Drug Test Kit, $10

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Junior Member
Apr 6, 2004
I think that "quote" was actually a statement by C. Everett Koop, Reagan's Surgeon General. Koop claimed that the Reagan administration didn't push hard to find a cure because gays and drug users were the primary victims. I'm sure a Google search would turn up more info on this issue as well.

Originally posted by: Senator
I think that "quote" was actually a statement by C. Everett Koop, Reagan's Surgeon General. Koop claimed that the Reagan administration didn't push hard to find a cure because gays and drug users were the primary victims. I'm sure a Google search would turn up more info on this issue as well.

Yes, that's what I was refering to. It's not an actual quote. I can edit my original post to indicate that as soon as I am able to log back onto my "Deucer" account, but I thought most people would know that the quote was not real. Also sorry about going ot and posting flamebait on hot deals board, we should all be able to get along here for the sake of saving money.

Deucer123456789 aka Deucer when he isn't changing his password while having email access problems.


Junior Member
Apr 6, 2004
Back on topic, I havent been able to find 6-panel tests for $2 apiece like TwiceOver, but did find up to 10-panel tests - all for less than $12:



Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: moshquerade
Originally posted by: Senator
Originally posted by: moshquerade

you wanna link me that quote by Ronald Reagan?

Take your pick of sites. Google rules.

link me this quote, as he specifically said Reagan said this:

Originally posted by: Deucer
As Ronald Regan used to say, "It's only the gays and drug addicts dying of AIDS so what do I care."

He didnt say it, its just uniformed liberal propaganda. AIDS research funding was very pricey and taken care of during the Reagan years... especially considering we hardly knew what it even was at the time.

The guy who posted that is just another moron.

Read this for the facts. http://www.indegayforum.org/au.../murdock/murdock4.html

For the 12,000th time in my life I'm forced to say: Go Get Educated and Come Back and Talk Later. I'm fairly sick of this uneducated babble on President Reagan.

These people thrive on conspiracies, everything is a freakin conspiracy because the facts are not on their side.

I know that fellow wont take time to read that article, or the supporting financial facts to back it up, but by 1989 we were spending over 2billion on AIDS research.



Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by: Senator
Back on topic, I havent been able to find 6-panel tests for $2 apiece like TwiceOver, but did find up to 10-panel tests - all for less than $12:


The big thing really is the cost of the lab test. The kits we buy are $2ea + $9 if we want it lab certified. Trust me don't buy just one of these kits. We probably get a false positive on about 2 of a box of 25. So if you are going to piss your kid off, be able to verify the results either with another test or via a lab test.


Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2003
Originally posted by: Baked
If my kids drink or smoke, it's dragging their asses to the sound proof basement and capital punishment "Passion" style on their stupid sorry asses.

...And then you can expect to be raped by your cellmate while you serve out your life sentence for murdering you children.

Or did you mean to say "corporal" instead of "capital"?


Dec 28, 2004
Originally posted by: batmanuel
Originally posted by: Baked
If my kids drink or smoke, it's dragging their asses to the sound proof basement and capital punishment "Passion" style on their stupid sorry asses.

...And then you can expect to be raped by your cellmate while you serve out your life sentence for murdering you children.

Or did you mean to say "corporal" instead of "capital"?

LOL, don't matter which one. Nobody will find out.


May 31, 2002
Haha, this huge quote from the I'd punch my parents kid
Originally posted by: r0bVious
Hey, everyone flame me some more, because honestly, I know how you all know me so well.

I'm 17, I've never touched a drug in my life (this includes cigarettes and booze, minus the one time I accidentally drank a gulp of dark beer thinking it was soda at a party). I'm just not interested. I have two ideals I live by: Try not to do anything you'll regret, and Any sort of Vice is a bad thing.

The first reply to me is right. There are lots of kids that spout that crap and don't deserve it, but if I've earned my respect in my house, why shouldn't I be allowed it?

You people fail to realize this is a family-by-family deal here. You're all generalizing and stereotyping. This isn't an airport, this is the Hot Deals forum. Be nice and sociable, dammit.

If my school did random drug tests and I was chosen? Good. I will do it with a puffed chest. They don't personally know me, so I accept that, and I totally understand the reasoning. But I trust my parents, and thankfully they trust me. I never said I was entitled to it, I just happen to have it as a privelidge. Furthermore, I would never hurt my parents in any way, I love them dearly. They've done so much for me.

Many teenagers don't find their parents to be people they can talk to and constantly say the truth. I can honestly say, will much pride, that I have never lied to my parents. Never. Some of you more stereotyping/generalizing folks here may find that funny, but I figure that's why I don't respect you as much as the next upstanding personality I meet anyway.

Whatever. Prejudge all you want.



Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
F*cking sickens me, specially the idea of doing it to your kids, this worlds messed up. In a sane/free world people would have the freedom to put whatever they please into there own body.

The war on drugs isnt a war on drugs its a war on people, addiction is an illness not a crime by any medical definition. For those who arent addicts and dont abuse drugs they should celebrate and enjoy these wonderfull substances with an educated knowledge of the possible side effects just like people do alcohol today.

I DONT EVEN DO DRUGS (including alchol the most dangerious drug known to man)

end prohibition and other insane violations of peoples personal freedoms by joining americas third largest and growing political party,

LP http://www.lp.org/issues/relegalize.html


Golden Member
Apr 27, 2001
I hear you there JohnDoh.

The idea of drug testing really pisses me off.

Judging people by what's in their urin.

Sheesh, live and let live people.



I've been drunk lots of times and never beat my wife and kids. Maybe you are talking about mean rotten people who shouldn't be allowed to interact with the rest of us in the first place.


Dec 28, 2004
" In a sane/free world people would have the freedom to put whatever they please into there own body."

Perhaps you've never seen the consequence of what a drunk does to his wife and kids after he's intoxicated. Let people do whatever they want? Yeah, you need a drug test.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Baked
" In a sane/free world people would have the freedom to put whatever they please into there own body."

Perhaps you've never seen the consequence of what a drunk does to his wife and kids after he's intoxicated. Let people do whatever they want? Yeah, you need a drug test.

If you beat your wife you should go to jail for beating your wife, maybe there youll realize you have a drinking problem.

BUT you just made my point by saying this... alcohol is legal and accepted because its widely used and there hasnt been a 70yr propoganda campaign to demonize it. Alcohol is very dangerious but we accept these dangers in society because of personal freedom and the enjoyment of alcohol.

We dont make it illegal and violate our childrens rights and trust by testing there urine. Why? because were not programed/brainwashed to do so, even though its more likely your child abuses alcohol then they do "drugs". The #1 killer of people under the age 25 is alcohol abuse or alcohol related injurys.


Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: Baked
" In a sane/free world people would have the freedom to put whatever they please into there own body."

Perhaps you've never seen the consequence of what a drunk does to his wife and kids after he's intoxicated. Let people do whatever they want? Yeah, you need a drug test.

I think the point is that sure, let ppl do what they want.. but a impressionable little kid? Esp YOURS?
I dont think so. Until hes legally responsible for himself.

This guy is saying let everyone, people.. even young kids put in there body what they want too..

sorry the world isnt so simple anymore.. people prey on kids. *cough*DRUG DEALERS*cough*
Cuz they know they are easily influenced, can get them to try a highly addictive and ruining drug then make money..

I'm not saying nicotine/alchohol arent included in this "bait and switch" scheme.. but the point is that we try to keep drugs out of our society so that it doesnt even come CLOSE to our kids..

but we know they do anyway..

If you understood brain development JohnDoe, you'd know that adolescents are not even capable of making educated decisions for themselves.

Hence MINORS. Even adults are retarded, hence laws. Not even mentioning that the parent is responsible for whatever the child does.. what if he takes the cocaine you'd allow him to use and beats someone up? Then the parent could go to jail..

dream on.

Small brain, small world I guess.

And no, current laws are not perfect, but JohnDoe's utopia is not the answer.

Alchohol is an ancient part of caucasian cultures.. its not going anywhere.. and drugs arent coming in either just because we allow alchohol to be used in our society.

I think the bottom line is that we are worried about feeding ourselves, and making sure our kids dont turn out like the hippys.. not wasting our time changing drug laws for some pseudo-philosopher like JohnDoe.
60s are over pal.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
Pal, you must be real old or grew up living a sheltered life or something but...

Quote housecat:
"sorry the world isnt so simple anymore.. people prey on kids. *cough*DRUG DEALERS*cough*
Cuz they know they are easily influenced, can get them to try a highly addictive and ruining drug then make money.. "

This is just prohibition propoganda, im only 27, I hang with all sorts of people and many much younger then me, ive seen my share of drugs... this isnt how it happens.

Like Chriss Rock says in a parody about the subject... no crack dealer ever sits around and says to himself "Damn! How the hell am I going to get rid of all this crack!? Sh*t no adults will buy it, I guess ill have to go to school grounds and get little kids hooked on it!" LOL

Your viewpoint on children is pretty neive and far from psycologic truth "If you understood brain development JohnDoe, you'd know that adolescents are not even capable of making educated decisions for themselves"

Thats a rotten way to think of children. People just dont suddenly turn 18 and become mentally aware. Kids are not going to come in contact with drugs till there teenagers if at all. If by the time there a teenager there not wise enough to understand the desisions they make and there consequences (for the most part) then I blaim it on the parents for being poor parents.

I have no problem with kids using marijuana in moderation, if there responcible educated children. Marijuana can be fun and take some of the stress off of being a teenager without becoming any sort of a problem. Marijuana is the most comon drug (other then alcohol) used by youth.

If parents and educaters drug test children and send them the messages that marijuana is as dangerious as "hard drugs" then your more likely to have your children doing hard drugs after they discover marijuana for the most part is harmless and theyve been lied to.

Drug testing kids violates there most basic rights that I beleive even children should have, and most importantly it violates there trust. Medically and historically we know alcohol has done more damage to kids then all other drugs combined... BUT if our children are caught drinking we dont send them to rehab or violate there rights by urine testing them for it.

Your all stuck in the prohibition propoganda, ive done almost ALL drugs at one time or another... I dont now, but ive been there, I know the possitives and negatives... and I live in a real world based on facts and my experiances.

The lessons of alcohol prohibition are no different then "drug" prohibition. It creates more crime then it solves, it violates peoples rights, it even makes it easyier for youth to get and it puts sick people in jail. I could go on but if I make it any longer people wont read it, LOL.


Sep 2, 2004
Originally posted by: Deucer
As Ronald Regan used to say, "It's only the gays and drug addicts dying of AIDS so what do I care."

Keep quoting Ronnie and voting for "I coked my way through the 80s" Dubya and drug testing your kids.

Or you could teach your kids to respect you and themselves and save yourself $10 that you can put towards a new videocard instead.

Translation... Dont waste money and time insuring that your kids are frug free, save it for yourself and I am going to use this issue to bash republicans because everything, everywhere, is your fault.


Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
You can go to the doctor and perscription pain pills like oxycotin *cough* Rush Limbaugh *cough* and its no big deal...


If you do heroin people are disgusted by you, you rape woman, rob people, are in a gang, you "prey on kids", your sick and an overall menace to society that must be put behind bars!!!!

But heroin and oxycotin are essentially the same thing.

People are just brainwashed and dont know any better.

PS: oh and sorry I had to get my republican bashing refrence in there , but in reality democrates and republicans are the same to me, they both want to violate my rights in a various number of ways www.lp.org



Diamond Member
Sep 25, 2000
Well I got two words that are on-topic.

Positive and Positive

*JK* I"m clean.



Oct 20, 2004
Originally posted by: JohnDoh
Pal, you must be real old or grew up living a sheltered life or something but...

Quote housecat:
"sorry the world isnt so simple anymore.. people prey on kids. *cough*DRUG DEALERS*cough*
Cuz they know they are easily influenced, can get them to try a highly addictive and ruining drug then make money.. "

This is just prohibition propoganda, im only 27, I hang with all sorts of people and many much younger then me, ive seen my share of drugs... this isnt how it happens.

Like Chriss Rock says in a parody about the subject... no crack dealer ever sits around and says to himself "Damn! How the hell am I going to get rid of all this crack!? Sh*t no adults will buy it, I guess ill have to go to school grounds and get little kids hooked on it!" LOL

Your viewpoint on children is pretty neive and far from psycologic truth "If you understood brain development JohnDoe, you'd know that adolescents are not even capable of making educated decisions for themselves"

Thats a rotten way to think of children. People just dont suddenly turn 18 and become mentally aware. Kids are not going to come in contact with drugs till there teenagers if at all. If by the time there a teenager there not wise enough to understand the desisions they make and there consequences (for the most part) then I blaim it on the parents for being poor parents.

I have no problem with kids using marijuana in moderation, if there responcible educated children. Marijuana can be fun and take some of the stress off of being a teenager without becoming any sort of a problem. Marijuana is the most comon drug (other then alcohol) used by youth.

If parents and educaters drug test children and send them the messages that marijuana is as dangerious as "hard drugs" then your more likely to have your children doing hard drugs after they discover marijuana for the most part is harmless and theyve been lied to.

Drug testing kids violates there most basic rights that I beleive even children should have, and most importantly it violates there trust. Medically and historically we know alcohol has done more damage to kids then all other drugs combined... BUT if our children are caught drinking we dont send them to rehab or violate there rights by urine testing them for it.

Your all stuck in the prohibition propoganda, ive done almost ALL drugs at one time or another... I dont now, but ive been there, I know the possitives and negatives... and I live in a real world based on facts and my experiances.

The lessons of alcohol prohibition are no different then "drug" prohibition. It creates more crime then it solves, it violates peoples rights, it even makes it easyier for youth to get and it puts sick people in jail. I could go on but if I make it any longer people wont read it, LOL.

18 is the magic age because we have to draw a line somewhere. And its not a rotten way to think of children, its reality that the brain is not fully developed until the early 20s.

Remember that 18 age mentioned earlier? Yes, I told you the system is perfect. Never will be.

The real age of accountability would probably more realistically be 21. I dont necessarily agree with this viewpoint.. but I'm trying to draw a stark contrast your your standpoint based on medical fact.

The only reason alchohol has done more damage to kids than all other drugs combined is because these drugs are relatively new.
I grew up (recently) in the midwest, meth is a large problem where I live and traditionally this is "middle America". If we do not limit the production of these drugs from chemicals we will have an even larger problem on our hands..

I've seen what meth does to a body and mind.. theres no way a drug like that should be legally administered, even under your own free will..

and no one is saying you CAN'T do it, in reality no one is going to stop you (unless you get caught).

So you do have your ultimate freedom of choice, everyone does.. but society is NEVER going to encourage it by allowing it to go on legally.
The problem is the consequences to those choices, prison obviously.. but like I said I've seen what meth does to a person.

This drug test finds pot, which is a well-known precursor to hard drugs.. or gateway drug I suppose to be PC about it.

And thats total and utter BS if someone says "YEAH RIGHT MAN, SMOKING POT DOES NOT MAKE ME A DRUGGIE".. because in the real world, nearly everyone EVERYONE i know that smoked pot consistently ended up trying coke, X, acid, ect.
Then a percentage of those keep doing it until their brains are gone. Thats why we try as hard as possible to stop it before it even starts... at pot.

Not here anyway, maybe in Canada or a more liberal nation.

Is it really that hard, or bad to live without any drug or alchohol? I seem to do it and am finishing up my bachelor degree... just got married... and I'm extremely happy and content.. what everyone is saying is that this is the life that everyone wants for their kids..
and I'm 22.

drugs are not the way to becoming a productive citizen.

I just dont understand why there is such a dedicated lunatic fringe dedicated to legalizing drugs.. dont you have better things to do with your life??


Oct 20, 2004
ps. kids have limited rights..

you keep saying dems/repubs step on your "rights"..

since when do we start making up our own bill of rights? LOL

back to reality my friend, you are allowed the rights the state gives you.. not what rights you see in your bong cloud.


Sep 7, 2001
You can go to the doctor and perscription pain pills like oxycotin *cough* Rush Limbaugh *cough* and its no big deal... BUT ....If you do heroin people are disgusted by you, you rape woman, rob people, are in a gang, you "prey on kids", your sick and an overall menace to society that must be put behind bars!
Limbaugh used prescription pain killers to manage severe back pain due to a collapsed vertebral disc and a failed spinal surgery. Those who use heroin do so first for purely recreational reasons, then because they become hooked. Apples to oranges. No...more like Earth to Pluto. There is zero analogy or comparison here.
PS: oh and sorry I had to get my republican bashing refrence in there
Were you Republican bashing? I thought you were just being stupid. Hmm...


Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
"The only reason alchohol has done more damage to kids than all other drugs combined is because these drugs are relatively new. "

People have been doing "drugs" all throughout the history of man. A body of an ancient egyptian female mummy was found having died during birth (very comon those days) and in her stomach was a piece of hashish they beleived she used to ease labor pains. Columbus was sent out to find opium when europe closed ties with the middle east there only importer of it and instead he discovered america.

The only "gateway" effect of marijuana is because its illegal you come in contact with people who sell other illegal drugs. Alcohol is a drug, it has no gateway effect to other drugs, this is largely propoganda that for the most part now the medical comunity disagrees with. Its like saying having sex with a woman or man is a gateway to have sex with animals or children. Or that eating food is a gateway to becoming obese.

Pretty simple, substance abuse is an illness, its hard for many to understand this. They say "well people can just quit if they want to, its all will power". Well medically thats proven otherwise and the basis of all sucessfull rehabilitation programs recognize this as one of the issues you have to accept to recover. There is no debate among people who go to college and spend years studying medicin and the mind (UNLIKE THE REST OF US) that it is an illness. Punishment has never been a sucessfull way to treat addiction, it often times makes it much harder. The best way to deal with addiction is through social understanding and education. This helps give people the tools they need when the time comes that they discover they have a problem.

NOBODY is saying "do drugs", "dont do drugs"
im saying that them being illegal is a violation of peoples basic human rights to put something in there own body
AND just as importantly....
its not the most effective way to deal with drug abuse

Ive been to the netherlands, its a beautifull place, marijuana is decriminalized and "hard drug" use is basically treated as an illness and tollerated. There drug use rate is the LOWEST in europe, both "hard" and "soft" drug use, there crime is some of the LOWEST in europe. Compaired to the usa its A JOKE, our drug use rate is EXTREAMLY higher, along with crimes associated with drug use.

These are FACTS that you can see plain as day that show a different policy on drugs in the usa will be many more times effective then the "war on drugs" (aka the war on the people). Some suggest that somehow netherlands folks are a special breed of people that the policy wouldnt work in the usa. They are just like you and I, they breath air, some wear baggy clothes and listen to rap, some wear business suits and listen to classical, there people are no different and there culture is plenty diverse. Its tollerated that kids use marijuana there also, the age was like 16 or something then international pressure raised it, but still today they even have clubs where kids can smoke openly under that age with adult supervision........ AND teen drug use is also extreamly low

Wow what a concept, you give people the freedom to do something and they use there minds to make choices for themselfs based on facts instead of propoganda and hey guess what? IT works!


Senior member
Nov 2, 2004
Originally posted by: tcsenter
You can go to the doctor and perscription pain pills like oxycotin *cough* Rush Limbaugh *cough* and its no big deal... BUT ....If you do heroin people are disgusted by you, you rape woman, rob people, are in a gang, you "prey on kids", your sick and an overall menace to society that must be put behind bars!
Limbaugh used prescription pain killers to manage severe back pain due to a collapsed vertebral disc and a failed spinal surgery. Those who use heroin do so first for purely recreational reasons, then because they become hooked. Apples to oranges. No...more like Earth to Pluto. There is zero analogy or comparison here.
PS: oh and sorry I had to get my republican bashing refrence in there
Were you Republican bashing? I thought you were just being stupid. Hmm...

My point wasnt the reason why he was using them but how people view these substances wich are for the most part EXACTLY the same thing. Plus he was doctor shopping to get multiple perscriptions to support his habbit...

If he was caught doing heroin just think of how people would look at it


Oct 20, 2004
So change our entire society to be like the red light district and you say its in your true good intentions to "free man" and allow him to make up his own mind and drug use will go way down? Heh.

Problem is, you didnt like to any scientific studies that prove this theory. Then the study that explains and theorizes on WHY this great plan of yours is such an improvement.
I'm not going to take any crackpot off the internets suggestion for something so serious. Maybe a university study agreed upon all levels by multiple organizations.

And you left out one important part of human psyche..
if you allow a behavior to take place, you are encouraging it.

And I think there would be a few more educated individuals on TV backing up your view if it was valid and true.

Because your views are about 55 years old, its hippy shit.
And nearly everything the hippies believed in has been debunked by history.. communism/socialism, legalized drugs, free love (whores), peace/"appease and fall"- instead of the tried and true "walk softly but carry a big stick" policy.

And while you have a valid point for adults, you cant give kids the freedom to do whatever they want. Its called parenting, its called responsibility for another's life.

Like I said, you might have a snowball's chance in hell convincing someone like myself that an adult should be able to use horrifying chemicals on their brain.. someday, somehow I might be drunk enough to go along with that.
But never, ever will I nor anyone in their right mind agree with you that its OK for a freaking kid to use LSD. Nor should he be allowed too by society. Nor should they be encouraged to do it by society in any way.
That sir, is insane.

To hold your views you must think its ok to have sex with little girls too???
Seriously, its the same exact thing. But in reality we all know that a 13 year old girl is EXTREMELY impressionable.. and cant just "put whatever they want in their body".. and all that other dogma you keep spewing.

Seriously I get a kick of of you, you are saying the most effective way to deal with drug abuse is to legalize it... LOL. Yeah and the best way to deal with terrorists is to open our borders.. retarded.

And final note, the netherlands is a VERY small country... I hate it when shortsighted people cite examples from nations in Europe and try to even compare it to a single state in the USA.. there is absolutely no correlation between a nation of Europe and the USA, it is a very poor example.

In all honesty, you'd be better off citing Canada or China.. comparative nations.. at least they are a bit closer to America in various ways. Wait, rampant opium use in Hong Kong never did ANY harm!!!

But in the end, when you dont cite any scientific studies its hard to take your extremely insane and poorly thought out theories seriously.

And I mean major scientific studies, you know.. the ones we'd already know about and would have changed the world if they were absolutely proven to make our society better.
But we both know that study has not been verified by multiple national sources, if it even exists.

The key here is concentrating on the kids, and like I said its scientifically proven without a doubt that the mind is not fully formed until the early 20s. This is a recent scientific revelation but one that is undeniable.
That one single point alone blows your theory of allowing children to full unrestricted usage of drugs.


Oct 20, 2004
PS. Not to mention the unknown effects of drugs on a human mind and body.. especially in the longterm.

You say ppl have been doing these drugs forever.. no actually. The US government actually created many through military programs. These newage synthetic drugs are not the caveman high you would pretend existed so that your point appears somehow valid.
It wouldnt validate it anyway from all the evidence of the brain damage hardcore drugs do to a mind.
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