Does everyone have a right to sex (serious replies only please)

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Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
This thread has been quite illuminating for me. Not in terms of agreement or disagreement. But the sheer stupidity of the average American (and this forum has people of greater intelligence than average). Further confirmation of what I’ve known for a while. Any human group gets the community and society they deserve. Modern day America is a shining (dim?) example of that

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
Agreed. This article is another leading indicator that people will expect government to go further up Maslow's Hierarchy in meeting their needs. The "basic necessities of life" will no longer be sufficient in contradiction to what the progressives here say.

There is no logical reason that the expectations would not go higher. There simply is not. As I said before, what are now considered basic things were not considered so at a time. Such is the slope these things follow. People are looking at this only from “right now” perspective.

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
Agreed. This article is another leading indicator that people will expect government to go further up Maslow's Hierarchy in meeting their needs.

"Govt" of course is a code word / polite term for "other people". I am less and less responsible for my actions. Others are more and more responsible. I am not talking at the political level. Just personal, every day life. I see it all the time. It is not my fault, there is nothing wrong with me. It is some one else's fault. Isn't that what the over arching trend is in society these days? Politics just follows the culture. Politicians are followers, not leaders.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
There is no logical reason that the expectations would not go higher. There simply is not. As I said before, what are now considered basic things were not considered so at a time. Such is the slope these things follow. People are looking at this only from “right now” perspective.

You continue to fail to explain this. I know this is the persistent magical dreaming of folks like glenn and perhaps yourself, the fever dreams of a future if "libruls have their way!" but you never even attempt to make a coherent argument about why this must be.

But then, you guys are the type that still worship fake economics and believe in other types of magic thinking, like supply-side economics .....all of which, interestingly enough, wholly depend on human behavior. It's not at all surprising that all of your grand theories fall flat because conservatives and libertarians seem to be utterly clueless when it comes to actual human behavior.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
This thread has been quite illuminating for me. Not in terms of agreement or disagreement. But the sheer stupidity of the average American (and this forum has people of greater intelligence than average). Further confirmation of what I’ve known for a while. Any human group gets the community and society they deserve. Modern day America is a shining (dim?) example of that

So rather than consider that you have been an idiot all along, that you posted an idiotic article, that it must be the 99% of other people that have explained your failed analysis are the true idiots?

good luck with that, sparky.

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
So rather than consider that you have been an idiot all along, that you posted an idiotic article, that it must be the 99% of other people that have explained your failed analysis are the true idiots?

good luck with that, sparky.

I’d gladly consider myself an idiot if so many people didn’t draw the opposite conclusion of what the writer was saying what and my post was about. But that’s ok. No big deal


Jan 14, 2013
There is no logical reason that the expectations would not go higher. There simply is not. As I said before, what are now considered basic things were not considered so at a time. Such is the slope these things follow. People are looking at this only from “right now” perspective.

What are the basic things being fought for now and that we have recently won in human history do you believe are leading us directly into a future where things like sex will be a right?


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I’d gladly consider myself an idiot if so many people didn’t draw the opposite conclusion of what the writer was saying what and my post was about. But that’s ok. No big deal

Both you and the author are arguing that society will progress in a certain direction, inevitably, based on some assumption regarding "wut libruls want." You have yet to defend the reasoning for this.

Is this not what you are saying? Because that is exactly what you have been saying for about 4 pages now.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
You honestly think welfare recipients are ashamed of their status? What will progressives do if someday we actually do achieve a post-scarcity world and you have billions sitting around with no purpose in life whatsoever and without the driver of hunger to spur them on to even get out of bed in the morning? Metropolitan cities are going to be a helluva big behavioral sink you're going to need to deal with. Hell, Jhhnn might even need to get a new hobby besides being jealous of the rich.

Not all of them, hence the term "frequently," but the notion that most welfare recipients are comfortable with their position is ludicrous. Yeah, I'm sure they're fine with having to choose between feeding the family properly that week or getting their kid's medication, or feeling like a failure because the only jobs they could get would make welfare seem dignified (but of course, you wouldn't dare raise the minimum wage to give them a good reason to take those jobs).

There's a difference between unemployment due to post-scarcity and unemployment due to a pure lack of opportunity. The former means a fundamental shift for society from survival to pursuing creative and exploratory goals; there are issues, but people won't die needlessly from it. The other is an entirely avoidable problem that can be solved with better educational and career opportunities.

I wish you'd stop clinging to the "welfare queen" wet dream fantasy. It wasn't true in Reagan's era and it's not true now. Not everyone can magically pull themselves up by their bootstraps and land a middle-class job through sheer force of will; the reality is that they often can't afford the education they need, don't have the right jobs nearby, and can't make enough money at available jobs to lift themselves out of poverty. You'd have a much better argument if you simultaneously advocated for a minimum wage increase, dramatic improvements in school funding (including heavily subsidized college tuition) and incentives for businesses to set up shop in impoverished areas.


May 28, 2007
I’d gladly consider myself an idiot if so many people didn’t draw the opposite conclusion of what the writer was saying what and my post was about. But that’s ok. No big deal

BTW, this is what the "writer", Ross Douthat, looks like

A sad puddle of wasted biomass that probably believes he's entitled to everything from women's bodies to his comfortable job as NYT columnist. Of course he would write this.


May 30, 2008
Agreed. This article is another leading indicator that people will expect government to go further up Maslow's Hierarchy in meeting their needs. The "basic necessities of life" will no longer be sufficient in contradiction to what the progressives here say. They're already starting to advocate for more beyond that as their focus is shifting from "basic necessities" to "income inequality" which is a matter of relative status (a higher level in Maslow's Hierarchy). As technology improve more and more, this will become more and more the case that people will expect (and eventually demand) that government provide more and more of their needs up to and including self-actualization. It's very interesting they claim to be OK with stopping at the second level of the hierarchy and not proceeding further, we'll see if that lasts.

Is there actually much empirical evidence for Maslow's heirarchy?
And is there any evidence for the meta-theory (of 'inevitable progressive escalation') that you then construct on top of it?

Or is this all vague hand-waving woffle such that there isn't any case for anyone to answer?

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
I wish you'd stop clinging to the "welfare queen" wet dream fantasy. It wasn't true in Reagan's era and it's not true now. Not everyone can magically pull themselves up by their bootstraps and land a middle-class job through sheer force of will; the reality is that they often can't afford the education they need, don't have the right jobs nearby, and can't make enough money at available jobs to lift themselves out of poverty. You'd have a much better argument if you simultaneously advocated for a minimum wage increase, dramatic improvements in school funding (including heavily subsidized college tuition) and incentives for businesses to set up shop in impoverished areas.

It is very instructive that of all the things you mentioned (and I don't disagree with them necessarily) there is no mention of family dynamics, men abandoning their children, abuse, and various other dysfunctions that plague society these days. This is essentially what is wrong with liberalism.

Edit. Your post is kind of deja vu. These are the things I used to say and fervently believe in at one time. Then came life in all its beauty and ugliness.


Apr 8, 2013
There is no logical reason that the expectations would not go higher. There simply is not. As I said before, what are now considered basic things were not considered so at a time. Such is the slope these things follow. People are looking at this only from “right now” perspective.

There is no evidence to support your posited slippery slope. Just as there is no evidence that because we legalize marijuana today we'll legalize heroin later on. We might, but there's no way to know.


Diamond Member
Mar 5, 2004
That’s an interesting statement. Because what you said above about sex is what was said about some other things once upon a time ago, which now govt is involved in. You see where this is going?
This is why one of my favorite words in debates like this is "REASONABLE." When we are afraid of slipper slopes leading to unwanted results we have to remember that we are thinking beings and what is REASONABLE should overrule someone trying to exploit or push a law beyond the intents. Rules lawyers should never overcome our common sense. This is one of the reasons our laws should be written specifying intent and purpose instead of trying to spell out each and every technicality possible. Technicalities are too easy to skirt. Intent and purpose are much harder.

So, do we believe it reasonable to call sex a necessity? Is it reasonable to ask government to provide it for you if you can't find it on your own? Is some lout's desire to fuck more important than the rights and freedom of the person we might have to force to fuck them?

Hint: No, to all of the above.
Feb 4, 2009
*warning I have not read the whole thread*

OP seems to be saying if/when prostitution becomes legal will there be free sex Services for people who cannot get any sex.
I’d guess no.
No prositute is going to work for free
Nobody is willingly going to pay so some dude can visit a prostitute.

I do believe I remember that bunny ranch guy (Dennis Hoff?) say something like “he does offer on the house” service to an occasional disabled guy but I’d guess that’s just something he does to talk about offering. There is no expectation or program involved. Sounded more like a guy who has a sandwich shop giving away a sandwich or two to a homeless person when the shop owner feels like it.

Strange how all the stuff I’ve heard on the Stern show is becoming useful knowledge lately.


Jun 23, 2004
Agreed. This article is another leading indicator that people will expect government to go further up Maslow's Hierarchy in meeting their needs. The "basic necessities of life" will no longer be sufficient in contradiction to what the progressives here say. They're already starting to advocate for more beyond that as their focus is shifting from "basic necessities" to "income inequality" which is a matter of relative status...

Whoa, hold your horses there. There is no shifting. People need a certain amount of liquidity to survive. To pay for basic necessities.

People are receiving fewer basic necessities as income inequality gets worse. Over the decades it has been masked by women entering the work force, people working harder / longer hours, and eventually by racking up debt and/or living off the previously skyrocketing equity of mortgages. 2008 shattered America's final coping mechanism, beside denial. All those people in need of unemployment, food stamps, and other benefits? Income inequality. It used to be if people had employment then they would NOT also depend on government. That changed.

P.S. Automation is poised to rapidly make it more... dramatic.

As for the specific topic, it would be a start if government got out of the way and made it legal to pay for sex. In this case, government is already standing between people and what they want. It is not a provider, but rather a prohibitor.


Jan 14, 2013
For supposedly being those that want to make too many rules, it's the liberal democrats that want to legalize sex work and legalize some drugs while de-criminalizing others - letting adults choose what they want to do with their lives.

Next time some conservative tells me I'm way too much for restrictive rules, let adults make their own choices, I'll ask them how they feel about legalizing sex work and some drugs and see how they respond. It will be predictable.

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
For supposedly being those that want to make too many rules, it's the liberal democrats that want to legalize sex work and legalize some drugs while de-criminalizing others - letting adults choose what they want to do with their lives.

Next time some conservative tells me I'm way too much for restrictive rules, let adults make their own choices, I'll ask them how they feel about legalizing sex work and some drugs and see how they respond. It will be predictable.

I personally don’t have a problem with legal prostitution. I’m not a medical expert so won’t offer opinions on drugs.

Noah Abrams

Golden Member
Feb 15, 2018
So, do we believe it reasonable to call sex a necessity? Is it reasonable to ask government to provide it for you if you can't find it on your own? Is some lout's desire to fuck more important than the rights and freedom of the person we might have to force to fuck them?

Hint: No, to all of the above.

You are asking a question that wasn’t asked. No one is talking about force. It is about whether access to sex will be subsidized monetarily. So many things are already govt subsidized


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2008
No. Absolutely not. If you can't get somebody to *** you that's not society's fault.

Should it be legal to acquire with money in a fully regulated framework? Yes.

No. Most people have hands, you can do the work yourself if you need release.

There is an argument for human-to-human contact in general being a necessity, but you don't have a "right" to it if you have bad hygiene or are generally just a shithead, and can't get people to cuddle with you.

I am for legalizing prostitution, assuming it is heavily controlled and safe for the workers (and clients).

Pretty much this. The human species is so successful (arguably too much so) that it is not required for every member to get to have sex to maintain an adequate population.
If you somehow just can't get it together because for whatever reason to obtain sex then that truly sucks for you but one guideline that a lot of people accept is "...the pursuit of happiness." not "the right to happiness."

I am more ready to accept arguments about a certain minimum wage or medicare for all being necessary for the "pursuit of happiness", but not a guaranteed right to sex with someone other than yourself.



Jun 30, 2004
This is probably one of the dumbest questions I've ever seen.

It IS one of the dumbest questions ever, but the answer is YES. You have a right, whether you're right- or left-handed -- to make Mother Palm and her Five Sisters do whatever they want to you.


Dec 15, 2015
It IS one of the dumbest questions ever, but the answer is YES. You have a right, whether you're right- or left-handed -- to make Mother Palm and her Five Sisters do whatever they want to you.
That's not sex, that's masturbation. The answer to the OP is no. Sex requires a second, willing party.

For the record, imho 'sex' with a non-sentient robot/android/whatever is still masturbation. Once it's sentient, it becomes sex (willing) or rape (unwilling).
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