Doom 3 Is Great !!!


Senior member
Nov 5, 1999
My 2 Cents Worth
The more I play it the more I like it.
I don't have a killer system iether. AMD 2100 o/c to 2700 with 1gig 2100 ram tweaked / ATI 9500 pro stock. Get 30 fps at med quality 1024X768 runs smooooth.
But the game is very very much in line with the Doom/Quake series My hat is off to ID for there commitment to the original games, and still make it up to date.

I don,t think to many people remember the originals.
I know I haven't played them in years , how long has it been, 6 years Sense dooom 2 ?
I think they captured the essence of the originals .

Any of you old timers out there.
I have lost the originals, Is there any way to get them and play them on a new system?

Good Job


Diamond Member
Dec 3, 2002
I'm thinking the reason I liked it was because I really wasn't waiting for it for 4 years like some. A lot of people saying they don't like it also say they waited so long... I guess that makes you expect something that'll be godly, who knows.

I'll probably get flamed for that idea but whatever.

EDIT: I've been waiting for WoW a long time, as well as HL2. Just not Doom, I guess the original was a bit before my time as a PC gamer.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: hoov
My 2 Cents Worth
The more I play it the more I like it.
I don't have a killer system iether. AMD 2100 o/c to 2700 with 1gig 2100 ram tweaked / ATI 9500 pro stock. Get 30 fps at med quality 1024X768 runs smooooth.
But the game is very very much in line with the Doom/Quake series My hat is off to ID for there commitment to the original games, and still make it up to date.

I don,t think to many people remember the originals.
I know I haven't played them in years , how long has it been, 6 years Sense dooom 2 ?
I think they captured the essence of the originals .

Any of you old timers out there.
I have lost the originals, Is there any way to get them and play them on a new system?

Good Job

I haven't decided on Doom3 yet, I'll play through it first, but only got it yesterday, damn late European release dates :|

Oh and I still play Doom 1/2/Ultimate/Final once in a while, if you want them, PM me, and we'll work it out.
I doubt talking about that counts as talking about warez around here, seeing as they're ~10 years old and not available anywhere.


Apr 30, 2004
i think the younger generation of gamers seem to have high "expectations" of games nowadays. Seeing that many of the younger gamers have not seen the evolution of many many years of computer game graphics in gaming industry to have that "awe" factor. To them, if the next game doesnt push the technological barriers, its a dud, a flop.

I think us old gamers, (im 34 and started my gaming "career" in 1979 on a tandy TRS-80, one of the many gaming platforms ive owned) seem to appreciate what gets released, and take it for what it is... a game, to play and have a blast with. I dont have expectations. Sure, there have been some abysmal games in the past, and yes, i have paid money for them too, but its still a GAME.

I have seen many new gamers say to me: "Man, i could never play the old RPG's like Ultima 1 thru 4, those graphics just suck!" But for its day and time, the Ultima series of then where revolutionary for the genre! Its a shame but I dont think newer gamers will ever have the appriciation of gaming most of us "oldtimers" do.


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
You being old school, I have to share my top 10 with you :beer:

Top 10 reasons people hate Doom3:

10. The original Doom is older than they are.

9. They are Christians who think Doom3 is demonic.

8. They can't interact with enough of the


7. They are inside too much, and there's no pretty

scenery outside like Farcry. *imagine that, no jungles on Mars!!!*

6. It frightened them so badly they went #1, #2. or both in their pants.

5. You couldn't hold the flashlight and gun at the same time.

4. It wasn't the life altering experience they expected after all the hype.

3. It runs like crap on their system.

2. They are nuts who want Doom3 to suck for

whatever personal reasons.

And the number 1 reason people who hate D3 hate it

is.........*drum roll*

1. It's too dark!!!!!


Dec 10, 2000
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
You being old school, I have to share my top 10 with you :beer:

Top 10 reasons people hate Doom3:

10. The original Doom is older than they are.

9. They are Christians who think Doom3 is demonic.

8. They can't interact with enough of the


7. They are inside too much, and there's no pretty

scenery outside like Farcry. *imagine that, no jungles on Mars!!!*

6. It frightened them so badly they went #1, #2. or both in their pants.

5. You couldn't hold the flashlight and gun at the same time.

4. It wasn't the life altering experience they expected after all the hype.

3. It runs like crap on their system.

2. They are nuts who want Doom3 to suck for

whatever personal reasons.

And the number 1 reason people who hate D3 hate it

is.........*drum roll*

1. It's too dark!!!!!

Nice job Mr Letterman! After reading the reviews and waiting for my copy..I expected it to suck, guess don't! I'm enjoying it quite a bit the last couple of days


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
You being old school, I have to share my top 10 with you :beer:

Top 10 reasons people hate Doom3:

10. The original Doom is older than they are.

9. They are Christians who think Doom3 is demonic.

8. They can't interact with enough of the


7. They are inside too much, and there's no pretty

scenery outside like Farcry. *imagine that, no jungles on Mars!!!*

6. It frightened them so badly they went #1, #2. or both in their pants.

5. You couldn't hold the flashlight and gun at the same time.

4. It wasn't the life altering experience they expected after all the hype.

3. It runs like crap on their system.

2. They are nuts who want Doom3 to suck for

whatever personal reasons.

And the number 1 reason people who hate D3 hate it

is.........*drum roll*

1. It's too dark!!!!!

Sounds reasonable
Of course at a mere 24, I'm not very old myself, but at least I got a good headstart in gaming by borrowing my brothers ZX80 when I was 4
Oh and Daleks on the ole Mac Plus rocked as well


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
I picked it up used and just got it installed, ran the timedemo, and I'm now just waiting for night to fall before I start my terrifying journey into hell :evil:

Sounds reasonable
Of course at a mere 24, I'm not very old myself, but at least I got a good headstart in gaming by borrowing my brothers ZX80 when I was 4
Oh and Daleks on the ole Mac Plus rocked as well
You are obviously throwback for your generation I was an Amiga gamer


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
I picked it up used and just got it installed, ran the timedemo, and I'm now just waiting for night to fall before I start my terrifying journey into hell :evil:

Sounds reasonable
Of course at a mere 24, I'm not very old myself, but at least I got a good headstart in gaming by borrowing my brothers ZX80 when I was 4
Oh and Daleks on the ole Mac Plus rocked as well
You are obviously throwback for your generation I was an Amiga gamer

Heh, I still use my Amiga 600, and I'm still looking to buy a 1200 as an upgrade
A relative of mine started Digital Illusions, the guys who made Pinball Dreams/Fantasies, that's pretty much how I got started on the Amiga track


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Sweet! :beer: I miss my 500 and 2000 sometimes The video toaster was ahead of it's time too.


Golden Member
Feb 25, 2001
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
Sweet! :beer: I miss my 500 and 2000 sometimes The video toaster was ahead of it's time too.

Me and a friend of mine used to annoy the hell out of our wives playing TV Sports Foolball on his Amiga 1000.
Anyway...I am with you guys about DoomIII.
I bought the original and thought it was pretty cool. Then I bought my first sound card (SoundBlaster 16)
Man that was as scary as hell!
DoomIII definately brings the same feelings to play!


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
You being old school, I have to share my top 10 with you :beer:

Top 10 reasons people hate Doom3:

10. The original Doom is older than they are.

9. They are Christians who think Doom3 is demonic.

8. They can't interact with enough of the


7. They are inside too much, and there's no pretty

scenery outside like Farcry. *imagine that, no jungles on Mars!!!*

6. It frightened them so badly they went #1, #2. or both in their pants.

5. You couldn't hold the flashlight and gun at the same time.

4. It wasn't the life altering experience they expected after all the hype.

3. It runs like crap on their system.

2. They are nuts who want Doom3 to suck for

whatever personal reasons.

And the number 1 reason people who hate D3 hate it

is.........*drum roll*

1. It's too dark!!!!!
You left out . . .

the gameplay is banal - at best.

it hits one "terror" note over and over and over and over till it is beaten to death . . . gore quickly loses it's shock value

scary? . . . NO!

there is no immersion factor (uness you think Texass Chainsaw Massacre or Dawn of the Dead is Great Moviemaking)

it is so G-D linear there is NO need for a walkthrough

that said, i am finishing Hell and it ain't getting ANY better.

. . . oh, yeah - the BOSSES are SO easy to beat.


Senior member
Apr 5, 2004
I remember old school Doom, good times. I was like 9 though and I refused to have it installed on my computer by my friend...

Also remember the days where you could play those types of games at Radio Shack or the like...they even had desks back then. Now every computer store makes you stand up to "try" them...


Sep 3, 2003
I'm 20. So Maybe I count as a young person, maybe not. I never played the original Doom games. ( I did love Descent, and Earthsiege though) anyway, but I love Doom3. Its a awesome game. I've heard people complain that its repeatative and so on. So? Its Doom3. What do you expect. Its a game where you shoot monsters and get scared. THats basically it.

As far as the christian thing, being a christian myself I would like to comment on that. I don't really think Doom3 is bad. (I'm even a southern Baptist!). The thing is that Doom3 doesn't project what Hell is really like. Its jus a fictional representation of a evil type place called "Hell" in a silly game, with monsters and such that don't exsist in the real Hell. Fictional! Little more.


Jan 23, 2001
Originally posted by: apoppin
You left out . . .

the gameplay is banal - at best.

it hits one "terror" note over and over and over and over till it is beaten to death . . . gore quickly loses it's shock value

scary? . . . NO!

there is no immersion factor (uness you think Texass Chainsaw Massacre or Dawn of the Dead is Great Moviemaking)

it is so G-D linear there is NO need for a walkthrough

that said, i am finishing Hell and it ain't getting ANY better.

. . . oh, yeah - the BOSSES are SO easy to beat.

The gameplay is just as good as countless other FPS games released recently (or just as bad, considering which way you look). It hits plenty of 'terror notes', gore wasn't its only 'terror note'. Very scary, try turning your speakers on. More immersion than most games these days. Who uses a walkthrough for an FPS and when was the last time you needed to? Yea, the bosses are easy.


Jun 13, 2000
I loved Doom 3... was it the best game ever? No, but it was still fun.

I think some of the younger kids were expecting a 'wow' experience like a lot of us did when we played the first Doom. It was revolutionary for us because they were the first of their kind, so it was a new different experience. Same thing with the first time i played Quake multiplayer... or the first time i played EQ and walked out of the city, to see hundreds and hundreds of other real live players.

I think some of the kids here just got caught up in our excitement and nostalgia of the past, and thought they would get the same experience.


Diamond Member
Jul 1, 2002
I played through the entire game in one long sitting yesterday.

It was great at first
Ok in the middle
And just plain boring in the end.

I will admit that this may be because I played it in one setting, but part of the way through I switched from "I have to keep playing to see what happens next" to "I have to keep playing because I want to get it over with"

I think it is a decent game, however in my opinion they way over used darkness, and the whole "uh oh something is behind me trick" I KNOW it was supposed to be dark, I liked that. However, it is scarier to me to move in and out of darkness.. it was almost always dark. I went from being scared, I mean really scared, to totally and completley desensitized because it was always the same situation

Walk into a dak room, imps teleport behind me... over and over and over

I also thought the mosnters were boring as heck. The imp was cool the first time I saw it, but it was SO overused. The rest of the monsters in my opinion just sucked except for the bosses.

I remember Doom 1 and 2 and this was a let down to me. I liked the first 2 better. This one just repeated the same thing over and over and over again for way too long....

At least it was better than pain killer though, and it had a strong story which I like, and I think is missing from today's games. Overall I think it was a pretty mediocre game. Great Graphics, strong beginning, very weak middle and end.

I like run and gun shooters, I have no problem with the reptition if it is repeating something fun. The game did make me jump, but after awhile it became super predictable. I think the level design could have been a bit better.

I also think that it's lame that in one of todays newest engines that when you shoot a box or a mirror they just get singe marks. Sorry, but that kills immersion for me. How hard is it to make boxes that blow up and mirriors that shatter....


Senior member
Mar 6, 2004
Originally posted by: DAPUNISHER
You being old school, I have to share my top 10 with you

Top 10 reasons people hate Doom3:

10. The original Doom is older than they are.

9. They are Christians who think Doom3 is demonic.

8. They can't interact with enough of the


7. They are inside too much, and there's no pretty

scenery outside like Farcry. *imagine that, no jungles on Mars!!!*

6. It frightened them so badly they went #1, #2. or both in their pants.

5. You couldn't hold the flashlight and gun at the same time.

4. It wasn't the life altering experience they expected after all the hype.

3. It runs like crap on their system.

2. They are nuts who want Doom3 to suck for

whatever personal reasons.

And the number 1 reason people who hate D3 hate it

is.........*drum roll*

1. It's too dark!!!!!

not even close, here please let me help you.

1) boring

2) boring

3) boring

4) boring

5) boring

6) boring

7) boring

8) boring

9) boring

is.........*drum roll*

10) boring

hmmmm, lets see, door, go in room, turn on flashlight..hear electrical charge come out of air... then monster appears,

turn off flashlight and choose weapon...then kill monster, then turn on flashlight again...then pick up a PDA,

then move over to computer control consol and click on computer screen to activate a door that must need to be opened...

then open new door, then walk over health pack or armor and then hear electrical charge come out of air and then a monster appears again...turn off flashlight and choose weapon...then kill monster..

then pick up a PDA, then move over to computer control consol and click on computer screen to activate a door that must need to be opened...THEN... door, go in room, turn on flashlight..hear electrical charge come out of air... then monster appears,

turn off flashlight and choose weapon...then kill monster, then turn on flashlight again...then pick up a PDA,

then move over to computer control consol and click on computer screen to activate a door that must need to be opened...

then open new door, then walk over health pack or armor and then hear electrical charge come out of air and then a monster appears again...turn off flashlight and choose weapon...then kill monster..

then pick up a PDA, then move over to computer control consol and click on computer screen to activate a door that must need to be opened...then,...

to me the only thing D3 has going for it is its graphics , I mean I really do feel like I'm in a space station, but as the say in Hollywood, "Thats All Folks" !!


Jun 13, 2000
IMO the graphics wasn't even the thing that made the game what it was for me... it was the sound and darkness of it all. Walking down a corridor, and hearing something behind me... was it a vent, or was it the noise of something spawning? So i swing around looking frantically for it. Baby stepping into a pitch black room with my flashlight, then seeing something run across the beam and disappearing... do i try to find whatever it was with my light, or do i take out my weapon and be blind?

What's Quake, BF1942, UT2004 but running around and shooting at one another. What's Need for Speed but driving a car around? What's a basketball game but running around and shooting things into a hoop? What's tetris but arranging blocks into place? See the pattern here? You can simplify ALL games and make it sound boring. Heck, you can simply anything in life like that. What's watching TV but staring at a screen of actors acting out a script. What's golf but swinging a club at a ball, hoping to get it into a hole. What's reading a novel but reading the creativity of others that have no significant impact on your life. What's a roller coaster ride but being strapped into a seat that goes up and down?


Aug 9, 2002
Hardcore I agree with you fully. You brought up a great point. There's just to much bias on this game.


May 9, 2002
this is just a copy and paste from what ive written from another thread:

i only played the original doom on my boss' comp at work way back when. never played doom 2 or any quake, half-life, or anything since ive only began gaming on my pc in the last couple of years with RTCW, MOH:AA, CoD, Black and White, and Far Cry. my point here is im not jaded when it comes to fpss since ive only played a few (other than demos).

i think D3 is an awesome game. its kinda like a haunted house. you know whats coming but its fun to let go and let it scare you. turn out the lights and put some good 5.1 headphones on, and its pretty intense. i find it a great balance between "tension" fear and the "BOO" factor. kinda like a blend of resident evil and silent hill. resident evil only startled me with things jumping out at me. silent hill just creeped me out, and i was nervous the whole time (i can still feel the thud from the ps controller of the characters heart when my health was low, wandering around in the school in the pitch black, having nothing but the pipe to beat the little demon babies, shudder) . D3 puts those two experiences together with great balance, IMO.


Senior member
Dec 18, 2000
At 50 I can say that I was there at the begining and the original doom was the one game that sticks in my mind even today. I know the levels as though they were real places and I have played it right up to the present day.Doom3 is a homage to that first game and its amazing how far games have come in just a few years( well more than a few). I am still playing, mostly online (BF1942,UT2004) but Doom3 has now taken up all my gaming time,wont stop until I complete it. I am going to be playing this for a long time to come.
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