Doom (2016) Discussion

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Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
5GB Vram? That sucks for FuryX owners. I always knew 4gb was not enough for a new high end card. It is what it is though. I mean the game runs fine on it I'm sure, but those chasing that Ultra setting might be a little disappointed.

Ultra settings would be fine. It's the Nightmare settings that push you above the 4GB mark in this game.


Jan 8, 2011
Yeah it's no big deal I guess. You can find a way to break any GPU if you try hard enough.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Alright. I'm taking a break from the campaign.

The more I play, the more I dislike. I think (and hope) that it gets better in the Hell levels. For now, in all honesty, it's boring as fuck. The horde mode rooms need to die, there's no place for that in DOOM (yet, it's there). The bodies disappearing and occasionally only leaving a single pool of blood where they died is an insult to today's hardware and the DOOM legacy as a whole. The indoor level design and visuals are WAY too repetitive. The story is boring (so was DOOM 3's anyway), and since the game-play is lacking, there's very little to keep me going.

The checkpoint-based save system is horrendous and made me lose a good half to full hour of my life just because I didn't double jump to do some Mario-style platforming on some pipes, and didn't reach the next checkpoint yet, so spawned some place back that I had cleaned a good 5+ minutes ago (this isn't Turok 2 you daft tits, id Software! IT'S DOOM!!!). And trying to look around for some dead Elite Guards to pick up their "token" (points) in order to accumulate enough of them to upgrade armor, or having to perform well-enough in a level (kills-wise) to accumulate "points" to upgrade weapons... RPG elements... in DOOM... no, just no.

Yet... it IS better than DOOM 3. However, it is NOT grabbing my attention (just like DOOM 3) and now I feel sort of "forced" to play it and finish it, just because I bought it. Now, I'm VERY glad that I payed $43 (Canadian) from CDKeys. I would have been pissed playing something like that knowing that I would have payed full price (our Canadian dollar is so low that paying full price games here amount to pretty much $80). I cross my fingers for the game to become better later on (interestingly enough, I thought that DOOM 3 did pick itself up a bit when approaching the last levels; but it was already too late at that point and it was more of a "Meh" effect than a "HOLY shit now it's GOOD!" one). For all intents and purposes I'll say what I didn't want to say and what I honestly, genuinely thought would NOT be the case... but this game is NOT DOOM. It's just another generic FPS with SOME DOOM-styled skin on it.

To me, it's official and carved in stone now. It's apparently impossible to re-create DOOM and do it justice. The only DOOM games that will ever be are the originals, either in vanilla form or running on those updated engines like ZDOOM and the likes. If you're reading this and you LOVE the DOOM franchise for what it WAS and what it still is today (referring to the originals and ZDOOM, etc) then do yourself a favor and do NOT buy this new DOOM, or at least do not buy it full price. Wait for it to get VERY cheap... or, possibly wait for some inevitable community-made maps that will: 1) get rid of that horde mode bullshit, and 2) might even be complete remakes of the original DOOM maps (and that would kick some serious ass; someone out there WILL do it).

So, anyway. I'm getting burned by seeing so many franchises falling like flies from failed reboots or remakes. But this one is is a big deal, it's DOOM. It's a BIG disappointment (I'm thinking it's going to be THE biggest disappointment of 2016; trying to digest the fact that 12 years after DOOM 3, another DOOM got raped is NOT a fun thing to process).
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Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
The closest "fun shooter" experiences I've had to the original Doom 1 - 2 have been Borderlands 1-2 and Saint's Row 3. Sad to hear that Doom 4 is not a good Doom.

Doom was about Hell on Earth/Mars but it was a bright heavy metal power hell not a grimdark Nolan Batman emo hell.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
The checkpoint-based save system is horrendous and made me lose a good half to full hour of my life just because I didn't double jump to do some Mario-style platforming on some pipes, and didn't reach the next checkpoint yet, so spawned some place back that I had cleaned a good 5+ minutes ago (this isn't Turok 2 you daft tits, id Software! IT'S DOOM!!!).

While everyone is of course entitled to their opinions, this sounds like nothing more then negative sensationalism going on here. Like losing an hour of your life because you spawned in a section you cleared 5 minutes ago. How does that math work exactly?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
While everyone is of course entitled to their opinions, this sounds like nothing more then negative sensationalism going on here. Like losing an hour of your life because you spawned in a section you cleared 5 minutes ago. How does that math work exactly?

My God, can't people get figurative speech.

Get the bigger picture bud, we're talking about a checkpoint-based save system in DOOM! Do you REALLY think that it should be there to start with!? Even if I "only" lost actual five real minutes or a complete real hour of my life? How much time I myself lost is not the big point. The point is we should be able to save ANYWHERE, anytime! It. Is. DOOM. I hope that you can think of what I think about your sensationalism claim (trying to stay as polite as I can here). Go play it yourself, and if you DO genuinely like that save system then good for you! I don't. At worst, it's my opinion, but it's NOT sensationalism.


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
Like I said, nothing more then sensationalism. I have no problem with the checkpoint save system. There are enough of them around for it not to be an issue, and it clearly isn't unless you want to make up numbers that don't exist.

If you're going to criticize, at least be honest about it.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
Like I said, nothing more then sensationalism. I have no problem with the checkpoint save system. There are enough of them around for it not to be an issue, and it clearly isn't unless you want to make up numbers that don't exist.

If you're going to criticize, at least be honest about it.

How do you know if I'm not even being honest? Making up numbers? So... I would have made up a number about losing five minutes? Talk about a liar with big ambitions! Are you trying to get some attention on a discussion forum on the Internet? Are you currently being absolutely serious here? You make personal attacks for... what reason? Are you aspiring for a career in politics?

I do honestly criticize. My criticism is: I fucking hate a checkpoint-based save system in a game like DOOM. My honesty is: I fucking hate a checkpoint-based save system in a game like DOOM, especially when I could have saved at the exact spot where I think I'll have problems doing some stupid platforming to reach point B, rather than dying there and being respawned to the last checkpoint. Why the HELL would you care if I died just once and only took a minute to get back to the point where I died, or if in fact I would have died three times and got backtracked to the previous checkpoint that many times to accumulate for 'x' minutes of lost time of my life. Were you there playing with me to see what happened? Are you being this anal about everyone's posts around here?

Who. The. Hell. Are. You, to criticize me?


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
I have made no personal attacks. You said something that doesn't make sense, I pointed out. The fact of the matter is you didn't lose a half hour to an hour of your life. You lost approximately 5 minutes of it.

Like I said, you're entitled to your opinion but it's not your opinion that I'm attacking, nor is it you personally. You're just getting upset because you made a misleading critique and got called out. That's who I am, the guy who raises the BS flag.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
I have made no personal attacks. You said something that doesn't make sense, I pointed out. The fact of the matter is you didn't lose a half hour to an hour of your life. You lost approximately 5 minutes of it.

Like I said, you're entitled to your opinion but it's not your opinion that I'm attacking, nor is it you personally. You're just getting upset because you made a misleading critique and got called out. That's who I am, the guy who raises the BS flag.

Wow. Ok so what bothers you is the amount of time involved? That's it? If I had phrased it to something along the lines of me simply hating the checkpoint-based save system without talking about any amount of time lost, then you'd have been fine with it?

My BAD I said half to a full hour. I hope I won't go to Hell now. So far, since I started playing (right now about 6 hours in) I died a good 20+ times (Ultra-Violence). I don't ACTUALLY COUNT the number of times I die. See? OOOPS, I made up a number, again. I'm such a bad boy. Yeah, because speaking figuratively isn't apparent enough. I do THINK it's easily 20+ times. So, from my deaths, I'd say half of them were near the "next checkpoint"' but not quite there yet, and was respawned to places I had cleaned one, maybe two, maybe three... or four... heck maybe even five minutes ago. I DO NOT COUNT that. I don't have time to calculate how much time I actually lose. The half to full hour of lost time figure I mentioned WAS FIGURATIVE speech for crying out loud.

Me, calling you out on not apparently understanding figurative talk wouldn't be ok? But you, calling ME out on supposedly "making up numbers" is alright though? Because...? You're supposed to be treated in a special manner, your highness? All of this was because you believed right from the start that it "sounded like" negative sensationalism. You just jump to conclusions REAL fast, man.

Believe what you want anyway. I don't care. A franchise I love is being raped in the ass right now and I don't like what I'm seeing and playing (so far).


Diamond Member
Apr 8, 2012
lol... You can call me out on anything you'd like, I never said it wasn't ok. Knock yourself out, it doesn't bother me. I don't take this forum personally.

You're choosing to take personally that I pointed out that the save system you're up in arms about didn't actually cost you a full hour of your life as you claimed. I did nothing more then point out an inconsistency in your argument. You choosing to get upset about it doesn't make it a personal attack, despite how hard you try to turn it into one.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2005
lol... You can call me out on anything you'd like, I never said it wasn't ok. Knock yourself out, it doesn't bother me. I don't take this forum personally.

You're choosing to take personally that I pointed out that the save system you're up in arms about didn't actually cost you a full hour of your life as you claimed. I did nothing more then point out an inconsistency in your argument. You choosing to get upset about it doesn't make it a personal attack, despite how hard you try to turn it into one.

You don't understand figurative talk, and there's absolutely nothing I can do about that. I'm sorry.

Now I'll just stop replying to you directly (because now, I do REALLY lose that much time with you). I'm taking a break from the campaign and won't post in this thread for some time (which will probably give you opportunities to point out "inconsistencies" on other members' posts around). Hopefully you'll forget about all of this in a week or so.


Jan 8, 2011
For God's sake people, this is DOOM. You will play it and you will like it. Talking bad about DOOM is like disrespecting your father. Its something pretty bad along those lines.


Elite Member
Aug 12, 2001
I never did get around to playing more than the first bit of Grimdark Monster Closet Simulator III, maybe I'll install a duct tape mod and give that a try again while I wait for the D4 price to fall below $10.


Aug 9, 2002
I'm enjoying the fast pace action and running around amuck. Yeah, the game is missing that story telling element of D3, but to be honest, ID Software was never good at story telling Doom. This holds true again with another cult like rip off from Dead Space plot.

Gimping has been around a long time and was always present in D3 and I would not consider that a negative. Maybe it will be mod-able later. I think the game is an improvement over D3 and does bring back that old shoot-em up feeling on today's technology.

The environments feel more organic, and the energy and lighting effects are spectacular. I only played the UAC Mars intro map and The Foundry and thought they were both impressive. The thing that looks like it evolved completely away from the realm of Doom is the AI. They use shields, they jump from surface to surface, and close in quick for melee. They also have agility traits that give them more character and individuality like the Hell Knight jumping at you. This is the huge departure I see from the original Doom and even remake when all they did was spawn behind you or a trap door opened. You also have abilities and super-like reflexes, so at least you're not helpless as the AI jump around and dance about. You really do feel like a bad-ass hunting demons which was the big-big improvement objective in the game development.

I do admit, I wish Doom grew out of its corridor shooting, but then it wouldn't be Doom anymore. I believe it's getting to a point where there is a thin line between trying to keep to its roots, or to "cop-out". If its easy for them to make AI that maneuvers and give your character upgradable like RPG traits, then it could of been just as easy to abandon the corridor copy/paste space maps. Many of us truly were hoping that those leaked images of what looked like "hell-on-earth" was factual. I know I only played 1/8th the game so far, but I am pretty sure that is out of the question.

My only real negative so far is the fact that they have no mystery element in the game and neglected the "dark" and evil feeling . Though it is a mindless shooter with RPG like upgrades, you still need to create identity that separates Doom from all other shooters. As of right now, you could sub out all the demons with cute fuzzy bunnies with rabies that have blood dripping from their mouths, and you would know none the wiser of what happened in the Mars labs. The story is literally summed up in 3-4 lines of dialogue - so its either insultingly lazy, or purposely cut short for a twist and I highly doubt the latter.
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Diamond Member
Jan 9, 2010
Sounds like i'm the exception, but i'm having major issues with getting the game to run.

In home Steam Streaming appears to be bugged with AMD hardware.

I'm also getting resolution, screen anamolies when putting my system directly to a 75" HDTV via HDMI.

Damn, was so excited to dig in this weekend. Argggggggggggggggggglkrg!


Aug 9, 2002
Sounds like i'm the exception, but i'm having major issues with getting the game to run.

In home Steam Streaming appears to be bugged with AMD hardware.

I'm also getting resolution, screen anamolies when putting my system directly to a 75" HDTV via HDMI.

Damn, was so excited to dig in this weekend. Argggggggggggggggggglkrg!

Did not have that issue as I do not stream,but the game did not run until I updated my drivers on Nvidia.


Golden Member
May 14, 2000
Holy Bejezus, I actually like it, and I was expecting disappointment. I think it hooked me when I was killing something within 30 seconds of clicking "start game", that's a rarity these days. Game looks really good and runs perfectly. I don't suppose there is anyway to bypass the 60FPS lock is there?


Platinum Member
Jun 4, 2011
For God's sake people, this is DOOM. You will play it and you will like it. Talking bad about DOOM is like disrespecting your father. Its something pretty bad along those lines.

Doom 3 sucked, sorry Pops.

Ill wait till this one its the bargain bin before buying.


Aug 9, 2002
Holy Bejezus, I actually like it, and I was expecting disappointment. I think it hooked me when I was killing something within 30 seconds of clicking "start game", that's a rarity these days. Game looks really good and runs perfectly. I don't suppose there is anyway to bypass the 60FPS lock is there?

Metacritic has reviews of users who hate it for the same reason other people love it. Simple, classic feel of a FPS wrapped in a modern engine feel. Painkiller meets Doom II.

Is it worth 60 bucks? It' depends on who you ask. I paid 49.00 for it. I don't think it's innovative enough to be 60, but I am sure with all the work and marketing they put into, I am sure 60 is enough for Bethesda.


Diamond Member
Nov 1, 2010
I don't suppose there is anyway to bypass the 60FPS lock is there?

The frame rate is tied to your monitor's refresh rate. So if the frame rate is still locked after disabling Vsync, then you have to increase your monitor's refresh rate.

I think that's the only way you can do it.

*Edit* Is it still locked in game, or just at the menu? I think there is a frame rate lock at the menu, but it disappears when you're actually in game.
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Golden Member
May 14, 2000
The frame rate is tied to your monitor's refresh rate. So if the frame rate is still locked after disabling Vsync, then you have to increase your monitor's refresh rate.

I think that's the only way you can do it.

*Edit* Is it still locked in game, or just at the menu? I think there is a frame rate lock at the menu, but it disappears when you're actually in game.
It's locked at 60 in game for me, my monitor's refresh rate is set to 144Hz. Maybe gsync is messing with it somehow. I'll try turning it off.
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