DONT SIGN UP WITH - "Unlimited" (voice) IS A LIE!

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No Lifer
Nov 30, 2004
I'm on Project Fi, but my mom would have hung up on me after 15 minutes, let alone 8 hours. C'mon Lar. I'm detecting a wee bit o' co-dependency here.
I trained everyone to contact me via email. I despise talking on the phone, so it only gets used for work/clients and emergencies. You can fit War and Peace into kilobytes of data, so any crappy plan will work as much as you want to type.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
I cant believe people are jumping on Larry over this. You guys are brutal. Hes paying for Unlimited service he should get unlimited service, full stop, period, game over.

If its not unlimited service its false advertising.

You're confusing why people are getting frustrated, and pretending like everyone doesn't agree on your second paragraph.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
This is absolutely normal in the MVNO space, they all do it. They're really only suitable for people who are light users, which clearly you are not. You will save yourself a lot of pain and misery by just accepting this and moving back to direct relationship with T-Mobile.

While we can likely all agree that calling it unlimited and then having limits is less than ideal the simple truth is their limits are fine for basically everyone. Outliers break their business model, they clearly want to be rid of you. You may as well quit fighting it because you will not win this.

Being an outlier at EVERY carrier will get you noticed, but on the direct network voice isn't likely to get you in trouble. I'm curious how much MVNOs pay for minutes,at your usage level they may be literally losing money on you.

That's the best recent price mention I could find at a quick search. If bulk gets you down to half that (0.75 cents/minute) they are still losing several times what you are paying them.

Viper GTS
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No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
This is absolutely normal in the MVNO space, they all do it. They're really only suitable for people who are light users, which clearly you are not. You will save yourself a lot of pain and misery by just accepting this and moving back to direct relationship with T-Mobile.
Interesting post, THANKS! I wish I had your post to refer to, when I contemplated signing up with this MVNO. I didn't realize that this was the norm at MVNOs. I guess I was naive, and didn't know how to parse their advertising verbiage. I didn't realize that "Unlimited voice" at an MVNO, meant something different than "Unlimited voice", directly on the network provider.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
Interesting post, THANKS! I wish I had your post to refer to, when I contemplated signing up with this MVNO. I didn't realize that this was the norm at MVNOs. I guess I was naive, and didn't know how to parse their advertising verbiage. I didn't realize that "Unlimited voice" at an MVNO, meant something different than "Unlimited voice", directly on the network provider.
That's the thing with mvno each minute you consume costs them money directly. Not so with the owner of the network. Data is the same way which is why T-Mobile will happily sell you an unlimited data plan and at the very worst throttle you under congestion conditions. That same usage will get you kicked off any mvno because you are consuming far more than your share of their purchased blocks.

If you're going to continue being a heavy user I'd find the most cost effective major carrier plan. Alternatively, something like ooma sounds perfect for you. Why do you have to do this over a mobile number? Port your number to Google voice and get ooma or do the VoIP voice thing. Ooma is plug and play simple and sub $5 a month. Obihai is even cheaper (free) though I'm not sure what the long term viability of that is. At least with ooma their business model is clear. I'm at five years on ooma now with no complaints.

Viper GTS
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Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
Well, there is setting up a google voice account and making it a true SIP gateway with Then you can use that hotspot Internet connection you got and can WiFi call all of the time.

Or as someone mentioned...Whatsapp.

Or Skype.

15.1 WE MAY LIMIT, THROTTLE, SUSPEND OR TERMINATE YOUR SERVICE OR AGREEMENT WITHOUT NOTICE AT ANY TIME AND FOR ANY REASON, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, if you, any user of your Device, or any user on your account: (a) breaches the Agreement; (b) transfer(s) Service to another person without our consent; (c) becomes insolvent, goes bankrupt or threatens bankruptcy (except as prohibited by law); (d) misuses your Service or Device as described in Section 14 above; (e) uses your Service or Device in a manner that is excessive, unusually burdensome, or unprofitable to us; or (f) are on a Service plan that we determine is no longer available to you. We may impose credit, usage or other limits to your Service, suspend your Service, or block certain types of calls, messages or sessions (such as international, 10XXX, 0+/0-, chat services, 900 or 976 calls), in our sole discretion and without notice.

Mint SIM reserves the right to cancel or deactivate Mint SIM Service or reduce data throughput speeds in order to protect its supplier’s network from harm or to protect itself from financial or other harm due to any cause including, without limitation, the excessive and/or unauthorized use of Mint SIM Service. Mint SIM reserves the right to limit throughput or the amount of data transferred and to deny or terminate Service to anyone Mint SIM believes is using the Mint SIM Service in an unauthorized manner or whose usage, in Mint SIM’s sole discretion, adversely impacts its supplier’s network or customer service levels. Mint SIM will presume you are engaging in an unauthorized use in violation of these T&Cs, if in Mint SIM’s sole discretion, you are placing an abnormally high number of calls, or repeatedly placing calls of unusually long duration, or if your talk, text or data usage is harmful or disruptive to Mint SIM’s supplier’s network or service levels or to Mint SIM’s financial or other interests. If we determine, in our sole discretion, that you are using your Service in violation of these T&Cs or in any other manner that we deem to be unreasonable or excessive, we may terminate individual calls or data connections, terminate or reduce data throughput or terminate your Service, decline to renew your Service, or offer you a different Service plan without an unlimited usage component which may result in an increased cost to you.

Mint SIM may discontinue providing Mint SIM Service to you, discontinue your account, terminate data connections and/or reduce data throughput speeds if your usage, in the sole judgment of Mint SIM: (i) appears likely to generate abnormally high call volumes or data usage and/or abnormally long average call lengths or data usage as compared to the usage of other Mint SIM customers; or (ii) may be harmful or disruptive to, or interfere with, Mint SIM’s supplier’s network, Mint SIM’s service or the ability to provide quality service to other customers. By initiating Mint SIM Service and placing or receiving calls, you acknowledge and agree to Mint SIM’s right to terminate your Service under these circumstances.

Now despite the above, since you are short 10 months worth of money, my feelings say that you certainly should try to make a stink about this at various agencies that could help you out, like the BBB or your state's attorney general, if only to make MintSIM not get away with this easily.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Torn Mind: I do still have service, MintSim reset my "Unlimited" due to a new billing cycle.

Is that paragraph from their AUP? That looks markedly different from what I read a few days ago.

I wonder if they revised it due to my "stink". I noticed now that they reserve the right to suspend service, if it is "unprofitable". I don't recall that wording in the version that I saw.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001

That's the best recent price mention I could find at a quick search. If bulk gets you down to half that (0.75 cents/minute) they are still losing several times what you are paying them.

That article also mentions getting VOIP minutes at $0.0025/min. So, 30 days, times 8 hours, times 60 minutes, is 14,400 minutes. I don't believe I use THAT many. So perhaps 4hr/day? That's still 7,200 minutes. Maybe. At that price, that would be $18/mo. Since I'm paying $14/mo or slightly less for service, then I guess I could see their issue.

But why, if I was using so many minutes, even using "Wifi calling" (VOIP), didn't they push me to a more expensive per-month plan? Instead, they offered me a year's service, for $160/yr, rather than $200/yr.

If they could adequately provide service to me, and at least break even, at $200/yr, why offer the discount?

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
Oh look, the corporate apologist stepped in.

So, you agree with me then, that advertising any service as "Unlimited" should be illegal, and punishable by a daily, punative fine, by the FTC?

Remember, limits that are not explicitly defined, is not the same as no limits whatsoever. (As much as corporations try to conflate the two.)
The most you reasonably expect to get if enough people make a stink about this is that the restrictions on the account be displayed as a footnote in the ad.

The MVNO space is actually very volatile and many companies do just suddenly go under even if they have lasted many years before. In fact, making a one year commitment to one should be avoided for that reason.
Reactions: VirtualLarry

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
Torn Mind: I do still have service, MintSim reset my "Unlimited" due to a new billing cycle.

Is that paragraph from their AUP? That looks markedly different from what I read a few days ago.

I wonder if they revised it due to my "stink". I noticed now that they reserve the right to suspend service, if it is "unprofitable". I don't recall that wording in the version that I saw.
I went to just a few minutes ago.

When it comes to terms of service that involves money or whatever a user cares about(i.e privacy), it is wise to save a copy by printing a paper copy or to PDF when you do sign up in case changes are made or you have to refer to the document.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
That's apparently their TOS, I was referring to their AUP, which is what I was referred to reference by their CSR.

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
That's apparently their TOS, I was referring to their AUP, which is what I was referred to reference by their CSR.
Well, it seems that it contains similar language. If your usage is not typical compared to other users...they can take action.
  1. Unlimited Voice and Data Plans.Your Mint SIM Service is provided by UVNV, Inc., including its affiliates, assigns and agents (“Mint SIM,” “we,” “us” or “our”). Mint SIM reserves the right to periodically review usage levels of unlimited minute and unlimited data Mint SIM Service plans (“Unlimited Plans”) to ensure that you are not using an Unlimited Plan in violation of this Acceptable Use Policy (“AUP”) and if such an abuse or violation is discovered to terminate or adjust the plan as appropriate. You agree to use the voice portion of your Unlimited Plan for traditional voice calls between two individuals of a duration comparable to that of the average individual customer presently utilizing a Mint SIM Unlimited Plan and will not employ methods, devices or procedures to take advantage of your Unlimited Plan by using the plan excessively or for means not intended by Mint SIM. Excessive use of the voice portion of your Unlimited Plan is defined by Mint SIM as use that materially exceeds the average call volume or duration used by all other Mint SIM customers that have purchased an Unlimited Plan. Mint SIM may terminate your Service or change your Service plan if, in its sole discretion, Mint SIM determines that your use of the voice portion of your Unlimited Plan violates this prohibition or is otherwise “unreasonable” or results in abuse of the Unlimited Plan.
They also can yank the plug on you without notice

Right of Termination. In addition to Mint SIM’s right to terminate Service for non-payment, Mint SIM reserves the right to terminate the Service immediately and without advance notice if Mint SIM, in its sole discretion, believes that you have violated any of the above restrictions, leaving you responsible for all charges, including without limitation unbilled charges, all of which become immediately due and payable.
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Apr 6, 2002
By the way Larry, I am totally on your side on this. If it's not unlimited, there should be no mention of unlimited in their marketing or plan names. There should be hard caps that everyone can view and then decide for themselves what is the best deal. But don't hold your breath on a Trump led FCC doing a damn thing about regulating our communications industry.


Aug 22, 2004
Perhaps you should tell mintsim this as they sure seem to think it does and are advertising as such.
The fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as Unlimited anything. Period. Everybody selling unlimited will limit you at some point in your usage if they deem you're abusing. It's in the fine print, and that's enough for the law.

Don't like it? Start a push to change the law. If it's successful and nobody can advertise unlimited anymore and/or the abusers will open their pipes 24/7 "just because", you'll very quickly find we'll go back to paying by the minute/sms/mb, like back in the mid 2000s. Is that what you want?


Oct 9, 1999
you'll very quickly find we'll go back to paying by the minute/sms/mb, like back in the mid 2000s. Is that what you want?

That would be honest so yeah that would work fine. No one in canada offers unlimited cell data like in the US, and we seem to be getting by just fine on a pay for what you need system up here.
Mar 11, 2004
Big difference between frugal and cheap.

One makes sense, and the other enters deeply into "you get what you pay for" territory. At the post you quoted, did you bother to count how many whiny posts OP had made? One warning post is more than enough.

And last I checked, they weren't "defending" telecoms, just telling OP to shut up already. We get it. Obviously the company is shady, NO ONE is saying otherwise. I use Ting, can't complain. Fi is cheap, as is Republic and probably a bevy of other MVNOs. People aren't telling OP to sign up for a big carrier and throw money away, just to SHUT UP about this company and actually move on.

OP might be cheapskate but sorry your argument does not make sense and you dismissing it as "you get what you pay for" is straight up stupid and exactly partly why we have such horrible situation with telecoms in general in the US.

Compare that to how many posts whining about the OP. Do you not see the outright hypocrisy of your whining?

Well then take your own advice and shutup and not respond to his posts? Your problem seems to be more about the OP while you continually keep arguing exactly what I'm taking issue with (the "you get what you pay for" BS).

How were you not? "You get what you pay for", does that include fraud? Pretty sure I don't pay for that but I've encountered that with just about every telecom company I've dealt with (as has basically every single person I've ever known). That is dismissing a valid problem and excusing outright fraud by blaming the OP for the company being shady. You absolutely are saying otherwise because you're dismissing the issue by blaming the OP and calling him a cheapskate. You're literally claiming the OP is taking advantage of the company's outright fraudulent claim and that it is his own fault and not the company.

The hell? You literally did do exactly that. You said:
Stop being cheap, pay for what you use, and get a real service provider or stop talking so much.

Guess what, "real service providers" are literally the big carriers. Seriously, WTF do you even listen to yourself? This post is literally the first time you offered such advice (other MVNOs even), and aside from one other person mentioning Project Fi, no one else was doing that either so sorry but yes you absolutely were telling him to use a major carrier. On top of that, there's no guarantee they won't do the same thing (since pretty much all of them have legal language saying they can basically decide that you're a problem), which you're consistently openly saying you're ok with and that the OP is the one in the wrong.

You're confusing why people are getting frustrated, and pretending like everyone doesn't agree on your second paragraph.

The only confusion comes from trying to understand why you're so angry at the OP. Guess what, other people do care about this and are glad the OP spoke up. Sorry, but no, more people need to be bitching about this stuff so maybe we'll actually get worthwhile changes made about it. That's often about the only thing we can do as we don't have real competition. What's his choices, switch to another MVNO that will do the same thing to him? Deal with T-Mobile (which does seem to be the best of a bad situation) at significantly increased price? That your ire is directed at the OP and not the situation is absurd.

That your response is to keep responding to the source of your frustration in such a manner when you could easily ignore it just shows that your frustration then is your own problem, much more than the legitimate problem the OP is having. Plus, by what you're posting, you actually are disagreeing with the fact that it is outright fraudulent for them to advertise unlimited, because you and Raduque keep making the issue about the OP and not the the BS situation.

This is absolutely normal in the MVNO space, they all do it. They're really only suitable for people who are light users, which clearly you are not. You will save yourself a lot of pain and misery by just accepting this and moving back to direct relationship with T-Mobile.

While we can likely all agree that calling it unlimited and then having limits is less than ideal the simple truth is their limits are fine for basically everyone. Outliers break their business model, they clearly want to be rid of you. You may as well quit fighting it because you will not win this.

Being an outlier at EVERY carrier will get you noticed, but on the direct network voice isn't likely to get you in trouble. I'm curious how much MVNOs pay for minutes,at your usage level they may be literally losing money on you.

That's the best recent price mention I could find at a quick search. If bulk gets you down to half that (0.75 cents/minute) they are still losing several times what you are paying them.

Viper GTS

And that's a big part of my problem. They get to use the "most people are fine so just deal with it" both ways. Even if he's costing them money, it can't be a lot and is more than likely well buffered by other people not doing so.

That's the thing with mvno each minute you consume costs them money directly. Not so with the owner of the network. Data is the same way which is why T-Mobile will happily sell you an unlimited data plan and at the very worst throttle you under congestion conditions. That same usage will get you kicked off any mvno because you are consuming far more than your share of their purchased blocks.

If you're going to continue being a heavy user I'd find the most cost effective major carrier plan. Alternatively, something like ooma sounds perfect for you. Why do you have to do this over a mobile number? Port your number to Google voice and get ooma or do the VoIP voice thing. Ooma is plug and play simple and sub $5 a month. Obihai is even cheaper (free) though I'm not sure what the long term viability of that is. At least with ooma their business model is clear. I'm at five years on ooma now with no complaints.

Viper GTS

Hasn't there been evidence that's not entirely true? I know AT&T got dinged by throttling people without proof of network congestion (and plenty of people have had issues with how accurate their data metering is - although that seems more on wired services). T-Mobile is at least fairly up front about their limit on excess usage of data (do they consider use of zero-rated services as part of that?), which is why it is absurd they're still calling it unlimited.
Mar 11, 2004
The fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as Unlimited anything. Period. Everybody selling unlimited will limit you at some point in your usage if they deem you're abusing. It's in the fine print, and that's enough for the law.

Don't like it? Start a push to change the law. If it's successful and nobody can advertise unlimited anymore and/or the abusers will open their pipes 24/7 "just because", you'll very quickly find we'll go back to paying by the minute/sms/mb, like back in the mid 2000s. Is that what you want?

Uh, no sh!t, that's the entire point, they get to decide "abuse" and they also get legally covered to do so. Why do you think people are bitching? WTF?

What do you think people have been trying to do? That's exactly why people are so pissed off, it has not been very successful for like the past 3 decades (with some intermittent success, like the Title II classification, and when they forced phone providers to act as common carriers which is why we saw cheap DSL in the mid-2000s; the former took a massive campaign that included lots of other major corporations also voicing their support for it), as things rarely work in our favor due to telecoms' lobbying. It took an "unhinged" person running one of the major carriers, combined with years of an FCC that started actually listening to the people and putting pressure on these companies, for things to just improve some. And now that FCC is different and is openly antagonistic towards us and seems intent on not just keeping the status quo but enabling it goes back the other way.

I'd be fine with that as then it would expose just how badly they actually are screwing people over. Initially they'll massively overcharge (which they already are anyway, so not like that's anything new), but being able to show how out of whack their pricing is will put pressure on that to change. It would put literal dollar figures on it. Then all the a-holes spouting off about free markets and capitalism will be forced to confront the reality of the situation that they've helped protect by fighting against it.

This is an industry begging for disruption, from just about every angle.
Reactions: bigboxes

Torn Mind

Nov 25, 2012
I suppose one can force an MVNO to provide true unlimited service, but they will still have a finite bucket of minutes to purchase. The inevitable result would be the company folding, and any savvy businessman would not bother to try entering the market.


Junior Member
Aug 3, 2017
Of course unlimited is never really unlimited! Like, you get unlimited data but at what speed?? That's what I like about my current carrier - they don't lie about rates and adds invisible fees, you don't have to pay several months up front and their plans are flexible plus as cheap as Mintsim:

Seriously man though, you need to cut the umbilical cord. Speaking for 4 (8?!) hrs per day with your mom is sad.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
Hey guys. Just don't get a MintSIM plan, mkay?

This thread needs closed. It's absolutely stupid.


Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2009
No trouble out of Republic Wireless (Sprint re-seller). Currently on the $10 a month unlimited talk and text plan (includes picture texts), no data (cept wifi). I highly doubt they would drop you if you spent most of your call time on wifi. They do expect you to be on wifi whenever possible. They keep track of the percentage of the time you are on wifi and if you were always on the cell towers and never on wifi I think they might give you the boot. The phones automatically seek wifi first. Of course I've never been on the phone nearly the hours you are talking about so I couldn't say for sure. We have been pleased with them thus far. Huge improvement over our old phones on Straight Talk and a lot cheaper as well.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
That's one of the things that pisses me off the most with MintSim - they don't seem to be able to differentiate when I'm on wifi calling, and when I'm using the cell towers, when it comes to billing minutes used.

I was on wifi calling, most of the time I was at home on my wifi, and they STILL cut me off, my THIRD time, three days short of my monthly renewal.

MagicJack costs me under $2/mo for VOIP service, up to 2000-3000 minutes / mo. Why can't MintSim offer me similar? I'm paying them $14/mo, that should get me 20,000 VOIP minutes.
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