Doom 3 = disappointment

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Platinum Member
Sep 21, 2000
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
This is good news for me. It means I'll get a copy on the cheap from FS/FT shortly

Ditto. I have Far Cry and have been to busy to finish it yet.


Aug 1, 2004
I, for one, enjoy the game immensely. I dont think there is such a thing as a game that will blow you away. Every game I've ever played disappointed me in some fashion or another but I still enjoyed them - and this game disappoints me less than usual. I believe this is a notch above farcry, which is amazing in its own right. Graphics, doom-style play, and fear were the only things that were promised and I think id delivered.

Im the kind of person who enjoys fear-games like silent hill and fatal frame, so maybe Im just biased.


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: Homerboy
Cna I just put a trade mark on the "Duct tape" comment. People are starting to throw that arounda ll over th eplace and In pretty sure I mentioned it first.

ANd for those oif you that pawn it off sa saying "if you dont have the skills to juggle a flashlight and your gun..." Thats not the freaking point. The point is that in 2154 or whatever the year is you THINK there would be some sort of technology (enter duct tape) that would allow a gun mounted light or since Im in some sort of damned space suit you thin kthe suit would ahve a light... or **GASP** night vision. Oh wait... 2154? WE've had those things for decades already.


Check your purse?


Aug 21, 2002
Originally posted by: brigden
OK, fair enough, I'll accept the game for what it is. It's Doom, part 3. It's visually gorgeous, aurally exquisite, highly immersive and extremely atmospheric. Yes, it's repetitive and linear, but we'll let that slide as the experience calls for little else. The gameplay is identical to the original, level design, also, very similar. Again, that's what Doom is allegedly about.

However, that gripe aside, what are these demons doing hiding in closets?

Being secretly gay? At least they have the balls to come out of the closet... it can be tramatic you know!



Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2003
Sorry man, didn't realize how personal it could get.

I said that I deleted the game after testing it, and that's what I did. I am not going to play through the whole game and take advantage of id's hard work without coughing up the dough. Had a demo been available, I would not have downloaded the full version. I wanted to know ahead of time whether or not I would be interested in purchasing it the day of release; I made my decision, and now the "pirated" copy is history. It is my humble opinion that if you have a problem with that, you are simply too absorbed in a world of absolutes (i.e. "PIRACY IS BAD!!") to see the reality and practicalities.

BTW, as I said, I plan on purchasing the game at some point in the future and playing through it then.
No, there is right and wrong and it is wrong to support those who do wrong. It's not an absorbtion. There was a demo on the way, find a friend, find something other than stealing a ferrari for a test drive and then giving it back.


Jul 1, 2004
Forget everyone, this game is the best single player FPS I have EVER played. Don't even give me that crap like Far Cry, wait till you all get to the end. You will be very pissed off. And the graphics on far cry is overrated.

The textures on D3 is unbelievable (except the ugly ass shadowmaps). Halo is another overrated game for the PC. The graphics on that game was HORRIBLE! Why did that game get 5 starts and 95%s from every reviewer?? It sucked. Story was"ok" but nothing original.

If you havent got the game yet, get it and judge for yourself...anyone who doesnt like it will be in a huge minority.

Just my worthless ".2"

Yesterday was fun, today 5.1


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 1999
Wait until the game falls to $40 and buy it, and you might not be dissatisfied with it. No game should cost $55. Oh, and don't upgrade your PC just to be able to run one game.

How is the 6 channel sound? Do any other PC games have 6 channel sound?

Did it take 4 years to make the console versions (if they're out?) also or did they port from the PC version later on?


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2003
I think why people are disappointed with this game is because they were expecting the same feeling they got when they first played Doom 1. Which is understandable because Doom was nothing like you've seen before and after waiting for such a long time, I guess people were expecting way more.
The FPS genre has been played out since its humble beginnings... we've all seen this and done that.
I'm just happy that iD has managed to put a new twist to the played out genre... granted its not as revolutionary as Doom, it still deserves its place among the video game legends.

Its definitely worth the full retail price... so DON'T PIRATE IT! If you want to play it, cough up the money damn it! If any company deserves money, its iD!!!!


Aug 24, 2001
Doom 3 is a great shooter, i hated far cry, so in my opinion doom 3 is better.

1) Indeed, it's way too dark in the early levels of doom3, it gets better in later levels, don't worry!
Darkness !
Lightness !

1bis) Also the flashing lights look crappy if your framerate is low (mine was around 30-40 fps)

2) Enemies are almost never in a room when you enter it, most likely they spawn just when you're about to pick up a health pack Making monsters spawn == evil game design, it reduces game play to memorizing the sequence in which enemies appear in a room, and then to replay that room, without getting hit (yes, that's possible)

3) I finished the game in about 12h, but I am an experienced FPS gamer (Call of Duty, No One Lives Forever 1&2, Half-Life, HL - Opposing Force, Painkiller, Unreal 2, Return to Castle Wolfenstein) So if you are less experienced it will probably take longer. Of all the games mentioned, I finished doom 3 in the least amount of time.

4) "It's all been done before". Well, yes and no. Ofcourse weapons and aliens/demons/monsters aren't invented by Id , but it's worse when they do copy directly from other games (*cough* Half Life *cough*)

5) Let's get one thing strait, the graphics are not superb, the-best-ever-seen! Texture quality is rather poor actually, especially when you get close to a wall (all the time, DUH!) Note that these screenshots were taken at Normal Quality settings. High Quality with FSAA 4x gives no better texture quality, and Ultra settings don't work on my pc (crash, not enough memory)
Close to the wall

6) This game needs ram, like humans need air. I have 512 MB, and 128 MB vid mem... and i get plenty of hickups. This acts as a sixth sense actually, because when the framerate drops to 1 fps for a few seconds, you know some enemy has spawned nearby Want to play this game? Get 1GB ram, now!

All in all this game is great, it's not revolutionary, the graphics aren't super, but it's a mega-carnage shooter!


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Slickone
Wait until the game falls to $40 and buy it, and you might not be dissatisfied with it. No game should cost $55. Oh, and don't upgrade your PC just to be able to run one game.

How is the 6 channel sound? Do any other PC games have 6 channel sound?

Did it take 4 years to make the console versions (if they're out?) also or did they port from the PC version later on?
You must not spend much time in Hot Deals

I bought it yesterday at BeastBuy ($55) - CurseitCity has it for $45 on this Friday; i will simply do a PM at BB to get my $10 "back" . . .

However, i am still BORED to tears with this game (besides the graphics) . . . (and i am PAST delta labs)


If you want "creepy" or "scary" - Doom iii is NOT; for "real atmosphere" try Thief - Deadly Shadows; the graphics are NOT "amazing" - the GAMEplay IS



Diamond Member
Dec 31, 1999
Originally posted by: mAdMaLuDaWg
I think why people are disappointed with this game is because they were expecting the same feeling they got when they first played Doom 1. Which is understandable because Doom was nothing like you've seen before and after waiting for such a long time, I guess people were expecting way more.
The FPS genre has been played out since its humble beginnings... we've all seen this and done that.
I'm just happy that iD has managed to put a new twist to the played out genre... granted its not as revolutionary as Doom, it still deserves its place among the video game legends.

Its definitely worth the full retail price... so DON'T PIRATE IT! If you want to play it, cough up the money damn it! If any company deserves money, its iD!!!!
I agree, don't pirate it. I'm against pirating. I figure if people get a mindset to wait until it reaches a fair price ($40 IMO), then they might be more likely to buy it instead of pirating it; rather than them just thinking "Heck I'm not paying $55, that's insane. I'll just pirate it.".


Senior member
Jan 7, 2001
dangit! for the first time ever, i think i have a machine that won't play a game i want... sad...
doom3 + $$ required to upgrade comp to play doom3 = break the bank

looks like i'll just have to settle for halo 2...


Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: chrisbtx
Originally posted by: brettjrob
I downloaded a copy to "test drive"

Why do you openly admit that you have pirated a game? You're such an idiot. Why couldn't you just wait for the demo? That's a little bit more legal. People like you piss me off.

I personally feel that there is no reason to download a pirated copy when you KNOW that there is a demo on the way.

Just because of the fact that you're an impatient little (fill in the blank), all of you who "test drive" and "test your hardware" feel it's legit to break the law. All morals and crap aside, you are simply breaking the law. What would you say if you were caught like all the unlucky people by the RIAA (who deserved it for sure)?

"I only wanted to test it out?"
"The game is too expensive?"

Both those are crap. A Ferrari is too expensive for me, and that for damn sure doesn't justify me going out and stealing one. For those who download and won't buy the game, die a horrible death. For those who download the game whether or not they have preordered it or plan to pay for it, you are in the wrong too. Impatience isn't a reason to do this. You've waited for 4 friggin years for crying out loud, so what's another couple of days? What's a couple more weeks if you're just wanting to test it out to wait for the demo? It's just plain stupid. I was patient just like MANY other people out there, and purchased my game legitly.

Kinda sad too, cuz I've had the game for 6 hours now, opened the box finally and installed it 3 hours ago, and still have yet to play it. I really want to though, just want it to be completely dark out when I play.

My rant is over, so flame on like you do to everyone who says something similar to me with the exact same responses (varied with a few words)... at least we anti-piracy people can give better/different viewpoints.

BTW: I am obviously in complete agreement with everything you've said brigden. I'm glad you posted here too.

Man I cannot stand people like this. Do you have any MP3's that you currently don't own the CD. Any software that a friend gave you but still kept installed on his computer. Do you ever speed? Do you ever jaywalk? Do you ever eat sunflower seeds and throw the sheel out the window or on the ground? Ever drank before you were 21? Ever had a few too many beers (Basically 2 in one hour) and drove home. Then you are breaking the law. A law is a law. SO stop acting holier than thou and get off your highhorse. I am sure you have done things that others do not approve of as well.


Apr 14, 2004
Doom3 is fun, but nothing mind blowing.

It's like they updated doom to be half life 1, with better graphics.

I prefer the big outdoor maps. Unreal 1, Far Cry, Tribes.
The small cramp corridors and dungeon crawling never impressed me the same as big beautiful spawling landscapes. The flip side is that it can damn scary moving around cramp corners with the flashlight.

It's a carnival house of horrors. The sliding panels that reveal monsters is a bit too carny and doesn't really fit the story line. It's constant staged ambushes.

I'm also a bit pissed that it cost $59.

In the very least it makes a good benchmark for my system.

I expect great things to come from the game engine. Possible another spin off game with better content. Like how counterstrike spun off the HL1 engine.

Still not sure why they didnt contract Zoid to build them a CTF mod, or another group to do a TF mod.
The community will come up with these items, but it will take time when it could have come in the box.
By then they will have HL2 competition (assuming it ever comes out)

Feb 10, 2000
I think D3 is pretty brilliant, actually, and IMO the negativism toward it is mainly a function of peoples' very high expectations.

The gameplay is admittedly fairly classic FPS, but IMO the atmosphere is unparalleled in its authenticity, the monsters are genuinely creepy, and the graphics have no real peer. Far Cry was certainly impressive, and its outdoor environments were something altogether different from D3's claustrophobic levels, but IMO its cartoonishness made it a lot less immersive than D3.

Amazingly for an id game, D3 actually has a very coherent plot (at least to the point I have reached) and fantastic production values and voice acting (it's almost certainly the best FPS ever developed in these aspects). Although the plot appears to have been largely cribbed from the original Doom, and HL, I buy it and like it.

The PDA concept is one I can understand people taking exception to, but I like it fine. This is the first time I remember taking notes during a game since Myst, and I sure never thought I'd be doing it for an id title, but the rewards make it worthwhile.

I'm not crazy about the flashlight/gun switching - if they had tactical lights in the 20th century, surely they'd have them in the 22nd! - but I get it as a gameplay device, and as long as you have the flashlight set to an easily-accessed key (I use Mouse3), it works fine and it's fun shooting blindly into the dark at a recently-flashed target.

I also like the difficulty level, though it is perhaps a touch easy on the middle, "Marine" setting. Even at that difficulty I find it easier than FC on "Easy," which I honestly am OK with. Frankly I think a lot of developers have been resorting to ridiculous levels of difficulty as a substitute for adequate length. I find D3 fun and appropriately challenging for the most part.

I tried multiplayer for a little while, and it seems to me the levels are too large for the default 4-player max. I think it's got potential, and we'll see how it develops with new patches, point release, etc.

So far I'd give the game at least a 90% - we'll see how I feel after completing it.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2004
Originally posted by: feelingshorter
Originally posted by: dighn
haha i knew it

now lets hope hl2 will be great

have you seen the gamespy preview for it?!?! its going to be great...

did you really just say that??!??! Doom III also got hype and good reviews an now listen to what people think.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: CRXican
Originally posted by: feelingshorter
Originally posted by: dighn
haha i knew it

now lets hope hl2 will be great

have you seen the gamespy preview for it?!?! its going to be great...

did you really just say that??!??! Doom III also got hype and good reviews an now listen to what people think.

Boo hoo lol. Come on.


Oct 14, 1999
Originally posted by: MoobyTheGoldenCalf
Originally posted by: VIAN
I'm still in the beginning and I have complaints. Just so you know how much in the beginning I am, after I entered the building and the first cutscene with the freaky looking doctor dude with the F-ed up eye.

GRAPHICS complaints:
We need more polygons, not coneheads. (Just affects it sometimes in the real-time cinematics)
WHO THE F said that AA wasn't needed. (A hype that just died)
The textures are a disapointment even at High Quality. All blurry and pixely some of them are. (Was expecting much sharper textures, maybe an unrealistic expectation)

I totaly agree with these graphic complaints. I'm at 1600x1200 w 2AA/8AF (smooth at silk on my rig BTW ) and maybe I was expecting too much as well, but these graphics are not blowing my socks off at all. Too much stuff looks shiny, rounded and fat/puffy.

Also agree that no flashlight while shooting is lame. I mean I've got two hands, what the hell am I doing with the other when when I've got the pistol out? Playing pocket pool?
Have you ever shot a pistol one-handed?


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2004
Yes, good for you, shooting a pistol one handed is difficult. It would also be difficult to keep switching from holding a flashlight with one hand to shooting a pistol with two hands. Nice try though.


Senior member
Feb 26, 2002
Originally posted by: CRXican
Yes, good for you, shooting a pistol one handed is difficult. It would also be difficult to keep switching from holding a flashlight with one hand to shooting a pistol with two hands. Nice try though.

My question is that in the technologically advanced doom 3 timeline, why don't they have pistols that can also hold a flashlight? They have that in the 20th century. I've seen them before.


Jan 23, 2001
I see a lot people bitching about enemies spawning. You people do remember that monsters spawning was a FUNDAMENTAL game design of both Doom1 and Doom2. You'd walk into a room and monsters would spawn behind you. You'd grab a gun and monsters would spawn.

Infact, it happens EVEN MORE SO in Serious Sam. You get a gun in Serious Sam and 3200000 monsters spawn. Why are people bitching about this common 'monster spawn floor trigger' tactic.


Mar 1, 2000
Originally posted by: flashbacck
I'm surprised that a ducttape/flashlight mod hasn't come out yet.

GAH!@!!! Thats my idea!!! Damn it! I want some $$ id
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