" or as they call it EWI. So yes, its true the wall would not deal with the majority of the illegal immigration, but its also not nothing either.

Those that have not the money and must use option one, they stick out like a sore thumb. They come with little if nothing at all other than the shirt on their back.
They are easily spotted, and easily caught by authorities. Then deported.

Those with the money and the necessary faked papers simply book a flight just like anyone else planning a trip via modern aviation.
Most of the illegals in America did not run across any border, or across any dusty dirty desert, nor have ever seen a border patrol guard.
Most simply saved or borrowed the money, obtained the necessary papers, jumped on an airplane to any US city of their choice, and that's about it.
Goodbye poverty, hello Beverly Hills.

WHY... do you think so much money is sent back to family living in Mexico from illegal workers living in America?
To pay the cost for their family and friends to join them, here, in the good ole US of A.
Money for papers, airplane bookings, cell phones, and a car.

And then we have Donald Trump pushing this con-artist scam that spending billions on miles of cement block is going to stop anyone. And speaking of cement block, the cement block between Donald's ears has got to be the thickest block of them all.
He knows damn well his wall will not have any impact on illegal immigration.
He only thought up that nonsense during his campaign because he knew his base would believe anything. And eat up that nonsense.

Trump is only persistent pushing this wall idea because either he fears losing a chuck of his base come 2020, or the most likely reason is Donald receives some financial kickback off his wall construction.
After all, Trump is nothing but a crooked businessman. Spending billions for a wall can only add up to big bucks for his Donald Trump piggy bank.
Especially after they slap his name across the full length of that wall, in GOLD.

Illegals do not run across borders. Not with todays technology in modern aviation.
Running, sweating through all that desert dust and prickly brush is so old school.
Far too easy to be spotted.
And it's so terribly hard to run through a desert with a suitcase, dodging border patrol and barking dogs, not to mention with clutching onto their dinning room furniture.
No, the choice of travel is good old America Airlines.
Or United, or the cheapest airline available.

How ignorant can people actually be?
Well I guess pretty ignorant considering they elected Donald Trump, and fell for his scam hook line and sinker.
And they are all about to be taxed big time for a huge useless block of cement.

1. You are wrong about how many cross the border vs overstay.
2. The wall appears to be a very cost ineffective way of dealing with one type of immigration.
3. Trump is playing to a base that does not understand the cost/benefits of immigration.

In my opinion, having people overstay is a way we filter out immigrants that can afford to at least get here. If you have enough money you are more likely to have some skills to leverage for work when you get here which means you would be more likely to contribute. I personally would like more immigrants coming, but it would also require a shift in our social programs.
Reactions: Chess


Oct 15, 1999
Except that's not an accurate reflection of reality. The notion that we want to lock down the border like the Former GDR is absurd. Cross border activity is the life blood of all border cities on both sides.

What we really have is a mostly stable population of people who crossed the border long ago. 2/3 have been here 10 years or more. They're married into America. Their kids were either born here or are Dreamers raised here. The "Mexican Invasion" ended 9 years ago-

So whatever we're doing we must be doing reasonably well or it wouldn't be that way. "Caravans Coming!" & "Big flows of people!" are Trumpian bullshit of the worst kind.
I work in an industry that's traditionally used a lot of illegals. The reasons they do it are wages are considerably less than a legal resident makes, and if an illegal gets hurt on the job you fire him. It turns out that's a lot cheaper than paying for workmens comp (20 to 40% of payroll).
Perhaps the fellows that wrote that paper only spoke to the upper class illegals, they sure as hell didn't talk to the guys working around here.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
I miss college.
These questions are like a homework assignment to deconstruct a biased survey.

Do you agree with the government spending on border control at all?
Do you think there should be less, the same, or more?
Are there other methods of control that you think would be more effective?

The wall is an ineffective, expensive, wasteful way to do it but at the end of the day it is border control.
Do you think we should be stopping people from crossing it?

Did you create these yourself or did you get a robo-call this weekend?
sale-70-410-exam    | Exam-200-125-pdf    | we-sale-70-410-exam    | hot-sale-70-410-exam    | Latest-exam-700-603-Dumps    | Dumps-98-363-exams-date    | Certs-200-125-date    | Dumps-300-075-exams-date    | hot-sale-book-C8010-726-book    | Hot-Sale-200-310-Exam    | Exam-Description-200-310-dumps?    | hot-sale-book-200-125-book    | Latest-Updated-300-209-Exam    | Dumps-210-260-exams-date    | Download-200-125-Exam-PDF    | Exam-Description-300-101-dumps    | Certs-300-101-date    | Hot-Sale-300-075-Exam    | Latest-exam-200-125-Dumps    | Exam-Description-200-125-dumps    | Latest-Updated-300-075-Exam    | hot-sale-book-210-260-book    | Dumps-200-901-exams-date    | Certs-200-901-date    | Latest-exam-1Z0-062-Dumps    | Hot-Sale-1Z0-062-Exam    | Certs-CSSLP-date    | 100%-Pass-70-383-Exams    | Latest-JN0-360-real-exam-questions    | 100%-Pass-4A0-100-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-300-135-exams-date    | Passed-200-105-Tech-Exams    | Latest-Updated-200-310-Exam    | Download-300-070-Exam-PDF    | Hot-Sale-JN0-360-Exam    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Exams    | 100%-Pass-JN0-360-Real-Exam-Questions    | Dumps-JN0-360-exams-date    | Exam-Description-1Z0-876-dumps    | Latest-exam-1Z0-876-Dumps    | Dumps-HPE0-Y53-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-HPE0-Y53-Exam    | 100%-Pass-HPE0-Y53-Real-Exam-Questions    | Pass-4A0-100-Exam    | Latest-4A0-100-Questions    | Dumps-98-365-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-98-365-Exam    | 100%-Pass-VCS-254-Exams    | 2017-Latest-VCS-273-Exam    | Dumps-200-355-exams-date    | 2017-Latest-300-320-Exam    | Pass-300-101-Exam    | 100%-Pass-300-115-Exams    |    |    |