Does anybody have more than this?

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No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Like I said, I'd really like to see the entire speech, or at least those sections immediately before and after the now infamous quote. I'll reserve my final judgement until I see those... but for now, I believe that his excuses are pure unadulterated bullsh*t.
Hey, you're entitled to your opinion as everyone else here is too. But let me state for the record that if the full transcript of the speech is release and the context is brought into the picture and it is shown that Kerry did say that what you are claiming to say, then I'll be the first to call for Kerry's apology to the troops. Are you willing to do the same? That is, call for and apology from all those who took Kerry words out of context namely McCain, Bush, and Snow.


Dec 21, 2005
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Like I said, I'd really like to see the entire speech, or at least those sections immediately before and after the now infamous quote. I'll reserve my final judgement until I see those... but for now, I believe that his excuses are pure unadulterated bullsh*t.
Hey, you're entitled to your opinion as everyone else here is too. But let me state for the record that if the full transcript of the speech is release and the context is brought into the picture and it is shown that Kerry did say that what you are claiming to say, then I'll be the first to call for Kerry's apology to the troops. Are you willing to do the same? That is, call for and apology from all those who took Kerry words out of context namely McCain, Bush, and Snow.

yes, I pledge to do the same. Very loudly in fact! But I dont want no stinkin' "transcript," I want the raw uncut video of that exact speech.

He either needs to produce said video or take his political arse-beating like a man.

My prediction is that he'll do neither.
Feb 10, 2000
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: palehorse74
Like I said, I'd really like to see the entire speech, or at least those sections immediately before and after the now infamous quote. I'll reserve my final judgement until I see those... but for now, I believe that his excuses are pure unadulterated bullsh*t.
Hey, you're entitled to your opinion as everyone else here is too. But let me state for the record that if the full transcript of the speech is release and the context is brought into the picture and it is shown that Kerry did say that what you are claiming to say, then I'll be the first to call for Kerry's apology to the troops. Are you willing to do the same? That is, call for and apology from all those who took Kerry words out of context namely McCain, Bush, and Snow.

yes, I pledge to do the same. Very loudly in fact! But I dont want no stinkin' "transcript," I want the raw uncut video of that exact speech.

He either needs to produce said video or take his political arse-beating like a man.

My prediction is that he'll do neither.

I don't know that he owns the tape - it's the property of whomever taped it. It clearly exists, since excerpts have been widely aired. It may be that whomever owns it strongly favors one side or the other, and is declining to put it in wide release because it doesn't favor their perspective. I dunno.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: DonVito
I don't know that he owns the tape - it's the property of whomever taped it. It clearly exists, since excerpts have been widely aired. It may be that whomever owns it strongly favors one side or the other, and is declining to put it in wide release because it doesn't favor their perspective. I dunno.
It going to go to the highest bidder.

But in all seriousness, the way I see it is:

1. The tape clears Kerry, but is in the hands of someone who wants to maximize the political damage, so they withold the tape.

2. The tape get Kerry into more sh*t, but is in the hands of someone who wants to limit the amount of political damage to the Iraq comment, and so they withold the tape.

The Raven

Senior member
Oct 11, 2005
This is kind of like saying, "That kid is an idiot because of his parents" with the kid listening to you say it. Yes you might be attacking the parents, but the kid will still feel like crap.

That said, as we all know, politicians say some stupid things (for example Bushisms) and we really shouldn't blow them out of proportion like this. I mean who the hell cares what Kerry says? What? Is someone actually planning on voting for him?


Jan 10, 2002
I don't even think this is as bad as boosh joking about looking for the WMD's under the couch after he told the terrorists to bring it on and kill more of our soldiers.. Bush is the biggest idiot creep to even wear the label of Commander


Feb 5, 2006
I am really disappointed with McCain's involvement in this hackjob. I can't believe I actually supported the guy. He's a backstabber like the rest of them.


Diamond Member
Mar 2, 2003
I'm not offended by Kerry's remarks because my mind read and understood it to be directed at the President and the other responsible parties to the Iraqi fiasco... No doubt because I do... so it is natural to interpret or understand from that bias... AND the other side interprets it to suit their belief.. THEN we all sit here and back and forth with righteous indignation of fire ants on the prowl... Neither side can see or try to see the obvious in this kind of issue... Like Joe Biden's comments or anyone elses....

Look to the reality ... the truth... We ARE in Iraq.. and we do bury folks as a result.. and no gain seems to be at hand toward any reasonable objective..

Palehorsey wants to see Academic Degrees as a measure of comprehension.... amazing.. Folks with Street Smarts from The Sidewalk University have more smarts than I do on issues of Common Sense... It seems the more Academia one ingests the more myopic they become. Fixed on one stream of thought often overlooking what bolder is about to roll them over...

Kerry was in Vietnam.. was in the line of fire and acted bravely while under it.. Give him that as a start.. then evaluate the utterances in the light of a Democrat talking or directing his comments to a Republican Administration... Seems Simple enough to me.. but then I may have few too many degrees..


Jan 10, 2002
Originally posted by: senseamp
I am really disappointed with McCain's involvement in this hackjob. I can't believe I actually supported the guy. He's a backstabber like the rest of them.

McCain is a big coward who will do anything to keep his job


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2000
Originally posted by: senseamp
I am really disappointed with McCain's involvement in this hackjob. I can't believe I actually supported the guy. He's a backstabber like the rest of them.

Yeah I was a McCain supporter in 2000. But I don't like him anymore.

I doubt this story will do much harm to the Dems this year. Some conservatives may have gotten energized by that Swift Boat crap...but I think they've since wised up.



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Starbuck1975
Similarly, many of the soldiers I served with were quite intelligent and capable individuals, particularly across the NCO ranks...many of these individuals lacked the MEANS to attend college, but certainly had the potential and intelligence to do do realize that for many, military service is a way to escape their social situations and gain access to the educational opportunities otherwise denied to them.
That describes my brother perfectly. We were living in a small town in Maine when he signed up. There were no local colleges he could attend and no long term promising jobs. Now after 20+ years he is about to retire and graduate with a Masters Degree in Nuclear Engineering (or something similar) This time next year he'll be operating a Nuclear power plant. Not exactly the type of job open to dummies who have no education or don't do their homework.

Kerry is just an ass with as history of bad mouthing the military.


Senior member
Jul 29, 2006
Originally posted by: senseamp
It may have effect in Senate, but the House is too far gone for GOP to keep majority, and that's enough for me.
GOP is going to have to do a lot of soul searching in the coming years.

Yeah right. More likely the GOP will be happy to give up seats to the dems so they have someone to blame between now and Nov. '08. I can see it now, Iraq is a fiasco yeah but only because Bush had his hands tied by a house and or senate dem. majority. Vote repub in 08. Not to mention Bush won't be running in 08. Remember Bush senior calling Reaganomics voodoo economics? Got him elected. Then he turned around and did the same thing running up the nat'l debt. Just a little bit of history repeating...


Feb 5, 2006
I think loss of House will be devastating to the GOP. There will be infighting that will make it hard for them to win in 08. The only thing holding them together now is the winning. Take that away, and you will have conservatives, moderates, and big porkers within GOP fighting it out.


Sep 15, 2002
I am confused, what is John Kerry talking about exactly? Is he comparing this to Vietnam? I could why though, some in the military could be offended.


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: JD50
Originally posted by: CellarDoor

This has got to be the first thread in which I've ever called someone a troll directly. This is nothing against you personally and I am well aware that there are many posters from all areas of the political spectrum that act in this way as well. I'm not exactly sure how to respond to this, or exactly what you expect of me. I don't read every thread and I don't read every post in every thread. I generally only post in threads in which I have some knowledge of the topic.

That being said, "others do it too" is a pretty childish way to go about things don't you think?

I wasn't saying "others do it too", I was saying the liberals on this board do it and don't get called on it, yet the conservatives get hounded for everything they say. My original post was pointing out the hypocracy that many of the liberal members of this board exhibhit, which was then proven by senseamp calling me a troll. If I chimed in with a "you liberals are nuts" then yes I would be a troll. Since I was making a point, I would not consider my self a troll.

You will see many of the liberals on this board call conservatives a troll in one post, then in the very next post they will be high fiving each other when they start insulting other conservative posts, with absolutely nothing added to the conversation.
Look examples of liberal members doing exactly what JD50 says they do.
From this thread Link
"Time to lock this trolling crap up."
"Edit: There are 10 threads in the first 2 pages that you have started. I begining to think you must be getting paid to be a troll. "
Now this thread link
" if we give you enough of these will you stop posting? To those who actually try and engage you in some sort of meaningful debate, good luck. Just another people die more at point A so ignore point B ****** stained OP"
"Mmmmnope! Wrong again. Please try to read and understand posts before you reply to them. You're dangerously close to becoming a troll. "
"Yep. Just a hypocrite. Like someone else already posted, if we give him enough 's, will he just leave??? "

Two great "troll" posts with another post calling me a troll. Never seem to see anyone calling the left on here trolls. Are you guys from the left that incapable of having a meaningful discussion?


Jul 13, 2005
So this just proves my point....

The democrats are there own worse enemie!!

God you have to Love KERRY if your a republican!!
He keeps shooting himself in the arse!!!!


Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Ahhh the GOP's secret weapon (Kerry) has reared his big mouth yet again. Like I said Dems, keep your mouths zipped until November 8th. Sheesh, is it that difficult?
Hey that is exactly what Rush said, were you listening to him today?


Feb 5, 2006
Originally posted by: ProfJohn
Originally posted by: DealMonkey
Ahhh the GOP's secret weapon (Kerry) has reared his big mouth yet again. Like I said Dems, keep your mouths zipped until November 8th. Sheesh, is it that difficult?
Hey that is exactly what Rush said, were you listening to him today?

Rush's approval is 25% in a recent poll. But yeah, Kerry should have learned from Rush's recent foot in mouth issue and kept his mouth shut.


Feb 5, 2006
I was thinking about how this effects Jim Webb's race. Webb wouldn't shake Kerry's hand for 20 years after Vietnam, and he has a son in Iraq. I think he can score some good points with conservatives by throwing Kerry under the bus.


Jul 28, 2006
So many people are saying false or misleading comments on this thread that you have to lump them all together to keep from spamming this thread with responses.
BTW: senseamp, you have done so much spinning in this thread I don?t even think you know what Kerry actually said anymore.

Originally posted by: DonVito
In fact I assume the double standard springs from the fact that even diehard Republicans understand that President Bush is an inarticulate boob, whereas Kerry is a bright but wooden professional politician who is expected to be able to speak like an adult.

In this situation I don't know that a double standard is even needed - the Republicans are willfully taking Kerry's remarks out of context.
Yes, Kerry is so bright that he got lower grades at Yale then that inarticulate boob President Bush. This has been proven via school records, can not deny it, the facts are out there.

Originally posted by: senseamp
Here is what the GOP wants you to believe: That John Kerry, who voluntarily enlisted in the military after graduating from Yale, is saying that members of the military, and not George W. Bush, are uneducated and got us stuck in Iraq.
On the other hand, George W. Bush is saying that attacks on his intelligence are attacks on the troops.
Yes Kerry voluntarily enlisted in the Navy after his request for a deferment to spend a year in France studying was denied. Not sure what he wanted to study thought since he had already graduated from Yale by that point.

Originally posted by: DonVito
Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. You're just rehashing the standard Swift Boat party line. You weren't in Vietnam, I'm quite sure, and he never said our soldiers were terrorists or that they "like to torture." His protests after returning from Vietnam were done to protect his comrades-in-arms, not to attack them.

I assume - please correct me if I'm wrong - that Kerry has literally infinitely more combat experience than you, and, as I pointed out above, his voting record is very pro-veteran. I certainly don't think he was the world's greatest Presidential candidate, but I don't think he's a bad guy, and he's certainly not anti-military.
Yes John Kerry is so pro military, just look at his past statements about the military
JOHN KERRY'S TESTIMONY BEFORE THE SENATE FOREIGN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, APRIL 22, 1971 -- "They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

John Kerry on CBS Face the Nation, December 4, 2005 -- "There is no reason... that young American soldiers need to be going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children..."

John Kerry in a speech to students at Pasadena City College in California, October 30, 2006 -- "You know, education -- if you make the most of it, you study hard and you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq."

And John Kerry again when asked to apologize to the troops buy the Bush Administration for the above "joke", October 31, 2006 -- "I will apologize to no one."


May 1, 2006
Kerry is just an ass with as history of bad mouthing the military.

That's a completely false statement that only makes you look bad, John. Kerry is neither an 'ass' nor someone with a history of *badmouthing* the military - rather, you are on the side of covering up the truth about Viet Nam, and Kerry was *helping* the soldiers to get to tell the truth.


Jul 13, 2005
I like the fact the Conjur posted a related thread and even titled it properly --

Topic Title: GOP cuts and runs from even more Congressional races
Topic Summary:
Created On: 10/31/2006 10:53 PM
Republicans scale back spending on competitive House races in three states

Whats interesting the republicans have scaled back all spend after KERRY made his derogatory analogy concerning our military personnel.

The republican figured hey we have KERRY stumping for us and he doesn`t even know it....rofl...way too funny..



Jul 28, 2006
Originally posted by: OrByte
clearly, by reading what Kerry MEANT to say, it wasn't a bash towards the military and/or the troops at all.

Bush has brain farts all the time on camera...people make fun, and then forgive him for it.

isn't it possible Kerry can have brain farts too?
Which explains the dozen or so posts so far that include some kind of Bush mispeak, guess we need to work on this "forgive him" part huh?
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