Does Illuminati really exits?

Senior member
Mar 11, 2013
In internet there are many websites which are discovering conspiracy in everything we are using in our daily life.Rothschild,Morgan,Rockfeller are the most names in this articles.I have read severals.I do not think that this r true(authors will reply me that i m one of billions who were manipulated by media thats why i think like that).But they keep some questions in their articles which r really hard to answer for me.I would like to ur view about this subject.Thanks


No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I have no doubt that there are those that have great influence on our country esp our leaders.

The problem is our people tend to go too far with this and get into things like aliens and all sorts of other crap.

In the end, there is really nothing any of us can do. There is no chance that anyone today can amass the power and wealth some of these families have. Even Gates and Buffet are small fish to these families.

The media does have near complete control today though. Almost all independents get silenced quickly. Stories are misreported and no one ever hears about the corrections. They do their game well.

The basic premise is keep us controlled and entertained.


May 1, 2006
On the one hand, I encourage you to learn about the world, and powerful forces in it, 'how things work' - short of that, you can only guess at those things and it leaves you more vulnerable to being lied to and manipulated, to whoever can 'sound good' and make any credible argument based on your ignorance.

On the others, there is that whole world of 'conspiracy theories' which is almost entirely garbage.

There was a period in the 1970's of this sort of paranoia, from a movie about the phone company trying to secretly rule the world to 'Soylent Green'. The general paranoia has existed a lot longer - see the famous commentary titles 'The Paranoid Style in American Politics'.

And there are plenty of 'real' evildoings and conspiracies to learn about instead - for example, there is no world domination by the wealthy Rothschilds, but learn about the Koch brothers' (owners of the second biggest private US company) war for decades to drive American political culture to a radical right-wing position of Libertarianism, currently seeing huge success under the 'tea party' movement they support (even while the sad members might rant against abuses by billionares yet voting for their minions).

There are all kinds of myths and they often take decades for people to revise views on. How long did it take for any sympathetic view of Native Americans to become acceptable among US citizens after decades of slaughter? How long was homosexuality viewed as a character flaw similar to being a traitor to the country, who many thought it justified jailing? How long is it taking us to change our view on the war on drugs to recognize the high cost of the drug cartels funded by billions every year?

You need to learn how to both recognizes the 'pure garbage' and to learn what is wrongly dismissed.

When Bush 43 was elected, he brought in basically an existing group of people called the 'Neo-conservative' group to lead American foreign policy. You could not be aware of the agenda and history of the group, and just assume each was nothing more than a fine American trying to serve his country and they all agreed on so much for legitimate reasons, or you could be aware of, say, the 'Project for a new American century' which helpfully published a manifesto about their plans and dreams for the US to further its role as basically 'ruler of the world', with such advice as starting wars now and then just to remind the world of our power. Of course, even with that issue, it helps to understand their actual situation, and not a paranoid left-wing version that goes too far.

When you see 'Rothschild', 'illuminati', and similar things, run the other way (but better yet, research the issues and understand why they're wrong).

Include a diet of information with sources such as, which I think will help you sort a lot out.

In short, most of the 'vast conspiracies' are false - yet there are absolutely powerful forces, based on 'interests' that control much. For example, you want to understand more of what happened in the 2008 financial crash? Try Nomi Prins' book "It takes a pillage" - she's a former Goldman Sachs person who explains a lot of the problem.

On the one hand, the 2008 crash served to take trillions of dollars, but only return it to the very wealthy - almost 100% of the recovery has gone to the top 1% - resulting in a 'redistribution of wealth' to the most wealthy of those trillions. On the other, I don't think there was any conspiracy planning for that to happen - rather just a lot of failures allowing short term greed to run wild and endanger the system.

Want to be aware of the radical right-wing economic plan the Neocons had for Iraq, which they failed miserably in implementing, and why they had it? Read the history of Milton Friedman - close economic adviser to Reagan and the right wing - and his getting to use Chile as an experiment under Pinochet and the disastrous results that informed these people.


Golden Member
May 28, 2004
If there is a secret council (Read Jew, Catholic, Rotarians, Illuminati or just the rich) then they don't need our permission. They already run things so why would they give a crap about what we do?


Jul 13, 2005
actually I really do know the answer to whether the Illuminati really do exist!

But if I told you the answer.....I would have to hunt you all down and assassinate you I will remain silent for the good of the ATOT community!!


Senior member
Jul 20, 2014
The Illuminati has existed since the dawn of the New World.

They tried and have actually successfully shaped the fate of our country (even the world).

They used the right predictions and have analyzed the growth and have narrowed down a secret agenda in which they operate continuously without repercussions due to there being a lot of high ranking officials in the mix.
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Dec 3, 2013
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Senior member
Aug 3, 2013
In internet there are many websites which are discovering conspiracy in everything
How true.
The internet is fine for a little dabble but don't forget to read books.
To post bollox on the internet is free, for any brainless tight wad.
Publishing a book involves a financial commitment. As long as that commitment is not the author's money, there is a chance that someone with a brain has checked it out for, at least, a passable semblance of truth.

The 'Illuminati' waffle is nonsense. The concept diverts you from a simple mundane truth.
The class which has capital but does not have to work, screws the class that must work but lacks capital.
In the US today, the rich are getting richer while the middle class gets poorer, yet works harder.

What is to be done about that?


May 1, 2006
How true.
The internet is fine for a little dabble but don't forget to read books.
To post bollox on the internet is free, for any brainless tight wad.
Publishing a book involves a financial commitment. As long as that commitment is not the author's money, there is a chance that someone with a brain has checked it out for, at least, a passable semblance of truth.

The 'Illuminati' waffle is nonsense. The concept diverts you from a simple mundane truth.
The class which has capital but does not have to work, screws the class that must work but lacks capital.
In the US today, the rich are getting richer while the middle class gets poorer, yet works harder.

What is to be done about that?

Funny thing - you're right that generally books tend to provide more quality, but not for the simple reasons like the money they cost.

The fact they cost money, in fact, can be counter-productive when the monied interests are wanting to lie, and the people who want to tell the truth can't get published.

What's more protecting is simply the fact that more readers are informed enough to demand the quality. Yet, there is an entire publisher basically devoted to lying - Regnery Press - and a large industry of books that lie, the far-right industry, where authors like Ann Coulter have wealthy interests manipulate sales numbers of their books.

If the population becomes misguided and prefers lies, there's little protection for the truth from the money books cost to publish.

The 'free exchange' offers some protection - which the internet is the best thing in human history for. While there will be a crazy guy posting his rants, and a polished bit of propaganda from redstate, there are also people able to argue against those lies - the 'competition of ideas'. That works better when money does not dominate it and corrupt the discussion.

If posting on Anandtech cost $100, it would silence the nut who posts something crazy, but think what would happen to the discussion - only people who stand to benefit enough to spend that $100 post, and what is their agenda? It might not be the crazy rant, but it's not probably the truth in a lot of cases, either.
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No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Skull and Bones

List of Skull and Bones members

Prescott Bush

George H. W. Bush

George W. Bush

John Kerry

Roy Austin

Ray Price (speechwriter)

Andrew Downey Orrick

Enough of that one I guess, ya can just look down the list.

Not Illumanati, but might as well be.

Not what ya know a lot of the time but who ya know I guess.

While these guys work as a team in many issues using their influence they are not quite at the level of those that control the media, banks and other higher level things like the original ruling families that no one can really estimate how much net worth they have.


Senior member
Aug 3, 2013
The 'free exchange' offers some protection - which the internet is the best thing in human history for. While there will be a crazy guy posting his rants, and a polished bit of propaganda from redstate, there are also people able to argue against those lies - the 'competition of ideas'. That works better when money does not dominate it and corrupt the discussion.

Good point Craig.
My rant was in response to people who seemed surprised by obvious truths.
If a publisher has "....University Press" as a suffix, I'm naive enough to believe there might be something there.
I was unaware of the publishers you mentioned, but of course such entities exist.
Dec 30, 2004
In internet there are many websites which are discovering conspiracy in everything we are using in our daily life.Rothschild,Morgan,Rockfeller are the most names in this articles.I have read severals.I do not think that this r true(authors will reply me that i m one of billions who were manipulated by media thats why i think like that).But they keep some questions in their articles which r really hard to answer for me.I would like to ur view about this subject.Thanks

I don't know.

that video made me think a lot though.

I am inclined more to believe in the builderberg group, though we know they exist and have closed meetings, so I'm not sure what there is to believe in. Frankly, I'm a little thankful they're around to protect us from UN molasses
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No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
I am inclined more to believe in the builderberg group, though we know they exist and have closed meetings, so I'm not sure what there is to believe in. Frankly, I'm a little thankful they're around to protect us from UN molasses

Same with Council on Foreign Relations, however; if you think they are protecting "US" you are a bit wrong. It's just sometimes our needs co-relate to theirs.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2011
Just going down the list of what people tolerate proves there is some kind of illuminati.

We tolerate the dumping of thousands of tons of toxic industrial waste into our drinking water and accept the totally bogus and outrageously laughably false claims made in support of it. "Fluoride is good for your teeth". Parrot x100. No, its not frickin good for your teeth. It's not frickin good for anything, except dumbing people down and making them even more compliant. Seriously, when you really study this subject, from outside the propaganda sphere, you cant help but realize that there's a serious heirarchical power structure dictating it. And it has some serious power. You cannot get people to believe such over the top absurd bullcrap without having a very strong psychological hold on a population. People dont willingly submit to being poisoned and frickin stupefied unless there is some sort of organized force behind it. It's all the proof you need.

You can see it everywhere. I name just one example, but there are countless examples. Look at the drug laws and the entire infrastructure that was put in place to enforce laws even more absurd than prohibition. The way it continues and persists, is nothing short of mindboggling. But there it is, an absurdity so incredible it cannot be explained by malice or greed.

Look at the way people consume massive amounts of sugar and corn syrup even after it is proven to be a key factor in diabetes and general unhealthiness. Just stand in awe of what we've built around this empire of sugar! It is an monument of death, and we all worship it. Why?

Look at our money system. We let a central bank literally print trillions and give it away to everyone even loosely connected to the corrupt banking system. (Which is basically all of the most wealthy, ie the top 1%) So you have the rich literally robbing the @#^ out of the bottom 50%, yet they do nothing. They just take it, and love it, and want more of it. What can do that? No group of people in a dark smokey room can do that. It's beyond that.

So many people live their whole lives in their stupid phones, not really exibiting any form of higher consciousness at all. It's like they're just waiting for the hammer to drop. And the way people just accept it now when it would have scared the everlovin frickin bejezzus out of everyone just 50 years ago to see people like this now. And still you have morons arguing that there is no such thing as an illuminati? Clearly there is something going on. Something big, most likely bigger than anything a group of suits in a dark room could ever hope to accomplish.

I'm not going to name any more examples, but they are countless. And for each one you must come to the same logical conclusion each time: there has to be an organized intelligence behind it for it to happen this way. Something beyond greed. Even beyond eugenics. It's beyond human in fact. I've held to the belief that it is some type of alien consciousness, in its early stage of development. Like an embryo. And we are the yolk for that egg. Us and everything else on the planet. The illuminati could very well be a rebellious force in that paradigm. Wouldnt that be an irony? At any rate, this approaching singularity is actually the birthing of this new life, the point where it becomes self aware. I dont really have a problem with being a yolk, but god this lying and manipulation and outrageous level of pure bs needs to stop. It's not healthy for a people to live like this. And if a new superior form of life is born on this planet, one with the power to destroy us, they will not hesitate to do so given how much we abuse and lie to ourselves and deny and accept all this crap. If we act like a contemptable species then that is exactly how we are going to find ourselves treated.
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No Lifer
Feb 13, 2001
Just going down the list of what people tolerate proves there is some kind of illuminati.

We tolerate the dumping of thousands of tons of toxic industrial waste into our drinking water and accept the totally bogus and outrageously laughably false claims made in support of it. "Fluoride is good for your teeth". Parrot x100. No, its not frickin good for your teeth. It's not frickin good for anything, except dumbing people down and making them even more compliant. Seriously, when you really study this subject, from outside the propaganda sphere, you cant help but realize that there's a serious heirarchical power structure dictating it. And it has some serious power. You cannot get people to believe such over the top absurd bullcrap without having a very strong psychological hold on a population. People dont willingly submit to being poisoned and frickin stupefied unless there is some sort of organized force behind it. It's all the proof you need.

You can see it everywhere. I name just one example, but there are countless examples. Look at the drug laws and the entire infrastructure that was put in place to enforce laws even more absurd than prohibition. The way it continues and persists, is nothing short of mindboggling. But there it is, an absurdity so incredible it cannot be explained by malice or greed.

Look at the way people consume massive amounts of sugar and corn syrup even after it is proven to be a key factor in diabetes and general unhealthiness. Just stand in awe of what we've built around this empire of sugar! It is an monument of death, and we all worship it. Why?

Look at our money system. We let a central bank literally print trillions and give it away to everyone even loosely connected to the corrupt banking system. (Which is basically all of the most wealthy, ie the top 1%) So you have the rich literally robbing the @#^ out of the bottom 50%, yet they do nothing. They just take it, and love it, and want more of it. What can do that? No group of people in a dark smokey room can do that. It's beyond that.

So many people live their whole lives in their stupid phones, not really exibiting any form of higher consciousness at all. It's like they're just waiting for the hammer to drop. And the way people just accept it now when it would have scared the everlovin frickin bejezzus out of everyone just 50 years ago to see people like this now. And still you have morons arguing that there is no such thing as an illuminati? Clearly there is something going on. Something big, most likely bigger than anything a group of suits in a dark room could ever hope to accomplish.

I'm not going to name any more examples, but they are countless. And for each one you must come to the same logical conclusion each time: there has to be an organized intelligence behind it for it to happen this way. Something beyond greed. Even beyond eugenics. It's beyond human in fact. I've held to the belief that it is some type of alien consciousness, in its early stage of development. Like an embryo. And we are the yolk for that egg. Us and everything else on the planet. The illuminati could very well be a rebellious force in that paradigm. Wouldnt that be an irony? At any rate, this approaching singularity is actually the birthing of this new life, the point where it becomes self aware. I dont really have a problem with being a yolk, but god this lying and manipulation and outrageous level of pure bs needs to stop. It's not healthy for a people to live like this. And if a new superior form of life is born on this planet, one with the power to destroy us, they will not hesitate to do so given how much we abuse and lie to ourselves and deny and accept all this crap. If we act like a contemptable species then that is exactly how we are going to find ourselves treated.

What do you do?


Senior member
Nov 21, 2013
Also known as a plutocracy. No sign of a democracy here. Democracy has died once viral marketing campaigns have had an influence over people. Money is power.


Jun 19, 2004
When it comes to people, where there's a way, there's a will. Hell, furries exist and you doubt the illuminati?


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2000
Such a question would have been answered way differently - with scorn and derision - only three short years ago. I give Edward Snowden credit for opening the minds of a good majority.

To the OP, read this well attributed book and then work your way backwards.

Family of Secrets: The Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for America
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