Do you think there will be any negative effects of #metoo for women?

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Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Here's the thing with due process, it has existed for as long as this country has been a patriarchy. What you guys fail to understand is that it's nearly impossible to prove that these things happen without women wearing ass cams 24/7. Rape charges are one of the hardest things to get to stick to a man unless the woman buys a rape kit within 12 hours of being raped.

All of the men that have gone down in this recent outing of creeps have a distinct pattern of behavior that is corroborated across multiple incidents. None of these men were fired for a single case of sexual harassment, and usually no single accusation has that kind of power behind it.

The means of proving guilt in these types of cases are inherently biased towards the male and require that the female go to great lengths to be able to actually prove anything. I'm not sure how many women you guys know have been sexually harassed or abused by someone above them, but at my age (30) it's a perfect 100%. That's every single female friend that I have, including my own mother who was a victim of an attempted rape, coincidentally the guy walked because there was no hard proof to get a conviction.

TLDR: Women have literally always had the looming threat of sexual misconduct used against them as a means of suppressing the truth. If men are beginning to fear that their actions will be used against them, that is a net positive for society. If you were raised correctly to respect women and treat them as equals, not an object of lust or affection, you have nothing to worry about. If you fear something you did was inappropriate, ask the recipient if they thought it was, if it was, apologize and ask for an explanation of why you made them uncomfortable.
Very well said Snarf Snarf! Thank you.


Golden Member
Oct 3, 2013
I said nothing about liberals being "the true good guys." I was responding to your allegation that liberals are hypocrites on this issue, when in fact, its conservatives who are the hypocrites. But you're not going to respond to that, because you're just trolling here.

That, and Hitler.

Concise enough for you?

I spoke nothing of "hypocracy". Thats too soft of a charge. Most are simply frauds and their guilt by omission proves this. Capiche?

Still waiting on those threads btw, @alien42 , @feralkid , @Blackjack200 , @Victorian Gray


Apr 8, 2013
The means of proving guilt in these types of cases are inherently biased towards the male and require that the female go to great lengths to be able to actually prove anything. I'm not sure how many women you guys know have been sexually harassed or abused by someone above them, but at my age (30) it's a perfect 100%. That's every single female friend that I have, including my own mother who was a victim of an attempted rape, coincidentally the guy walked because there was no hard proof to get a conviction.

Sadly, this is true for all the women I know as well, at least all those I've spoken to on the subject. That includes mother, sister, wife, friends and coworkers. My wife says if you're female, 40+ and have worked most of your adult life, the chances you have not been harassed at least once are slim to none. I never would have believed it was this prevalent until all the recent news stories which prompted me to start discussing it with people I know personally.
Reactions: Snarf Snarf


Golden Member
Feb 3, 2011

Why don't America implement syariah law already, and seperate women from men.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
If there are any setbacks, they'll be tiny compared to the advantages.

Consider this: remember how toxic online communities were just a few years ago? How you couldn't even mention women advocating against sexism and harassment without some GamerGater/MRA type pretending that men were the real victims? Yeah... they've mostly gone quiet now. Hey, it turns out that women were right all along when they talked about often they dealt with harassment and assault, and that it's a systemic issue, not just a "few bad apples."

Mind you, I suspect some of those old haters just redirected their energy into cheering for Trump, he's the supreme champion of bigotry.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Sadly, this is true for all the women I know as well, at least all those I've spoken to on the subject. That includes mother, sister, wife, friends and coworkers. My wife says if you're female, 40+ and have worked most of your adult life, the chances you have not been harassed at least once are slim to none. I never would have believed it was this prevalent until all the recent news stories which prompted me to start discussing it with people I know personally.
Every woman I know as well.


Jan 6, 2005
Here's the thing with due process, it has existed for as long as this country has been a patriarchy. What you guys fail to understand is that it's nearly impossible to prove that these things happen without women wearing ass cams 24/7. Rape charges are one of the hardest things to get to stick to a man unless the woman buys a rape kit within 12 hours of being raped.

All of the men that have gone down in this recent outing of creeps have a distinct pattern of behavior that is corroborated across multiple incidents. None of these men were fired for a single case of sexual harassment, and usually no single accusation has that kind of power behind it.

The means of proving guilt in these types of cases are inherently biased towards the male and require that the female go to great lengths to be able to actually prove anything. I'm not sure how many women you guys know have been sexually harassed or abused by someone above them, but at my age (30) it's a perfect 100%. That's every single female friend that I have, including my own mother who was a victim of an attempted rape, coincidentally the guy walked because there was no hard proof to get a conviction.

TLDR: Women have literally always had the looming threat of sexual misconduct used against them as a means of suppressing the truth. If men are beginning to fear that their actions will be used against them, that is a net positive for society. If you were raised correctly to respect women and treat them as equals, not an object of lust or affection, you have nothing to worry about. If you fear something you did was inappropriate, ask the recipient if they thought it was, if it was, apologize and ask for an explanation of why you made them uncomfortable.
So in summary, if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Ironic that the people who typically make that argument also tend to side on the police state side of most discussions.

I've never done any of the things you mentioned. I advocate for due process not out of fear but out of respect for the rule of law.


Jan 28, 2002
So in summary, if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Ironic that the people who typically make that argument also tend to side on the police state side of most discussions.

I've never done any of the things you mentioned. I advocate for due process not out of fear but out of respect for the rule of law.

And misogyny...lots and lots of misogyny.

Bloom Axe.



Oct 18, 2005
No one is denying there is a problem. A few of us are saying the #metoo solution will backfire spectacularly due to its inherent politically opportunisitic intent

Which is obviously explained by Democrats and Republicans getting called to account.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
I've got to laugh at all the faux morality that the left has adopted once they felt it was politically expedient to do so. Prior, a blind eye was turned, it was joked about, winked about, it was accepted and even expected. The political class, the entertainers, big business types and rich folks (the latter two who were the 'good kind') all did it with the full blessing of the left. Why, you're doing wonderful things for us, you're entertaining us and you, you are providing me with a slew of electronic gadgets that are an integral part of my life.

You tolerated it before but now, it's all different and it hasn't got fuck all to do with what the dumbest of you think it does.
Is this how you rationalize your lack of compassion for these women?


Golden Member
Feb 3, 2011
If there are any setbacks, they'll be tiny compared to the advantages.

Consider this: remember how toxic online communities were just a few years ago? How you couldn't even mention women advocating against sexism and harassment without some GamerGater/MRA type pretending that men were the real victims? Yeah... they've mostly gone quiet now. Hey, it turns out that women were right all along when they talked about often they dealt with harassment and assault, and that it's a systemic issue, not just a "few bad apples."

Mind you, I suspect some of those old haters just redirected their energy into cheering for Trump, he's the supreme champion of bigotry.

But false report only hurt the real victim, I mean They got punished before due process, and we just expected to believe every report without checking the validity. All of this will create apathy.

If the real sexual harassment occurred just tell authority, but never judge or punish people without trials, it's sickening me seeing people life destroyed just because he was accused and before being proven guilty.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
But false report only hurt the real victim, I mean They got punished before due process, and we just expected to believe every report without checking the validity. All of this will create apathy.

If the real sexual harassment occurred just tell authority, but never judge or punish people without trials, it's sickening me seeing people life destroyed just because he was accused and before being proven guilty.
What do you mean by trial? Yes, false reports hurt the real victims, but studies suggest that these reports are relatively rare. The problem with due process is that is up to the employers to enforce, and the entire issue stems from the fact that in many environments, such behavior is simply tolerated. A woman reports sexual harassment, and her male boss just says, "yeah, he does that, that's just the way he is." And so women stop reporting because it doesn't do anything. The only way we seem to be making any progress is by skipping due process and just going public with the information. Once businesses and government organizations stop blaming the victims and begin to take these issues seriously, there won't be a need for these women to expose these issues to the public because those that are perpetual harassers won't (hopefully) ever make it to the senate or other positions of power. Currently, it is up to each individual to make a personal judgement based on the information publicly presented because the systems in place are failing. No, we aren't expected to believe every report, but the media has generally been doing a pretty good job of validating these claims. They caught the group trying to intentionally feed false reports against Moore for example. When we start to get dozens of reports, it comes time to decide, do I think every one of these women is lying? To me, that takes victim blaming to an unconscionable level.
Reactions: Victorian Gray


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
But false report only hurt the real victim, I mean They got punished before due process, and we just expected to believe every report without checking the validity. All of this will create apathy.

If the real sexual harassment occurred just tell authority, but never judge or punish people without trials, it's sickening me seeing people life destroyed just because he was accused and before being proven guilty.

But the clear majority of reports aren't false.

And you're acting as if the accused aren't facing public judgment based on a preponderance of public evidence. When numerous people accuse the same man of committing harassment or assault, when the man has a consistent pattern of horrible behavior, when his response is a vague non-denial, you can and must judge him. Predators like Weinstein, Cosby and Trump count on people like you to get away with it -- they know that sexual harassment and assault are difficult to prove unless you get lucky with camera footage, and they're betting that you're more interested in protecting their reputation than listening to their victims. Don't blindly condemn people, of course, but when there are multiple women saying a man groped them, it's very likely that there's some truth to their story.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
So in summary, if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Ironic that the people who typically make that argument also tend to side on the police state side of most discussions.

I've never done any of the things you mentioned. I advocate for due process not out of fear but out of respect for the rule of law.

Where in all this is anyone losing the rights to due process? Where has the rule of law been infringed? Can you cite even a single example of such things happening because of #metoo ?

You should take a step back. Because it looks as though you, the OP, and a few others are saying that most of the women are lying. Or that you want the harassment to continue. Either way, your message that the woman need to hush up now if they want to keep their jobs is coming through and clear.


Jun 23, 2004
Do you think there will be any negative effects of #metoo for women?

Well it doesn't just happen at the workplace, right?

So the backlash will be more... division and mistrust between strangers. If you want an emotionally dead, cold shoulder, this is how we obtain that dystopian future where the worker bees don't even regard one another as human. Feelings, empathy, compassion and getting to know one another? No one can afford the liability on that!

I envision a parallel to a completely sterile and germ free environment. But maybe I have a strong imagination.


Platinum Member
Jan 5, 2004
Well it doesn't just happen at the workplace, right?

So the backlash will be more... division and mistrust between strangers. If you want an emotionally dead, cold shoulder, this is how we obtain that dystopian future where the worker bees don't even regard one another as human. Feelings, empathy, compassion and getting to know one another? No one can afford the liability on that!

I envision a parallel to a completely sterile and germ free environment. But maybe I have a strong imagination.
You have to grab someone's ass to get to know them? Or are you suggesting that false sexual harassment claims are going to grow so rampant that you won't dare interact with women for fear that they'll falsely accuse you? I don't get the logic here. I'm not aware of anyone that thinks trying to kiss a woman you've been flirting with in a social setting would be considered sexual harassment. Have you? In a social setting, just keep your hands off a woman's boobs, ass, and vagina, and just basically stay out of their personal space if you aren't in a relationship with them, and you'll be fine.
Nov 25, 2013
Where in all this is anyone losing the rights to due process? Where has the rule of law been infringed? Can you cite even a single example of such things happening because of #metoo ?

You should take a step back. Because it looks as though you, the OP, and a few others are saying that most of the women are lying. Or that you want the harassment to continue. Either way, your message that the woman need to hush up now if they want to keep their jobs is coming through and clear.

This is part of the developing 'backlash'. Didn't take all that long either.


Jan 6, 2005
Where in all this is anyone losing the rights to due process? Where has the rule of law been infringed? Can you cite even a single example of such things happening because of #metoo ?

You should take a step back. Because it looks as though you, the OP, and a few others are saying that most of the women are lying. Or that you want the harassment to continue. Either way, your message that the woman need to hush up now if they want to keep their jobs is coming through and clear.
I think some of you need to step back.

I've never said women need to hush up. I've said the kangaroo court of public opinion and hashtag justice is McCarthyism.

There is a vibrant and necessary debate over Title IX. The NY Times has a great article about Andrew Millenberg and his fight against the tribunals that were set up on college campuses across the country.

Al Franken got coerced into stepping down without the benefit of an ethics hearing.

Kevin Spacey's career is over based off allegations.

Most of the men getting ensnared probably deserve it, but that isn't necessarily justice.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000

Chuck Schumer seems to have been the victim of a fraudulent #metoo which brings in a problem. Women are as opportunistic as men because we're all human. Making false claims for revenge or gain will make legitimate wrongs less credible. Chuck is apparently going after the woman with the law and that may be the only way to keep things kosher. The few ruin it for the many and that's not right.
Reactions: Starbuck1975

Snarf Snarf

Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
So in summary, if you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Ironic that the people who typically make that argument also tend to side on the police state side of most discussions.

I've never done any of the things you mentioned. I advocate for due process not out of fear but out of respect for the rule of law.

I know we've had previous discussion about how highly you hold the rule of law, but it's important to recognize the failings of the rule of law. None of these guys are facing criminal charges, and all of them have had overwhelming amounts of evidence against them, they would lose in civil court.

If someone is being wrongly accused of sexual misconduct they still possess the right to file a civil suit against the accuser (like Schumer is doing) to clear their name. That has not changed and never will change, it's one of the great things about this country.

The truth is that it's hard for women to not want revenge when the legal system built for and by men makes it near impossible to get justice for the actions of men. Innocent until proven guilty applies only in a court of law, not out in the real world. Everyone knows the kind of men these guys are, we've worked side by side with them in the past, and some of us under them. The culture of a male-centric society gives them the feeling of superiority and lets them believe they can act with impunity and disrespect all the women around them because none of the women can prove a thing, and they're right.

Unfortunately this isn't an easy problem to tackle, the only viable solution is for all women to start recording their conversations and wear rear facing body cameras to catch any gropes that happen. Would you advise your daughter/sister/friends to do this to respect due process?


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2017
Chuck Schumer seems to have been the victim of a fraudulent #metoo which brings in a problem. Women are as opportunistic as men because we're all human. Making false claims for revenge or gain will make legitimate wrongs less credible. Chuck is apparently going after the woman with the law and that may be the only way to keep things kosher. The few ruin it for the many and that's not right.
What I read was the accuser denied she made the complaint and her signature is a forgery. Not that the fraudulent claim was a purposeful false claim from the woman but the actual claim wasn't real. Is that incorrect?
Last edited:
Nov 25, 2013
What I read was the accuser denied she made the company and her signature is a forgery. Not that the fraudulent claim was a purposeful false claim from the woman but the actual claim wasn't real. Is that incorrect?

That's what's being reported. In fact she has been to the police to file a complaint as well.
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