Doom (2016) Discussion

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Jun 2, 2000
I recently read Doom's single player is largely designed around corridors that connect larger arena areas that get locked down upon entering, and only unlock after you defeat predetermined waves of enemies. To be honest, that may be the final nail in the coffin for me, as I find that model of gameplay gets old, fast. Maybe I'll pick it up on an extreme discount in the future if the reviews aren't too bad, but it seems like every time I read something I like about Doom, I read something else I really dislike.

That's what I'm afraid of. I know it's DOOM and all, but that type of on-the-rails gameplay gets old fast no matter how well it looks.

I really want to play now, but I'm gonna hold off and make a decision after seeing some in-depth reviews.
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Golden Member
Jan 20, 2010
That's what I'm afraid of. I know it's DOOM and all, but that type of on-the-rails gameplay gets old fast no matter how well it looks.

I really want to play now, but I'm gonna hold off and make a decision after seeing some in-depth reviews.
Yeah, the only full review I read doesn't talk about level design at all, unfortunately. So I'm still waiting to get more concrete info like you.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010

Pre-Purchased this afternoon.

Cant wait.

Never ever ever pre purchase.

Unless it's friggen Doom and you were born in the 80's. Then you are in a box.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2008
I used a VPN to unlock the game early. Played it for maybe an hour so far.

It's f***ing awesome. Definitely lives up to the DOOM name, in my opinion. The guns are satisfying, the movement is fast, and the gibs are delicious.

I have to comment on the sound effects: I feel like they added some extra sonic processing in the game to make literally everything sound more bassy, and "punchy". And I like it. Everything just has oomph to it. The soundtrack alternates between deep, driving electronic music, and plain-ol heavy metal.

I'm happy to say that the game feels VERY well optimized too. With my GTX-980 (non-Ti), I have everything turned up to "Ultra", except for the anti-aliasing, which is just using regular SMAA. Runs at a rock-solid Vsync'd 60fps. There was maybe one moment the entire time when I saw a framerate dip. Otherwise, the game is EXTREMELY polished on a technical level. Perfect framerate and frame pacing, very smooth.

You guys are in for a treat.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
They optimized the crap out of this game, because man is it smooth

Playing at 1440p maxed settings seems to be locked at 60 FPS with no drops whatsoever, though I haven't been playing very long.

Doesn't seem particularly CPU intensive at all, and my GPU isn't even near to being stressed. So far, system RAM shows it using a little over 7GB, so minus 1.3GB for the OS and the other background services and it ends up at roughly 6GB.

As for VRAM, on nightmare quality I haven't seen it go over 5GB yet, but it has gone over 4GB. So if your card has 4GB, then using nightmare quality textures may not be advisable if you want a smooth ride.


Senior member
Jul 15, 2009
Im 1 click away from buying it...
I just dont know if its will run good on my pc, i had huge FPS drops in the beta in certial areas.
as i saied before, the division run very smooth on my pc and this should do too, specialy with the new drivers from Radeon,

2600K OC'ed to 4Ghz
8GB DDR3 1333Mhz
R9 380 4GB


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
Im 1 click away from buying it...
I just dont know if its will run good on my pc, i had huge FPS drops in the beta in certial areas.
as i saied before, the division run very smooth on my pc and this should do too, specialy with the new drivers from Radeon,

2600K OC'ed to 4Ghz
8GB DDR3 1333Mhz
R9 380 4GB

I never played the beta, but from the reports at NeoGaf, the final release runs much better.

Plus if you buy it directly from Steam, you can get a refund if it doesn't run well.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
Runs great on my system (specs in sig). Maxed settings @ 1440p always stays above 60 fps, usually hovering around 80. Very smooth, even when the action gets heavy. Using 3GB vram.

I'm going to run it on another box with a stock i5 2400 and a 2GB 680 on a 1080p display and see how it does.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
ok so I didn't realize there was a "nightmare" setting on some of the options. So NOW i'm at maxed settings... No change in performance that I noticed. Still doesn't dip below 60 and usually hovering around 80. VRAM usage did go up to just under 4.5GB

Very happy with the performance. Game looks great and it's one of the smoothest running games I've played in recent memory.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I've played about 3 hours so far.

Things I Like

- Engine is very well optimized. Hopefully we'll see id's Tech 6 in more games.
- Performance (related to the above) is amazing, considering the beautiful and detailed graphics especially at maximum settings (which I'm running). The only things I disabled are Motion Blur, Depth of Field, and Film Grain (Film Grain... in DOOM... lol?) for personal preference (I always disliked those effects).
- The " Gritty " render mode (in advanced video options) make the game look even better than default (in my opinion).
- Generally, the environments are good-looking, and level design is alright.
- Exterior environments (and level design) are the best (so far). I've only played about 3 hours, so I've only seen Mars.
- They kept the Red / Yellow / Blue card system in (a bit modernized), that's nice!
- Combat A.I. and the pathing for it in the maps (so far) is surprisingly better than what I expected, especially for the Imps. It's also the case for the the Hell Knights (those fuckers WILL pursue you EVERYWHERE; where you can go, they WILL go too). Now I'm playing on Ultra-Violence, maybe the A.I. is better because of that too.

Things I Don't Like (either a little, or a lot)

- Bodies AND gibs disappear (magically disintegrate / evaporates). WHY? Engine limitation? Someone enlighten me. If they did that to "force" good performance, it's a cheap move; instead give us decals quantity and duration options in the menus, on Low, Medium, High, etc. Part of what made the originals good (to me anyway) was how you'd see the carnage you wrought when you backtracked for any reasons. I KNOW, they were sprites, but we're not in 1993 or the early 2000s. And I do NOT care if that's because it was made for the lowest common denominator hardware in mind first. This is the PC VERSION OF DOOM... DOOM!!!.

- I do NOT like how some rooms (in interior maps) just lock down (entry / exit doors lock) and turn into a horde mode, having to STAY inside that room while you defeat waves of spawning demons until the (invisible) count is met, and then the room unlocks. And it's not like it's doing that just once per 'level'. So far from start of the game to a place called Foundry (which I've yet to finish... playing on Ultra-Violence, place is tough as Hell) I must have had a good dozen or so (if not more) of those horde mode rooms to deal with. WHAT THE HECK were they thinking? I would NOT have found that game mechanic to be annoying if it was a FEW times here and there, spaced by a couple of hours of play... but HOLY hell it's way too often (and that's only after 3 hours in).

You want to send me waves of demons? Bring it on! BUT NOT LIKE THAT. Let me travel the map freely, let me backtrack at all times AND spawn enemies every now and then (or often if you want) as I move around. Do NOT contain me in a "dedicated horde mode" environment until I satisfy someone working at id Software who clearly NEVER played the originals OR somehow thought that because we're in 2016 DOOM's campaign has to play like Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. Now, with this said, I've only played about 3 hours (as mentioned I'm currently in a room called Foundry and it's my first real challenge, it's a good one; I just keep dying) so... MAYBE... just maybe that horde mode bullshit will decrease once we leave facility environments and go in the Hellish levels (I HOPE so, so much).

- Generally, map design is alright. However, interior maps so far feels very condensed. The fact that we're indoor isn't a problem per se. I think that (at least so far) my issue with the facility environments is how it visually barely changes (it DOES, here and there... but not by much). I suppose that's just a personal taste thing. I definitely REALLY like the outdoor maps though (well, Mars surface that is).

- I tried to avoid spoilers (generally) prior to playing it. So I did NOT know (nor expect) to see any forms of weapons or armor upgrades (outside of the armor shards). So now... I'm playing DOOM, with "points" to spend to upgrade my armor? To unlock some more potent map scanner? To take less environmental damage? And I'm upgrading my weapons to reduce reload speed and do other stuff? I don't mind about secondary fire or even tertiary options... but unlocking upgrades and spending points? DOOM... oh my dear DOOM... I think we should have a conversation about a few things you and I.

Early Conclusions

I enjoy it overall. I DO, genuinely, like it better than DOOM 3. However, there's things (as mentioned above, and a few more that I haven't talked about) that make me scratch my head either in disbelief or incomprehension / confusion. As I play I see signs everywhere that I am playing some FPS that desperately tries to be DOOM but fails. But, sometimes, as I shoot demons around (especially in outdoor environments) and strafe to avoid Imps' fire balls shot at me from a distance, combined with a very solid core shooting mechanic I can't help but realize that I AM playing [a new] DOOM. Now, thankfully, I am not stricken by buyer's guilt. I do have my fun. I just hope that I'll get more outdoor environments and that the Hell levels will be the main meal of the campaign (because that facility I'm in right now starts to get on my nerves due to visual and structural / environmental repetition). I'll just stop typing now, get some sleep and play until I finish it, then I might review it properly (maybe with a bit less ranting, who knows).
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Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
- Engine is very well optimized. Hopefully we'll see id's Tech 6 in more games.

Yeah they really made some grounds with the engine I must say. The smoothness is uncanny (it's like the Doom marine is gliding more than running) and the reflections are very well done..

What if they made Rage 2 with IDTech 6?


Mar 18, 2007
What kind of performance can I expect on a i5 2500k, Geforce GTX 770 4 GB, 8 GB of ram? 1920x1200 resolution.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
So is this game worth buying or not?

So far, I'd say absolutely. If you like fast paced shooters, this game fits the bill. And Doom with IDTech 6 looks and runs amazing.

What kind of performance can I expect on a i5 2500k, Geforce GTX 770 4 GB, 8 GB of ram? 1920x1200 resolution.

I'd say it will run well, but you'll obviously have to make some compromises if you want to maintain 60 FPS.. The only benchmarks we have are from the beta version, but that was only multiplayer and by all reports, the final version is much more optimized.

Then again, the SP campaign has a lot more graphical effects than the multiplayer as you would expect.

NVidia's OpenGL drivers are very optimized though, and with Vulkan on the way, the game should run even better. Buy it through Steam, so if it doesn't run well, just get a refund.


Mar 18, 2007
So far, I'd say absolutely. If you like fast paced shooters, this game fits the bill. And Doom with IDTech 6 looks and runs amazing.

I'd say it will run well, but you'll obviously have to make some compromises if you want to maintain 60 FPS.. The only benchmarks we have are from the beta version, but that was only multiplayer and by all reports, the final version is much more optimized.

Then again, the SP campaign has a lot more graphical effects than the multiplayer as you would expect.

NVidia's OpenGL drivers are very optimized though, and with Vulkan on the way, the game should run even better. Buy it through Steam, so if it doesn't run well, just get a refund.

Thanks how long do you have for a steam refund ?


Sep 23, 2003
Just waiting for my Best Buy to open now. Hopefully the game doesn't take forever to download (although I should be working anyway )... we'll see what I can get with my GTX970 & 4k monitor.


Aug 18, 2012
Wondering if I should get this on PC or ps4/Xbox. I haven't played a game on my PC in a while so I'm not sure how well I would be able to run it. Also not looking to upgrade anytime soon until I have more saved and just going to do a rebuild in the same case later.


Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
I've played about 3 hours so far.

Things I Like

- Engine is very well optimized. Hopefully we'll see id's Tech 6 in more games.
- Performance (related to the above) is amazing, considering the beautiful and detailed graphics especially at maximum settings (which I'm running). The only things I disabled are Motion Blur, Depth of Field, and Film Grain (Film Grain... in DOOM... lol?) for personal preference (I always disliked those effects).
- The " Gritty " render mode (in advanced video options) make the game look even better than default (in my opinion).
- Generally, the environments are good-looking, and level design is alright.
- Exterior environments (and level design) are the best (so far). I've only played about 3 hours, so I've only seen Mars.
- They kept the Red / Green / Blue card system in (a bit modernized), that's nice!
- Combat A.I. and the pathing for it in the maps (so far) is surprisingly better than what I expected, especially for the Imps. It's also the case for the the Hell Knights (those fuckers WILL pursue you EVERYWHERE; where you can go, they WILL go too). Now I'm playing on Ultra-Violence, maybe the A.I. is better because of that too.

Things I Don't Like (either a little, or a lot)

- Bodies AND gibs disappear (magically disintegrate / evaporates). WHY? Engine limitation? Someone enlighten me. If they did that to "force" good performance, it's a cheap move; instead give us decals quantity and duration options in the menus, on Low, Medium, High, etc. Part of what made the originals good (to me anyway) was how you'd see the carnage you wrought when you backtracked for any reasons. I KNOW, they were sprites, but we're not in 1993 or the early 2000s. And I do NOT care if that's because it was made for the lowest common denominator hardware in mind first. This is the PC VERSION OF DOOM... DOOM!!!.

- I do NOT like how some rooms (in interior maps) just lock down (entry / exit doors lock) and turn into a horde mode, having to STAY inside that room while you defeat waves of spawning demons until the (invisible) count is met, and then the room unlocks. And it's not like it's doing that just once per 'level'. So far from start of the game to a place called Foundry (which I've yet to finish... playing on Ultra-Violence, place is tough as Hell) I must have had a good dozen or so (if not more) of those horde mode rooms to deal with. WHAT THE HECK were they thinking? I would NOT have found that game mechanic to be annoying if it was a FEW times here and there, spaced by a couple of hours of play... but HOLY hell it's way too often (and that's only after 3 hours in).

You want to send me waves of demons? Bring it on! BUT NOT LIKE THAT. Let me travel the map freely, let me backtrack at all times AND spawn enemies every now and then (or often if you want) as I move around. Do NOT contain me in a "dedicated horde mode" environment until I satisfy someone working at id Software who clearly NEVER played the originals OR somehow thought that because we're in 2016 DOOM's campaign has to play like Mass Effect 3's multiplayer. Now, with this said, I've only played about 3 hours (as mentioned I'm currently in a room called Foundry and it's my first real challenge, it's a good one; I just keep dying) so... MAYBE... just maybe that horde mode bullshit will decrease once we leave facility environments and go in the Hellish levels (I HOPE so, so much).

- Generally, map design is alright. However, interior maps so far feels very condensed. The fact that we're indoor isn't a problem per se. I think that (at least so far) my issue with the facility environments is how it visually barely changes (it DOES, here and there... but not by much). I suppose that's just a personal taste thing. I definitely REALLY like the outdoor maps though (well, Mars surface that is).

- I tried to avoid spoilers (generally) prior to playing it. So I did NOT know (nor expect) to see any forms of weapons or armor upgrades (outside of the armor shards). So now... I'm playing DOOM, with "points" to spend to upgrade my armor? To unlock some more potent map scanner? To take less environmental damage? And I'm upgrading my weapons to reduce reload speed and do other stuff? I don't mind about secondary fire or even tertiary options... but unlocking upgrades and spending points? DOOM... oh my dear DOOM... I think we should have a conversation about a few things you and I.

Early Conclusions

I enjoy it overall. I DO, genuinely, like it better than DOOM 3. However, there's things (as mentioned above, and a few more that I haven't talked about) that make me scratch my head either in disbelief or incomprehension / confusion. As I play I see signs everywhere that I am playing some FPS that desperately tries to be DOOM but fails. But, sometimes, as I shoot demons around (especially in outdoor environments) and strafe to avoid Imps' fire balls shot at me from a distance, combined with a very solid core shooting mechanic I can't help but realize that I AM playing [a new] DOOM. Now, thankfully, I am not stricken by buyer's guilt. I do have my fun. I just hope that I'll get more outdoor environments and that the Hell levels will be the main meal of the campaign (because that facility I'm in right now starts to get on my nerves due to visual and structural / environmental repetition). I'll just stop typing now, get some sleep and play until I finish it, then I might review it properly (maybe with a bit less ranting, who knows).

Nice look :thumbsup:

I'm still trying to resolve black screen issues with steam link. Game is running on headless gaming box, and I have steam links around my home.

Horde mode/lock down doors is ridiculous. That's unthinkable to me in a game of this caliber in 2016. Very cheesy and weak gameplay mechanic. I won't let that ruin things for me, but jesus, just terrible to hear that is a part of the game.


Diamond Member
Dec 14, 2004
Anyone play it on a 21:9 display yet? Does it work?

I have a Dell 34" Ultrasharp 3440x1440 display and a single 980 Ti delivers consistent 60fps on ultra settings.

This game is GREAT. I have only played through E1M1 so far but I really like it. If one level is any indication, then the SP campaign alone will be worth it and the MP and Snapmap features will just be icing on the cake.

Level design is good, AI is good, visuals are very impressive, music and sound effects are good, and so far it's bug-free. Too bad I'm stuck at work for another hour and a half...
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