Does God exist to you.

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Oct 9, 2001
Yes, but not in the sense that most people typically think of God. I believe in the very basic conceptual philosophy of God; that God is everything, all at once. God is life, in a manner of speaking. Not this limited life of the world to which we know, but the entire mechanism to which everything known and unknown in the universe is made up. The totality of life is my God, but I really do not like even using that form of expression for it.

But consider this: In every meaningful context in which the word "God" is used, you can substitute the word "life". Take the oft-used expression, "God damn you." We've become so immune to this expression that for most of us it is really meaningless. Substitute the words and say "Life damn you", with all that the word "life" entails, and it really is an almost overwhelming curse.

God is not something I pray to, what's the point? God, and again I really do not like using that word because it has become so distorted, is indifferent. I matter not the least bit. But I do revere it and I am held in awe of it. Every day life is full of wonders that I perceive through my senses. The morning sunrise; blue skies and waves crashing on the beach; the birds singing their chorus; the smell of fresh bread; the simple acts of life of those around me. These things are incredible; these things are wonderful. All of these things are a part of life. I can only imagine what other wonders are out there amongst the stars.

That being said, the Jews had it right in the beginning. There is a "One God", a unifying force if you will, and when you take they concept of the original ten commandments, you find that they are very applicable to life. Put aside the notion of God as being, an entity, whatever, and view the ten commandments as the rules set forth from Life.

The ten commandments basically say: Do not worship gods; do not worship images of gods. Put away all of those gods of the various religions that were in existence at that time. Those concepts are false. Do not use the name of God in vain; the concept of god is to be respected and held in awe. This is true, anything less will trivialize this concept and you will begin to lose your respect for the life around you. I don't really have an idea about how necessary keeping the sabbath day holy is but I imagine that taking the time to forget the burdens of everyday life and bring yourself back to the roots of your philosophy is important. This is something that should be exercised on a regular basis or you will begin to lose yourself amongst the toils of everyday life.

All the rest of the commandments are very basic rules for living peacefully amongst your neighbors.

So to me, God is all about the respect for Life. There is no "supreme being", that god does not exist to me; there is only life and all that it means. That is my God and I think it is a pretty awesome one. I could go on forever about this but I usually keep it to myself. Beliefs are a personal thing and I respect others for their beliefs and don't normally talk about mine except in the vaguest terms. Not even to my wife who is a traditional believer in God; she doesn't really understand my concepts.



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: jjones
Yes, but not in the sense that most people typically think of God. I believe in the very basic conceptual philosophy of God; that God is everything, all at once. God is life, in a manner of speaking. Not this limited life of the world to which we know, but the entire mechanism to which everything known and unknown in the universe is made up. The totality of life is my God, but I really do not like even using that form of expression for it.

But consider this: In every meaningful context in which the word "God" is used, you can substitute the word "life". Take the oft-used expression, "God damn you." We've become so immune to this expression that for most of us it is really meaningless. Substitute the words and say "Life damn you", with all that the word "life" entails, and it really is an almost overwhelming curse.

God is not something I pray to, what's the point? God, and again I really do not like using that word because it has become so distorted, is indifferent. I matter not the least bit. But I do revere it and I am held in awe of it. Every day life is full of wonders that I perceive through my senses. The morning sunrise; blue skies and waves crashing on the beach; the birds singing their chorus; the smell of fresh bread; the simple acts of life of those around me. These things are incredible; these things are wonderful. All of these things are a part of life. I can only imagine what other wonders are out there amongst the stars.

That being said, the Jews had it right in the beginning. There is a "One God", a unifying force if you will, and when you take they concept of the original ten commandments, you find that they are very applicable to life. Put aside the notion of God as being, an entity, whatever, and view the ten commandments as the rules set forth from Life.

The ten commandments basically say: Do not worship gods; do not worship images of gods. Put away all of those gods of the various religions that were in existence at that time. Those concepts are false. Do not use the name of God in vain; the concept of god is to be respected and held in awe. This is true, anything less will trivialize this concept and you will begin to lose your respect for the life around you. I don't really have an idea about how necessary keeping the sabbath day holy is but I imagine that taking the time to forget the burdens of everyday life and bring yourself back to the roots of your philosophy is important. This is something that should be exercised on a regular basis or you will begin to lose yourself amongst the toils of everyday life.

All the rest of the commandments are very basic rules for living peacefully amongst your neighbors.

So to me, God is all about the respect for Life. There is no "supreme being", that god does not exist to me; there is only life and all that it means. That is my God and I think it is a pretty awesome one. I could go on forever about this but I usually keep it to myself. Beliefs are a personal thing and I respect others for their beliefs and don't normally talk about mine except in the vaguest terms. Not even to my wife who is a traditional believer in God; she doesn't really understand my concepts.

So... you believe in 'The Force." Right?



Oct 9, 1999
Seen him in a 7-11 with Elvis the other day

----=====Waiting for Cuda to swooooop down and Crap on my reply=====--

Jan 18, 2001
not personally, though since there are people who act in accordance to their "god" and their actions can effect me, then I suspose "god" does exist at some level. Do I believe there really is a god? No, not really.



Senior member
Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: datalink7
Alas, I fear we still believe in God because we still believe in grammar

And you didn't answer my steak question

ohhh i love Nietzsche!!!! So fun to read. I highly recommend that you all pick up a few of his works and try to take another view point on the subject.



Jul 26, 2002
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.



Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: ausm
Seen him in a 7-11 with Elvis the other day

----=====Waiting for Cuda to swooooop down and Crap on my reply=====--



*edit* So with your sarcasm are you claiming Elvis didn't exist either?

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.
Well I'm an Atheist and I don't have any idea what caused the so called "Big Bang?. Somehow making up a Super Natural Being or "A God if you will" doesn't seem logical, just convenient.


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.
Well I'm an Atheist and I don't have any idea what caused the so called "Big Bang?. Somehow making up a Super Natural Being or "A God if you will" doesn't seem logical, just convenient.

It seems more logical then just having the Big Bang exist to begin with. But think further then that. Something had to of caused the big bang right? So lets call that X. Now something had to cause X. Call that Y. Something had to cause Y... You get the idea. Somewhere along the line there has to be an uncaused cause. Can you think of any better explanations then a supernatural being? Until I get atleast another explanation to rival that, then I will always believe in a God.

*edit* I destroyed the quoting on that one


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.

This is known as "stacking turtles."

The answer to it is, "what caused this 'god' you assume?"

You're assuming an answer to a question you have no answer for. "God" is simply a cop out answer.

You are claiming everything must have a cause. Then you invent a thing with no cause the explain the start of everything with a cause.

You claim it's the "logical answer," but on the contrary, it's completely illogical. It's intellectually dishonest, as well.

Red Dawn

Elite Member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.
Well I'm an Atheist and I don't have any idea what caused the so called "Big Bang?. Somehow making up a Super Natural Being or "A God if you will" doesn't seem logical, just convenient.

It seems more logical then just having the Big Bang exist to begin with. But think further then that. Something had to of caused the big bang right? So lets call that X. Now something had to cause X. Call that Y. Something had to cause Y... You get the idea. Somewhere along the line there has to be an uncaused cause. Can you think of any better explanations then a supernatural being? Until I get atleast another explanation to rival that, then I will always believe in a God.

*edit* I destroyed the quoting on that one
I think it's more the nature of Man to need an answer for everything that it is logic. I believe that the creation of the Universe is being our comprehension and that by creating a God to explain it some of us satisfy our need to now.


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.

This is known as "stacking turtles."

The answer to it is, "what caused this 'god' you assume?"

You're assuming an answer to a question you have no answer for. "God" is simply a cop out answer.

Then what is the correct answer? You cannot say. No one knows. So while some may believe in a God, others may not. It does not make either person unintelligent, or ridiculous in anyway. So when I hear people say that its ridiculous to believe in God... well nothing. I just hear them say it and I don't like it SO DONT SAY IT!

*edit* Off to class, Ill be back to argue some more later

Have a good day Red Dawn!


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.

This is known as "stacking turtles."

The answer to it is, "what caused this 'god' you assume?"

You're assuming an answer to a question you have no answer for. "God" is simply a cop out answer.

Then what is the correct answer? You cannot say. No one knows. So while some may believe in a God, others may not. It does not make either person unintelligent, or ridiculous in anyway. So when I hear people say that its ridiculous to believe in God... well nothing. I just hear them say it and I don't like it SO DONT SAY IT!

Read my edit above.

The correct answer is you do not have an answer. Don't make things up just to make yourself feel better.


Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Red Dawn
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.
Well I'm an Atheist and I don't have any idea what caused the so called "Big Bang?. Somehow making up a Super Natural Being or "A God if you will" doesn't seem logical, just convenient.

It seems more logical then just having the Big Bang exist to begin with. But think further then that. Something had to of caused the big bang right? So lets call that X. Now something had to cause X. Call that Y. Something had to cause Y... You get the idea. Somewhere along the line there has to be an uncaused cause. Can you think of any better explanations then a supernatural being? Until I get atleast another explanation to rival that, then I will always believe in a God.

*edit* I destroyed the quoting on that one

So what caused God?
Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean it has to be attributed to God. If you doubt me, look at ancient religions that are now considered fantasmical and absurd, like the clicheed Ancient Greek religion. What caused the sun to move across the sky? Apollo pulling it with his chariot.
What caused the big bang? God.

The sooner you learn to separate religion and logic, the sooner you can stop posting nonsense.

I really find it humorous the way Christians ridicule science with statements like "Oh so the universe just happened right?".


Jul 26, 2002
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.

This is known as "stacking turtles."

The answer to it is, "what caused this 'god' you assume?"

You're assuming an answer to a question you have no answer for. "God" is simply a cop out answer.

Then what is the correct answer? You cannot say. No one knows. So while some may believe in a God, others may not. It does not make either person unintelligent, or ridiculous in anyway. So when I hear people say that its ridiculous to believe in God... well nothing. I just hear them say it and I don't like it SO DONT SAY IT!

Read my edit above.

I did. You have a point. But nonetheless no one can explain the correct answer. Therefore calling someone ridiculous for their beliefs is the only absurd thing. You do not know if it is true or not, so how can you judge someone else who is also assuming. You just have different assumptions, doesn't make either of you wrong. *Until those assumptions are proven true one way or another, and once there is proof, then you can call them ridiculous if they still fail to see the truth.*


Elite Member
Dec 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.

This is known as "stacking turtles."

The answer to it is, "what caused this 'god' you assume?"

You're assuming an answer to a question you have no answer for. "God" is simply a cop out answer.

Then what is the correct answer? You cannot say. No one knows. So while some may believe in a God, others may not. It does not make either person unintelligent, or ridiculous in anyway. So when I hear people say that its ridiculous to believe in God... well nothing. I just hear them say it and I don't like it SO DONT SAY IT!

Read my edit above.

The correct answer is you do not have an answer. Don't make things up just to make yourself feel better.

I think the answer is, God was there in the beginning, so he knew, and then told Moses to write down the history. Simple as that.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
Originally posted by: Amused
Originally posted by: Cuda1447
To answer the question. Yes, I do believe God exists. My reasoning...

Originally posted by: everman
Well there would have to be something to cause the universe to exist, for how can something be infinite? But in order for that to happen, there would need to be an uncaused cause, that is otherwise you would infinitly regress saying that one thing caused the other, infinitly. Or in other words if there was a big bang to cause the universe, something had to cause that to happen, the material had to come from somewhere as it is a law that energy is never created nor destroyed.
*headache* ow

The key part is that in order for the big bang to happen, or whatever else you evolutionists claim, there has to be an uncaused cause. Somehow some way something had to be here to begin with. It just wasn't here. The only logical way of explaining this is a greater power. Since all you evolutionists and atheists tend to think logically and claim God is something made up, maybe you should think about your theories logically for a second. Logically something had to be uncaused. That thing that was uncaused was a supernatural being. A God if you will.

So yes, thats why I believe there is a God.

This is known as "stacking turtles."

The answer to it is, "what caused this 'god' you assume?"

You're assuming an answer to a question you have no answer for. "God" is simply a cop out answer.

Then what is the correct answer? You cannot say. No one knows. So while some may believe in a God, others may not. It does not make either person unintelligent, or ridiculous in anyway. So when I hear people say that its ridiculous to believe in God... well nothing. I just hear them say it and I don't like it SO DONT SAY IT!

Read my edit above.

I did. You have a point. But nonetheless no one can explain the correct answer. Therefore calling someone ridiculous for their beliefs is the only absurd thing. You do not know if it is true or not, so how can you judge someone else who is also assuming. You just have different assumptions, doesn't make either of you wrong. *Until those assumptions are proven true one way or another, and once there is proof, then you can call them ridiculous if they still fail to see the truth.*

I will never call you ridiculous for your beliefs. I will, however call you ridiculous for your attempted arguments used to support your beliefs.

Stacking the turtles, then inventing an unseen, unprovable non-stacked turtle at the beginning is a classic argument devoid of any logic whatsoever.
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