Does P90X work?


Aug 4, 2007
never heard of it til last night from a buddy. he swears by it and all of the reviews online seem positive. worth it? anyone try it? where to get it cheap?


Jun 23, 2001
Technically speaking, most forms of exercise 'work'. Its how much effort you put into it.


Feb 16, 2008
The answer is, not worth it. First, what goal are you trying to achieve? Are you aware of common workouts, advanced? It's great for people that want to begin working out, but then again you can google find many workouts and know what they do. I tried it a few years ago for back and ab workouts but it was just too boring and emphasized on definition. So if you want to bulk up, stay away.
Mar 22, 2002
The answer is, not worth it. First, what goal are you trying to achieve? Are you aware of common workouts, advanced? It's great for people that want to begin working out, but then again you can google find many workouts and know what they do. I tried it a few years ago for back and ab workouts but it was just too boring and emphasized on definition. So if you want to bulk up, stay away.

Ehhh. Most people trying to utilize P90X aren't trying to gain weight, they're trying to lose it. It's useful, especially for its nutrition program, which is the main aspect of why there are so many success stories for serious users. It's a decent program, utilizing many body weight and calisthenic exercises. It's fine as a starting program, but eventually you've gotta move on to something else.


Aug 4, 2007
yeah, i need to lose about 15 lbs and strengthen muscles. i'm used to crunches and free wieghts currently. been gaining since i stopped working out


Feb 16, 2008
Ehhh. Most people trying to utilize P90X aren't trying to gain weight, they're trying to lose it. It's useful, especially for its nutrition program, which is the main aspect of why there are so many success stories for serious users. It's a decent program, utilizing many body weight and calisthenic exercises. It's fine as a starting program, but eventually you've gotta move on to something else.

Yes I do understand, I used it a long time ago. For people trying to lose weight in general the obvious choice is to run and stay away from fast food , so what purpose does p90x have at $140(Amazon) unless someone is that helpless on making or finding a nutrition program. My point is, save your money and routinely run without fast food. I'm just trying to persuade OP that any excercise done well will work, but p90x is just not worth it.
Mar 22, 2002
Yes I do understand, I used it a long time ago. For people trying to lose weight in general the obvious choice is to run and stay away from fast food , so what purpose does p90x have at $140(Amazon) unless someone is that helpless on making or finding a nutrition program. My point is, save your money and routinely run without fast food. I'm just trying to persuade OP that any excercise done well will work, but p90x is just not worth it.

So wait, you condemn p90x as being boring and then tell someone to run as their exercise? Have you ever done long distance running almost every day? There is no activity more mundane. P90X provides a specific nutrition plan, which is useful, as well as teaches individuals many movements that improve proprioception, neuromuscular coordination, strength, endurance, etc. I'm not a p90x fanboy, but it's a thousand times better than just running alone and provides much more direction.


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2003
So wait, you condemn p90x as being boring and then tell someone to run as their exercise? Have you ever done long distance running almost every day? There is no activity more mundane. P90X provides a specific nutrition plan, which is useful, as well as teaches individuals many movements that improve proprioception, neuromuscular coordination, strength, endurance, etc. I'm not a p90x fanboy, but it's a thousand times better than just running alone and provides much more direction.

Some people actually enjoy long distance running But yeah, p90x and running are totally different things.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2006
Yes I do understand, I used it a long time ago. For people trying to lose weight in general the obvious choice is to run and stay away from fast food , so what purpose does p90x have at $140(Amazon) unless someone is that helpless on making or finding a nutrition program. My point is, save your money and routinely run without fast food. I'm just trying to persuade OP that any excercise done well will work, but p90x is just not worth it.

$140 for a lifestyle overhaul seems like a damn good deal. It's easier for some people to follow a program because it's laid out in a semi-strict way, something to follow and set goals with. Telling people to run and avoid fast food is pretty stupid, to be honest. Not everyone is the same.


Feb 5, 2011
Disagree with massappeal. P90x is the real deal. The overwhelming majority of people will be unable to finish it, though. Even a fit individual can find these hour long workouts quite challenging, and at least one is downright cruel (plyometrics). If you follow the program to the T you'll get major results. But that's the case for any serious diet and exercise regime.


Diamond Member
Jan 24, 2004
Yes working your ass off for an hour several times a week does indeed work assuming you're not also downing 5000 calories a day as well.


Feb 16, 2008
$140 for a lifestyle overhaul seems like a damn good deal. It's easier for some people to follow a program because it's laid out in a semi-strict way, something to follow and set goals with. Telling people to run and avoid fast food is pretty stupid, to be honest. Not everyone is the same.

How is telling someone to run and avoid eating fast food, stupid? RUNNING IS ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL WAYS OF LOSING WEIGHT.If you think that's stupid then that says something about an individual, and good luck trying to lose weight without running. All I'm saying is you don't need p90x regardless of its price when you can substitute it with running which is equally as boring (although not the main point). Yes the p90x can teach you many things of those you can find online or find by talking with others at a gym.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2006
How is telling someone to run and avoid eating fast food, stupid? RUNNING IS ONE OF THE FUNDAMENTAL WAYS OF LOSING WEIGHT.If you think that's stupid then that says something about an individual, and good luck trying to lose weight without running.

Not true. The fundamental way to lose weight is by limiting your caloric intake. Any physical activity will cover the rest (weights, swimming, rowing, and yes, running). It is not at all necessary (though for good cardiovascular health, you should be at least running, rowing, or swimming).

All I'm saying is you don't need p90x regardless of its price when you can substitute it with running which is equally as boring (although not the main point). Yes the p90x can teach you many things of those you can find online or find by talking with others at a gym.

Of course you don't need P90X, but it's a good program that seems to have a great success rate, and to me, that is worth it. I've never followed the program personally, but I've seen the results first hand.


Feb 16, 2008
Not true. The fundamental way to lose weight is by limiting your caloric intake. Any physical activity will cover the rest (weights, swimming, rowing, and yes, running). It is not at all necessary (though for good cardiovascular health, you should be at least running, rowing, or swimming).

Did I say running was the ONLY fundamental way of losing weight? I said "one of". No need for apology. Listen, i appreciate you telling me things i already know, I've been working out for quite some time, I'm only stating my opinion for the OP. He asked if it was worth getting p90x and I say, no. My 2 cents.

Of course you don't need P90X, but it's a good program that seems to have a great success rate, and to me, that is worth it. I've never followed the program personally, but I've seen the results first hand.

I haven't met someone personally that has finished the p90x or is close to completion , but I'm sure it'll work. I usually just hear about its success rate.
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Aug 4, 2007
i hate running. hopefully thats not part of the routine. i can lose weight by controlling what i eat


Senior member
Apr 16, 2005
$140 for a lifestyle overhaul seems like a damn good deal. It's easier for some people to follow a program because it's laid out in a semi-strict way, something to follow and set goals with. Telling people to run and avoid fast food is pretty stupid, to be honest. Not everyone is the same.

This, pretty much.

As of last year, I knew basically nothing about exercise, and not much about diet either. Since then, I've done P90x twice, and lost 35+ pounds. With P90x, I get to learn as I go, move at my own pace, and work out in my own home. I don't have to embarrass myself out in public. So now, I actually know a bunch of different exercises, although I couldn't actually tell you the names of most of the moves. I know a bit more about diet than I did before.

And it's 140$ or whatever. It's what, 30-50$ a month for a gym membership (never had one, so I don't actually know)? It's reusable, too. I honestly think it's not that bad of a deal (though shipping is absurd at their site, last I checked). Then again, I borrowed my copy from my cousin.

i hate running. hopefully thats not part of the routine. i can lose weight by controlling what i eat
There's no running in P90x.

If you do the standard routine:
Mondays: Chest and Back (pushups/pullups) + abs or Chest, Shoulders and Triceps (pushups, and various free weights) + abs.
Tuesdays: Plyometrics (jumping (and wheezing)).
Wednesdays: Shoulders and Arms (free weights) + abs or Back and Biceps (pullups + free weights) + abs.
Thursdays: Yoga. Not a huge fan, but I can touch my toes now.
Fridays: Legs and Back (various leg exercises + pullups) + abs.
Saturday: Kenpo (martial arts stuff)

There's some other stuff that you mix into the recovery weeks, but that's mostly it. The only running you'll do in this is jogging in place during the warmups. Or maybe plank runs. But no real jogging.
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Aug 21, 2002
P90X works if you can stick with it. I've done it myself but only for 2 months. I didn't follow the nutrition guide very closely so I didn't get the results you see in videos but I have no doubt I could if I did follow it.

I'd like to do it again and get those results. The problem is it requires a lifestyle change. That's the biggest deterrent for me. I get home from work at 6 in the evening, if I immediately work out, I get done with my workout at 7 (or 7:30 on Yoga X days). I make and drink a protein shake and take a shower and be done with that 30 minutes later. Then it takes me about an hour to make and eat dinner on average and it's around 8:30 or 9 at night and I have to go to bed so I can get 7-8 hours of sleep and get up at 5 to make it to work on time the next day.


Senior member
Jan 28, 2011
P90X works if you can stick with it. I've done it myself but only for 2 months. I didn't follow the nutrition guide very closely so I didn't get the results you see in videos but I have no doubt I could if I did follow it.

I'd like to do it again and get those results. The problem is it requires a lifestyle change. That's the biggest deterrent for me. I get home from work at 6 in the evening, if I immediately work out, I get done with my workout at 7 (or 7:30 on Yoga X days). I make and drink a protein shake and take a shower and be done with that 30 minutes later. Then it takes me about an hour to make and eat dinner on average and it's around 8:30 or 9 at night and I have to go to bed so I can get 7-8 hours of sleep and get up at 5 to make it to work on time the next day.

Yes true. As in most methods this one requires also to stick with it and give it a chance on a long term.


Diamond Member
Jul 12, 2007
Search craigslist for p90x. I managed to nab the p90x+ set (12 original DVD's plus 2 addon DVD's) for $75. And that was for the original DVD's, not a ripped copy.

I plan to start a p90x circuit in the next week, in the hopes of losing 30lbs by August. I'll try to keep a running log of my progress on this forum.


Aug 4, 2007
got lucky. coworker bought it and never uses it. he's going to let me borrow it for as long as i need it. will post picks of abs once i get the desired results :awe:


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2003
It gives results if you actually go through the program. Its very difficult depending on your current level of fitness.

Be prepared for repetition as the weeks go on, but that is something that pertains to all video based work outs. Good luck!


Senior member
Jan 7, 2011
Well I think a good place to start is to look at psychology and motivational factors. Think about it how motivating is sitting around by yourself at home looking at a video screen?

How many people do you know that has bought exercise equipment, programs, diet plans, diet food, work out cloths, did not do a weeks worth of exercise and whatever they bought sits collecting dust? Exactly!

Face it there are probably a lot of you that have Richard Simmons videos right there next to the X-Box and the old Twinkie wrappers that you never used.

I personally find the gym more motivating for a variety of reasons.

(Side note: when I was looking...why the heck is the gym the one place where you can meet a like minded beautiful woman who takes care of herself but everyone wears ear buds and never speak to anyone?:'()

It is better to get a work out buddy, go to group fitness classes (a little more friendly) and change things up often.

Subscribe to a good health exercise magazine with diet and training tear outs and anyone will have all the advice they need to get fit for $17 a year.

Then again it does all come down to motivation the key is to "trick" yourself through motivational techniques to keep at it.

My two cents


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2007
Then again it does all come down to motivation the key is to "trick" yourself through motivational techniques to keep at it.

My two cents

Maybe for some people, I love getting in the gym. It's a get away for me. I sit behind a desk for about 8 hours a day, getting out and doing something it the only thing on my mind when I leave so hitting up the gym is perfect. I also like the results after about 6 months of steady working out. I know not everyone is like me so some people may need to trick themselves into it.


Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
Just started week 7 and have lost 15 lbs so far. Also a noticeable improvement in strength during push-ups and pull-ups. It's like anything, you'll get out of it whatever you put into it. P90X isn't the magic cure for weightless or the only answer to a sedentary lifestyle. A dozen+ other fitness programs would work just as well. They key is picking something and sticky to it for 90 days so you can get a positive result. I would highly recommend anyone doing or considering P90X, to check out the forum here
I found the weightloss-hq site to be a lot better than the official beachbody one.

You can always find a full copy with books on ebay for $50-60, it's where I got mine.
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