Donald Trump 2020

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Jun 30, 2004
I don't understand....
If Donald Trump is soooo bad, and he is so bad indeed, how then is it that Trump will be re-elected in 2020?
We all know that he will be so lets not fool ourselves.
What will matter and the only thing that will matter is the economy and jobs.
Personally, I think the economy is all smoke and mirrors and the jobs figures are all made of cooking the books.
Republicans accused Obama of fuddling the jobs figures, so obviously republicans believe this is possible to do. And if it is possible to do, then you can bet your life Donald Trump and his administration are doing exactly that.

Yet, Trump will be re-elected.
I know it, you know it, we all know it.
JUST WAIT until that one democratic candidate emerges and it goes head to head. We will see nasty as never before.
Has anyone ever wondered just how bad election-mode Donald Trump can be? Or ever wondered how bad his people can be? Just how low they can go?
Well..... you are about to find out the hard way.
Every singe four-letter-word will become the prime-time stable, especially when airing live those Donald Trump rallies.
We will see hidden video of private parts, sexual acts, drug use, talk of drug use, sex tapes of Donald's wive(s), of Joe's wife, of their kids and of everyone associated with their campaigns.
And that is only the tip of the ice berg.
Who knows if we can survive a second term of Donald Trump? Who knows if we can survive this election cycle involving Donald Trump....?
Back in 1996, I was a government careerist employee -- a civil servant. I had learned belatedly that OPM's use of the expression "merit promotion system" was about as believable as the Easter Bunny. Positions would become vacant; low-level political favorites would apply. The civil service was slowly being corrupted. But that was a long time ago.

But again -- 1996 -- an election year. I watched the State of the Union, and saw Bob Dole's rebuttal to Clinton. I had a hunch. The following morning, I went into the office and visited just about every Republican holdover from the Bush years that I knew of.

I bet them $100 each that Clinton would win in November. And he did. And they all had taken the bait. And faced with the option of hiding my winnings from the tax-man, I reported them anyway.

If Trump wins in November, it will be a matter of multiple causation. First, there's the reason he "won" in 2016: Russian assistance coupled with bitterness, racist vendetta for a black president, ignorance and stupidity.

The economy in normal times is a bellwether. Bellwethers are often misleading. It is true that many people vote their self-interest as they see it; they vote against their real self-interest thinking that they even know their self-interest as they may see it. Whether or not enough people vote for the collective public interest -- "enlightened self-interest" if you want to call it that -- is a question of national character. Consider how sad it either is or might be, that the national character only depends on steaks on the dinner-table, a car and Winnebago in the driveway, a rising home appraisal value, and low unemployment.

Got "stuff"? Screw everybody else . . . I once knew a biologist who had proven that ants walk faster with rising ambient temperature, and they walk slower when it's colder.

I guess we'll find out if 'more stuff" and enough jobs to go around lead to a second term for the most disgusting piece of Filth ever to be on TV since the ground-breaking broadcast of the 1936 Berlin Olympics.

And I know a lot of people who aren't ignorant or stupid, and they all say that they don't think the nation will survive a second term of a Criminal-in-Chief.


Nov 18, 2007
If Trump wins in November, it will be a matter of multiple causation. First, there's the reason he "won" in 2016: Russian assistance coupled with bitterness, racist vendetta for a black president, ignorance and stupidity.
Don't forget also how the EC skews towards the Red states. If the 2020 census isn't played with it should help with redistributing the EC. That won't help in Nov 2020 though.


Feb 1, 2008
If Trump wins in November, it will be a matter of multiple causation. First, there's the reason he "won" in 2016: Russian assistance coupled with bitterness, racist vendetta for a black president, ignorance and stupidity.

I really doubt that any outsider caused Hillary to lose in 2016.
Hillary was damaged goods. People may have wanted the first woman president, but not Hillary Clinton per se. I knew a lot of women voters that just could not stand Hillary, and frankly that surprised me back then. Back in 2016 I assumed most any woman not far right would vote for Hillary, but that never happened. I think we give Putin and the Soviets and Donald Trump way too much credit for something they really had little influence on, if any at all. No, I think it was all Hillary and also voter distaste for hubby Bill. Hillary was a poor candidate and Trump ran circles around her with campaigning.
That's all.
Really pretty simple and not exactly rocket science why Hillary lost.
Remember, Hillary lost running against Obama as well.
The first black president, or, the first woman president?
And in 2016, the first reality TV star president, or, the first woman president?
Hillary just couldn't catch a break, not even with women and not even with women that were registered as democrats.

And this time around, there will be a HUGE burden placed on every democratic candidate in the running. So many people out there are desperately counting on that whomever nominee to beat Trump. Warren claims she has never lost an election, Steyer claims his financial success in business can out do Trump's financial success, Joe says he is ready on day one with no on the job training needed, Pete is counting on patriotism of duty to his country to get him the job, and Bernie is assuming the voters will vote in their best interest. Best interest? Give me a break.... Yeah, like that has ever worked out before. Too bad that most of the electorate out there are far too stupid for Bernie Sanders. Most voters wouldn't know their best interests if it bit them on the butt.

Whomever it is to challenge Trump, they had better realize the stigma of losing from those pissed-off democrats that will be so let down should Donald Trump win. The loser will be blamed, oh boy will that loser to Trump be blamed. Like, ran out of town on a rail, blamed. I can't look....
I truly feel sorry for that loser and their political future will be toast.
Yes, even if it were Warren and she ends up losing to Trump, her political future will be no more. Bye bye Elizabeth.
Losing to Donald Trump will be a hard loss. An extremely hard loss.
If any of the current candidates think that Donald Trump will be nasty, just wait should that candidate lose to Trump and the wrath of the DNC befalls them.
WATCH OUT JOE, or Bernie, or Pete, or Elizabeth, or Tommy. The DNC insists that you win, so you better do exactly THAT....
Feb 4, 2009
...something tells me that you can't force women to take pregnancy tests, but what do I know? I don't support boldly fascist people like the GOP. Maybe this is what they think is normal? Watch how they justify it.

Yeah sounds like an awful lot of work to be practical.
For the record I am not against ending birthright citizenship. There are only two(?) places in the world who have it.
Not sure if ending it is a good thing or a bad thing or a mixed bag. I would like to see some rational talk about it.


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
I really doubt that any outsider caused Hillary to lose in 2016.

It's not like serious people haven't written books explaining that that's exactly what happened.



No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
Yeah sounds like an awful lot of work to be practical.
For the record I am not against ending birthright citizenship. There are only two(?) places in the world who have it.
Not sure if ending it is a good thing or a bad thing or a mixed bag. I would like to see some rational talk about it.

I actually think birthright citizenship is really stupid and I can't justify it logically, from a contemporary perspective, anyway.

But there are two major problems with challenging it:
1) It is constitutionally defined, so good luck with that
2) The primary advocates for ending it, ...really almost the only vocal movement against it, are nationalist right-wing racist nazi fucks, so you end up working with avowed nazis and unintentionally supporting their goals of maintaining inbred hillfolk ignorance instead of a sensible model of responsible citizenship-ownership for the individual, regardless of race or original circumstances of birth.
Feb 4, 2009
I actually think birthright citizenship is really stupid and I can't justify it logically, from a contemporary perspective, anyway.

But there are two major problems with challenging it:
1) It is constitutionally defined, so good luck with that
2) The primary advocates for ending it, ...really almost the only vocal movement against it, are nationalist right-wing racist nazi fucks, so you end up working with avowed nazis and unintentionally supporting their goals of maintaining inbred hillfolk ignorance instead of a sensible model of responsible citizenship-ownership for the individual, regardless of race or original circumstances of birth.

Yeah there is that....


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
I actually think birthright citizenship is really stupid and I can't justify it logically, from a contemporary perspective, anyway.

But there are two major problems with challenging it:
1) It is constitutionally defined, so good luck with that
2) The primary advocates for ending it, ...really almost the only vocal movement against it, are nationalist right-wing racist nazi fucks, so you end up working with avowed nazis and unintentionally supporting their goals of maintaining inbred hillfolk ignorance instead of a sensible model of responsible citizenship-ownership for the individual, regardless of race or original circumstances of birth.
they'd also probably add other dumb crap like balanced budget, term limit, and marriage definition amendments


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
also, someone who really knows what he's talking about believes trump is a russian agent:

edit: CV:

Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is a Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center, having served until July 2019 as Director of the Center's Intelligence Project. Prior to that he was also a Senior Fellow.

Before coming to the Belfer Center, Mowatt-Larssen served over three years as the Director of Intelligence and Counterintelligence at the U.S. Department of Energy. Prior to this, he served for 23 years as a CIA intelligence officer in various domestic and international posts, to include Chief of the Europe Division in the Directorate of Operations, Chief of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Department, Counterterrorist Center, and Deputy Associate Director of Central Intelligence for Military Support. Prior to his career in intelligence, Mr. Mowatt-Larssen served as an officer in the U.S. Army. He is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY. He is married to Roswitha and has three children. He is a recipient of the CIA Director's Award, the George W. Bush Award for Excellence in Counterterrorism, the Secretary of Energy's Exceptional Service Medal, the Distinguished Career Intelligence Medal, Secretary of Defense Civilian Distinguished Service Medal, and the National Intelligence Superior Performance Medal, among others.
Nov 25, 2013
Yeah sounds like an awful lot of work to be practical.
For the record I am not against ending birthright citizenship. There are only two(?) places in the world who have it.
Not sure if ending it is a good thing or a bad thing or a mixed bag. I would like to see some rational talk about it.

It's more than 30 countries that have birthright citizenship plus 4 more that accept it in some cases.

Feb 4, 2009
It's more than 30 countries that have birthright citizenship plus 4 more that accept it in some cases.

View attachment 16331

Per your link:

But in the vast majority of countries, citizenship is determined by descent (also known as "jus sanguinis"). That can mean something different in each country, but for the most part it means having at least one parent who is a citizen of that country.

I don’t plan on bickering about this


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
they'd also probably add other dumb crap like balanced budget, term limit, and marriage definition amendments

Oh inevitably.

It will be the Citizenship reform / Blessed Marriage / Tax Elimination / Evacuate Springfield / Perverted Arts Bill.

defeated instantly


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
You know I just realized something funny, it is probably more than anything, the most infuriating thing in life to Trump right now--it seriously has to be.

So, all his admin people and opponents and whose-its are writing books about him. people are getting angry and discrediting the writers for "selling books" ....because these are all legitimately selling shit tons. This "political Trump book" industry is currently valued at something like 5-600 millions of dollars, at least, right? I mean, conservatively.

and Trump can't make a fucking dime on it. Not one.


he can't. It's all his capacity as president. public domain. Not one fucking penny can go to Trump. He will try to sue (I'm sure he probably goes through this as a nightly routine, honestly, and is always told that he can't, lol. must drive the fat fuck incandescent with rage).

It's all he has: his name. he has no value as any sort of businessman, successful anything--he's a money launderer for russian gangsters....but the only legitimate corner he has in life, is that he can leech value from his name...mostly by lawsuits, but he can definitely earn that way.

....but this chunk. this big fat steaming chunk that is his presidency--not one ounce can go to him. lol.

holy shit he probably takes 50 minute steamers on the can every night, just raging over this again and again. lol. just imagine how fucking true that is. the fat fuck child bitch. raging that he can't get a single slice of that. (oh, he's going to try and extract from that industry via mafia shit getting into the publishing industry and starting some graft, but that shit will get back to him so fast. ...and he's stupid enough to be doing that right now, tbh.)
Reactions: ElFenix


Nov 28, 2004
You know I just realized something funny, it is probably more than anything, the most infuriating thing in life to Trump right now--it seriously has to be.

So, all his admin people and opponents and whose-its are writing books about him. people are getting angry and discrediting the writers for "selling books" ....because these are all legitimately selling shit tons. This "political Trump book" industry is currently valued at something like 5-600 millions of dollars, at least, right? I mean, conservatively.

and Trump can't make a fucking dime on it. Not one.


he can't. It's all his capacity as president. public domain. Not one fucking penny can go to Trump. He will try to sue (I'm sure he probably goes through this as a nightly routine, honestly, and is always told that he can't, lol. must drive the fat fuck incandescent with rage).

It's all he has: his name. he has no value as any sort of businessman, successful anything--he's a money launderer for russian gangsters....but the only legitimate corner he has in life, is that he can leech value from his name...mostly by lawsuits, but he can definitely earn that way.

....but this chunk. this big fat steaming chunk that is his presidency--not one ounce can go to him. lol.

holy shit he probably takes 50 minute steamers on the can every night, just raging over this again and again. lol. just imagine how fucking true that is. the fat fuck child bitch. raging that he can't get a single slice of that. (oh, he's going to try and extract from that industry via mafia shit getting into the publishing industry and starting some graft, but that shit will get back to him so fast. ...and he's stupid enough to be doing that right now, tbh.)

he may view it as free PR for the Trump name brand and future "Official Trump the President Biography" that will sell more copies than the Bible.
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