Does college ever get fun?


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Currently I am a freshmen in his second semester of college, shooting for a PC Software Engineer/Software Developer Bachelor's degree (Undecided). I've finished my first semester of classes and I can honestly say, I've had enough.

A little background: I graduated High School with high honors, and have been hitting a B+, A- average in college. I'm sick of English classes (I think this upcoming semester is my last English course).

Music is my life, and have been a drummer for 7 years & have stuck with my guitar player through the majority of that time. I don't 'party', drink, or smoke (legally or illegally)

I've gone to college and hated it. Didn't feel like being social, so I kept to myself. A 'social life' is something I really don't need. As long as I have music in my life I am happy.

In my college, I am required (to be considered full time) I need 12 credits. Each class being 1-5 credits. (Average class, 3 credits). I have taken the bare minimum for this requirement. 4 Classes. 3 Credits Each. Math, English, 'Social Science' class: Criminal Justice?! (Forced for scheduling), and of course: PC Programming I.

We are forced a certain number of "cultural diversity/social science" courses. I don't like these courses, nore do I like the English courses. I was wondering, does college EVER get "fun", class wise I mean? Or do I have to take more than my 12 credits to have any additional "fun" classes? I have a busy life and see no need to take MORE classes in an environment I currently don't like.

I was wondering, when should I expect to be able to have the option to explore other classes while keeping the same workload? Does college always stay this linear & boring?


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
college is what you make of it. if you decide to keep to yourself and your music, be disappointed with your options of classes, then maybe you need a change of scenery or attitude. everyone's different, and college ain't for everyone.


Jan 22, 2003
College is all fun my man. Best time of your life. It all gets worse after that, believe you me. Go out and have fun. You gotta be social your freshman year b/c everyone is going out meeting people and having a fun time. Try it and belive me, you'll like it and really enjoy the last 3 years of college. DO IT!


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2001
nobody 'needs' a social life, but it sure makes things more exciting.


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2003
Are you parents paying your way now? What worked for me was a reality check in the real world. Working 8 hours per day at some crappy job leaves you too worn out to do anything fun. Now I'm back in school and loving it. Going to class for 2-3 hours per day and learning about interesting things sure as hell beats working some boring job.

The first 2 years are mostly high school version 2.0, but you are able to squeeze some interesting classes in. For me I found that moving away from Math, English, and Criminal Justice type courses helped. Instead I took Philosophy, History, Astronomy, and found myself really interested in the subjects. Most general ed requirements are loose enough where you can take whatever the hell you want most of the time.

Also put yourself out there and get involved. You never have such a great opportunity to meet people so take advantage of it.

Everyone told me how good I had it but I didn't listen. You might be the same way. But you do have it good and learn to appreciate it, or take a quarter off and learn what life is like without college there to delay it.


Moderator<br>A/V & Home Theater<br>Elite member
Aug 6, 2001
Do you have a path of core classes you have to take for your major?

My first semester of college I pretty much knew what classes I needed to take in which order to get done with my track the soonest. There were certainly some general requirement classes to take, but those got taken care of fairly early. If you plan on taking the bare minimum of classes though, that doesn't leave you much room to add classes that really interest you.

Classes have never been the fun part for me. I enjoy music too and usually coming home and listening to music or watching a movie is the best part of my day

I've switched majors several times and actually on my last switch, my classes have actually started to be enjoyable

Very few of my science / math / computer required classes have been "fun". Maybe taking something music related could be fun for you?

Overall I think it's easier to enjoy yourself outside the classroom

Garet Jax

Diamond Member
Feb 21, 2000
Originally posted by: Coldkilla
Currently I am a freshmen in his second semester of college, shooting for a PC Software Engineer/Software Developer Bachelor's degree (Undecided). I've finished my first semester of classes and I can honestly say, I've had enough.

A little background: I graduated High School with high honors, and have been hitting a B+, A- average in college. I'm sick of English classes (I think this upcoming semester is my last English course).

Music is my life, and have been a drummer for 7 years & have stuck with my guitar player through the majority of that time. I don't 'party', drink, or smoke (legally or illegally)

I've gone to college and hated it. Didn't feel like being social, so I kept to myself. A 'social life' is something I really don't need. As long as I have music in my life I am happy.

In my college, I am required (to be considered full time) I need 12 credits. Each class being 1-5 credits. (Average class, 3 credits). I have taken the bare minimum for this requirement. 4 Classes. 3 Credits Each. Math, English, 'Social Science' class: Criminal Justice?! (Forced for scheduling), and of course: PC Programming I.

We are forced a certain number of "cultural diversity/social science" courses. I don't like these courses, nore do I like the English courses. I was wondering, does college EVER get "fun", class wise I mean? Or do I have to take more than my 12 credits to have any additional "fun" classes? I have a busy life and see no need to take MORE classes in an environment I currently don't like.

I was wondering, when should I expect to be able to have the option to explore other classes while keeping the same workload? Does college always stay this linear & boring?


music will not pay bills most likely


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2004
you go to college to get a diverse understanding of subjects and to become more cultured to become a more well-rounded student, which is why ur taking those "useless" general ed classes. If you want to just learn a speciality, you can go to a trade school like ITT Tech or something and ignore those subjects.


Apr 10, 2006
I'm a freshman in my second semester also. I love it. Sure, digital logic and american lit suck monkey balls, but weekends make it all go away. Get out and meet people. Party, drink, smoke some bowls, have a good time. WOMEN, for God's sake! Think about the WOMEN!!


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Hence why I am in college. So I can at least pay my bills when I am out of college and being a full time employee somewhere, as well as being a full time musician.

I live at two home's with my divorced mother and father. I am also paying 70% of all college bills. I have already paid off my first and second semester. I made this upcoming semester condensed in that I only attend school two days a week instead of 5. All due to travel (2 hours there and back with bus). I have 2 jobs: A parking lot tenate in mornings, and a cleaning job working evenings. 7.5 hours per day (total), M W F. And attend school TUES & THURS.

Music/Band will be my primary drive. But really that is separate from school. Band is on weekends (shows/practices), and I will be professionally driven with music but it shouldn't interfere with schooling.

Honestly I have no time for a social life. I am always so busy, I just dont have time. I don't want a girlfriend because that'll mean eating up time in the day I don't have. + Extra expenses for her. Friends and girlfriends alike, I do not simply have the time. I live a stressed lifestyle, working 2 jobs in mornings and evenings and on days I don't work I have school. On day's I have nether I have band practice. Plus I have to make time for studying, I also eBay things on a semi-frequent basses. I can't add classes to the college schedule because of all of these things.


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2000
General education classes are usually finished up by the second, or early third, year. You should be able to take plenty of preferred classes after that; you'll also have time for perhaps one or two courses of your choice per semester during that time.

Also, as others have said, there's a reason colleges decide to make those classes mandatory for all students. Not only do they (hopefully) reflect useful life skills, they do quite a bit to open your eyes to the vastness of the world. The easiest, and most productive, way to find out about everything around you is to learn what others before you have spent their lives discovering. It'll give you new perspectives and strategies with which to approach problems (both novel and familiar), and in so doing will help you learn more about yourself.

Then again, that all often seems to take a few years to actually sink in.

Ranger X

Mar 18, 2000
Well, there's your problem. You're living with your parents and more than likely, you're going to class and returning home soon after it's finished. You should have chosen to live in a dorm, even if you have to take out extra loans for it. Even though I didn't party as much as I should have, I still had TONS of fun my freshman year. I'm not particularly social in group settings but I met a lot of people and I became friends with many of the people in the dorm. Like what someone said earlier, college is what you make of it. College isn't for everyone and if you think college life sucks, just wait until you join the workforce after graduation. Even though you'll be making money, you'll be yearning for the days you spent in college.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Yes... But the time I spend at home is time spent on homework/studying. Otherwise,

Monday: I wake up, go to work, come home.. 5 hours later go to my second job. Come home around 10.
Tuesday: I get home from school at 7:30pm. I study, then I sleep.
Wednesday: Same as Monday. Except do all homework & studying asked by classes from Tuesday.
Thursday: Same as Tuesday.
Friday: Monday.
Weekend: I jam with my guitar player, creating instrumentals until we find our new singer & bass player. Sunday is my only "free" day.

I have little 'free time' to go running around in a dorm. Also, my job will be the 'thing that allows me to continue my music', as long as I am working doing what I learned in college in computers I don't care about the "days I could have spent in college". The social aspect is easily forgivable preforming concerts & etc.


Moderator<br>A/V & Home Theater<br>Elite member
Aug 6, 2001
If all you're doing is taking classes and then coming home, then don't expect it to be fun. If all you're exposed to as far as college is concerned is classes and then homework at home... then all you've got is the "work" portion of college.


Nov 18, 2001
Originally posted by: YOyoYOhowsDAjello
If all you're doing is taking classes and then coming home, then don't expect it to be fun. If all you're exposed to as far as college is concerned is classes and then homework at home... then all you've got is the "work" portion of college.

Pretty much. Hanging out with people from classes, joining clubs, going to sporting events. That's all a good time.

Also, if you're working 8 hours in a day but getting up early in the morning and not returning until 10 at night, it seems like you have two really sh*tty jobs. Maybe try concentrating on finding one really good one that'll give you 8 hour shifts. Your college should have plenty of them.


Jun 1, 2001
What the...

The question I would have asked was, "Does the fun ever stop?"

And yes, it does...because you have to graduate and get a grown-up job eventually


Senior member
Aug 2, 2006
College gets fun when you get up off your butt, realize music will never be anything more than a hobby and that everyone suffers through boring freshmen classes. Quit your whining, keep doing good work in class, and make some friggin friends. </thread>


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2004
Um.. I don't give two shits on your point of view in terms of music. It doesn't get in the way of school. It is something I do, no matter how aggravating it may get sometimes. I have a passion for it. You and others like you, who continue to bash on others dreams because it makes you feel 'almighty' make me sick. I don't play video games, or watch tv. You brag with your 'gamertag' in your signature of all places, I can equilly say "Realize video games will never be more than a hobby, so get off your butt and do something else." As I said: Music is my life. Throwing it away isn't going to happen. Just because you think of it as "it'll never be more than a hobby" doesn't mean I'll think of it that way.

This was supposed to be about the outlook on college classes from the viewpoint of a college freshmen in his second term of college. Not "music sucks... Oh? What was that about college? I just had to put a put-down on you, so I could smile a little bit."



Golden Member
Dec 21, 1999
There should be a bunch of music related things you can do in college
I know people who join bands, orchestras, and other type of music related things

There should be music and musicology courses..I took "The History of Rock and Roll" in college which was cool

generally speaking, you are a freshmen, so yeah your classes will suck and be full of stuff u dont care about
once u reach the end of your soph year, or beginning of junior year, all that crap will be gone and what you will be left with is upper division major related classes

that for you means computer stuff...or it could be music stuff if you so desire...

That is step 1 for a more enjoyable college experience for you: waiting it out till u get to upper divission classes
Step 2: get involved in music related programs and stuff in colllege..there will be a bunch
Step 3: seeing htat you are a fulltime student + 2 jobs, i bet there is no time for diong extra music related school things on top of someone else suggested, I bet you can find 1job that pays more (maybe not as much as 2)...on campus jobs generally pay higher when they hire college students..i worked in a computer lab and i got paid like $12-13 an hour and it was easy work..i could do homework there and stuff.

Also don't be afraid to take out loans (if you haven't...working 2 jobs makes it sound like you dont wanna take out loans)...student loans are great. you can rationalize it this way: having less jobs = more free time to study or do music stuff = better grades..or if you already get good grades..then less stress to achieve those grades. this translates into a better quality of getting the good grades will probably = getting a good job and you can pay off those loans in no time.

i think the key for you is sticking it out through the lower division classes while at the same time freeing up some of your time to involve yourself with music related programs at school.


Golden Member
Sep 20, 2006
Originally posted by: Zee
I met my girlfriend in college years ago

College turns out to be one of the best places to meet your future wife, actually. That and grad school. Lots of women to meet. Once you get out and into the work world your options go from great to depressing
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