DrCool's System Builders Guide - NOV 04

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Junior Member
Nov 5, 2004
Originally posted by: DrCool
I take pride in my commitment to the community as a whole, and will stand by my statements, despite any naysayers. Unlike some, I'm a person of integrity.

I don't need to curse or make personal attacks to make a point, i'll let thier own words and actions speak for themselves.

Somehow the above stuck with me. Let's revisit something "Dr""Cool" said:

"So for all you zealotous bunch of ignorant bastards, get your facts straight, lest you look like an id10t!"

"you guys are giving ars technica a bad name, you just enjoy running your mouth off, because you have no life, and can't think for yourselves."

"*I don't know why I respond to ignorant people*"

"No one can start a flaming debate like me.. I LOVE IT!"

"[about Dell] support from monkeys, who don't EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!!"

" You'll have to deal with the NON ENGLISH Speaking monkies to utilize them. If you speak MONKEY, props to you!"

Isn't it always the lowlife scumsucking racist morons who start talking about personal attacks and integrity?


Senior member
Aug 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Hinton
Originally posted by: DrCool
I take pride in my commitment to the community as a whole, and will stand by my statements, despite any naysayers. Unlike some, I'm a person of integrity.

I don't need to curse or make personal attacks to make a point, i'll let thier own words and actions speak for themselves.

Somehow the above stuck with me. Let's revisit something "Dr""Cool" said:

"So for all you zealotous bunch of ignorant bastards, get your facts straight, lest you look like an id10t!"

"you guys are giving ars technica a bad name, you just enjoy running your mouth off, because you have no life, and can't think for yourselves."

"*I don't know why I respond to ignorant people*"

"No one can start a flaming debate like me.. I LOVE IT!"

"[about Dell] support from monkeys, who don't EVEN SPEAK ENGLISH!!"

" You'll have to deal with the NON ENGLISH Speaking monkies to utilize them. If you speak MONKEY, props to you!"

Isn't it always the lowlife scumsucking racist morons who start talking about personal attacks and integrity?

Looks like the baby throws temper tantrums to me.A quick medical question for you Dr. (un)Cool:Were you breast or bottle fed?

Let's see,you're a whopping 20 years old.20 years ago I was computing while serving in the military,you weren't even born.And you're trying to convince a lot of seasoned veterans of computing and life that you,a mere 20 year old,has gained more experience your measely 20 years of life than those that are twice your age and have been computing for longer than you've been on this earth?

As far as representing the majority,I'm sure you can imagine that you clearly do not represent any the majority,for obvious reasons.In fact you don't even represent the minority.
As far as I can tell,you merely represent your own "seasoned" (LOL) opinions.
Like I've said already,haphazardly slapping a bunch of random hardware together without rationale to back up the choices,is NOT considered a guide,let alone anything useful to a seasoned community or beginners alike.
IMO it is a disservice to any poor sap just beginning in computing.Bad advise to those newbies is and should not be tolerated.
As for us veteran computer folks,you're guide is merely a nonsensical joke.

I move to have this thread removed from the forum on AT,just like it's been removed over at Ars Technica (they seemed to have the exact same opinion of you and your so called "guide".



Senior member
Jul 5, 2003
Originally posted by: DrCool
I hate to break it to you, but this is a community of many hundreds maybe even thousands, and your limited views, do not represent the majority.

This is coming from the guy who has "I don't argue, I just state the obvious more clearly." as his sig?

Sub... I disagree, this thread is one of the few sources of amusement on this site. Just the idea that he had, to post a thread on this forum, with a link to his own forum, which contains a post that he just as easily could have posted over here, and he thinks this is ok, is comical. If you are going to try to trump the AT System Builders Guide in the fashion he tried, you better put together one hell of a guide.


Senior member
Oct 2, 2004
Oh man, I didn't read this thread, but I remember it a few days ago.

There are OPINIONS, then there are FACTS.

The FACT is that your systems are NOT well designed... they aren't up to par with the price tags on them.


Diamond Member
Apr 4, 2004
ummm, if you think 512 is enough system ram for running vidoe games at the high settings for 24 months from now, come talk to me in 24 months.


Elite Member
Jul 29, 2001
Originally posted by: DrCool
Okay, let me debunk the fallacies, some of you pass off as fact..

lets use this often referred to benchmark on why AMD64 FX is the 'fastest':

The lowest processor on this is list is the AMD Athlon XP 2000+ (1.667GHz) which retails for about $63.
The top processor on this list is the AMD Athlon 64 FX 53 (2.4GHz) which retails for about $820.

okay, now lets compare the numbers.. the AMD Athlon XP 2000+ scores 46.1 FPS, whereas the AMD Athlon 64 FX 53, scores 103.4 FPS.. well that would be just over 2x the performance. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN.. for $700 more, you get a WHOOPING 2x the performance..

now, let me address the biggest flaw in this thinking. once you hit 60FPS, you'll never VISUALLY notice anything over 60FPS, so if you compare 100FPS and 60FPS, you wouldn't even know it, unless the screen was actually displaying the current FPS. So if you system is running a game at 60FPS, it doesn't affect your game performance, or in any way inhibit your ability to play said game.

so, an AMD Athlon XP 3000+, when using the same VIDEO card, will not show any VISUAL difference from an AMD ATHLON 64 FX 53..

lets do the same fallacy debunking about VIDEO CARDS, here is the often referred to benchmark on why the 6800 ULTRA is the 'fastest':

again the nvidia GeForce 6800 ULTRA goes for about $590 RETAIL, while the GeForce FX 5200 goes for about $65 RETAIL. That would make the 6800 Ultra 9x the cost of the FX 5200.

how the numbers compare: the GeForce 6800 Ultra scores a 77.5 FPS, while the FX 5200 scores 11.9 FPS, thats about a 7x performance increase, which comes extremly close to the 9x price difference.

so what do the FACTS tell us.. that PROCESSOR makes little difference when it comes to gaming (when we are talking about CURRENT processors), while the VIDEO CARD itself, makes a HUGE difference.

now, which combo should you go with.. the combo that offers the BEST price to PERFORMANCE ratio.. which in this case, looks like a AMD Athlon XP 3000+ paired with a GeForce 6800 (non ultra).

PLEASE do not continue to spread ignorance, and instead do some research before you spout off.

I do this all the time. But you're forgetting one important factor. USERS Minimum acceptable performance level!!!!

Which means I don't care if a FX5200 gets 11 FPS in farcry since anything under 45 average is totally unaccepable. So it should'nt even be in a price/performance equation. Starting poit for a gamers card has to be a 9800pro, and that's getting no future, just playing todays games, that's it.


Senior member
Aug 3, 2001
iwantanewcomputer made a good point.

i've changed 2 items on the 'cutting edge gamer', in order to stay within budget.

1) changed from 512MB memory to 1GB memory
2) changed the 300GB Maxtor to the 74GB Raptor

even though there are no benchmarks to suggest a performance improvement in current games when using 512MB vs 1GB, upcoming games my change that.
NOTE: Everquest 2, released today, has 1GB memory under the 'recommended' specs


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: iwantanewcomputer
ummm, if you think 512 is enough system ram for running vidoe games at the high settings for 24 months from now, come talk to me in 24 months.

Heck, I know that a number of them are starting to put "1GB RAM reccommended" on their box. I know a few friends that play SWG pretty heavily, and they all had to upgrade to 1GB to cut down on the lag. I can only imagine what EQII is going to require. In 24 months? I'd say 2GB standard, 3-4GB recommended, quite frankly. (By then, a good percentage of the "gamer" population will have computers with CPU capable of 64-bit addressing, either AMD64 or Intel with EMT64, and mobos capable of supporting 4-16GB of RAM.)

I don't play a lot of online games myself, but going from 256MB to 768MB was great, but it wasn't nearly enough, I could really use twice that in this box for working with CD images, etc.

Btw, 'DrCool', it's not that more RAM makes the games run faster, per-se, but it avoids the possibility that the game will suddenly have to hit the pagefile during gameplay, resulting in choppiness or lag in places. That's a real killer for FPS games, and can also be in some MMORPGs, whos' expansive online worlds tend to eat RAM like crazy. "Avoiding the 'lagmonster'" is the most important thing for online gaming these day, IMHO.

Edit: Zebo, it's kind of curious, if an XP2000 still sells for $63. I think I paid that much for one retail-boxed, a few years back when I put together this rig. You would think that they would be dropping below $30 or so these days. Either way though, its pretty marginal as far as CPU speed goes for modern games. I wouldn't recommend anything lower than a 2600+ or a 2800+, with a strong recommendation for an XP3200+ (or just OC, you know).


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by: DrCool
iwantanewcomputer made a good point.

i've changed 2 items on the 'cutting edge gamer', in order to stay within budget.

1) changed from 512MB memory to 1GB memory
2) changed the 300GB Maxtor to the 74GB Raptor

even though there are no benchmarks to suggest a performance improvement in current games when using 512MB vs 1GB, upcoming games my change that.

you really are dense aren't you? i'm going to say this one last time. BENCHMARKS DO NOT EQUATE TO REAL WORLD PERFORMANCE. if you actually try playing games, which you obviously don't, you wouldn't come off so clueless. since you obviously don't play games you should not be allowed to suggest a "gaming machine" to ANYONE.

as far as your cpu benchmark crap goes, my 3.0e/6800nu smokes far cry in most of the game at 1024, high settings. great! really! guess what, when i hit the last stage (volcano) and tried going up the side of the mountain my machine almost ground to a halt. that's not acceptable to me. having to lower my detail settings is not acceptable to me. now this is a CURRENT game, with a system much more powerful than yours and hardly cutting edge and it's being brought down by far cry even tho it benchmarks fine in the game.

so one last time, benchmarks, while fine for showing off your e-penis, do not equate to real world performance. that includes your inability to understand the 1gb ram issue and your need to underpower even a budget gaming pc. right now i wouldn't sell anything but a 6800nu, and if that means less monitor real estate, so be it.

larry, i played swg for a month and it ate my system up with anything less than 1gb of ram. eq2 is supposed to be a BEAST when it comes to resources. i guess if you want to run with all the detail turned down and at 640x480 a fx5200 is acceptable. to me that just doesn't cut it tho. and it wouldn't for any other gamer as well. please stop trying to talk about things you have no clue about. maybe try spending the time you spent writing up that guide to actually use your pc.


Senior member
Jul 5, 2003
Originally posted by: DrCool
even though there are no benchmarks to suggest a performance improvement in current games when using 512MB vs 1GB, upcoming games my change that.


Good god... I'll do the test for you and yank out one of my 512s for CS: Source and once again... like what happened a month ago, my FPS will drop. Doing stuff right now, but when I get around to it, I'll show you.

And if there are no benchmarks to show a difference... why change your guide? Either you A) Doubt your own opinion, or B) Give in becuase that's one of the main things people have blasted you on.


Sep 1, 2004
cool, I made DrCools list!!!

I feel special, but let me break down your post

I hate to break it to you, but this is a community of many hundreds maybe even thousands, and your limited views, do not represent the majority.

It is much much more people than that, and guess what, your opinion is the one that doesn't represent the majority... hell, it doesn't even make sense, I literally thought your guide was a fallacy (joke) and that your site was meant to be satirical, but it is serious...

I don't need to curse or make personal attacks to make a point, i'll let thier own words and actions speak for themselves.

Okay, you said earlier in the thread that if you met some of us IRL, that this argument would be over quickly, which means to anyone who can read, that you would beat them up. You later changed your mind and said something retarded like, "I meant you would see that my knowledge is superior" seriously buddy, learn when to shut the f**k up

even though there are no benchmarks to suggest a performance improvement in current games when using 512MB vs 1GB, upcoming games my change that.

for the last time, BECHMARKS DONT MEAN SH!T. Every article that posts benchmarks will tell you, that these do not represent real world senarios, for example, HardOCP, and I quote:

Remember that these benchmarks do not represent real world gameplay and it might even be argued that they are misleading to a point.

Most benchmarks are like that, they do not represent real world performance in a game.



Senior member
Jun 18, 2004
Originally posted by: DrCool
a few people seem to have taken it apon themselves to decide that their 'opinions' are the 'opinions' of the majority. (fisher, DGath, subhuman, Hinton, Tostada, Gothgar, Boonesmi)

I hate to break it to you, but this is a community of many hundreds maybe even thousands, and your limited views, do not represent the majority.

Well, I think they might represent the majority, - to a good degree.
Overwhelming reason I have not seen fit to post previously in this thread, is that DGath makes exactly my argument so well. I'm fine with fisher, Gothgar and Boonesmi too.

You finally make some good arguments though. Comments about personalities are generally unfortunate, and I do not care to underwrite any such. That doesn't mean I would never tell anyone he/she is behaving stupidly. And being 20 and jumping right into a forum, where hardware have been discussed for ages, and presenting a "System Builders Guide", "your questions, ANSWERED!", is pretty stupid.
Don't worry, when you're young, stupidity is not coupled to IQ and also pretty common. We've all made fools of ourselves, at one time or another.

But I'm going to try stay constructive: The argument you made about performance/price (the one Zebo recently quoted) is good, and something I generally agree with (the performance difference I see between FX5200 and highend 6800/X800 is more like 20 times, but it's a minor point).

You still come to the wrong conclusions though, - A64 3000+, Asus VIA & 128MB 6800 ($615 total), instead of A64 3400+, simple Chaintech/EPoX NF3-250 for ~$75 & 256MB 6800GT ($687 total, I'll easily compensate the additional $ on other stuff, 1GB good PC3200 CL2.5 can be had for ~$150 instead of your precious Crucial at $251, for instance. And 128MB video is NOT enough for new generation videocards and games). That's just some examples, your other suggestions are off mark, too.

To put this in general terms, instead of commenting individual component choices, you tend to choose components that are too expensive, in relation to what they actually offer to the system. The prime example would be the cordless mouse and fancy keyboard for the budget machine. Another trend is the expensive brands, and the 'deluxe' editions. My guess is that this is a result of you wanting to include items, you've seen favourable comments about, in various reviews. Eventually, we find you financing these by backing off on CPU, videocard, and RAM. Not a good way to put together a system, on any budget.

To me and most of the forum, a "budget" system means a system put together with budget components. Not a prestige brand, low performance system, with deluxe features.

Clinging to Asus, Abit and MSI is to me a sign of inexperience. Asus are arguably sometimes the best, but not necessarily at any budget. Cheap brands like Shuttle, EPoX, Soltek, Chaintech, Gigabyte, Asrock, even ECS, are still in this business because their stuff usually actually really do work. Even if you doubt it.
(...and I'm not sure MSI belongs in company with Asus & Abit)

Typical review winners are also usually 'deluxe' editions, with fancy power and clock arrangements and a ton and a half of features you usually never will have any use for. Even an overclocker can often make use of a simpler board. It might not be the highest OC, but the money saved could be put into a one notch better CPU, for instance. But for a non-OC'er the simpler, cheaper boards are often the best choice. Why pay for features you don't use/need?

At the highest end, a few % additional performance can be squeezed out, by careful choice of expensive RAM and mainboard. But on a budget, even a high budget, it's far from sure this kind of optimization is beneficial. The money saved on cheaper RAM and chipsets/MBs, can be used to better effect on the videocard, CPU and amount of RAM.
This would be an example of the typical kind of decision you have NOT made when you put together your systems.


Senior member
Aug 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Vee
And being 20 and jumping right into a forum, where hardware have been discussed for ages, and presenting a "System Builders Guide", "your questions, ANSWERED!", is pretty stupid.
Don't worry, when you're young, stupidity is not coupled to IQ and also pretty common. We've all made fools of ourselves, at one time or another.

This would be an example of the typical kind of decision you have NOT made when you put together your systems.

again, the personal attacks are un-necessary. Just want to quickly address the issue of age, as you seem to dwell apon it. Desktop computers didn't even exsist until 1984 (the year I was born), so the most experience anyone could possibly have with desktop computers is 20 years. I've been working with/on computers since I was 10, so half my life. I can site pleny of examples of young people, kids even, who know much more about computers then their elder counterparts.

Just because 'you' don't agree with my statements, doesn't make them inaccurate. If benchmarks are 'useless' as many of you have tried to convince everyone, this site and others like it, wouldn't exsist. They are not just a marketing hype, but are a 'synthetic' measure of performance. These benchmarks are a scientific measure of performance, and help validate any opinion that is made. You can't make statements unless you have valid/logical reasons to back them.

I can't tell you how many times i've been asked to fix the mistakes a poor build has caused. They are usually the most unusual. Some people think that anyone can slap together ANY parts and make a working computer, that just isn't the case.

As I mention in the guide, a stable and reliable budget system CAN NOT be made without spending about $1000 (for a COMPLETE system), or $658 without a keyboard, mouse, or monitor.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
I can site pleny of examples of young people, kids even, who know much more about computers then their elder counterparts.

and none of them are regular contributors to this site like we are. you just don't know when to quit do you? i'm guessing you've NEVER fixed anyone's mistakes and i'm betting you have coworkers that laugh behind your back as they are fixing your own mistakes. sites like anandtech exist to review hardware, regardless of what benchmarks mean.

You can't make statements unless you have valid/logical reasons to back them.

you have a guide and 375 posts making statements that don't have valid/logical reasons backing them up.

go and google 'real world performance synthetic benchmarks' (i know you can do this, judging by the "proof" you post to back up your ridiculous claims) and read some of the articles written by people concerning using benchmarks.


Senior member
Jun 3, 2004
Originally posted by: DrCool
Originally posted by: Vee
And being 20 and jumping right into a forum, where hardware have been discussed for ages, and presenting a "System Builders Guide", "your questions, ANSWERED!", is pretty stupid.
Don't worry, when you're young, stupidity is not coupled to IQ and also pretty common. We've all made fools of ourselves, at one time or another.

This would be an example of the typical kind of decision you have NOT made when you put together your systems.

again, the personal attacks are un-necessary. Just want to quickly address the issue of age, as you seem to dwell apon it. Desktop computers didn't even exsist until 1984 (the year I was born), so the most experience anyone could possibly have with desktop computers is 20 years. I've been working with/on computers since I was 10, so half my life. I can site pleny of examples of young people, kids even, who know much more about computers then their elder counterparts.

Just because 'you' don't agree with my statements, doesn't make them inaccurate. If benchmarks are 'useless' as many of you have tried to convince everyone, this site and others like it, wouldn't exsist. They are not just a marketing hype, but are a 'synthetic' measure of performance. These benchmarks are a scientific measure of performance, and help validate any opinion that is made. You can't make statements unless you have valid/logical reasons to back them.

I can't tell you how many times i've been asked to fix the mistakes a poor build has caused. They are usually the most unusual. Some people think that anyone can slap together ANY parts and make a working computer, that just isn't the case.

As I mention in the guide, a stable and reliable budget system CAN NOT be made without spending about $1000 (for a COMPLETE system), or $658 without a keyboard, mouse, or monitor.

I would never tell a person on a budget that they need to spend $342 for a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. That's just rediculous.


No Lifer
Aug 25, 2001
Originally posted by: DrCool
Just want to quickly address the issue of age, as you seem to dwell apon it. Desktop computers didn't even exsist until 1984 (the year I was born)
ROTFL. Thanks for the laugh, I needed that.

According to this, 1984 was the year that the Apple Macintosh was first introduced. The first IBM PC came out in 1981. A bit earlier. As far as the first "desktop computer", before what has become colloquially known as "the PC", I'm sure that it was earlier than that, even.

Originally posted by: DrCool
I've been working with/on computers since I was 10, so half my life.
Well, that's certainly a decent start. I started programming (well, if you could call it that, in BASIC and in Logo) in 3rd grade on a Commodore PET that had a tape drive, so I guess around 9-ish or so. My dad purchased an 8-bit micro around Christmas, then I started doing more BASIC coding at home. I'm sure that there are people here in these boards that started even earlier.

Originally posted by: DrCool
I can site pleny of examples of young people, kids even, who know much more about computers then their elder counterparts.

Originally posted by: DrCool
Just because 'you' don't agree with my statements, doesn't make them inaccurate.
You're right. They are pretty-much inaccurate on their own. The fact that someone points that out to you, seems to cause quite a reaction though. Most unfortunate.

Originally posted by: DrCool
If benchmarks are 'useless' as many of you have tried to convince everyone, this site and others like it, wouldn't exsist. They are not just a marketing hype, but are a 'synthetic' measure of performance. These benchmarks are a scientific measure of performance, and help validate any opinion that is made.
There's lies, damn lies, and benchmarks. They are 99.99% marketing, and the way that most sites conduct them, oftentimes under release-NDA deadline schedule pressures, they are hardly "scientific". They do serve as a general rule-of-thumb indicator though, which is why they continue to be done. They also serve as a useful marketing tool for the hardware companies involved to sell product, because their colored bar is 0.0001% longer than the next guy's, and the web sites involved get free hardware out of it, and pageview, which helps to sell ads on their site, again, and helps them make money too. So no they're not quite useless, but their primary purpose is marketing, above all else.

Originally posted by: DrCool
You can't make statements unless you have valid/logical reasons to back them.
And some of those reasons are factual, and some are derived from experience. You may consider yourself experienced in building PCs. That's not a bad thing, certainly. But a good percentage of the folks that inhabit this place, have guru-level experience. I don't think that you're quite there yet, although if you drop the attitude and show that you are willing to learn in some cases, then you can start on your way there. On the other hand, a steadfast refusal to listen to anyone but yourself, ensures that you will never get there.

Originally posted by: DrCool
I can't tell you how many times i've been asked to fix the mistakes a poor build has caused. They are usually the most unusual. Some people think that anyone can slap together ANY parts and make a working computer, that just isn't the case.
I don't think that people are saying that if someone followed your guide that they would end up with a poor-quality build, but rather, that the stated goals ("budget" implying price-contrained purchases) are not all that well met by it.

Originally posted by: DrCool
As I mention in the guide, a stable and reliable budget system CAN NOT be made without spending about $1000 (for a COMPLETE system), or $658 without a keyboard, mouse, or monitor.

Originally posted by: DrCool
You can't make statements unless you have valid/logical reasons to back them.

In light of the latter, please explain the former, because your assertion tends to strongly contradict the knowledge and experiences of many here.

(I do have to ask though, are you in the US? Are those US prices? Because if you were in some other country like .au, then we might cut you some slack. I know that tech prices "down under" tend to be nearly double what you can get them for in the mainland US of A.)

In short, I don't think that anyone here is doubting that you have at least some technical knowledge. However, speaking of your attitude and comments here only - you act as though you are someone who just graduated HS, were generally probably one of the more-advanced tech geeks in your HS class, and have just arrived at college as a freshman. You think that you know everything, but what you have yet to realize is, while you might have been considered outstanding among your class in HS, you aren't necessarily anything more than average in "college" (meaning here). Now, given your stated age, there may also additionally be quite literal real-life parallels involved here, but I wasn't trying to imply anything about that so directly. (At least from my experience, that time in my life was a real eye-opener and a shock, when I realized that I wasn't 100% "top tier" anymore. I did happen to end up rooming with another guy that happened to be the best SF/MK player on campus though, myself being second-best. That was a blast... err, sorry for drifting OT.. anyhow.) Most of the posters here are equivalent in knowledge to college professors (analogously, not literally, not trying to insult here), and some of them (like Anand, the man himself), might be more considered to the "dean", or a multiple-PhD active researcher or something. You can learn a lot - if you want to. But that's the key.


Mar 31, 2003
I just read through this thread and am loving every minute of it!!

Dr.Cool You are so full of crap its funny!!

Do explain about that lower the amount of RAM the tighter the memory timings... no really im interested.

Also that high end gaming system is crap. Like everyone else said you just made some guidlines up and chose a system with the title having no basis!

You claim you are "Helping everyone out" you are not you are hurting more than helping, and i think everyone in here will say that you either just logoff and rethink everything or just stop posting.

Lastly everyone in here has had something to back there statements, maybe you should find some basis for yours besides quoting yourself.



Senior member
Oct 2, 2004
Why would you even suggest Raptor for a gamer... I mean seriously is it going to give him that much more power?

I'd put more space over speed...?


Mar 31, 2003
Originally posted by: insolence
Why would you even suggest Raptor for a gamer... I mean seriously is it going to give him that much more power?

I'd put more space over speed...?

Well a serious Gamer would probably want SCSI. However yeah if you are a gamer a Raptor and another drive are your two drives.

I think that question is Why Not a Raptor... they are the best drive on the market without going SCSI.



Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2003
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: insolence
Why would you even suggest Raptor for a gamer... I mean seriously is it going to give him that much more power?

I'd put more space over speed...?

Well a serious Gamer would probably want SCSI. However yeah if you are a gamer a Raptor and another drive are your two drives.

I think that question is Why Not a Raptor... they are the best drive on the market without going SCSI.

SCSI doesn't have enough benefits for gaming to justify the cost over a Raptor.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
Originally posted by: insolence
Why would you even suggest Raptor for a gamer... I mean seriously is it going to give him that much more power?

I'd put more space over speed...?

Well a serious Gamer would probably want SCSI. However yeah if you are a gamer a Raptor and another drive are your two drives.

I think that question is Why Not a Raptor... they are the best drive on the market without going SCSI.


as a semi-serious to serious gamer i wouldn't even consider scsi. of course i can't justify a raptor tho, i'm happy with my 250gb hitachi drive. raid 0 in gaming has been debunked, so that's out too.


Mar 31, 2003
You misunderstand me. For the hardcore enthusiast gamer who wants a bleeding edge system SCSI is his option. However for just a serious gamer who wants a high end machine but not bleeding edge a Raptor and another drive are very common.

I wouldn't try correcting him (everyone else already tried), he is like Felix (No offense Felix), just thickheaded it seems.



Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
i haven't seen anyone suggest scsi for a gaming system in a LONG time. the bleeding edge is running raptors.


Mar 31, 2003
No, for highest end, fastest possible system it is SCSI. FOr High End (regular not bleeding edge) Gaming it is generally considered Raptors.



Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2000
Originally posted by: Gamingphreek
No, for highest end, fastest possible system it is SCSI. FOr High End (regular not bleeding edge) Gaming it is generally considered Raptors.


for servers maybe. ide has come a long way since scsi was king tho. even maxpc has stopped using scsi in their 8 million dollar dream machines. the raptors are fast as all get out, and you can throw a 400gb sata behind that now and be smoking. i guess if you want super sized e-penis you can go scsi, but even there i think you'd get more cool points running fast sata drives.

edit: wow just looked at the SR reviews of the new scsi drives, damn. i guess the cool points swing back to scsi, wonder what WD will come up with next.
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