Donald Trump Talks Presidential Campaign

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Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
The U.S. has become a dumping ground for everybody else’s problems. [Applause] Thank you. It’s true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.

Who posted this should receive a medal because it's true,but the Liberals think this is ok,Trump has stated,he would combat these people and is being severe attacked and it's what is happening right now and the Liberals like it, cause they do nothing to combat it,instead do all they can to incentivize the coming of these drug cartel and bad people across the boarder that only bring suffering to people in the USA
Agreed, EXCEPT everyone knows the vast majority of illegal immigrants ARE good people; they just have few or no marketable job skills. The phrase "some, I assume, are good people" implies that we can't really tell that, but it's possible that some small percentage might not be rapists, murderers and gangbangers. That gave the proggies all the ammo they needed for a legitimate attack on Trump.

Trump made some very good points and there are legitimate problems with millions of unskilled but decent illegal immigrants coming here - although there wouldn't be many had we not sent our manufacturing offshore - but his casual dismissal of the majority's decency undermines his argument to the point of ineffectiveness.

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"****

**** only if you are white
Personally I think we've accumulated a sufficient amount of poor, wretched refuse and should send that plaque back to Emma Lazarus's descendants with our thanks, while we concentrate on helping the poor we have rather than importing more. We can keep the statue though, it's pretty cool. But clearly it's time we actually began educating people as to where that originated. (Hint: It came from neither our American Founding Fathers nor their French admirers.) Extra credit if one knows the ONLY inscription that is actually part of the statue - which apparently is not common knowledge - and why it makes the evil of slavery so horribly ironic.


Mar 5, 2001
It would cost a shit ton more than that. Our economy is heavily dependent on illegal immigrant labor. Removing millions of workers who are willing to work shit jobs for shit pay could not help but effect the rest of the economy, perhaps CATASTROPHICALLY. There are numerous studies out there that examine the cost to the economy of expelling illegals, they are universally grim. Do a google search for them.

Here is one. Go out there and find some others.

Bottom line, when you talk about the cost of eradicating illegal immigrants, please speak of the TOTAL cost.

Yeah, there aren't millions of marginally attached or unemployed workers that would like a job.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
Established Americans don't want to do these jobs for this pay.

They have proceeded to better jobs at better pay.

Therefore we need immigrants.



Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
The ones that work hard, and strive to better themselves, may become citizens, and find better jobs at better pay.



Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Agreed, EXCEPT everyone knows the vast majority of illegal immigrants ARE good people; they just have few or no marketable job skills.

It would be interesting to see how offices would get cleaned, landscaping performed, animals butchered and bathrooms cleaned if we had no illegal immigrants. There are a lot of American businesses that simply refuse to pay a living wage for unskilled labor. They have a vast supply of illegal immigrants who are more than happy to do so. Weirdly, all of these illegal immigrants pay into social security but will never be able to collect on their payments. SS has taken in over 20 billion dollars from illegals which they will never see. In addition,

immigrant labor force (legal and illegal) participation is consistently higher than native-born, and immigrant workers make up a larger share of the U.S. labor force (12.4%) than they do the U.S. population (11.5%). Moreover, the ratio between immigrant use of public benefits and the amount of taxes they pay is consistently favorable to the U.S. In one estimate, immigrants earn about $240 billion a year, pay about $90 billion a year in taxes, and use about $5 billion in public benefits. In another cut of the data, immigrant tax payments total $20 to $30 billion more than the amount of government services they use.

Am I bothered by illegal immigration? Not really. I used to be much more bothered by it. However since that time, I have had much more exposure to immigrants. The work ethic of the hispanic workers I have interacted with are second to none. They work their fucking asses off. In general they are good decent people who care passionately about their families.

Yeah, there aren't millions of marginally attached or unemployed workers that would like a job.
ROFLMAO!!! You think you can round up some Americans to work the worst jobs in America for the worst wages when they would be better off financially just taking welfare? You must think the Americans are idiots!
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Mar 5, 2001
Established Americans don't want to do these jobs for this pay.

They have proceeded to better jobs at better pay.

Therefore we need immigrants.


LOL - the same bullshit as people spew about the work American's wont do in factories.

I see latino workers work in construction. Not sure if any of them are illegal or not but I imagine some are. I am sure inner city black kids would like to become a roofer, framer, drywaller..etc.


Mar 5, 2001
ROFLMAO!!! You think you can round up some Americans to work the worst jobs in America for the worst wages when they would be better off financially just taking welfare? You must think the Americans are idiots!

Thanks for proving a great point.

American's will certainly do the work, but we have to entice them to actually work rather than sitting around doing nothing. Idle hands are the devil's playground.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
It would be interesting to see how offices would get cleaned, landscaping performed, animals butchered and bathrooms cleaned if we had no illegal immigrants. There are a lot of American businesses that simply refuse to pay a living wage for unskilled labor. They have a vast supply of illegal immigrants who are more than happy to do so. Weirdly, all of these illegal immigrants pay into social security but will never be able to collect on their payments. SS has taken in over 20 billion dollars from illegals which they will never see. In addition,

Am I bothered by illegal immigration? Not really. I used to be much more bothered by it. However since that time, I have had much more exposure to immigrants. The work ethic of the hispanic workers I have interacted with are second to none. They work their fucking asses off. In general they are good decent people who care passionately about their families.

ROFLMAO!!! You think you can round up some Americans to work the worst jobs in America for the worst wages when they would be better off financially just taking welfare? You must think the Americans are idiots!
Don't forget about crop harvests around the entire country.

Here in Georgia, crops rotted in the field after Georgia enacted immigration laws.

Solution: if no illegal immigrants are available, get s̶l̶a̶v̶e̶s̶ convicted felons to do the work.

Yes, I know, Forbes is a super ultra mega librul website, but the story can be found in any number of sources.

Ultimately, the real son of a bitch is that business benefits from illegal immigration, not Democrats, not libruls, and not criminal enterprise. Business.

Many illegal immigrants are specifically brought here for a business. The business can actually contract out for illegal immigrant labor, and have the person brought here.

I'd argue that this is what happens when Profits>People, but that can be ignored, because Freedom.


Diamond Member
Apr 17, 2007
They, inner city kids, have every advantage over the immigrants, and are looking for bigger and better jobs.

If not, they should be.



Sep 5, 2000
Thanks for proving a great point.

American's will certainly do the work, but we have to entice them to actually work rather than sitting around doing nothing. Idle hands are the devil's playground.

So removing illegals will raise wages. Again if we remove the demand for the illegal it wont be a problem. The problem is wallstreet doesnt want to pay those real wages.


Elite Member
Jul 10, 2006
It would be interesting to see how offices would get cleaned, landscaping performed, animals butchered and bathrooms cleaned if we had no illegal immigrants. There are a lot of American businesses that simply refuse to pay a living wage for unskilled labor. They have a vast supply of illegal immigrants who are more than happy to do so. Weirdly, all of these illegal immigrants pay into social security but will never be able to collect on their payments. SS has taken in over 20 billion dollars from illegals which they will never see. In addition,

Am I bothered by illegal immigration? Not really. I used to be much more bothered by it. However since that time, I have had much more exposure to immigrants. The work ethic of the hispanic workers I have interacted with are second to none. They work their fucking asses off. In general they are good decent people who care passionately about their families.

ROFLMAO!!! You think you can round up some Americans to work the worst jobs in America for the worst wages when they would be better off financially just taking welfare? You must think the Americans are idiots!
Same way they got cleaned before there were millions of illegal aliens - by Americans. It would just cost more. Every job is at market equilibrium unless government alters that job - it has to be at a wage a worker is willing to take and an employer is willing to pay. If there is a tight labor market, wages rise and there are fewer jobs because some jobs aren't worth filling for employers at the market rate. If there is a glut of labor - of any makeup, for any reason - then wages fall and there are more jobs because more jobs are worth filling for employers at the market rate.

There are no jobs Americans won't do, there are simply jobs Americans won't do at what the employer has to pay, or is willing to pay.

So you agree no one in real power wants to fix it. The same with globalization and middle class jobs. Nobody in power wants middle class jobs. They want a cheap workforce. PERIOD.
Yep. And as almost always, whenever the two parties agree, the people get screwed.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
So really, let's not close the border to more psychopathic assholes, gang bangers (per our President), drug runners, and rapists, because it's just not PC to do it. We need more of them, in fact, who cares who comes in. It's all good.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Impolitic? You know what impolitic would be? Give Mexico 30 days to stop encouraging invasion of our country. If not we occupy the entire border with an army division and enforce it to create a DMZ, complete with the same sentry guns as Israel uses to keep the riffraff out.

See how fucking fast their tune changes.

You realize we now have to patrol the border with armored helicopters because one was pretty much shot out of the sky by the drug gangs the corrupt mexicans aid and abet? Fucking. Armored. Helicopters.

Impolitic? Fuck you. It's impolitic for weapons fire from the *MEXICAN* side to shoot down a fucking helicopter. Go fuck yourself with your "impolitic" bullshit.
What the fuck are you blathering about? Deportations are at an all-time high under Obama and the rate of illegal immigration is at an over 40-year low. And you think we have a huge problem with illegal immigration?

It's called "scapegoating," and the Nazis did it to the Jews. Yeah, it's the big, bad "other" that's causing all of our problems. And if I can blame all our problems on "them," then I don't have to accept responsibility myself. Oh, I feel so much better now.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
What the fuck are you blathering about? Deportations are at an all-time high under Obama and the rate of illegal immigration is at an over 40-year low. And you think we have a huge problem with illegal immigration?

It's called "scapegoating," and the Nazis did it to the Jews. Yeah, it's the big, bad "other" that's causing all of our problems. And if I can blame all our problems on "them," then I don't have to accept responsibility myself. Oh, I feel so much better now.
Don't forget the Mooselmans attempting to impose Sharia law on you.


Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
Almost all of those studies are performed by latinos, or at liberal institutions. Guess we need to toss those out, eh?

Almost all of the rest are performed using idiotic correlations like "Immigrant vs native" without breaking out *ILLIEGAL* immigrants, or controlling for other factors.

Only an idiot would believe the "immigrant vs native" argument without controls.

Furthermore, why aren't there other major studies like you posted? Who is going to perform them? The vast majority of the money is either in the wealthy, who want to have the super cheap labor, or universities, which are bastions of uber-liberal PC bullshit propagandized by the liberal media and whored around by you. Counter-examples are decried as "anecdotal".

When you are faced with hard data, such as what's going on in Chicago, or Baltimore, you are faced with "you're racist" bullshit. This is what it is like with a liberal retard like yourself.

Trump is 100% correct. That woman didn't need to die and wouldn't had we had a closed border.
What a moronic comment. "Closed border??"" 0 people crossing illegally?? Why don't you describe for us how that would be accomplished and what the cost of building and maintaining this "closed border" would be?

Perhaps it's time for you to read a good primer on marginal costs versus marginal benefits. You apparently don't understand the concept very well.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2014
Talk about pissing in your! Maybe Donald is pissed at the Mexicans for leaving Mexico to come to the US for better paying jobs rather than slaving to put his overpriced suits together. No wonder he wants to build a fence, to keep them down there making his suits.

I'm betting that while his suits say 100% wool, being it's Trump suit you can bet it's not virgin. :biggrin:


Jun 19, 2000
What the fuck are you blathering about? Deportations are at an all-time high under Obama and the rate of illegal immigration is at an over 40-year low. And you think we have a huge problem with illegal immigration?
Woop, woop, woop, the bullshit meter is pegging! You continually prove yourself to be totally susceptible to the lies this administration tells. Do you think for once you could at least try to put some thought into a little research and reflection before blathering on?


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
There are no jobs Americans won't do, there are simply jobs Americans won't do at what the employer has to pay, or is willing to pay.

I agree 100% on that. Right now employers are offering wages for shit jobs that only illegals will take. The question is, would America be better off without the illegals doing those jobs. I imagine in a world with no illegals, the pay would have to go up to entice Americans to do them. That would mean that the pay of all other jobs would have to go up in response to the lowest level going up. That in turn would result in inflation that would in large part nullify the increased pay for the lowest level which would thus dampen interest in those jobs.

I am not convinced that stopping illegals would be an improvement but I could be wrong. My confidence on this issue is at about 55%, I am slightly more inclined to believe that illegals are a benefit to America. I certainly can see your side of the issue and the powerful arguments that can made against illegals.
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