Do your shopping now, Tax-free Internet shopping is about to go away.

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Dec 11, 2006
I'm just a whiner? Ok guilty. I don't like to be stolen from. I admit it.

Theft is taking property that is not your own. You can spin up the propaganda machine and make a special exception for taxation, but it is still theft. You might not like it, but society is structured around THEFT. Nobody is forcing you to admit it, but I'd say I have every right to complain about it.

I'm sure you would love to see me run off instead of spreading the message of freedom from tyranny, but unfortunately I will continue to help others see theft for what it is. If "society decided," to make it this way, perhaps "society," can change its mind, right?

Absolutely! Thats the great thing about a representative republic like ours, society can always change its mind. Luckily I doubt enough people are batshit crazy enough to do as you wish and even if they were they would change their minds absurdly quick when they realize the ramifications.

Its funny, you keep talking about all this lawful "theft" but you don't talk about the ramifications of removing said lawful "theft". I always get a good chuckle out of debates like this because you have no clue what you would be in for should you get your way. You, along with the rest of us, would be completely assed out. Whatever money you perceive to have been stolen from you will no longer be a concern because you will no longer have it for anyone to steal.


Dec 11, 2006
Then I pay a new mafia. Ultimately this changes nothing except who gets to spend the stolen money.

Sigh, ok if you would like to have an intelligent discussion then at least lets get some definitions out of the way.

Definition of THEFT

a : the act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it
b : an unlawful taking (as by embezzlement or burglary) of property

There are some very key words in the above definition such as unlawful and felonious. Taxes are not unlawful nor are the felonious. The mob demanding money is, not a very good comparison.

More sane, good jab!

It wasn't a jab, I was being quite serious.

I guess lacking the cognitive dissonance skills to make some forms of theft legitimate qualifies me as handicapped in some regard. Calling something "ludicrous," is not an argument.

Lacking the cognitive dissonance skills to form some sort of rational thought as to the ramifications of what you propose is a handicap in my opinion. Calling something that is legal theft is not an argument either.

I believe it's abundantly clear I know that staying within the bounds of law is required and that paying the mafia their due must be done regardless.

So you realize that it is not theft yet still claim it as such....

Still, none of those things makes taxation anything but a very special form of theft.

Lol, now its a special form of theft?

Furthermore, just because we have a government that is generating endless war across the globe and that's how it stands today, does not mean that we are compelled to accept that fact and not advocate against such barbarism.

The policies of the government and its need to raise funds are separate arguments.

I am against theft and violence. That is all.

Do you suppose their is much theft and violence in Somalia, a place much more akin to what you claim to desire?

Arguably most of our current laws do violate the constitution, but it depends on who you ask. I believe you're raging here as my responses have been laced with far less ad hominem and are much more logically consistent.

Logically consistent???? Taxation has allowed the government to build the framework of the society that you enjoy today. The very same society that allows you to earn income in order for it to be taxed. You did none of this work yet you greatly profit off it. Just the interstate system alone is instrumental to your earnings and without it you wouldn't be bitching about theft you would be bitching about hunger.

I'm simply pointing out the fact that it is no kind of choice. You have not, as yet, made a compelling case that taxation benefits me or society, but I would be quite willing to hear your argument there too.

You want proof that taxation benefits you and society? The interstate system, internet, space travel, pure sciences that has led to huge technological advances, etc..... Done deal, next question?


Dec 11, 2006
Everyone arguing for the tax in different ways. Not many, if any of you are against the tax altogether. Sad when we've become so accustomed to it that we merely squabble over how its to be collected

While I am not jumping with joy at the thought of paying it, the taxes are legally due to the states.


Dec 11, 2006
You realize that under Obama taxes as a percentage of GDP have been lower than they have been since 1950, right?

Furthermore, taxes as a percentage of GDP have stayed pretty steady between about 17% and 20% for decades and decades now. The idea that they are on a never ending steady upward climb is simply unsupported by the data.

You are absolutely correct. On the flip side of your argument, the idea that we can collect over 20% of GDP in Federal revenue for more than a year or two is completely unsupported in our history.


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2005
Sigh, ok if you would like to have an intelligent discussion then at least lets get some definitions out of the way.

Definition of THEFT

a : the act of stealing; specifically : the felonious taking and removing of personal property with intent to deprive the rightful owner of it
b : an unlawful taking (as by embezzlement or burglary) of property

There are some very key words in the above definition such as unlawful and felonious. Taxes are not unlawful nor are the felonious. The mob demanding money is, not a very good comparison.

Of course it is. What happens when you deny the mob their money? What happens when you deny "government" money? Both threaten bodily harm or take what is rightfully yours.

Lacking the cognitive dissonance skills to form some sort of rational thought as to the ramifications of what you propose is a handicap in my opinion. Calling something that is legal theft is not an argument either.

Uhh so who gives a group of people authority to takes whats rightfully mine? Can a group of my friends come over and take what they want from you? No? Didn't think so. It takes a lack of reason to think that a group of armed thugs has more rights that you or I do on our own. That's just silly and shows you aren't thinking it through. I never consented to give any of my labor to anyone. Yet they will take it whether I want to give it or not. How you can't see this as blatant robbery is far outside any rational thinking man.

Do you suppose their is much theft and violence in Somalia, a place much more akin to what you claim to desire?

You do realize this isn't Somalia right? What makes your twisted mind think such lunacy?

Taxation has allowed the government to build the framework of the society that you enjoy today. The very same society that allows you to earn income in order for it to be taxed. You did none of this work yet you greatly profit off it. Just the interstate system alone is instrumental to your earnings and without it you wouldn't be bitching about theft you would be bitching about hunger.

Bullshit. You statists are all the same. Claim that if some "authority" wasn't there chaos would ensue. People are inherently bad and need papa govsmurf to keep us all in line. Yet those very same, inherently bad people, are the ones running the damned show! Logical fallacy indeed.

You want proof that taxation benefits you and society? The interstate system, internet, space travel, pure sciences that has led to huge technological advances, etc..... Done deal, next question?

All this and more happens without government. Government is not some magical fairy dust spreader that bequeaths marvels and wonders.

I get that its hard to think out of the box when you've been educated in the system. To break free from those invisible chains is not easy or pleasant. I do not expect you to change your mind. I expect you to think.


Dec 11, 2006
Many of those state that don't have sales taxes manage to rape you in other higher property taxes and higher fees for every-fucking-thing.

A good example is Oregon. Lots of folks brag that Oregon doesn't have sales taxes...but they get you other ways:

.06% above the national average is your example?????

At best you proved that states need roughly the same amount of money to continue providing the services we are all used to. The only difference is how they collect it and for the most part marginally how much they collect.


Dec 11, 2006
Of course it is. What happens when you deny the mob their money? What happens when you deny "government" money? Both threaten bodily harm or take what is rightfully yours.

Just because you precieve the results of not complying to be similar doesn't mean that what you are complying to is the same....

Uhh so who gives a group of people authority to takes whats rightfully mine? Can a group of my friends come over and take what they want from you? No? Didn't think so. It takes a lack of reason to think that a group of armed thugs has more rights that you or I do on our own. That's just silly and shows you aren't thinking it through. I never consented to give any of my labor to anyone. Yet they will take it whether I want to give it or not. How you can't see this as blatant robbery is far outside any rational thinking man.

The Constitution of The United States of America grants said authority.

You do realize this isn't Somalia right? What makes your twisted mind think such lunacy?

Because Somalia has tax laws more inline with what you desire. Its amusing that you say I have a twisted mind, why do you think that this isn't Somalia? You wish to fundamentally change the way our society improves itself yet you don't seem to think there will be any negative ramifications. So tell me, why do you suppose Somalia isn't more like us? Hell, here is a real easy one for you, can you name ANY desirable society that is around today that has no taxation whatsoever? Just one example please.

Bullshit. You statists are all the same. Claim that if some "authority" wasn't there chaos would ensue. People are inherently bad and need papa govsmurf to keep us all in line. Yet those very same, inherently bad people, are the ones running the damned show! Logical fallacy indeed.

Why does Somalia suck then? Why aren't we like Somalia? People are people right?

All this and more happens without government. Government is not some magical fairy dust spreader that bequeaths marvels and wonders.

I never said nor implied that it was. It is much more akin to a very necessary evil.
I get that its hard to think out of the box when you've been educated in the system. To break free from those invisible chains is not easy or pleasant. I do not expect you to change your mind. I expect you to think.

Lol, I do think and I think a lot. My thoughts are just much more thought out than yours and frankly much more sane.


Dec 11, 2006
"Legally"? By whom? Whos order? Where did I agree?

Do I really need to teach you basic civics and how laws come to be? Do I need to post the documents that give us the ability to choose who will represent us and propose/enact/enforce those laws? Really?


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
While I am not jumping with joy at the thought of paying it, the taxes are legally due to the states.

"Legally"? By whom? Whos order? Where did I agree?

You implicitly agree by utilizing the benefits presented to you by the state.

You have the choice to not utilize such benefits and therefore not pay the taxes that support those benefits.

Make sure that you walk to work and feel free to cross against the lights.
No using any public services, paved roads or sidewalks. You can not ask for emergency services if you are struck by a vehicle.


Sep 25, 2001
Senate ahs approved it:

questionable in the House. Hope it fails!
if not, there's the courts. i can see the law being put on hold for years.

and i dont understand why this tax issue was brought up in the 1st place. The supreme Court has already ruled against cross state taxes in the case of mail order companies. (b4 the days of internet)
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Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
Senate ahs approved it:

questionable in the House. Hope it fails!
if not, there's the courts. i can see the law being put on hold for years.

and i dont understand why this tax issue was brought up in the 1st place. The supreme Court has already ruled against cross state taxes in the case of mail order companies.

Uh that's because commerce between state lines is under federal regulation. In that case Congress didn't give the states authority to collect sales taxes across state lines. Thus it was unconstitutional. If congress passes this there is little chance of it being found unconstitutional.

It's unlikely there would be an injunction against it either because of the small chance of success on the merits. A prelimnary injunction can only be granted if there is a likelihood of success on the mertits. There is zero likelihood of success because Congress clearly has the authority to regulate interstate sales tax collection. Scouts will never take up this case if the legislation passes.

Finally this isn't a new tax. It's an enforcemrnt mechanism for existing taxes.
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Elite member
Nov 19, 1999
There is bi-partisan support in the House to pass this. It will be hard for the "anti-tax" block to fight this as States already have the right to Use taxes. I supported being easie on this when the Internet business model started up, but it is far past ime when transactions should have ben taxed.

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Feb 1, 2008
Target and Bust Buy think this will help their sales.


Donut hold u breath geek squad.....


Diamond Member
Nov 27, 2003
Why should my state be entitled to collect sales tax on sales that are in a different state? Why should the state that receives the payment be entitled to a tax where they have not provided anything to me?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Why should my state be entitled to collect sales tax on sales that are in a different state? Why should the state that receives the payment be entitled to a tax where they have not provided anything to me?

You realize that's always how sales taxes have worked since forever, right? Taxes are collected based on the location of the purchaser, not the seller. Whatever state you were in when you bought something, that's who you owe the tax to.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Both of Oregon's Senators voted against the bill. Speaking on the Senate floor, Ron Wyden argued that the Marketplace Fairness Act -- or MFA -- would undermine the sovereignty of states.

"Proponents of the bill say that the measure is about promoting state's rights. But the reality is that it is a coercive affront to state sovereignty. If any state doesn't wish to subject their business to out-of-state government tax collectors,the MFA tells them in effect “get lost."

Wyden said he believes the legislation has the potential to crush new businesses under the weight of additional regulation, costly legal fees, and the potential for out-of-state audits.

It seems like an opt in framework would be better. States that have decided they don't want to deal with a sales tax at all can stay out of it. States that like the sales tax can collect it for each other.
Nov 8, 2012

It seems like an opt in framework would be better. States that have decided they don't want to deal with a sales tax at all can stay out of it. States that like the sales tax can collect it for each other.

The burden of knowing tax law for all 50 states that you could possibly be shipping to really is rather ridiculous, this state, local, and county. Imagine some older women trying to bring up a business in cookie cutters. Are they going to know tax law?


Dec 11, 2006
Why should my state be entitled to collect sales tax on sales that are in a different state? Why should the state that receives the payment be entitled to a tax where they have not provided anything to me?

Because you are using said product in your state.


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
The burden of knowing tax law for all 50 states that you could possibly be shipping to really is rather ridiculous, this state, local, and county. Imagine some older women trying to bring up a business in cookie cutters. Are they going to know tax law?

First that argument held water 2+ decades ago. Today not so much. Today its easily done by computer software. Said software has to provided by every participating state FOR FREE.

Plus business with less than $1million in sales would be exempt.
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Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
Target and Bust Buy think this will help their sales.


Donut hold u breath geek squad.....

Yep, both those stores already match Amazon's prices but in states where Amazon doesn't have to collect taxes, Amazon has a big advantage. A $500 item would be $40+ difference still even though they did their best to match Amazon's price.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2001
First that argument held water 2+ decades ago. Today not so much. Today its easily done by computer software. Said software has to provided by every participating state FOR FREE.

Plus business with less than $1million in sales would be exempt.

As long as stupid people still believe this crap (especially people who post this non sense from a computer), this argument will be use.

In their world its as if we all use pen and paper for accounting.
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