Does Florida Suck?


Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
So we got bought out a month ago and the new company is thinking of closing us down here in IL and opening an office in FL (near their other companies there). They have ask some of us if we would consider moving to Florida (Boca Raton).

I have lived in IL all my life (while the winters do suck, you get used to them). I have only ever been to FL twice on vacation. I hear its hot and buggy. As an outsider, it makes me think of spring breakers, old people, family going to Disney, the election debacle and America's wang.

While IL is far from perfect, we have a lot of ties here. So whats life like down there (economy, house market, etc...)

They have decided to close down the IL office and move the company to FL for sure. Most everyone will be laid off except for a few that they want to move to FL with the company.
It's decision time...

Mr Pickles

Diamond Member
Feb 24, 2006
Originally posted by: Dark Jedi
So we got bought out a month ago and the new company is thinking of closing us down here in IL and opening an office in FL (near their other companies there). They have ask some of us if we would consider moving to Florida (Boca Raton).

I have lived in IL all my life (while the winters do suck, you get used to them). I have only ever been to FL twice on vacation. I hear its hot and buggy. As an outsider, it makes me think of spring breakers, old people, family going to Disney, the election debacle and America's wang.

While IL is far from perfect, we have a lot of ties here. So whats life like down there (economy, house market, etc...)

To start. Check out this thread and see the Florida pics more towards the bottom: Text

There are a lot of amazing parts in Florida. Not so much hiking, because theres no mountains, but if you are an outdoors guy we've got plenty of camping. Hell, have the southern part of the state is protected everglades.

Housing Market is horrible right now, sorry. But regardless, the beaches and weather always stay the same.


Jan 4, 2005
So much that they even have a Florida tag at for all the retarded stuff that happens there.


No Lifer
Sep 30, 2005
Well, given half the Canadian population lives in Florida (at least half the year), I would say it should be ok for you too.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
I went there to visit gf's family last summer and I can't wait to go back. I was in "Land o' Lakes" which seemed to be more of a rural area. People are friendly(but not too friendly where they seem fake and you want to punch them in the face like in Georgia).

The weather is awesome. a thunderstorm for 30 minutes every single day. (when I was their.. they seemed to consider it to be normal) Then it's sunny again immediatly.. like nothing ever happened. It dries up before you even know it.

Every restaurant I went to had buy 1 get one free beer and liquor all day.

Then I drove about 45 minutes west and ended up on a strip of land that was a peninsula. You could stand in the middle and see ocean on three sides. Walk from one end to the other within a couple minutes. It was covered with local restaurants and had beach all the way around.

The traffic didn't suck. The 3 foot grasshoppers where intimidating.

Every night just past midnight (was at my gf's dad's house) about 12 deer walk into their yard. They throw about 5 loaves of bread out for them every night. I was setting in the living room and 2 deer where rubbing their faces up against the window that I was looking out of. One of them almost walked up right into the house while gf's dad's wife stood their with bread. (its head was poking into the doorway)
(gf's dad is a bread delivery driver.. he gets tons of free bread)

I had fun.


Moderator<br>Console Gaming
Aug 24, 2001
Other than the occasional hurricane, Boca Raton, Florida is about as close to living in a "Caribbean paradise" as you can get in the United States.


Discussion Club Moderator<br>Elite Member
Staff member
Oct 30, 2000
Florida has different climates and different attitudes.

Boca Raton is in the South East - about 1.5 hrs from Miami.
Temperate climate.
No income taxes.
Housing may be a bit pricy - however, once you get outside of the metro area (I95-US441), you can find better housing costs.


Feb 18, 2004
I certainly wouldn't move there by choice... and I live in jersey if you want to put that into perspective


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2003
Originally posted by: loki8481
I certainly wouldn't move there by choice... and I live in jersey if you want to put that into perspective



Diamond Member
Nov 12, 2000
Sucky real estate market could be in your favor. Could probably get a nice house for a fair price.


Diamond Member
Aug 5, 2004
Originally posted by: dmw16
Sucky real estate market could be in your favor. Could probably get a nice house for a fair price.

This. Lot of 'extra' homes down in FL, especially that far south so you might can get away with it.

However I wouldn't move there, or at least not for very long. To me it's just sand, pine trees, flat, and hot as hell. Also dealing with the hurricanes and severe weather that likes to pass through a little too often for comfort doesn't exactly sweeten the deal.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2004
I'll tell you this - You have never seen so many old people in your entire life. They have entire apartment communities dedicated to 55+. Boca is one of the largest cities down here, one of the most (but not THE most) affluent cities - with the largest population of older folks.

Weather is amazing. I don't own but a single pair of pants, only one sweater and a single long sleeved shirt. It never gets below freezing. On the other side of things - It gets so hot and muggy here that you really can't stand it. You seriously cannot walk down the street to the store here. It's too hot. You end up sweating like a pig just taking trash to the dumpsters. And its a totally different level of summer heat than you get in IL. I spent a summer at Great Mistakes navy base - (Waukegan?) - and here it's a LOT worse. In August we don't go outside, unless its to your car - and then you gotta open your car for like 5 minutes to let the 180 degree blistering heat out of it, turn your air on and maybe a couple minutes after that is the inside of your car cool enough to actually get inside and drive.

It's sort of far down in the state - if you like road trips its not the best because it takes a good 8 hours to get from here - to anywhere else. Florida is LOOOOOONG!

There are no more spring breakers here. Well there are, but its nothing like what you saw on Revenge of the Nerds 2 or porkys or anything else. They pretty much ended it in the 80's and the college kids moved on.

Hiking exists, but its more like a gentle stroll. More space is given to the everglades and various protected regions than exists for people, thus every square inch of land has already been bought and developed - it gets to a point out west, then it just stops and the everglades begin.

It's a concrete jungle, pretty much solid suburbs/urbs from SOuth of Miami - all the way up north past boca into west palm beach. Thats a good 100 miles of solidly developed land. On the plus side of that - it's not hard to find a job here, compared to anywhere in the Auto belt, or whatever you guys call industrialized midwest anymore. (I grew up just outside detroit and my family is a victim of the big 3 pullout).

Housing is terrible though - I haven't looked too deep into prices recently but just as an aside - when I did look - a 3br 2 bath Condo - (i.e. glorified apartment) - typically go for 170k. Houses start at 250k for a 3/2 also, and run the gamut all the way up past 16M. Decent neighborhood - decent house - figure 300k.

Oh. Hurricanes.

Every year we get at least one scare - Some storm spins up near africa or in the carribean and points generally in our direction. When the storms about 5 days out we start looking for it on the news. If its still there 4 days out we start paying attention to the updates every few hours and wipe out the grocery stores of jugs and bottles of water. At 3 days out all work stops everywhere - you go home and board up your house - enact your emergency plan, gas up the generator, etc, finish wiping out the grocery store of canned food, candles, batteries, and any trace of beverages. If you haven't gotten your supplies at 72 ours out you are stuck. Giant gas lines starting now - expect an hour wait to get gas. At 48 hours out you sit and watch the 24/7 coverage on TV. 24 hours out the wind starts to blow and zero hour is upon you. Granted most of the time the storm turns at day 3 or 4, but sometimes it doesn't - which brings us to:


Hurricane Wilma in 2006 came ashore as a CAT2 - most areas experienced CAT1 or borderline hurricane force winds. She brought down EVERY single traffic light. She knocked out power to every single customer in the county. She destroyed several skyscrapers in downtown fort lauderdale, and because of the power loss - most businesses were out of work and closed for about 2-4 weeks. I don't think anybody died. Gas lines were terrific, on day 4 my gf's mom needed to get ice to keep her medicine cold - the water and ice lines only took about an hour to get through. The gas line took almost 4 to get 5 gallons, enough to keep my car on the road so I could go drive down to work and check it out whether I had to be at work or not. I had power back in about 10 days, my gfs mom shortly thereafter.

Thats probably the worst thing about living here. Granted nobody really remembers what a real big nasty storm can do - lost of folks left after andrew - and it hasn't been since the 50's that one has really impacted palm beach, broward or dade counties (yes I know francis and jeanne, but they didn't really do much damage compared to a 3).

All in all - we have a ton of walmarts (there are 9 within quick driving distance - all superwalmarts), a billion places to eat, a bazillion places to get your hair done, or your cosmetic surgery, not quite so many industrial places. Most folks are rude, cannot speak english, and are belligerent because of the heat.

Oh you should pick up spanish for dummies in case you get stuck in dade county one day, no kidding - its a different world down there and spanish is the language, english gets you dumb looks.

Oh I almost forgot about the bugs - We get crazy alien bugs that don't die when you step on them. You can shoot them with a 45 and they still don't die. Just leave them be, they don't bite. Oh and lizards everywhere. Don't come if you hate lizards. And the mosquitos don't say bzzz. They go BUZZ MOTHERFUCKA! before they impale you. If you kill a mosquito the cops come because nobody can be drenched with that much blood and not have killed someone, till they see the dead mosquito - and understand.

Yes it rains for about 20 minutes/half hour about 4pm. Its way hotter afterwards. Its a torrential downpour the likes of which you have never seen, then just as quick as it starts its over with. Rain doesn't stick around. WHile we aren't the "lightning capital of the world" - that distinction goes to the region between tampa/st. pete, and orlando - we get our fair share of daily thunderstorms that are pretty bad-ass.

You WILL have something destroyed by lightning the first year you are here.

Traffic is absolutely mind-bending. If you ever have to do anything in Miami - count on an hour to move 15 miles. Broward not so bad, and Palm Beach - unless its in West Palm, you should generally be all right.



Feb 18, 2004
Originally posted by: Kalmah
Originally posted by: loki8481
I certainly wouldn't move there by choice... and I live in jersey if you want to put that into perspective


the heat, the bugs, the people... though TBH, I'd probably do it if it meant a significant cost of living decrease while keeping my same salary


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2001
I cannot stand the overbearing humidity. You're in the AC all nice and chilly, then you step into the heat and find you find yourself on the ground grasping your throat drowning in the water in the air eyes all bugging out like at the end of Total Recall.

That's just me though, many people like it.


Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
I lived there from 1993-2007 (Orlando Metro specifically). I liked it well enough. I moved when 150k homes started selling for 400k.


Diamond Member
Dec 15, 2004
I cannot stand the overbearing humidity. You're in the AC all nice and chilly, then you step into the heat and find you find yourself on the ground grasping your throat drowning in the water in the air eyes all bugging out like at the end of Total Recall.

An accurate portrayal. Happens every day at the mall.


Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
The humidity can be very intense but luckily if you work in an office it isn't too bad.

People who don't live in FL have this conception that everyone spends all their time walking around the palm trees in their flip flops doing "Florida" things. Most folks seem to stay indoors most of the time if they can help it.


Golden Member
Nov 28, 1999
Originally posted by: bobdole369
the mosquitos don't say bzzz. They go BUZZ MOTHERFUCKA! before they impale you. If you kill a mosquito the cops come because nobody can be drenched with that much blood and not have killed someone, till they see the dead mosquito - and understand.

Totally awesome feedback. That part had me rolling. We have some bugs in IL, but nothing that insane. The worse thing we really deal with is winter. It's the best 8 months of the year. I wouldn't miss it if i never saw snow again.

How are the drivers in FL? In IL it's something else. If your on the expressway and not going at least 15-20 over the limit, your going way to slow and will be getting lots of dirty looks. I've gotten passed regularly in a 55 speed limit going 80 myself. Not that I mind it, however it's easy to tell when you have an out of state driver in front of you. You can almost tell before you even see the license plate.


May 4, 2001
Originally posted by: iFX
The humidity can be very intense but luckily if you work in an office it isn't too bad.

People who don't live in FL have this conception that everyone spends all their time walking around the palm trees in their flip flops doing "Florida" things. Most folks seem to stay indoors most of the time if they can help it.

I found summers in FL to be as bad as winters in WI, in terms of not wanting to be outside. The temperatures are equally miserable on opposite ends.

While, the beaches do provide some incentive and tolerance for the weekends, I fucking hated how sand just gets everywhere though.


Feb 18, 2004
I remember the one hotel I stayed in in FL a couple years back... I was with a couple girls. one of the girls ran into a roach in the bathroom and totally freaked.

when she complained to hotel management,t hey just shrugged and said "it's sumertime in florida."

I couldn't deal with that, it's one of the reasons I decided not to pursue moving to hong kong.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Originally posted by: Dark Jedi
Originally posted by: bobdole369
the mosquitos don't say bzzz. They go BUZZ MOTHERFUCKA! before they impale you. If you kill a mosquito the cops come because nobody can be drenched with that much blood and not have killed someone, till they see the dead mosquito - and understand.

Totally awesome feedback. That part had me rolling. We have some bugs in IL, but nothing that insane. The worse thing we really deal with is winter. It's the best 8 months of the year. I wouldn't miss it if i never saw snow again.

How are the drivers in FL? In IL it's something else. If your on the expressway and not going at least 15-20 over the limit, your going way to slow and will be getting lots of dirty looks. I've gotten passed regularly in a 55 speed limit going 80 myself. Not that I mind it, however it's easy to tell when you have an out of state driver in front of you. You can almost tell before you even see the license plate.

If you're from Chicago people in Florida seem like they're driving through molasses while on quaaludes . If you prefer a more sedate drive then it might be for you.



Moderator<br>All Things Apple
Jul 19, 2001
I've lived in FL for 18 years now (all over the state) I wouldn't live anywhere else. I love it here...


Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
Originally posted by: K1052

If you're from Chicago people in Florida seem like they're driving through molasses while on quaaludes . If you prefer a more sedate drive then it might be for you.

I'm from Chicagoland and I think the drivers in FL are terrible. You have never driven in Orlando, Tampa or Miami I take it. Some of the most horrible traffic in the country if you ask me.
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