Donald Trump 2019

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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
jokes aren't funny when they get explained
Ha ha ha ha.
No, I was just repeating/agreeing with my post above.
The wasn't meant for you.
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Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Since this is Veterans Day, this part needs to be pointed out as another lie by the lard ass orangutan in charge.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit for Obama's gains for vets

"Boastful on the occasion of Memorial Day, President Donald Trump and his Veterans Affairs secretary are claiming full credit for health care improvements that were underway before they took office.

Trump said he passed a private-sector health care program, Veterans Choice, after failed attempts by past presidents for the last "45 years." That's not true. The Choice program, which allows veterans to see doctors outside the government-run VA system at taxpayer expense, was first passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama.

Trump's VA secretary, Robert Wilkie, also is distorting the facts. Faulting previous "bad leadership" at VA, Wilkie suggested it was his own efforts that improved waiting times at VA medical centers and brought new offerings of same-day mental health service. The problem: The study cited by Wilkie on wait times covers the period from 2014 to 2017, before Wilkie took the helm as VA secretary. Same-day mental health services at VA were started during the Obama administration under Wilkie's predecessor, David Shulkin.

The half-truths and exaggerations came in a week when selective accounting was a norm in Trump's rhetoric, extending into his trip to Japan , where he inflated the drop in the U.S. unemployment rate for women."

And this is the fat ass who was/is going to pardon convicted war criminals on Memorial day. Looks like he backed off doing this on Memorial day
because of the blowback.

Further reading will show that cheeto states this while he's still in Japan:

1) Most successful economy, perhaps, in our country's history." — remarks to reporters Wednesday.
Not even close. Fat ass still hasn't even hit that 3% GDP that he slammed Obama for not reaching.
Even Obama has 2 qtrs above 4%. trump? zero
Under Clinton we had four straight yeasr of 4% growth
There was 7%+ growth in 1984
Best economy ever? Bwaaaaaaahahahaha.
effing moron.

2) the best unemployment numbers in history
Uhh, No.
Lowest since 1969 when it was 3.5%
During WW2, it was below 2%

3) Lowest unemployment for women in 71 years
Again, no
According to the Labor Department, the women's unemployment rate fell last month to 3.1%. That's just the lowest
since October 1953, or 66 years ago, when it also was 3.1%. The lowest on record was 2.4% in May 1953.
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Jul 17, 2003
View attachment 6569

The person who wrote that "total exoneration" report must never be heard from again because I'm so innocent and totally not impeachable!

Also I'm very calm as five of my employees will attest and lets execute some perceived political enemies of mine:

Someone needs to break it to him the investigation netted a profit for the gov. Even if it didn't, that's still over 60 million less than what Trump thinks is ok for taxpayers to pay for his golf.


Nov 11, 1999
Since this is Veterans Day, this part needs to be pointed out as another lie by the lard ass orangutan in charge.

AP FACT CHECK: Trump takes credit for Obama's gains for vets

"Boastful on the occasion of Memorial Day, President Donald Trump and his Veterans Affairs secretary are claiming full credit for health care improvements that were underway before they took office.

Trump said he passed a private-sector health care program, Veterans Choice, after failed attempts by past presidents for the last "45 years." That's not true. The Choice program, which allows veterans to see doctors outside the government-run VA system at taxpayer expense, was first passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama.

Trump's VA secretary, Robert Wilkie, also is distorting the facts. Faulting previous "bad leadership" at VA, Wilkie suggested it was his own efforts that improved waiting times at VA medical centers and brought new offerings of same-day mental health service. The problem: The study cited by Wilkie on wait times covers the period from 2014 to 2017, before Wilkie took the helm as VA secretary. Same-day mental health services at VA were started during the Obama administration under Wilkie's predecessor, David Shulkin.

The half-truths and exaggerations came in a week when selective accounting was a norm in Trump's rhetoric, extending into his trip to Japan , where he inflated the drop in the U.S. unemployment rate for women."

And this is the fat ass who was/is going to pardon convicted war criminals on Memorial day. Looks like he backed off doing this on Memorial day
because of the blowback.

Further reading will show that cheeto states this while he's still in Japan:

1) Most successful economy, perhaps, in our country's history." — remarks to reporters Wednesday.
Not even close. Fat ass still hasn't even hit that 3% GDP that he slammed Obama for not reaching.
Even Obama has 2 qtrs above 4%. trump? zero
Under Clinton we had four straight yeasr of 4% growth
There was 7%+ growth in 1984
Best economy ever? Bwaaaaaaahahahaha.
effing moron.

2) the best unemployment numbers in history
Uhh, No.
Lowest since 1969 when it was 3.5%
During WW2, it was below 2%

3) Lowest unemployment for women in 71 years
Again, no
According to the Labor Department, the women's unemployment rate fell last month to 3.1%. That's just the lowest
since October 1953, or 66 years ago, when it also was 3.1%. The lowest on record was 2.4% in May 1953.

Well, you don't have to believe *everything* he says to believe in Trump. Trump in their heads isn't the same thing as Trump in reality. Post-truth, Baby, and it feels so good...


Aug 5, 2000
Well, you don't have to believe *everything* he says to believe in Trump. Trump in their heads isn't the same thing as Trump in reality. Post-truth, Baby, and it feels so good...

Forced to live in an alternate reality for the feels or face the facts of Trump's criminality and deal with it as responsible adults for the good of the nation.

Well of course it's the latter, except if one happens to be a Trump chump. Then all bets are off, it's off to taking those daily doses of bullshit pills that Trump has an endless supply of. Those BS pills soothes, calms and totally blocks out the urge to know the truth about their crook drug dealer and his thug strong arm lieutenant running the Senate.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Well, you don't have to believe *everything* he says to believe in Trump. Trump in their heads isn't the same thing as Trump in reality. Post-truth, Baby, and it feels so good...
Well, fuck those guys.
Facts matter, truth matters.

Remember to vote folks in 2020.
Its the only way to wipe this shitstain off of America
Reactions: Homerboy


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
blowing up his own new bestliest trade deal with mexico in order to put pressure on mexico to stop hondurans from coming into the US by taxing americans


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
So this made me laugh. I went to Trump's twitter to see if he posted about the mass shooting (which of course he didn't) and saw his banner pic which I hadn't seen before.

I immediately noticed how white it was then I started playing "spot the black person" and eventually I found him. It was like a game of Where's Waldo, and then when you find him, it's like Trump tried to hide him.

Not really funny, but it made me chuckle.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
An Insider Book Tries to Praise Trump, But Instead Exposes His Corruption

is a damning exposé of the corrupt bargain between Donald Trump and the party’s wealthy insiders. The odd thing is that the book is not intended as an exposé at all, but as an auto-hagiography written by three Republican policy entrepreneurs who helped win Trump over and shape his program, and are so lacking in self-awareness that they earnestly believe they are defending both Trump and his partners.

The authors of Trumponomics are Larry Kudlow (who left in the middle of its writing to accept a job as director of the National Economic Council), Stephen Moore, and Arthur Laffer. The three fervently propound supply-side economics, a doctrine that holds that economic performance hinges largely on maintaining low tax rates on the rich. In the 1990s, the supply-siders insisted Bill Clinton’s increase in the top tax rate would create a recession and cause revenue to plummet. The following decade, they heralded the Bush tax cuts as the elixir that had brought in a glorious new era of prosperity. Moore wrote Bullish on Bush: How George Bush’s Ownership Society Will Make America Stronger, and Kudlow wrote the foreward to The Bush Boom.

Their record of being wrong about everything is so incomprehensibly vast it is astonishing they have retained their positions of influence over a major party. Trumponomics inadvertently clarifies how an economist who was declaring the U.S. housing market to be perfectly sound and on its way up in July 2008 secured a job as chief economist to the president of the United States as a matter of course.

Related - Trump continues his quest to turn the Presidential Medal of Freedom into a Republican participation trophy. The next recipient will be Arthur Laffer, creator of the appropriately named Laffer Curve and co-author of a book called Trumponomics, both of which I'm sure Donald Trump studied in detail before deciding on the award.

From the citation: "Arthur B. Laffer, the ‘Father of Supply-Side Economics,’ is one of the most influential economists in American history."

Well, who can argue with that? The influence of his ideas is responsible for the looting of the federal treasury to the tune of several trillion dollars. If that's not influential, I don't know what

Mark Alan Stamaty, cartoonist for the Village Voice, was already mocking the Laffer Curve back in 1984, with his strip about the “Giggle Wiggle.

He also helped Sam Brownback and the rest of the GOP fuck over Kansas.


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Trump denies calling Meghan Markle 'nasty,' despite interview recording

So the lard assed orange orangutan said back in 2016, that Meghan Markle was nasty, when he heard she called him
a misogynist.
"However, the president was recorded calling the former actress and now a member of the British royal family “nasty” when
asked in an interview Saturday about her criticism of him before he was elected in 2016."
He said:
"“A lot of people moving here, so what can I say? No, I didn’t know that she was nasty,” Trump said. "

So, he now denies saying it and called out "Fake media" and says fake media should apologize for it.

Doesn't the dumb ass know that there's a recording of him saying this? It's his knee-jerk reaction to everything.
Just deny it even when there a taped recording of it.
Mar 11, 2004
So this made me laugh. I went to Trump's twitter to see if he posted about the mass shooting (which of course he didn't) and saw his banner pic which I hadn't seen before.

I immediately noticed how white it was then I started playing "spot the black person" and eventually I found him. It was like a game of Where's Waldo, and then when you find him, it's like Trump tried to hide him.

Not really funny, but it made me chuckle.

Well, see, you're the real racist!


Feb 24, 2009
An Insider Book Tries to Praise Trump, But Instead Exposes His Corruption

Related - Trump continues his quest to turn the Presidential Medal of Freedom into a Republican participation trophy. The next recipient will be Arthur Laffer, creator of the appropriately named Laffer Curve and co-author of a book called Trumponomics, both of which I'm sure Donald Trump studied in detail before deciding on the award.

From the citation: "Arthur B. Laffer, the ‘Father of Supply-Side Economics,’ is one of the most influential economists in American history."

Well, who can argue with that? The influence of his ideas is responsible for the looting of the federal treasury to the tune of several trillion dollars. If that's not influential, I don't know what

Mark Alan Stamaty, cartoonist for the Village Voice, was already mocking the Laffer Curve back in 1984, with his strip about the “Giggle Wiggle.

He also helped Sam Brownback and the rest of the GOP fuck over Kansas.
In other news, clown boy awards Laffer (worlds worst economist) Medal of Freedom.


Jul 17, 2003
In other news, clown boy awards Laffer (worlds worst economist) Medal of Freedom.

I remember him cheering the corporate give away Trump called the tax cuts. He really is an idiot, and I expect this medal has a lot to do with the recent CRS report on how the tax cuts failed to do anything for the economy. More of Il Douche combating facts with empty PR.

I wonder what Kansas taxpayers think of this?


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
A tale of 2 invoices: Beto O'Rourke pays El Paso, while Donald Trump's campaign still owes $470,000

What, cheeto's campaign stiffed someone? Nah, can't be true. Fake news.

"El Paso also billed Donald J. Trump for President Inc. for his "Make America Great Again" rally -- for nearly half a million dollars. The invoice was sent to the campaign's Fifth Avenue offices in New York on March 27. It was due April 26, and El Paso has yet to see a dime. "
The exact number is $470,417.05, broken down by reimbursements owed to six departments:
Department of Aviation: $6,286.57 Fire Department: $60,630.84 Health Department: $528 Streets & Maintenance: $6,452 Sun Metro: $15,577.52 Police Department: $380,942.12"


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Underscoring the weakness of this president, this morning he attacked AT&T suggesting a boycott in order to affect the negative news coverage coming from CNN, which is owned by AT&T. You know, a normal non dictator type thing to do:

"I believe that if people stoped [sic] using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN, which is dying in the ratings anyway. It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News! Why wouldn’t they act. When the World watches @CNN, it gets a false picture of USA. Sad!"

AT&T just ignored him, and finished the trading day up nearly 2% indicating that nobody takes the president seriously.

He's turned Teddy Roosevelt's "bully pulpit" into a loon standing on a soapbox and ranting. The President using his office to attack a private corporate enemy is disturbing. But is it violating any particular law? Or just "abuse of power", thrown on to the heap of other impeachable offenses?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Why am I not surprised:

Trump Companies Accused of Tax Evasion in Panama

This report brought to mind a bit of news from 18 months ago.

Trump officials fight eviction from Panama hotel they manage

PANAMA CITY (AP) — One of President Donald Trump’s family businesses is battling an effort to physically evict its team of executives from a luxury hotel in Panama where they manage operations, and police have been called to keep the peace, The Associated Press has learned. Witnesses told the AP they saw Trump’s executives carrying files to a room for shredding

Nothing suspicious at all, nothing to see here, move along.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
the whole point of panama is evading taxes. one would think you'd pay your taxes there so that you're feeding that golden goose.
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