Does it anger you that DX10 won't be released for Windows XP/2003?

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Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Smilin
haha I just saw this in your sig:

Windows 98/ME aren't even real 32-bit operating systems. They are pseudo 32-bit code on top of a native 16-bit architecture!!

hahaha. you are such a monkey. Sure 9x is a POS but you don't know why!

What does all this 9x crap have to do with DX10 again?

What I have in my signature is the plain old truth!!


Mar 17, 2001
Originally posted by: Link19
What I have in my signature is the plain old truth!!
No, what is true is that you haven't a #$%&ing clue about CPU architecture or programming (particularly re: "pseudo 32-bit code"). There are plenty of people who would love to help you understand this; the lack of comprehension on your part is simply due to willful ignorance (e.g. being stupid on purpose).


Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: ProviaFan
Originally posted by: Link19
What I have in my signature is the plain old truth!!
No, what is true is that you haven't a #$%&ing clue about CPU architecture or programming (particularly re: "pseudo 32-bit code"). There are plenty of people who would love to help you understand this; the lack of comprehension on your part is simply due to willful ignorance (e.g. being stupid on purpose).

It is the truth. Windows 98/ME are based on legacy system code and therefore are 16-bit operating systems with 32-bit extensions. They are not true 32-bit operating systems.


Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Link19
Originally posted by: kobymu
Originally posted by: Canterwood
Can I suggest that the OP seriously needs to get laid.
No no no, this is exactly the problem.

One day when link was left alone in his room by his parents after bed time, he started to "tinker" with his windows98 when all of a sudden windows.... "touched" him.

Ever since every time link tries to get laid he gets a flashback and run over here and post his "pos os" in the attempt to do some os therapy.

Poor boy

No, the problem is that compared to what we could and should have had in OS/2 WARP, Windows 98 was a piece of sh*t operating system. Far better operating systems existed back then, its just that Microsoft and other market forces made it so that almost all applications were designed for the most inferior OS Win9X kernel at the time.

Windows 95/98/ME were by far the worst opertaing systems made since 1994. That is a technical fact!!

OS/2 is $hit. Was there any hardware or driver support for it? What the fvck could you actually do with OS/2? Nada damn thing.. that is why its dead. It died LONG before Windows 98 will die.



Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: jlbenedict
Originally posted by: Link19
Originally posted by: kobymu
Originally posted by: Canterwood
Can I suggest that the OP seriously needs to get laid.
No no no, this is exactly the problem.

One day when link was left alone in his room by his parents after bed time, he started to "tinker" with his windows98 when all of a sudden windows.... "touched" him.

Ever since every time link tries to get laid he gets a flashback and run over here and post his "pos os" in the attempt to do some os therapy.

Poor boy

No, the problem is that compared to what we could and should have had in OS/2 WARP, Windows 98 was a piece of sh*t operating system. Far better operating systems existed back then, its just that Microsoft and other market forces made it so that almost all applications were designed for the most inferior OS Win9X kernel at the time.

Windows 95/98/ME were by far the worst opertaing systems made since 1994. That is a technical fact!!

OS/2 is $hit. Was there any hardware or driver support for it? What the fvck could you actually do with OS/2? Nada damn thing.. that is why its dead. It died LONG before Windows 98 will die.

NO!! OS/2 would have kicked the living day light sout of that piece of turd Win98/ME any day. If only it weren't for market forces which were responsible for killing OS/2 WARP, despite it being a sueprior OS.

Thus, it is only because most hardware manufacturers didn't provide OS/2 WARP drivers for their hardware devices and very few if any software devlopers wrote software for it. That is the only reason it died. It is not because it wasn't good. It had so much potential and would have been awesome, if only software devs wrote lots of programs for it.

That is the only reason OS/2 WARP died a long time ago. If there were lots of applications written for it, IT WOULD HAVE EASILY blown that piece of turd called Windows 98/ME out of the window.[/b] That is a technical fact.



Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Link19
Umm...dickhead, you seem to forget that DirectX was orginally written for the Win9x Kernel not the NT kernel...other than allowing for more advanced features to be incorporated in software that uses hasn't changed from the original Win9x naturally DX9 works on the Win9x kernel...because that is what it was designed for.

IIRC DirectX was backported to the NT kernel...just so WinNT could run "some" of the software that Win9x was capable of running.

once again you open your mouth and only sh1t dribbles out as you have ANY clue what you are babbling about...I don't think so.

Sp what?? Doesn't matter at all. DX9 shoudl have still be written for Windows 2000/XP/2003 and above only!!

DX was only originally written for Windows 9X because Microsoft choose to do it that way. It has nothing to do with the fact that Windows 9X was more suited for that kind of stuff because it was NOT!! It was all part of what Microsoft choose to do which was a big mistake!! Enough said.

Windows 98/ME were piece of sh*t operating systems. OS/2 WARP, Linux, Solaris, BSD would all kick the pants out of Windows 98SE any day. If only there were native Linux and OS/2 WARP binaries for all the same applications written for the piece of sh*t classic based Windows OS, the whole IT industry would have been so much better off the last 10 years. Enough said.

Actually that does kinda piss me off...not because Win98se was released..but because it cause you to infect this forum with your bullsh!t that you constantly have spilling out of your arse(since you seem to do a lot of talking out of your arse).

If those OS'es were REALLY any good(I have used OS/2 warp and linux)then they should have been able to make it in to the mainstream on their merits....I remember seeing plenty of IBM OS/2 Warp advertisements when I was it isn't like they were just hidden from the market.

It makes me laugh that you keep trying to compare OS'es that were NEVER designed for the home user, to a OS that was, Win9x success was because it was easy to use(You must be really retarded if you had difficulties using these OS'es)and had lots of industry support(it's only just starting to die off now....years after WinNT, OS/2 etc were buried)

I think you really just need to shut your mouth and accept that MILLIONS of people used and still use(Like myself) the Win9x based OS' can't change the past so there's no point crying over it everytime somebody mentions Win98


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: MrChad
Let's stop feeding the troll, folks. Let this thread die.'s fun to see how much sh!t spews forth from it's mouth, if only the towns folk would arrive with pitch forks and torches to do away with the wretched beast once on for all


Jul 31, 2004
I sarted using computers when the top of the line was TRS 80 and the tandy 1000. The only thing i miss about those days is the game Moon lander (I think it was one of the first vector graph. games) To me 9X was just a very pritty version of Dos, People will use what is easy and atractive. (ie wallpaper: skins) I like my eye-candy -I had 98 looking like XP in 2000 My XP looks like Vista (POSER I am!!!) For that I don't need DX10. When i need DX10 it might be time to upgrade but i won't do it just to get DX10/11/12 or whatever it will be by then!


Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2003
There's two possibilities:

1. Microsoft is telling the truth, and there is really no way to do dx10 with win xp's driver model.

2. Microsoft is full of bs, in which case some hacker will make dx10 work with win xp, and then MS will be forced to release dx10 for win xp while removing their foot from their mouth.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: mchammer
Wow Link19 really is insane

he went insane after he failed to get win9x working on his PC....I guess using the mouse was just to much for him....but then again he does fail at life so who knows?


Senior member
Nov 16, 2003
Originally posted by: cubby1223
How did this whole thread continue on....

It's kinda like how people slow down to look at a car crash on the motorway I think



Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
Actually that does kinda piss me off...not because Win98se was released..but because it cause you to infect this forum with your bullsh!t that you constantly have spilling out of your arse(since you seem to do a lot of talking out of your arse).

If those OS'es were REALLY any good(I have used OS/2 warp and linux)then they should have been able to make it in to the mainstream on their merits....I remember seeing plenty of IBM OS/2 Warp advertisements when I was it isn't like they were just hidden from the market.

It makes me laugh that you keep trying to compare OS'es that were NEVER designed for the home user, to a OS that was, Win9x success was because it was easy to use(You must be really retarded if you had difficulties using these OS'es)and had lots of industry support(it's only just starting to die off now....years after WinNT, OS/2 etc were buried)

I think you really just need to shut your mouth and accept that MILLIONS of people used and still use(Like myself) the Win9x based OS' can't change the past so there's no point crying over it everytime somebody mentions Win98

It wa only because Microsoft had the control in the market place that no one else had. It had nothing to do with Widnows 98 being such a good OS. OS/2 WARP and Linux would have kicked the sh!t out of Windows 98/ME any day. If only it weren't for Microsoft's predatory practices.

Also, part of it was that most of the population who knew nothing about computers believed that any OS that didn't have the name Windows must not have a GUI and be hard to use. That was not at all true.

An easy to use interface could have easily been developed for OS/2 WARP and Linux, had it been given the chance in the market place, and not just rejected simply because it didn't conatin the name Windows.

The best OS would have been something named Windows that used the Linux or OS/2 WARP code base with an easy to use GUI.

Anyone who says that the classic legacy DOS based Windows dominated the market back then because it was technically the best thing available doesn't know what they are talking about. It was all a marketing issue that forced an inferior OS to become mainstream in the market place. That is a fact!! Anyone who thinks otherwise simply does not know what they are talking about. Because it is a technical fact that OS/2 WARP was far superior to that pie3ce of sh*t classic based Windows OS. OS/2 WARP should have become the dominating force in the market place back in 1995.

The technical fact remians that OS/2 WARP was a far superior OS to that piece of sh*t Win98/ME architecture. The only problem was that there weren't many applications written for it because Microsoft forced an inferior OS to dominate the market place by using predatory practices.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Link19
Actually that does kinda piss me off...not because Win98se was released..but because it cause you to infect this forum with your bullsh!t that you constantly have spilling out of your arse(since you seem to do a lot of talking out of your arse).

If those OS'es were REALLY any good(I have used OS/2 warp and linux)then they should have been able to make it in to the mainstream on their merits....I remember seeing plenty of IBM OS/2 Warp advertisements when I was it isn't like they were just hidden from the market.

It makes me laugh that you keep trying to compare OS'es that were NEVER designed for the home user, to a OS that was, Win9x success was because it was easy to use(You must be really retarded if you had difficulties using these OS'es)and had lots of industry support(it's only just starting to die off now....years after WinNT, OS/2 etc were buried)

I think you really just need to shut your mouth and accept that MILLIONS of people used and still use(Like myself) the Win9x based OS' can't change the past so there's no point crying over it everytime somebody mentions Win98

It wa only because Microsoft had the control in the market place that no one else had. It had nothing to do with Widnows 98 being such a good OS. OS/2 WARP and Linux would have kicked the sh!t out of Windows 98/ME any day. If only it weren't for Microsoft's predatory practices.

Also, part of it was that most of the population who knew nothing about computers believed that any OS that didn't have the name Windows must not have a GUI and be hard to use. That was not at all true.

An easy to use interface could have easily been developed for OS/2 WARP and Linux, had it been given the chance in the market place, and not just rejected simply because it didn't conatin the name Windows.

The best OS would have been something named Windows that used the Linux or OS/2 WARP code base with an easy to use GUI.

Anyone who says that the classic legacy DOS based Windows dominated the market back then because it was technically the best thing available doesn't know what they are talking about. It was all a marketing issue that forced an inferior OS to become mainstream in the market place. That is a fact!! Anyone who thinks otherwise simply does not know what they are talking about. Because it is a technical fact that OS/2 WARP was far superior to that pie3ce of sh*t classic based Windows OS. OS/2 WARP should have become the dominating force in the market place back in 1995.

The technical fact remians that OS/2 WARP was a far superior OS to that piece of sh*t Win98/ME architecture. The only problem was that there weren't many applications written for it because Microsoft forced an inferior OS to dominate the market place by using predatory practices.

damn many times have I gotta flush you till you go down the toilet?.

no use crying over split milk...what done is done Win98 won out over "better" OS'es, you can't change that

oh and just for you link19...I'm currently posting on a P4 running Win98SE with over 500gb of Sata2 drives


Jul 10, 2005
Originally posted by: Link19
Actually that does kinda piss me off...not because Win98se was released..but because it cause you to infect this forum with your bullsh!t that you constantly have spilling out of your arse(since you seem to do a lot of talking out of your arse).

If those OS'es were REALLY any good(I have used OS/2 warp and linux)then they should have been able to make it in to the mainstream on their merits....I remember seeing plenty of IBM OS/2 Warp advertisements when I was it isn't like they were just hidden from the market.

It makes me laugh that you keep trying to compare OS'es that were NEVER designed for the home user, to a OS that was, Win9x success was because it was easy to use(You must be really retarded if you had difficulties using these OS'es)and had lots of industry support(it's only just starting to die off now....years after WinNT, OS/2 etc were buried)

I think you really just need to shut your mouth and accept that MILLIONS of people used and still use(Like myself) the Win9x based OS' can't change the past so there's no point crying over it everytime somebody mentions Win98

It wa only because Microsoft had the control in the market place that no one else had. It had nothing to do with Widnows 98 being such a good OS. OS/2 WARP and Linux would have kicked the sh!t out of Windows 98/ME any day. If only it weren't for Microsoft's predatory practices.

Also, part of it was that most of the population who knew nothing about computers believed that any OS that didn't have the name Windows must not have a GUI and be hard to use. That was not at all true.

An easy to use interface could have easily been developed for OS/2 WARP and Linux, had it been given the chance in the market place, and not just rejected simply because it didn't conatin the name Windows.

The best OS would have been something named Windows that used the Linux or OS/2 WARP code base with an easy to use GUI.

Anyone who says that the classic legacy DOS based Windows dominated the market back then because it was technically the best thing available doesn't know what they are talking about. It was all a marketing issue that forced an inferior OS to become mainstream in the market place. That is a fact!! Anyone who thinks otherwise simply does not know what they are talking about. Because it is a technical fact that OS/2 WARP was far superior to that pie3ce of sh*t classic based Windows OS. OS/2 WARP should have become the dominating force in the market place back in 1995.

The technical fact remians that OS/2 WARP was a far superior OS to that piece of sh*t Win98/ME architecture. The only problem was that there weren't many applications written for it because Microsoft forced an inferior OS to dominate the market place by using predatory practices.

Umm.. Link19.. you are a fvcking idiot. If it was so superior, then applications would have been developed for it and there would have been more support for it. Microsoft game consumers what they wanted; an operating system that was easy to use, had hardware support and the application support they needed to get the job done.

What is this "technical fact" you speak of regarding OS/2? You don't have a freaking clue.. all you keep saying, "technical fact it was better" .. blah fvcking blah.. Show me proof.. or can you?


Elite Member
Sep 14, 2001
If it was so superior, then applications would have been developed for it and there would have been more support for it.

Not necessarily, the better technology usually loses to whatever's advertised better.


Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Nothinman
If it was so superior, then applications would have been developed for it and there would have been more support for it.

Not necessarily, the better technology usually loses to whatever's advertised better.

Exactly!! Finally someone comes in to show they know what they are talking about.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: jlbenedict
Originally posted by: Link19
Actually that does kinda piss me off...not because Win98se was released..but because it cause you to infect this forum with your bullsh!t that you constantly have spilling out of your arse(since you seem to do a lot of talking out of your arse).

If those OS'es were REALLY any good(I have used OS/2 warp and linux)then they should have been able to make it in to the mainstream on their merits....I remember seeing plenty of IBM OS/2 Warp advertisements when I was it isn't like they were just hidden from the market.

It makes me laugh that you keep trying to compare OS'es that were NEVER designed for the home user, to a OS that was, Win9x success was because it was easy to use(You must be really retarded if you had difficulties using these OS'es)and had lots of industry support(it's only just starting to die off now....years after WinNT, OS/2 etc were buried)

I think you really just need to shut your mouth and accept that MILLIONS of people used and still use(Like myself) the Win9x based OS' can't change the past so there's no point crying over it everytime somebody mentions Win98

It wa only because Microsoft had the control in the market place that no one else had. It had nothing to do with Widnows 98 being such a good OS. OS/2 WARP and Linux would have kicked the sh!t out of Windows 98/ME any day. If only it weren't for Microsoft's predatory practices.

Also, part of it was that most of the population who knew nothing about computers believed that any OS that didn't have the name Windows must not have a GUI and be hard to use. That was not at all true.

An easy to use interface could have easily been developed for OS/2 WARP and Linux, had it been given the chance in the market place, and not just rejected simply because it didn't conatin the name Windows.

The best OS would have been something named Windows that used the Linux or OS/2 WARP code base with an easy to use GUI.

Anyone who says that the classic legacy DOS based Windows dominated the market back then because it was technically the best thing available doesn't know what they are talking about. It was all a marketing issue that forced an inferior OS to become mainstream in the market place. That is a fact!! Anyone who thinks otherwise simply does not know what they are talking about. Because it is a technical fact that OS/2 WARP was far superior to that pie3ce of sh*t classic based Windows OS. OS/2 WARP should have become the dominating force in the market place back in 1995.

The technical fact remians that OS/2 WARP was a far superior OS to that piece of sh*t Win98/ME architecture. The only problem was that there weren't many applications written for it because Microsoft forced an inferior OS to dominate the market place by using predatory practices.

Umm.. Link19.. you are a fvcking idiot. If it was so superior, then applications would have been developed for it and there would have been more support for it. Microsoft game consumers what they wanted; an operating system that was easy to use, had hardware support and the application support they needed to get the job done.

What is this "technical fact" you speak of regarding OS/2? You don't have a freaking clue.. all you keep saying, "technical fact it was better" .. blah fvcking blah.. Show me proof.. or can you?

He can' know why, because all he is doing is talking out of his ass...he has no idea what he is talking about, he probably has never used any of the OS'es he claims are better, all he has is what he probably read on an outdated website, until he provides proof, he is a complete and utter lying turd who needs to be flushed.


Diamond Member
Jun 18, 2001
Originally posted by: Link19
Originally posted by: Nothinman
If it was so superior, then applications would have been developed for it and there would have been more support for it.

Not necessarily, the better technology usually loses to whatever's advertised better.

Exactly!! Finally someone comes in to show they know what they are talking about.

Its just a pity you still have no idea what you are talking about ,fuckwit


Senior member
Apr 22, 2003
Originally posted by: Stumps
Originally posted by: Link19
Originally posted by: Nothinman
If it was so superior, then applications would have been developed for it and there would have been more support for it.

Not necessarily, the better technology usually loses to whatever's advertised better.

Exactly!! Finally someone comes in to show they know what they are talking about.

Its just a pity you still have no idea what you are talking about ,fuckwit

You do not know what you are talking about if you really think Windows 98 won out because it was technically the best. You are right in that Windows 98 won out despite it being by far an inferior OS compared to OS/2 WARP, but it is all said and done, and you cannot change the past. Just admit the fact that OS/2 WARP would have most likely been far superior if it only it were given the chance in the market place and thus lots of applications were developed for it. But like you said, it doesn't matter now because it was unfortunately all said and done a long time ago.
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