Donald Trump: ‘I Hope’ Russia Hacked Clinton’s Email Servers

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Nov 25, 2013

What party?

IMO the Republicans don't have a candidate and the Democrats don't have a party.

I don't see Trump as a Repub. I don't think he has an ideological molecule in his body. He's like an independent who swooped in and stole the Repub 'banner' so he could easily qualify for elections in all states. Geez, he's been rejected by so many in the Repub party it should be clear he isn't one of them.

The Dems don't have a party, the Clintons do. I think it's pretty clear Billary has been packing the DNC with their acolytes for so long and so thoroughly it's now the Clinton Party, not the Democratic party.


That would certainly explain how she won the primary race in 2008 against that Obama guy.


Jan 2, 2001
Lol, you guys are reading way to much into this. 30,000 deleted emails, surely you can realize that this was just a swipe at the bitch. First, the DNC gets hacked by the what the bitch says was the commies way to get Trump elected. So why shouldn't he make a reference to her unsecured email server. You guys are so hell bent on raking him over the coals, you can't take a step back and see it for what it is. Do you really think the commies can hack a server that I would think by now is gutted out?


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2001
Can the Trump zealots criticize Hillary without misogynistic jabs? So disgusting.
Feb 4, 2009
Lol, you guys are reading way to much into this. 30,000 deleted emails, surely you can realize that this was just a swipe at the bitch. First, the DNC gets hacked by the what the bitch says was the commies way to get Trump elected. So why shouldn't he make a reference to her unsecured email server. You guys are so hell bent on raking him over the coals, you can't take a step back and see it for what it is. Do you really think the commies can hack a server that I would think by now is gutted out?

So you would have been ok with Kerry asking Russia or China to release any embarrassing data about Bush or Cheney since by that time it appeared we were lied to about WMDs in Iraq?
Are you ok with someone winning an election with Putin's help? Does it concern you that Trump said Russia you will be rewarded (pause). You will be rewarded by our media...

Don't think I'm saying I don't see problems with Hillary's private server.


Apr 12, 2004
So you would have been ok with Kerry asking Russia or China to release any embarrassing data about Bush or Cheney since by that time it appeared we were lied to about WMDs in Iraq?
Are you ok with someone winning an election with Putin's help? Does it concern you that Trump said Russia you will be rewarded (pause). You will be rewarded by our media...

Don't think I'm saying I don't see problems with Hillary's private server.

You wouldn't? If there was information earlier showing that Bush lied his way into Iraq, you wouldn't want that to be available?

Nixon tried to use Watergate to help the Dems cover up their scandal with the Pentagon Papers. It's nice to see a potential president value his citizens over the reputation of his office for once.


Jan 2, 2001
So you would have been ok with Kerry asking Russia or China to release any embarrassing data about Bush or Cheney since by that time it appeared we were lied to about WMDs in Iraq?
Are you ok with someone winning an election with Putin's help? Does it concern you that Trump said Russia you will be rewarded (pause). You will be rewarded by our media...

Don't think I'm saying I don't see problems with Hillary's private server.

You really think Kerry or Trump have any pull in what the commies do? They are going to do what they want to do regardless. Do you not think the reward statement was another jab at the liberal media? Once again, y'all need to take a step back.
Feb 4, 2009
You really think Kerry or Trump have any pull in what the commies do? They are going to do what they want to do regardless. Do you not think the reward statement was another jab at the liberal media? Once again, y'all need to take a step back.

Putin has all but endorsed Trump. Would Trumps behavior be acceptable for Kerry to do in 2004?


Mar 5, 2001
Only one of the 2 candidates is promising to abuse the powers of the Office of the President to attack his political opponents if elected, with his supporters cheering wildly at the prospect. If that seems equivalent to an email server to you, well..

Yeah, Hillary didn't promise. She actually did it. So did Obama.


Jan 2, 2001
Putin has all but endorsed Trump. Would Trumps behavior be acceptable for Kerry to do in 2004?

If the tables were turned, I'd have no problem with him saying it. I'd give him some brownie points for actually having a personality. See, I think the problem is that the liberals have something stuck up their ass in which they are all serious and can't detect sarcasm/joking. Hell, I'd be the same way too if I walked around all day with a butt plug in.
Feb 4, 2009
If the tables were turned, I'd have no problem with him saying it. I'd give him some brownie points for actually having a personality. See, I think the problem is that the liberals have something stuck up their ass in which they are all serious and can't detect sarcasm/joking. Hell, I'd be the same way too if I walked around all day with a butt plug in.

I call BS but I'm willing to agree to disagree.


Apr 12, 2004
I call BS but I'm willing to agree to disagree.

You have to be aware that many Trump lovers are not die-hard Republicans. I mean, his own VP as well as the Republican Speaker of the House have both contradicted Trump as strongly as they can without calling him out by name.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
That's a very good point and frankly very surprising for a skilled veteran politician like Hillary to take the bait. By saying his attitude about the Russians getting access to the servers is a national security issue implies that the emails getting compromised is a national security issue. Since she put the information in a place where it was at risk for hacking, what does that say about her regard for national security?

Those of you talking about treason, quit the bullshit, there's no way this even remotely comes close to treason no matter how careless she might have been.
Yep. At this point, it's pretty amusing, really. And as someone (Fern?) pointed out, Trump did a masterful job of knocking Bill's ode to Hillary completely off the news cycle. I'd say it was impressive except that politics, properly being a means to an end rather than an end unto itself, should not be impressive in and of itself.

Werepossumn you're a smart guy. Don't you see a risk in a serious Presidential contender asking a foreign government to release secret files they may have on the opposition? This isn't saying Hillary's private server was right.
Honestly would it have been appropriate for John Kerry to say we know this WMDs in Iraq is BS, Russia or China please release what you know about us voters being lied to by Cheney or'll be rewarded....rewarded by our media...
Doesn't a statement like that encourage more digging or at bare minimum forge some info?
Do we want Putin deciding whom he'd prefer to have as President?
Let's break it down. Whatever the Russians (or Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, etc.) have, they already have. Whatever advantage they can glean from it, they already have. As Russia sees America as its primary rival - a fact of which we've not always been properly cognizant - then whomever Russia believes will harm our interests (without harming Russia's) also has this information, at whatever price Russia was able to extract. That's an accomplished fact, IFF it's a fact at all. It's another fact that Russia cannot hack Hillary's server at this point, for it's disconnected and it's been wiped beyond the FBI's ability to recover even having physical possession.

We're being asked to accept that the damage isn't our adversaries having access to our secret and privileged information that's the problem, it's having that secret and privileged information made public to the people who paid for it, who not only paid their salaries but paid for the hugely expensive security apparatus that Mrs. Clinton chose to forgo in favor of immunity from FOIA laws. That isn't merely illogical, it's bizarro world stupid. Do you really want to propose that the entire or at least the primary purpose of America keeping classified information is to keep that information secret from Americans? How on Earth does that make one shred of sense? If it's already leaked to our adversaries, then by all means let's let the American people in on the secret as well.

As for your second point, of course it doesn't encourage more digging. Nations (most certainly including America) conduct espionage for their own purposes, not because someone asked them politely.

EDIT: Note that in this case, that purpose is punishing the people who turned one of Russia's vassal states into Islamicist anarchy, not to interfere in an American election.

Actually, it's a pretty ugly reflection on both of them. Trump was an asshat for saying what he did, it was highly inappropriate. The reason he was able to take the shot is because Hillary placed her own interest in avoiding FOIA oversight ahead of national security. Two sides, shitty coin.
Yup. It's hard to believe that the two parties aren't punking us, setting up two such horrible people with such evenly matched flaws.
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Nov 10, 2003
I don't remember the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, or anyone wrote those shitty emails on the DNC and Hillary servers but DNC and its staff members and Hillary and her staff members. I do not remember anyone but Hillary and her staff members removed/deleted thousands and thousands of those emails on Hillary server.
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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Dammit, werepossom! Stop using LOGIC!

There's an election on and we can't have any of that getting in the way of silly partisan bickering.


Jun 26, 2009
Dammit, werepossom! Stop using LOGIC!

There's an election on and we can't have any of that getting in the way of silly partisan bickering.

I don't remember the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, or anyone wrote those shitty emails on the DNC and Hillary servers but DNC and its staff members and Hillary and her staff members. I do not remember anyone but Hillary and her staff members removed/deleted thousands and thousands of those emails on Hillary server.

Feb 4, 2009
Yep. At this point, it's pretty amusing, really. And as someone (Fern?) pointed out, Trump did a masterful job of knocking Bill's ode to Hillary completely off the news cycle. I'd say it was impressive except that politics, properly being a means to an end rather than an end unto itself, should not be impressive in and of itself.

Let's break it down. Whatever the Russians (or Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, etc.) have, they already have. Whatever advantage they can glean from it, they already have. As Russia sees America as its primary rival - a fact of which we've not always been properly cognizant - then whomever Russia believes will harm our interests (without harming Russia's) also has this information, at whatever price Russia was able to extract. That's an accomplished fact, IFF it's a fact at all. It's another fact that Russia cannot hack Hillary's server at this point, for it's disconnected and it's been wiped beyond the FBI's ability to recover even having physical possession.

We're being asked to accept that the damage isn't our adversaries having access to our secret and privileged information that's the problem, it's having that secret and privileged information made public to the people who paid for it, who not only paid their salaries but paid for the hugely expensive security apparatus that Mrs. Clinton chose to forgo in favor of immunity from FOIA laws. That isn't merely illogical, it's bizarro world stupid. Do you really want to propose that the entire or at least the primary purpose of America keeping classified information is to keep that information secret from Americans? How on Earth does that make one shred of sense? If it's already leaked to our adversaries, then by all means let's let the American people in on the secret as well.

As for your second point, of course it doesn't encourage more digging. Nations (most certainly including America) conduct espionage for their own purposes, not because someone asked them politely.

EDIT: Note that in this case, that purpose is punishing the people who turned one of Russia's vassal states into Islamicist anarchy, not to interfere in an American election.

It this part of what he said that's most offensive, seems to read like help me out, I'll help you out

“Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press,” Trump said at the event.

“They probably have them. I'd like to have them released. It gives me no pause: if they have them, they have them,"

I'm having trouble accepting anyone would honestly be alright and honestly agree with a future candidates calling of foreign dictators and governments to help them win an election.

More Trump riffing

"I have nothing to do with Russia!" he said later, sounding exasperated. "I said that Putin has much better leadership qualities than Obama, but who doesn't know that."

"I would treat Vladimir Putin firmly, but there’s nothing I can think of that I’d rather do than have Russia friendly…so we can go out and knock out ISIS together
Re: Putin
"I wish I had that power," Trump said. "Man, that would be power."
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Apr 8, 2002
Oh look who now is getting worried about executive power. Where have you been the last 8 years when our executive power reached into our private lives and turned into executioner and chief?

The problem with short term team play. Eventually the other side gets to wield the power your guy created.


Nov 11, 1999
It this part of what he said that's most offensive, seems to read like help me out, I'll help you out

I'm having trouble accepting anyone would honestly be alright and honestly agree with a future candidates calling of foreign dictators and governments to help them win an election.

More Trump riffing

Re: Putin

Thank you. The "I wish I could be a dictator!" is the best part, what his leader cult supporters seem to want as well. History has many examples of such people first being elected as a prequel to actually achieving it.
Nov 30, 2006
I hate to break it to you, but you're incredibly gullible. Hillary said that Trump & Trump's attitude are a national security issue, not the emails.
Pot calls kettle black....that's a hoot! Given her being "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information", Hillary has zero credibly to suddenly feign concern about national security related to her email shenanigans. Lemmings have short memories it seems.

And I don't see the reason for all the fuss here...the FBI has locked down the wiped server and it's just 30,000 emails about yoga and wedding plans anyway ...nothing to do with national security. Are we going to believe Hillary or not?


Sep 6, 2000
Thank you. The "I wish I could be a dictator!" is the best part, what his leader cult supporters seem to want as well. History has many examples of such people first being elected as a prequel to actually achieving it.

Pretty much every President jokingly muses about that. Obama did it. Before him, Bush did it. I'm sure at some point in their Presidency (probably almost immediately after taking office) everyone who has ever held the job probably wishes at points they had dictatorial powers so they didn't have to deal with Congress and the voters. That doesn't mean they want to act out that idle thinking.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Pot calls kettle black....that's a hoot! Given her being "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information", Hillary has zero credibly to suddenly feign concern about national security related to her email shenanigans. Lemmings have short memories it seems.

And I don't see the reason for all the fuss here...the FBI has locked down the wiped server and it's just 30,000 emails about yoga and wedding plans anyway ...nothing to do with national security. Are we going to believe Hillary or not?

How many times does this have to be said? Asking that a foreign power intervene to hack any email, even exclusively personal email, of the leadership or potential leadership of the United States is an incredibly obvious national security issue. How many powerful people throughout history have been influenced or blackmailed about entirely personal dealings?

It would take someone utterly blinded by partisanship not to recognize this fact. Even Trump now seems to have realized he fucked up as he's now claiming he was just joking. That's probably as close to an apology as he's capable of, which of course says volumes about his character anyway.


Nov 11, 1999
Pretty much every President jokingly muses about that. Obama did it. Before him, Bush did it. I'm sure at some point in their Presidency (probably almost immediately after taking office) everyone who has ever held the job probably wishes at points they had dictatorial powers so they didn't have to deal with Congress and the voters. That doesn't mean they want to act out that idle thinking.

Mmmm... False equivalency from the right wing. Your own link reveals that.
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