DREAMers critical to future Dem electoral success


Jun 19, 2000
What we knew all along has been confirmed by the Center For American Progress. They want Dreamers for votes. The objections about the wall is about votes, chain migration - votes, visa overstays - votes. It's all, all about votes. "Moral Imperative" my ass. Democrats care only about power. Import the impoverished, keep them impoverished and keep them voting Democrat. LBJ is sporting a big grin right about now.

LEAKED MEMO: DREAMers Are ‘Critical’ To Dems ‘Future Electoral Success’

The Center For American Progress (CAP) Action Fund circulated a memo on Monday calling illegal immigrants brought here at a young age — so-called “Dreamers” — a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success.”

The memo, co-authored by former Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri, was sent around to allies calling on Democrats to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

President Donald Trump’s administration moved to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy in September, which former President Barack Obama instituted through executive order to keep immigrants who came here as children from being deported.

Trump called on Congress to find a legislative fix for young immigrants, or “Dreamers,” facing deportation. House lawmakers recently put forward a bipartisan DACA compromise bill that also claims to address worries over chain migration. However, it’s unclear if the bill will pass.

CAP Action’s memo says protecting DACA is not only a “moral imperative” for Democrats, it also key to getting votes.

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” reads Palmieri’s memo, obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” reads the memo. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”


Apr 8, 2013
I don't think Ms. Palmieri is correct here. There aren't enough dreamers to make a decisive difference in the long run. The larger point, however, is that Hispanic voters wouldn't lean so heavily dem if the reps would take a softer stance on immigration. These dreamers are highly likely to vote dem if legalized because the dems are backing their legalization. Hispanics would probably split almost evenly between the parties if the reps weren't constantly sending the message that they don't want them here.
Feb 4, 2009
Yes it would be much easier to just throw everyone who votes or will vote D out of the country instead of doing the hard work & fix the problem
Reactions: JSt0rm


Moderator in SFF, Notebooks, Pre-Built/Barebones
Aug 23, 2003
It's a hard choice for DREAMers.

On one hand, the Democrats unanimously want to keep them in the United States "for their votes".

On the other hand, Trump and the GOP cancelled their protected status back in September and gave them 6 months to get out of the country.



Jun 11, 2004
In 2016, it became official:

Minority babies are the majority among the nation’s infants. Too late for this to even matter...

Live births don’t lie.
Reactions: TheVrolok


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
Memo basically says the Dems need to deliver for the Dreamers to bolster existing/future Latino vote which is forecast to grow along with their slice of the demo, in addition to it being the right thing morally. Imagine that...political organizations thinking about where their votes might come from and taking care of those constituencies.

Quite the smoking gun you've got there lol.
Reactions: rommelrommel


Jan 12, 2005
I wish I could find it (at work, time is available here and there to search), Ann Coulter had a few good comments how it was obvious the left needed another term or two of Obama-like leadership to essentially turn the US in to California as far as voting goes.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
What we knew all along has been confirmed by the Center For American Progress.

I'm not sure what you're arguing. Let's dissect this.

If the GOP feels that dreamers are not vital to their staying in power does that mean it's therefore acceptable to not treat them well and offer them benefits? I guess you're saying only people vital to the interests of a political party should get any sort of consideration? Also if there was a memo that said "hey the elderly on Medicare are critical to the GOP staying in power and so we should really try and help them on healthcare would you be up in arms?"

Finally if dreamers are critical to the Dems winning aren't they also critical to the GOP? I mean if the GOP passed dreamer legislation wouldn't that significantly help their chances as much as it would democratic chances of winning?

I think it's valid to say special interests should be heavily scrutinized but I don't think it's valid to say that all special interests are partisan or don't have broader benefits .


Elite Member
Apr 14, 2001
I did a search for this, and the only sources are extremely biased sites with a history of fabricated stories. It appears the Daily (bullshit) Caller is the original source for this.

So I remain skeptical, especially with a list of fake news this long:


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Jan 6, 2005
Yes it would be much easier to just throw everyone who votes or will vote D out of the country instead of doing the hard work & fix the problem
As opposed to the Democrats, who have built their Maginot Line by throwing the occasional crumbs to an exploited undocumented labor force with the hope that their American born children reward them at the ballot box...rather than fix the problem.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
As opposed to the Democrats, who have built their Maginot Line by throwing the occasional crumbs to an exploited undocumented labor force with the hope that their American born children reward them at the ballot box...rather than fix the problem.

The Democrats have been trying to enact comprehensive immigration reform for quite a long time now. Republicans aren't interested in fixing the problem. As for why immigrants tend to vote for Democrats, Hispanic immigrants in particular, it's not exactly a mystery. One of America's two primary political parties is explicitly hostile and racist towards them. Perhaps not shockingly, people don't like that.

If Republicans are interested in appealing to Hispanic immigrants and such I imagine the first step might not be to nominate and vote for a president who calls them rapists and then pledges to build a pointless border wall using their money.


Dec 11, 2000
I wish I could find it (at work, time is available here and there to search), Ann Coulter had a few good comments how it was obvious the left needed another term or two of Obama-like leadership to essentially turn the US in to California as far as voting goes.
I'm shocked that things Ann Coulter finds obvious resonate with you.


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
rather than fix the problem.

Were it not for House republicans we would have had comprehensive immigration reform years ago. They failed to take up the bipartisan Gang of 8 bill the Senate passed. That bill included basically everything that the Republicans are still demanding to this day.

It's almost like they are more interested in keeping the issue alive so their base votes instead of actually doing anything to resolve it.


May 15, 2000
I wish I could find it (at work, time is available here and there to search), Ann Coulter had a few good comments how it was obvious the left needed another term or two of Obama-like leadership to essentially turn the US in to California as far as voting goes.

You found the comments of a right wing talking head spouting right wing talking points to be good?

You don't say?

If you ever had an original thought you'd probably go to your doctor and tell them something is seriously wrong with you.


Nov 11, 1999
As opposed to the Democrats, who have built their Maginot Line by throwing the occasional crumbs to an exploited undocumented labor force with the hope that their American born children reward them at the ballot box...rather than fix the problem.

Bullshit. Dems are all about raising the status of Dreamers & long term illegal residents to legal, even if none of them ever achieve the right to vote. We'd do it tomorrow if we could.

The Trumpublicans want exactly the opposite, of course. It's not like we'll be throwing out all the illegals, anyway, so keeping them illegal just depresses their wages & feeds the prison/ deportation industrial complex.


May 15, 2000
Were it not for House republicans we would have had comprehensive immigration reform years ago. They failed to take up the bipartisan Gang of 8 bill the Senate passed. That bill included basically everything that the Republicans are still demanding to this day.

It's almost like they are more interested in keeping the issue alive so their base votes instead of actually doing anything to resolve it.

Its amazing how easily their supporters are lead on without them taking a millisecond to question why, the party that controls a majority of government, tells them what they want to hear and yet are completely unable to get anything done.

There has to be some sort of mental deficiency to explain such gullibility.


Dec 12, 2000
I don't think you guys understand this memo. DACA recipients aren't important to Democrats for their votes...too small of a group to make a difference and many of them live in urban areas or areas that already lean Democrat.

The issue is that these people are, by and large, American. They all went to school in America, many speak English with no discernible accent, and it would stand to reason that they have American friends. If every DACA recipient had 5 American friends concerned for that person's welfare, don't you think they'd give a damn about which politicians want to let them stay and which are trying to kick them out? Now you're talking about a much more sizable bloc of voters.

I don't think the GOP realizes how f**ked they are on this issue--do nothing and Trump gets blamed for ending DACA and possible mass deportations (unlikely.) Pass the DREAM act and it will be seen as a win for Chuck and Nancy, not a win for the President or the GOP (no matter how hard they try to spin it.)

Snarf Snarf

Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
In other news, water is indeed wet.

You think it's newsworthy that one party would like to secure a generation of voters by offering them a path to becoming legitimate members of society? Did you find it newsworthy that Trump garnered votes by stirring the racist shit pot when he doesn't really have any intention of fulfilling any of his nationalist campaign promises? I'm asking for a friend.

If you haven't figured out by now that Republicans never have, or ever will, have any intention on "fixing" the immigration issue so they can continue using it as a talking point for future voters, there really isn't any hope left for you.


Nov 11, 1999
In other news, water is indeed wet.

You think it's newsworthy that one party would like to secure a generation of voters by offering them a path to becoming legitimate members of society? Did you find it newsworthy that Trump garnered votes by stirring the racist shit pot when he doesn't really have any intention of fulfilling any of his nationalist campaign promises? I'm asking for a friend.

If you haven't figured out by now that Republicans never have, or ever will, have any intention on "fixing" the immigration issue so they can continue using it as a talking point for future voters, there really isn't any hope left for you.

Repubs love permanent issues & intend to keep them alive, even when they're bullshit. It helps to keep their voters in the irrational "Fuck You!" mode that's kept them in office for decades & finally swept Trump into the White House. They have no honest answers, just perpetual mindfuck.


Jan 6, 2005
The Democrats have been trying to enact comprehensive immigration reform for quite a long time now.

Were it not for House republicans we would have had comprehensive immigration reform years ago. They failed to take up the bipartisan Gang of 8 bill the Senate passed.

Bullshit. Dems are all about raising the status of Dreamers & long term illegal residents to legal, even if none of them ever achieve the right to vote. We'd do it tomorrow if we could.

Some reading material for those of you with a one sided version of history.

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