Dr. Atkins Protein Diet (Does It Work?)

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Oct 31, 2000
And yes, from your quotes, Barbara Levine is a CERTIFIED QUACK

It's obvious she earned her degree and position by sleeping her way up the ladder.

I suppose you're a board certified nutritionist, huh? Do you discuss how to debunk these experts at your "The US faked the moon landing" club meetings?

I've said my peace, and provided independant quotes. I'm out of this conversation. It's your body, do whatever you want. Just don't whine and cry about how no one mentioned complications if you ever do have problems.


Golden Member
Apr 5, 2002
Originally posted by: Sephy
It is not a FAD. It has been around for years. Of course no doctor making their money on the old techniques are going to change. You can find just as many or more reports supporting a low carb diet as you can refuting it. To say 150g of carbs is a necessary minimum is quite frankly ridiculous.
Educate yourself

this is true it is not a fad, the atkins diet was first developed in the 60's but more ppl got sick off of it then benefited. it was revamped slightly and then republished, hence on the books you'll see "the new Atkins diet or the Improved atkins diet"
still excercise and good diet will benefit you more.
the subway diet would be better with proper exercise


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 1999
Nice cop out.
No, I don't claim to be a nutritionist, nor do I even follow the Atkins diet, simply because I like carbs too much. If you're going to refute the diet, please at least read the book before you make blatant claims against it. However, when an "expert" makes a blatantly wrong claim I'm going to point it out, like saying ketosis is dangerous. Ridiculous.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
ketosis is not dangerous. again, more misconception. Ketosis is not the same as Ketoacidosis, which is dangerous.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 1999
Originally posted by: Michael1897
Originally posted by: Sephy
It is not a FAD. It has been around for years. Of course no doctor making their money on the old techniques are going to change. You can find just as many or more reports supporting a low carb diet as you can refuting it. To say 150g of carbs is a necessary minimum is quite frankly ridiculous.
Educate yourself

this is true it is not a fad, the atkins diet was first developed in the 60's but more ppl got sick off of it then benefited. it was revamped slightly and then republished, hence on the books you'll see "the new Atkins diet or the Improved atkins diet"
still excercise and good diet will benefit you more.
the subway diet would be better with proper exercise

Who defines good diet? You? me? Can you provide proof more people got sick from the Atkins plan in the 60s? It is marketed as the new Atkins diet because he reintroduced it, and words like New and Improved get people's blood flowing. And why does the Subway diet work? Because you're being deprived. A typical 6 inch sub is 250 calories from subway. That's 500 calories for TWO meals. You want to talk about healthy, THAT is unhealthy. The low fat craze is disturbing, as fat is not the problem. Saturated fat is not great, but dietary fat is not the evil it is made out to be.


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Sephy
And yes, from your quotes, Barbara Levine is a CERTIFIED QUACK
Or how about from Barbara Levine, director of human nutrition for Rockefeller University? Is she a fraud?

I do work at the Rockefeller University, we do metabolic studies. I work with Dr. Jules Hirsch (ph) and his metabolic unit, and we have tested his diet, many other diets, and I have to say a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. One thing that we know with Dr. Atkins' diet -- don't want to argue with success -- but if it's fluid loss, and that's exactly what happens when you raise the protein and lower the carbohydrates too much, you are getting dehydrated. You lose fluid from your cells and you're worried about other problems, metabolic problems like ketosis, calcium loss, as I mentioned, when the protein goes up too high, and you are concerned about losing lean body mass.
This woman is a moron. IT IS NOT ALL WATER WEIGHT. Talk to the people losing hundreds of pounds on it. He also, like most diets says to drink LOT OF WATER as it is essential. Ketosis is NOT a metabolic problem! Ketoacidosis however is. This woman is a fool. Too much protein does not lead to lean body mass, she is a fraud. Talk to the world class body builders who eat 400-500+ grams of protein a day.

Give 1,500 calories, or 1,200 calories of Haagen-Dazs, or 1,200 calories and a truckload full of lettuce, you can lose the same amount of weight; however, when you give such a high-protein diet, you are getting dehydrated, you're taxing the kidneys, you are losing bone mass and calcium, and you really are, particularly those who have a high propensity or genetic propensity toward heart disease with elevated cholesterol levels or triglyceride levels, you are going to elevate them. However, I must say that 55 percent of this nation is overweight, many of us to the extent that we are obese, meaning more than 30 pounds overweight. I agree entirely that we should all lose weight, but we have to do it responsibly and the other thing that I want to say is when you try to get rid of the carbohydrates, et cetera -- and I always say go back to the garden, you need fruits, and vegetables, and grains, you need those fido-chemicals, you need those antioxidants that may prove to be very important in heart disease, cancer prevention, et cetera.
Hahahahaha. This does not tax the kidneys, that is a bunch of crap. THIS DOES NOT ELEVATE CHOLESTEROL!! In virtually EVERY SINGLE dieter, bad cholesterol goes down, and good cho. goes up. And you must have ignored what I said, as Atkins does not say don't eat vegetables, in fact he said most of your carbs should come from vegetables.

I didn't read the link that is quoted above, but if thats really what this nutrionist said then she is definitely off her rocker. Sephy is completely correct in his rebuttal. This lady has no idea what she's talking about.



Apr 15, 2001
Quite a few of you need to do a little studying.

Dr. Atkins' "New Diet Revolution" is one of the biggest extortions on the market. I suppose it is no worse than other "diets", ala Protein Power, "The Zone", et al. At any rate, you don't need Atkins books, tapes, or expensive special bars/drinks/mixes/foods to start a low-carb diet. Just read labels and be sensible about it.

Does it work? Yes, absolutely. By depriving your body of carbohydrate (the fuel), it is forcing your body in to a state known as glucokinesis -- that is, in laymans' terms, when the body is forced to create carbohydrate (to feed the brain and lean muscle tissues) from fats and proteins. This process is extremely wasteful (in terms of calories, which is why weight loss is often great and quick) but keep in mind that glucokinesis also releases harmful chemicals in to the bloodstream -- ketones -- which could cause damage to vital organs. Something to keep in mind. Many people use such a diet for a short period to "cut". I certainly don't recommend this type of diet for any extended period of time. And, yes, once you start eating carbs again ... the weight begins to skyrocket. Low-carb, like other solutions, needs to be a lifestyle change -- not a diet -- to be truly effective.

The myth is that "all you need to do..." is watch calories. Calories aren't everything. Today's high-carb, low-fat diet crazes are making Americans even fatter. That's right. Don't be fooled by all the "fat free" and "reduced fat" products hogging store aisles these days. They're absolutely chock full of sodium, sugar (bad carbohydrates), etc. to make up for the lack of, or reduction of, fat. Fat is good for you -- unsaturated fat, that is -- particularly monounsaturated, which attacks saturated fats. Avoid trans-fatty acids at all costs (partially hydrogenated oils of any variety, present in nearly every processed food item on the shelves). These are absolutely worse than saturated fats. In fact, people laugh when I tell them that I use real butter in cookies and the like, rather than margarine. I'd rather have a few extra grams of fats (even saturated) than even a small percentage of TFA's. Take in good fats, lots of protein, and a reasonable amount of carbohydrates. Next time you have the urge to grab that "Fat Free Mayo", get the regular jar instead. The 9-9.5 grams of healthy monounsaturated fat per serving will do your body worlds more good than the extra sodium, carbs, and other sweeteners/sugars used in the fat-free varieties.

As for Atkins' ... I wouldn't waste a red cent on the doc's prescription. I'm sorry, but eating a dozen eggs with a sack of greasy bacon and Jimmy Dean sausage links for breakfast just doesn't appeal to me. I'll stick to my protein powder, oatmeal, and natural peanut butter.


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 1999
Originally posted by: Pabster

As for Atkins' ... I wouldn't waste a red cent on the doc's prescription. I'm sorry, but eating a dozen eggs with a sack of greasy bacon and Jimmy Dean sausage links for breakfast just doesn't appeal to me. I'll stick to my protein powder, oatmeal, and natural peanut butter.

Again, this isn't what he says.


Apr 15, 2001
Sephy wrote:

"Again, this isn't what he says."

LOL It was a touch of humor. I realize Dr. Atkins' doesn't necessarily come right out and say "eat a pack of bacon with a dozen eggs for breakfast...", but such a course is certainly advocated by both his principles and the sample menus he provides. In fact, you'll find the vast majority of Mr. Atkins' recommended "good foods" to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. But that's neither here nor there.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
In fact, you'll find the vast majority of Mr. Atkins' recommended "good foods" to be high in saturated fat and cholesterol. But that's neither here nor there

that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Most people who base their eating habits on low carb diet actually see an increase in good HDL cholesterol, and a decrease in bad LDL cholesterol. Not all cholesteral is bad for you. Excersice should be part of any lifestyle. Atkins is a good "base" to start with. Most people who decide to go on it long-term condition themselves and modify their carb intake to meet their own pesonal requirement (a carb intake that does not throw your blood sugar levels into high levels, and a carb intake that doesn't cause excessive cravings) It is manageable, trust me


Oct 9, 1999
This woman is a moron. IT IS NOT ALL WATER WEIGHT. Talk to the people losing hundreds of pounds on it. He also, like most diets says to drink LOT OF WATER as it is essential. Ketosis is NOT a metabolic problem! Ketoacidosis however is. This woman is a fool. Too much protein does not lead to lean body mass, she is a fraud. Talk to the world class body builders who eat 400-500+ grams of protein a day.
I agree. She is a total quack.

For one, it's not NO carb (i.e. meat, eggs, and cheese only). If you actually think you're doing atkins you read the f'ing book and realize a huge portion of it is vegetables at the beginning and later on more fruits and whole grains and other things such as nuts and even some other dairy.

I needed to lose about 25lbs, so when I was at my doc I asked him what he recommended and he said Atkins. i said, "won't that give me a heart attack?" jokingly, then he put me in my place and explained it. But then he said since I didn't need to lose much, just cut back on the carbs. So i didn't go on full atkins, but just cut out sugar and white flour for the most part...and the weight fell off of course. Last time I checked dropping a couple inches around your waist isn't water weight either you bunch of uneducacted putzes! My doc went on to tell me of how many of his patients go on the diet, then come back 6 months later for their checkup with outstanding cholesterol levels and tri-glycerids (sp?), not to mention a whole hell of a lot of weight gone.

Some people are just morons and will never understand it. They think they're diet experts because they buy these "low fat" and "non fat" products not really knowing that fat is not the major factor in weight loss. It's carbs, and more importantly refined carbs such as sugar and white flour. America will continue to be a overwhelmingly obese populace until they stop buying these "non-fat" products that just make them fatter because they think they can eat unlimited amounts.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
Didnt Dr. Atkins recently have a heart attack? I heard that is why he has been recently going around promoting his diet, because a lot of people got scared when he had the heart attack. Please correct me if I'm wrong because I heard this "through the grapevine" and not from an actual reliable source.

I do know of someone who tried Atkins for 3 weeks and she gained weight instead of losing weight. I dont know how clearly she followed the diet though. My mom and brother have been doing weight watchers and its worked really well for them. I personally am not interested in dieting and losing weight (It probably wouldnt hurt if I gained a couple of pounds!)


Elite Member <br> Super Moderator<br> Health and F
Oct 11, 2000
I don't care for any diet. I'll eat the things I love and I am in great shape.



Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: LiQiCE
Didnt Dr. Atkins recently have a heart attack? I heard that is why he has been recently going around promoting his diet, because a lot of people got scared when he had the heart attack. Please correct me if I'm wrong because I heard this "through the grapevine" and not from an actual reliable source.

I do know of someone who tried Atkins for 3 weeks and she gained weight instead of losing weight. I dont know how clearly she followed the diet though. My mom and brother have been doing weight watchers and its worked really well for them. I personally am not interested in dieting and losing weight (It probably wouldnt hurt if I gained a couple of pounds!)

His heart attack was caused by damage to the heart which in turn was caused by a viral infection of the heart. It had nothing to do with his diet.


Oct 14, 1999
How about we just ban all crap food like KFC, cookies (finally get rid of those pestering Girl Scouts), carbonated drinks, potato chips, all canned foods, etc. etc.

And tax hydrogenated oil (or whatever it's called) mighty heavily.


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
Originally posted by: Yucky
How about we just ban all crap food like KFC, cookies (finally get rid of those pestering Girl Scouts), carbonated drinks, potato chips, all canned foods, etc. etc.

And tax hydrogenated oil (or whatever it's called) mighty heavily.

While we're at it, we can just lock everyone up in padded cells to protect them from themselves.


Oct 31, 2000
I'm still out of the debate, but I would like to provide an addition place for diet information

This month's Consumer Reports tests different diet methods and specifically mentions the Atkins Diet.


Jun 15, 2001
Originally posted by: Sephy

hahahahaha. This does not tax the kidneys, that is a bunch of crap. THIS DOES NOT ELEVATE CHOLESTEROL!! In virtually EVERY SINGLE dieter, bad cholesterol goes down, and good cho. goes up. And you must have ignored what I said, as Atkins does not say don't eat vegetables, in fact he said most of your carbs should come from vegetables.

I'm not a nutritionalist, and I haven't looked much into the diet. Can you point out your sources? I'm not saying you're right or wrong, but I'm curious.



Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2001
man, i can only imagine how obscene the person's breath and farts would smell :disgust:


Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: jooksing
man, i can only imagine how obscene the person's breath and farts would smell :disgust:

Believe it or not, you actually have very little gas while on atkins/low-carb. I went off it for about a month at one point, and I started farting a ton. As soon as I went off it, my farts vanished. And those that I did have didn't smell very much compared to my old ones (just ask my wife!)

You do have pretty bad breath on this though. The ketones you produce have a very unpleasant smell, some of which you emit when you exhale.


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 1999
man, i can only imagine how obscene the person's breath and farts would smell

probably not any worse than the day after eating Kim chi :disgust:


Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by: Koing
I don't care for any diet. I'll eat the things I love and I am in great shape.


That's what I'm talkin' about


Senior member
Sep 15, 2001
I just started this diet just under 3 weeks ago and I've lost 16 pounds. The thing is, was that I tipped the scales at 295lbs and I'm only 5"11 so I was looking pretty fat, luckily I'm only 22 so I've got youth on my side. I'm down to 279 and look somewhat thinner, but I've got a long ways to go...... I've followed the diet religiously, and take the Atkin's diet supplements, one is called Basic #3 and is pretty much a multi-vitamin with a few added things that I can't recall right now. The other is the Essential Oils supplement. This diet really works if you follow it. The repetition gets boring, I'll give a basic days diet:

breakfast: one can of light tunafish which has 0 carbs.

lunch: two hamburgers, plain no bun of course, with A1 sauce, because that A1 Sauce only has 2 carbs in a tablespoon, ketchup has a lot more.

dinner: another can of tunafish

I enjoy drinking beer, but I've cut that down to once a week. On Friday nights I'll have a six-pack of Bud Lite with my buddies, but that's the only time I ever deviate from the diet.

Another thing is WATER. You need to drink a ton of water everyday. Luckily I have a Belmont Springs cooler at my house, and a cooler at work too, so I drink about 2 liters per day minimum.
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