Donnie Darko dvd for $7.22 shipped after 2-4-03 re-release

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Platinum Member
Feb 18, 2001
The only reason Drew Barrymore is co-exec-producer on this great movie is because someone had to front some cash, its the only redeeming thing she ever did. And she gets the title of co-exec-producer. That's why shes not the sole exec producer. I give her credit for that at least.


Sep 25, 2001
I didnt' think this movie is as good as everyone makes it out to be. It seems like it is but that's just cause it fools everyone into thinking there is actually some real thought or meaning behind the movie. I thought this was one of the greatest movies I've seen until the last 20 minutes where it all fell apart. There is so much insignificant stuff that is made to seem significant so everyone just assumes it is. If anyone thinks they can explain to me the ending of the movie and how it ties it all together I would be very impressed. I don't want to ruin it for any who haven't seen it so I won't ask specific questions here. It's not that I just don't get it either, I've watched it a few times now and turned many a Donnie Darko fan into believers that it is just one big show with no content. It reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes. Everyone thought he had clothes on so everyone was afraid to admit they didn't see them. Everyone thinks this has meaning but no one knows what it is and is afraid to say so cause they will be the one to not get it. Well I'm not afraid to say that I don't get it and I don't think anyone else does either. While one could find meaning in the movie, one could also find meaning in a rock, or a leaf, and it is meaning that you choose to find, not one that is supported throughout the movie or by the ending. The ending just does not make sense with the rest of the movie. I was expecting a thought provoking, suprising finish, when instead they obviously had no clue how to tie all the crap together so they just ended it. It's worth watching for sure and the cinematography and acting are awesome, however without a coherent plot line it really is just a big show. I guess it is thought provoking, but that's just cause there is no real thought in the movie so you have to come up with it on your own. Sorry for the rant, but I'm tired of everyone telling me this is a great movie when no one knows what the hell it is about. For $7.22 shipped it's a great deal cause that's like $2 more than renting it, just don't be sucked into the Donnie Darko fan club without realizing you're being taken for a ride.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2001

thanks for setting all the rest of us straight, I grow tired of thinking for myself. When you are in a room with 100 other people and they all disagree with you, how long does it take you to convince all the others they are wrong? Or have you actually ever considered why everyone else disagrees with you?:Q

Excellent movie. Nice post........Ebert & Roper need not respond.


Oct 24, 2002
I've never seen this myself, but I've known about the website for awhile now (go figure). For those who want to know more about it, here's a link.

dr wily

Senior member
Oct 10, 1999
the web makers also did requem for a dream in that trippy style too.

Im definetly getting it best buy has it for 8.99 this week too.
IMO the best sleeper movie of the year. So deep and such a wonderful creepy coming of events..

i would compare it to mulholland drive only in the fact that its a mindf$$k and requires 2 viewings to get the most out of it.

sooooo good.


Sep 25, 2001
Thanks chrisjor, you exemplify the non-thinking, cattle-brained approach most people take when they see this movie. I'm glad you let the other 100 people in the room decide whether or not you like the movie. I'm one of the people who like to make up my own mind, but thanks for pitching the brain-dead approach anyways. If you think you can explain the movie say so, otherwise shut it. Everyone else was posting how much they liked the movie, and while I do think certain aspects are awesome, I was bothered by the illusion of a deeper meaning that never really surfaced, and thought I might share my own two cents. I'm sorry if this is a band-wagon thread and only for people who are willing to follow the herd.

Originally posted by: chrisjor

thanks for setting all the rest of us straight, I grow tired of thinking for myself. When you are in a room with 100 other people and they all disagree with you, how long does it take you to convince all the others they are wrong? Or have you actually ever considered why everyone else disagrees with you?:Q

Excellent movie. Nice post........Ebert & Roper need not respond.



Jan 3, 2003
Well as the starter of the bandwagon thread I just wanted to say I thought the movie was decent, I thought it built up a lot more than it delivered. But I think it's worth 7 bucks. Maybe I'm just in the crowd that would buy a terrible (not that Donnie Darko is) movie for <10 than a great movie for >10.


Senior member
Oct 12, 2002
Originally posted by: yddadnarg
I didnt' think this movie is as good as everyone makes it out to be. It seems like it is but that's just cause it fools everyone into thinking there is actually some real thought or meaning behind the movie. I thought this was one of the greatest movies I've seen until the last 20 minutes where it all fell apart. There is so much insignificant stuff that is made to seem significant so everyone just assumes it is. If anyone thinks they can explain to me the ending of the movie and how it ties it all together I would be very impressed. I don't want to ruin it for any who haven't seen it so I won't ask specific questions here. It's not that I just don't get it either, I've watched it a few times now and turned many a Donnie Darko fan into believers that it is just one big show with no content. It reminds me of the Emperor's New Clothes...

Sometimes great things happen because of the obsessive work of a detail-focused genius, who carefully injects meaning in the exact right places. Other times, it's a happy accident of spontaneous creativity. Both are valid, and both can be considered masterpieces. Same with whether the meaning is found in the creation or the interpretation. Anyway, for a little more insight into this movie and what was going on in the creators' minds, watch it the DVD with the directors' comments. They're pretty interesting, even if they are just more meaningless ramblings.

Oh, and thanks for the explanation of that "emperor's new clothes" story. I've been wondering what the big deal was .



Sep 25, 2001

Originally posted by: msdmoney
Well as the starter of the bandwagon thread I just wanted to say I thought the movie was decent, I thought it built up a lot more than it delivered. But I think it's worth 7 bucks. Maybe I'm just in the crowd that would buy a terrible (not that Donnie Darko is) movie for <10 than a great movie for >10.

Yes, I agree. I too said it was a great deal for $7.22 shipped. I was in no way trying to thread-crap, and while I may have sounded as if I was insulting those who liked the movie, that was not my intention. I only took the adversarial tone I did because of this comment:

It's a very deep movie so those without a brain don't bother.

I would consider myself to have a brain and yet I did not find it that deep. I'm tired of people telling me I don't like the movie because I don't understand it, when in actuality they can't themselves tell me what it is about.

Sometimes great things happen because of the obsessive work of a detail-focused genius, who carefully injects meaning in the exact right places. Other times, it's a happy accident of spontaneous creativity. Both are valid, and both can be considered masterpieces. Same with whether the meaning is found in the creation or the interpretation. Anyway, for a little more insight into this movie and what was going on in the creators' minds, watch it the DVD with the directors' comments. They're pretty interesting, even if they are just more meaningless ramblings.

Absolutely true, my problem was with the fact that I felt I was led to believe certain things would have meaning and a tie in to the story line, when in reality they didn't. I love randomness...but not at the end of a movie when I'm expecting some explanation of what it is that I've been watching for the last two hours. I really did like this movie, but not because it was deep in any way. I thought the acting and cinematography were awesome, I just wish it had the ending to match. And I did watch the directors comments as well as check out the website. Interesting yes, explanatory no.

Oh, and thanks for the explanation of that "emperor's new clothes" story. I've been wondering what the big deal was .

No problem, without the illustrations I don't think I would have understood it myself


Senior member
May 21, 2002
requiem for a dream has no competition.
it will never have any is superior to everything....

leave it at that


Junior Member
Jan 14, 2003
This post is in reply to yddadnarg.

DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN DONNIE DARKO. I am about to spoil and give my explanation of Donnie Darko.

ok. read on.

DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST. Except for you, YDDADNARG. I am also going to spoil the ending of Last Temptation as well.
thank you.

ok. read on. for real.
How to make sense of this movie:

1) Watching it many times helps. and check out the deleted scenes. commentary led to my realization of this theory.
2) Watch
The Last Temptation of Christ

In Last temptation, Christ is saved from his crucifixion by an ephemeral being--a small girl guardian angel. She invites him to watch and participate in a different, more indulgent life than if he actually had to die on the cross. He is freed from the crucifix and follows the girl. To grossly summarize almost an hour of the movie: Years of ups and downs go by and he realizes that he must die on the cross. zip. A little "Time travel" later and he is back up on the cross, having resisted his last temptation by the guardian angel who was actually the devil. The suggestion is that the alternate time fork went on in his head.

This is how I explain Donnie Darko. Notice that Donnie is a Jesus figure. Sure, the ending seems a little cheaply resolved, or unresolved, but the whole movie is really a direct modeling of Last Temptation. Down to tiny suggestive details, such as his little grin when he lays in bed before dying, just as Jesus did on the cross in Temptation. Donnie is doomed to die, but an ephemeral being leads him from death and invites him to participate in a fun-filled alternate future. Ever notice how much of a badass Donnie is after the engine falls? Could it be because he has the luxury of making up his own reality in his head. Yes, in short, I feel that the flick suggests that Donnie imagines the whole post-first-engine sequence of events, until he decides he must die to give others life. Thus he chooses to "go back in time" and remain in bed.

really. watch them both. back to back if you want. it really makes too much sense to ignore.

Yes. this movie is worth 7, 10, and even 20 dollars. If it were out of print, I would buy it for much more.

Sorry if I spoiled anything for you guys.
-beloved patriot


Senior member
May 21, 2002
Anyway, ordered from BB, if so many people think its so good, I gotta give it a look...


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2001

Since you are such an intellectual giant....explain Forest Gump or The Water Boy. Psychoanalyze that!!! I can. It's just entertainment. I don't need some neo pseudo freudian explanation of an $8.00 movie every time one is posted in hot deals. If you liked the movie, add something positive to the thread. If you don't...ignore the thread and move on Mr. Troll. As for me, I'll follow the rest of the "herd" to BB to get a great movie for $8.99. If you were in a room with 100 hundred other folk who disagreed with'd be a moron. Hell, you are the moron in a room with one other person. Maybe you are just so smart you are way before your time..


Sep 25, 2001
chrisjor, you're ability to both miss and exemplify my point at the same time is kindof astounding. I don't really know what esle to say except that you're kindof an idiot. If you're comparing The Water Boy to Donnie Darko I don't even know what to say to you. Maybe to you movies are just entertainment, but sometimes they are actually more than just moving pictures that allow you to forget your life for a few hours. They can actually have real meaning and expression behind them, which you might see if you weren't so busy inspecting your tonsils by shoving your head so completely far up your a$$. The type of response I was really expecting from Anandtech posters was along the lines of chezwhitey's which actually gave me new things to think about. While it doesn't answer my questions about why some of the things that happen in the end, had to happen the way they do, it does seem to be a strong parallel between two movies I never would have thought to compare. And for the third time I wasn't trolling. I said it was a good deal as well, I just didn't want to build it up for someone only to have them watch it and wonder about the great meaning everyone mentions, when it really doesn't exist.

To say then, the majority are wicked, means no malice, no bad heart in the observer, but, simply that the majority are unripe, and have not yet come to themselves, do not yet know their opinion.
- Emerson

Originally posted by: chrisjor

Since you are such an intellectual giant....explain Forest Gump or The Water Boy. Psychoanalyze that!!! I can. It's just entertainment. I don't need some neo pseudo freudian explanation of an $8.00 movie every time one is posted in hot deals. If you liked the movie, add something positive to the thread. If you don't...ignore the thread and move on Mr. Troll. As for me, I'll follow the rest of the "herd" to BB to get a great movie for $8.99. If you were in a room with 100 hundred other folk who disagreed with'd be a moron. Hell, you are the moron in a room with one other person. Maybe you are just so smart you are way before your time..



Jan 3, 2003
I don't need some neo pseudo freudian explanation of an $8.00 movie every time one is posted in hot deals. If you liked the movie, add something positive to the thread. If you don't...ignore the thread and move on Mr. Troll.

I disagree, I think any times a movie is posted there is room for discussion for and against the movie. If nothing else this allows the thread to get bumped and give many more people any opportunity to see the deal. Movies are meant to be critiqued, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that in these threads as long as it is done with some more thought than the threadcrapping "this movie sucks." Now I don't agree with yddadnarg's condescending tone but I think he posted some valid comments about the film.


Senior member
Jan 19, 2002
chezwhitney pretty much got it. I don't know why people say the movie doesn't come together in the end at all. Maybe they viewed it only once and didn't watch the extras or anything.

All you need to do is read "The Philosophy of Time Travel" book which is in the extras on the DVD and you'll understand.

I got this DVD on release for $19.99 at bestbuy lol, but I'm still very happy with the purchase. Was a very fun movie to watch.


Sep 25, 2001
I do apologize for my condescending tone(to everyone except chrisjor who is still an idiot). As I said it was in response to the tone I have often encountered when saying I didn't find this movie to be all that it could be which is usually summed up with a statement like this:

It's a very deep movie so those without a brain don't bother.

It wasn't so much from other people on this board, as Donnie Darko fans in general and should not have vented in that way without first encountering that tone. I did not mean to call your thread a band-wagon thread msdmoney, but was implying that if everyone thought as chrisjor did, then it would have to be a band-wagon thread because no one would ever think differently. That just doesn't really inspire the type of thoughtful discussion I would expect from Anandtech and where I don't expect people to have that "follow the herd" attitude. But I do concede maybe I went over the line and should have just posted the usual, "Good deal" like the 20 other poeple before me rather than trying to actually discuss the movie. Now I'm tempted to start an off-topic thread to see if chezwhitey and other anandtecher's could explain the parts that just don't seem to make sense. I did look at the bonus material but it never really answered all of my questions. It's not that I can't find any meaning in the movie, it's just that no matter what meaning I find, it still can't explain a lot of things that seemed like they were going to be significant, but in the end weren't. Anyways, sorry to everyone but chrisjor for turning this into a discussion that probably should have been in Off Topic. This really is a good deal, especially since it is a movie that should be watched multiple times, even if it is to realize that there is no great meaning behind it ;-).

Originally posted by: msdmoney
I don't need some neo pseudo freudian explanation of an $8.00 movie every time one is posted in hot deals. If you liked the movie, add something positive to the thread. If you don't...ignore the thread and move on Mr. Troll.

I disagree, I think any times a movie is posted there is room for discussion for and against the movie. If nothing else this allows the thread to get bumped and give many more people any opportunity to see the deal. Movies are meant to be critiqued, and I don't think there is anything wrong with that in these threads as long as it is done with some more thought than the threadcrapping "this movie sucks." Now I don't agree with yddadnarg's condescending tone but I think he posted some valid comments about the film.



Oct 26, 2000
Understand that "executive producer" roles are often simply people that bankroll a film. Many times they have little to do with the actual "production" of the film, nevermind being a "co-executive producer."

I'd suspect someone just wanted a little nookie and threw her on there for it, although it's purely speculative on my part.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
yddadnarg, I mostly agree with you. I watched this movie because my friend's son insisted so much, otherwise it would have been another one of those 'don't bother' movies.

Although I found it entertaining, I didn't consider it deep, like you. Full of twists, but not deep.

In my opinion, this movie excels in making the viewer feel anguish. And I can understand that this feeling appeals to a segment of our society. Just like fear movies do.

So for those who like that kind of feeling, it is a thriling movie. As it keeps threatening to have a "happy thereafter" end, but in the final second it pulls thru and deliver the "life sucks" ending. The opposite of a Rambo movie.

To each is own. I just don't understand why people like to feel that way. I myself prefer to fantasize with sci-fi or slapstick comedy. Life is already too full of anguish and fear, no need to fantisize about it.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2001
Several of you are missing my point.....there are currently 5 (five!!!!) threads in Off Topic about this movie (just search). If you want to debate the intellectual aspects of the it in OT. If you can save me 2 it here.


you did not owe me any apology in the first place, so no loss. Actually, I owe you one. I should have never responded that way to you. If you notice the time of the post (2:30 a.m.) I had just came in from being out with friends. I was feeling a little "high spirited". That is no excuse for a lack of take it for what you feel it is worth.

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