Drug test invasion of privacy?

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soup or man

Senior member
Jan 17, 2000

<< if something like this hangs me up from getting a job with a good company when I have great credentals >>



Senior member
Oct 5, 2000
I don't take drugs or smoke pot myself, but it would seem companies would want druggies, because they would keep there job, seeing as to how they would really need the money!!


Senior member
Jul 8, 2000
LOL sept for the crackheads that would be selling the office supplys on the street corner..


Senior member
Oct 6, 2000
Urine Luck

doesnt work. knew a guy on house arrest and he tried it for his piss test and failed.

I think the whole thing stinks. Drug tests should be STRICTLY for those who work in hazardous jobs or where the employee has others' safety in their hands, like bus drivers or pilots. I'm a soon to be computer professional, there is NO reason why an employer would need to know what I do in my personal time. Now if I come to work high and screw something up, then yes, I should be fired, just as someone who comes to work drunk should. but alas, there is a woman where I work who everyone says comes back from lunch reeking of alcohol, but people just laugh about it. but others I know who smoke weed...away from work....are afraid for their lives everyday about someone finding out. thats ridiculous.

there is good news though, I read not too long ago in the newspaper that less companies are drug-testing employees now than in recent years. it was like 5 years ago, 85% tested, now its like 67%. its expensive, doesnt weed out (no pun intended ) bad apples like they thought it would and plus theres the lowest unemployment ever so employers can't be as picky as they would have before.

hey, I smoke pot, so what? I take care of my business, work hard and am a sensible person, so any employer that doesnt hire me because I do a little grass in my free time...well, thats their loss.


Super Moderator | Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< One of the main reasons for drug screening is not just for it's primary effects (the imediate high). But also for it's secondary effects, turning >>

eia430- I'm sorry, but get off your stereotypical high horse. That is the most upsetting, sickening load of BS I've ever heard. All the potsmokers I have ever known, and I bet anyone can vouch for me on this, are some of the nicest, honest, NORMAL people you will EVER! meet.

Marijuana is NOT, i repeat, NOT the same as &quot;hardcore&quot; drugs. You don't fsking go crazy and kill people to get your drug when you don't have any. You don't have to be strapped down to a table and given drugs to ease the pain to quit. You get my point.

I do not think Heroine, Crack, Crank, Crystal Meth, or anything like that should be legal. They are far too dangerous.

But it absolutely boggles the mind when things like alcohol and cigarettes are legal, and are known killers.

Very few people, if anybody, has ever died from smoking Marijuana. I bet you would be hard pressed to find one person that died as a direct result of it. There are religous cultures that smoke it every day, and start when they are but children. You don't see them dropping dead like flies, as people do from smoking tobacco.

Anybody that has ever taken a drag off a cigarette knows that tobacco smoke is like 10x as harsh as marijuana smoke. I have absolutely no idea where the government came up with the &quot;fact&quot; that a single joint is as bad as a pack of cigarettes, or whatever, that is absolute, maddening, nonsense.

Your body wasn't designed to inhale smoke. That's obvious. Everything, when burned, produces some toxic chemicals.

Even the most potent strains of marijuana don't contain as much lung-clogging tar as cigarettes do. They have plenty of resins, but it does not build up in your lungs like cigarette tar does.

I smoked every day, multiple times a day, for two years straight, before I quit. You would never hear a wheeze, or cough from me. I would never cough up brown mucous.

A bong is a far better filter than any filter.

End of rant.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Debanchee you said..

&quot;So eia430, are you saying its wrong to smoke pot or take heroin because corrupt politicians make it illegal, but its not wrong to smoke cigarettes or drink whisky because corrupt politicians say its ok?&quot;

Most people have voted to make polygamy something that is not accepted in the US. Does that &quot;hurt&quot; anybody? generaly no, but the majority of people have decided that it is something that is not to be done here. If a 13yo comes on to you and rips all your clothes off and has sex with you (you being older than 18)who does that hurt? generaly nobody, but the majority of people here have decided that it is not to be done here. If the majority of people have decided that pot smoking is not to be done here then it becomes law. Nothing keeps you from moving (I'm aware that you are in belgium where it is legal)to a place where the majority has decided it is legal. Just because YOU think that it's ok does not make it ok, the MAJORITY of people have to agree with you. I'm not a stooge for the government, I'm one of the MAJORITY of people that don't think it should be legal here. Is this something that really needs to be explained to you?


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Eli, a pile of BS?? can you explain the need to smoke pot? oh because you enjoy it. After reading your pile of dung trying to justify smoking pot it made me think. How many other people have the same attitude about different things? I bet I can find a crack addict that will swear till he was blue in the face that crack is harmless and that he can function as well as anybody else. I bet I can find a serial killer that can justify his killings as being good because he's getting rid of the &quot;scum&quot; of society. There are some very nice people out there, hard working, loving fathers, and they are not hurting anybody. But it still has not changed the fact that in this country you can only be married to ONE WOMAN AT A TIME. Being a &quot;nice&quot; normal person as you claim to be is not reason enough to make smoking pot legal. Just face it, the majority of people here don't think that it should be legal and that is that. Look on the bright side, you can always move to a country (belgium) where the majority of people do think it should be legal. Move to belgium or stay and shut your trap.


Oct 9, 1999
Drug tests are perfectly acceptable. Remember that YOU are seeking a job from THEM. You do not like it, find a different job. You do not want someone who is completely bonged working heavy machinery or making crucial decisions. Perhaps you say &quot;Well, I do not do it while at work.&quot; There is no way for the company to know, and to protect themselves they make it a violation to have it in your system at all. It also lets a company know what your tendencies are, so as to try to predict future problems. You think drug tests are bad? I once worked for a company that required anual PHYSICALS of its employees. Talk about invasion (in the worst way).

Yeah, I do not understand tobacco either. The government goes to great lengths to screw the tobacco industry, yet keeps the stuff legal. It probably is to preserve tax income.


Oct 10, 1999
Weed can be a gateway drug. I lost my first and only girlfriend because of drugs. She had been smoking weed since tenth grade in high school. In college, she did things that were harder - shrooms, lsd, e, special k. After she had said she wanted to quit doing drugs, I stupidly believed that she was being sincere. Twice, she lied to me. Twice, I gave her another chance. It's hard not to believe that weed is not a gateway drug in this case.

I gave her everything that I could, and then some, but I guess it wasn't enough. I think she is an addict: she would rather have drugs than a friend and partner that would give a lot more back.

As you can see, I am, and have been feeling corrosively misogynistic of late.


edit: a revelation! a drug addiction is defined by the amount of substance used. however, the addiction is also defined by what one gives up to do drugs.


Dec 8, 1999
By the same definition then cigarettes &amp; alcohol are gateway drugs too. I bet most junkies tried Cigarettes &amp;/or alcohol before they moved onto narcotics

I'd also bet the people who smoke &amp;/or are more likely to end up on hard drugs than people who don't drink &amp;/or smoke.


Dec 8, 1999
&quot;, but the majority of people here have decided that it is not to be done here.&quot;

Has there ever been a referendum on drug use eia430? No, so most people have decided no such thing.

Do you know why pot became illegal? Because some bloke arround 1930 invented a new machine that would make hemp fibre 10 times cheaper to process. Dupont decided that with hemp fibre being so cheap, nylon would not be comercially viable. Well he just happened to be the uncle of a bureaucrat named Annslinger who was in charge of Alcohol prohibition.Well anyway Annslinger was given a huge amount of Dupont shares to convince the govt to add Hemp to the narcotic control register to appease the temporance league as alcohol was becoming legal again (this all came out after his death, when the correspondences between Anslinger &amp; Dupont were found, the letters confirm all of this). Also Hearst came on board with his newspapers &amp; prpagander as he had hug papermills &amp; logging concerns that would be uncompetitive with the new cheap hemp fibre.

The simple fact is that anyone who smokes or drinks, but beleives that pot should be illegal, is a hypocrite.

Midnight Rambler

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
It's hypocritical because one of the so-called justifications for testing is because drug use supposedly leads to attendance problems.

Alcohol abuse is the #1 cause for missed work days in the U.S.

Until they test equally for ALL types of drugs, it is definitely hypocritical.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
If you want a sensitive position and the prospective employee wants a drug free workforce its in thier best intrest to do random drug testing.



Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Debanchee, you said

&quot;The simple fact is that anyone who smokes or drinks, but beleives that pot should be illegal, is a hypocrite.&quot;

I don't smoke, drink, toke pot or any other drugs. I don't worry about lung cancer, driving drunk, or any drug tests. Hence I don't bitch whine and moan about how it's unfair that people have to pass drug tests. It's called thinking, some people here need to do that more. Oh yeah I almost forgot... I guess I'm not a hypocrite am I?



Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999

<< Jeez, not only am I a hypocrite, I'm redudant too! >>

I thought it was a lame attempt at NEFfing....



Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
yza, you said

&quot;There is NO NEED, its not like crack little boy.. I smoke to releave stress..&quot;

You need a chemical to releave stress?? You know what? I don't need any sort of drug to relax. So if you DO need drugs to releave stress are you not already dependant on it? I don't smoke weed or drink or smoke cigs, I'm not dependant on an artifical way to &quot;releave stress&quot; I'm quite sure you have this little boy thing turned around, I don't need pot like you do.

&quot;How do you know this? Did you poll everyone in the US? Or did you here this statistic from someone that is against the use of marijuna?&quot;

God, you are an idiot aren't you? We live in a democratic society, we do thing funny thing called VOTEING. Be it directly by the people (state law) or by elected officials (federal law)there must be a MAJORITY vote in favor for a bill to become law.

&quot;only a ironic hipocritical person would make such a stupid remark.&quot;

What the hell is an &quot;ironic hipocritical person&quot;? Well, no matter. What I meant by either move to belgium or shut your trap is that here in the US (federal law)it is not legal to smoke pot. So if you want to smoke pot and not be thrown in jail for possesion then move to belgium where it is legal. I included &quot;shut your trap&quot; to indicate to you that I find your arguments worthless and not deserving of any seriousness or respect.

&quot;I assume you know nothing on the subject your speaking about. I forgive thee.&quot;

You have assumed wrong, not surprising from the level of thought placed on your arguments. I have a close friend that started on pot, her mom got her into it. She started hanging around the drug culture and as a result we became more distant as friends. I would presume (presuming because I lost contact with her for many years) that she used progressively harder and harder drugs. I got a call from her about a month ago and we saw each other and caught up. I found out she had been using everything from valium to coccaine to heroin from the time we lost contact to now. I have helped her with the substantial cost of going to a drug treatment center since her mom was not able to do so. I have lost 4 work days to be there for her as she gathered the will and courage to go into the center. She is currently going through heroin detox at the center and will do so for another week (2weeks total). She will be at the center for about six weeks of treatment. Heroin treatment has a 95% FAILURE rate, so her chances are not good. I have spent a considerable amount of time, money and effort to give a friend a shot at getting off drugs. This is what &quot;occasional&quot; pot use has led to.

This is what I'm willing to go through to make a difference in at least one person's life. What the hell have you done yza??? I mean besides trying to defend and even spread drug use, what the hell have you done? how is this world better from you being alive?



Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Red Dawn,

Unfortunately I am well aware of your full embracement of anything and everything that might cause discomfort in other people. What else is a sadist supposed to do? And I do have to say, you really do seem to genuinely enjoy it.


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
yza, Let's see about answering this drivel, not for your sake, but for others that this might make sense to. Can I legaly drink, yes I can. Have I ever consumned alcohol before, yes I have, I've even gotten drunk once(exactly one time). After seeing the pointlessness of drinking and being drunk first hand I have not since. Have I experimented with drugs? unfortunately yes. About 5 years ago a then girlfriend pressured me into trying a joint. I took one puff and inhaled and kept it there. It did nothing to me at all. I have not tried anything before then or since then.

&quot;Hell if you answerd no.. I dont really see where you get off speaking about a subject you have no first hand knowledge about.&quot;

If you don't see it then you are blind. I am doing my best to help someone piece her life back together after starting with something you are currently promoting. Your outlook really is totaly reversed, I am not the one who is naive. I'm not a drug user but my life sure is very impacted by drug use.

Now it's my turn. So yza, you've called me a little boy, naive, questioned my integrity, and generaly have done your best to try to make me into a bad guy. My turn to ask you some questions. Are you still living with mommy and daddy? are you paying for the roof over your head with your own blood and sweat? have you ever had a friend beg for money from you, throw herself at you, do anything just to get her next fix? (no I did not do anything with her, I'm trying to help her not use her) have you done anything else other than try to get people to think drug use is ok? is this world better that you exist? or would the world be better tomorrow if you got a tainted joint and died today? Why not try to help people get out of drug use instead of trying to convince people that it's ok?


Senior member
Sep 7, 2000
Red Dawn, you said...

&quot;Yeah but not have as much as those who are able to put me in my place on rare occasions.&quot;

I am very tempted to feel good by assuming that you meant me. But I won't do so for risk of you somehow turning that against me and me feeling worse off for having done so. I just have this awful feeling that this is somehow a trap created in that sadist mind of yours....


Senior member
Jul 8, 2000
I'll be deleting the rest of my posts from this thread in a couple of hours, you can contact me @ 1816766 if you wish to speak futher on the subject. There is no excuse not to speak with me my email is ct@originpoint.com

I will no longer be viewing this thread nor respond you can contact me through my email or icq. If you wish to email me or icq me I'll explain why I'm no longer posting here.

I'm sure I will get flamed when my backs turned. But oh well you know my address drop me a msg.
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