DSL/Networking Advice Please


Apr 17, 2005
I'm a novice in networking issues...

Ive had a long DSL setup with SBC. I installed it simply with their setup kit by following directions.. First, I had an Alcatel Stingray.. Then, because I wanted to set up a small wireless network, I changed to a Speed Touch Home.. purchased an SMC router to go along with it.. Again, just followed directions with not much knowledge of what I was doing.

I just completed my first computer build (Im in my 50's).. had a few problems.. but worked most issues out. It's stable.. but when I hooked it up to my existing router/modem, it simply woudn't work. The sync light keeps flashing, over and over. I have an onboard NIC on my Abit AX8 card... and there are some issues with that. Perhaps that is the problem. Later on, I put in my old ethernet card and gave that a try, but still, no sync..

Now, here is one of my problems.. I don't really know what syncing is.. Can somebody explain that to me in plain English? The reason I ask is.. SBC is sending a tech out... they say there is NO trouble on the outside line - they are not getting a response/signal from my modem. He is coming indoors, and I will be charged for it. They say it might be a modem problem, but Im sceptical.. It worked fine till the very day I put in my new system. The wiring should be the same, right? CAT5?

Logic says it's something I did, or my onboard NIC is the source, because all the troubles started when I built the computer, unhooked my old system, and put the new one in. Currently, I dropped the router out, and Ive just got the dsl modem wired into my computer. Here are a few odd facts..

The ICPLus IP1000 Gigabit Ethernet Adaptor installed normally. No problems in device manager. I got a diagnostic program from ICPLUS that runs a couple tests on it, and it passed.. no problems are perceivable.. BUT..

When I tried to install software, some SBC Dsl software that I have left over, or when I tried to install RASPPOE, I'm told that I don't have a NIC installed. Windows sees it, the diagnostic sees it, tests it.. but other software says it's not there..

This service call is going to cost me $60 plus.. and Im not certain that he will be able to do anything.. (sell me a new modem?). Hell, Id buy one just to have it working...

Another question.. Can a dsl line sync without being wired into a computer, or is it the computer that it is syncing with.. (See, I dont have a clue)

I want to get this fixed, but I dont want to throw money at SBC and other vendors to do something I can do by following directions.. but Im a bit tired of it all...

Thanks for any help or advice..



Jun 19, 2000
So your config is Modem > Router > Computer?

The old comp worked fine and the new one doesn't?

Power down all three.

Power up the modem and wait until all lights are green (or whatever is normal).

Power up the router and wait until it has done it's thing. All lights quit blinking or whatever.

Power up the computer and see if you can get online.

I don't think this will work for you, because if I understand your post correctly, the SBC software was doing your login for you on the old comp.

You need to get into your router config and set it up to log you in. Your other option is to install the SBC software on the new comp.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with your onboard NIC.

Hope I've understood you post correctly.

Edit: I'm 50. Us "old" guys have got to stick together. Oh, and leave everything off a minute or so before powering back on. Also, without the SBC software, your comp connected directly to the modem will not work.

Well, I keep rereading you post and am gathering more info from it. I have a tendency to skim and not gather all the info I need.

There should be some updated software at the SBC site. Hopefully you can download and burn it to a disk. I think the older software you are using is unable to recognize your newer NIC.

I have a recent post with links to not using the SBC software. Search my user name to find it. Your router should be fully capable of doing your login for you, but if you feel it's easier for you using the SBC software I would download the latest version. Much less invasive than the previous versions too.

I've probably confused you more now.

Cliff Notes;

Your modem is not synched. I feel a power down, wait and power up will fix this.

Your new comp will not connect when connected directly to the modem. Your older SBC software will not recognize your NIC. Download newer version if possible.

I feel it's preferable to let the router do the logging in for you. No SBC software required. You will have to enter the configuration pages to set it up. It will require your login ID and password.


Sep 6, 2003
i use to have dsl and love it. i had qwest and my setup was a cisco 675 which is a adsl modem and router combined, then i went into the switch. when i first set it up, i had to have the tech support walk me through the modem setup for usernames and such to logon to their network but after that all was well. since you are coming off of the router, you should not have to use any special software, because at that point you are on a lan. just tell your computer to access the internet through the lan. if sbc can not hit your modem, then it sounds like either the modem or some wiring is bad. like boomerange says, power everything down, and just for kicks wait 1 minute, then plug in the modem. if it will not connect to the WAN and have a steady lit led, then that is where the problem is.


Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: boomerang
So your config is Modem > Router > Computer?

The old comp worked fine and the new one doesn't?

Power down all three.

Power up the modem and wait until all lights are green (or whatever is normal).

Power up the router and wait until it has done it's thing. All lights quit blinking or whatever.

Power up the computer and see if you can get online.

I don't think this will work for you, because if I understand your post correctly, the SBC software was doing your login for you on the old comp.

You need to get into your router config and set it up to log you in. Your other option is to install the SBC software on the new comp.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with your onboard NIC.

Hope I've understood you post correctly.

Edit: I'm 50. Us "old" guys have got to stick together. Oh, and leave everything off a minute or so before powering back on. Also, without the SBC software, your comp connected directly to the modem will not work.

Well, I keep rereading you post and am gathering more info from it. I have a tendency to skim and not gather all the info I need.

There should be some updated software at the SBC site. Hopefully you can download and burn it to a disk. I think the older software you are using is unable to recognize your newer NIC.

I have a recent post with links to not using the SBC software. Search my user name to find it. Your router should be fully capable of doing your login for you, but if you feel it's easier for you using the SBC software I would download the latest version. Much less invasive than the previous versions too.

I've probably confused you more now.
Thanks for responding.. The router is not presently in the setup. Its just modem to computer. I havent actually installed any software.. It can't be installed properly as it doesn't see a NIC to attach itself to.. I tried alot of things... as people do who don't know what they are really doing.. and using/installing old software was somthing I thought might work. If memory serves, if I can get sync on the line.. I can just install RasPPOE, and get online with that... but maybe I'm mistaken.



Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: boomerang
So your config is Modem > Router > Computer?

The old comp worked fine and the new one doesn't?

Power down all three.

Power up the modem and wait until all lights are green (or whatever is normal).

Power up the router and wait until it has done it's thing. All lights quit blinking or whatever.

Power up the computer and see if you can get online.

I don't think this will work for you, because if I understand your post correctly, the SBC software was doing your login for you on the old comp.

You need to get into your router config and set it up to log you in. Your other option is to install the SBC software on the new comp.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with your onboard NIC.

Hope I've understood you post correctly.

Edit: I'm 50. Us "old" guys have got to stick together. Oh, and leave everything off a minute or so before powering back on. Also, without the SBC software, your comp connected directly to the modem will not work.

Well, I keep rereading you post and am gathering more info from it. I have a tendency to skim and not gather all the info I need.

There should be some updated software at the SBC site. Hopefully you can download and burn it to a disk. I think the older software you are using is unable to recognize your newer NIC.

I have a recent post with links to not using the SBC software. Search my user name to find it. Your router should be fully capable of doing your login for you, but if you feel it's easier for you using the SBC software I would download the latest version. Much less invasive than the previous versions too.

I've probably confused you more now.
Thanks for responding.. The router is not presently in the setup. Its just modem to computer. I havent actually installed any software.. It can't be installed properly as it doesn't see a NIC to attach itself to.. I tried alot of things... as people do who don't know what they are really doing.. and using/installing old software was somthing I thought might work. If memory serves, if I can get sync on the line.. I can just install RasPPOE, and get online with that... but maybe I'm mistaken.



Jun 19, 2000
I've done a lot of editing in that post. Take a look for more information.

Do you know how to enter the config pages on your Router?


Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: bob4432
since you are coming off of the router, you should not have to use any special software, because at that point you are on a lan. just tell your computer to access the internet through the lan. if sbc can not hit your modem, then it sounds like either the modem or some wiring is bad. like boomerange says, power everything down, and just for kicks wait 1 minute, then plug in the modem. if it will not connect to the WAN and have a steady lit led, then that is where the problem is.
Yeah.. it's been done a couple times now. SBC had me power everything down, take all the wires off.. and hook it back up. Flashing light. No sync..

Even as a novice, it seems my problem is with the wiring, modem, or onboard nic. I'm just concerned the SBC guy is going to tell me just what you said... walk out, and charge me $60 for doing so. Chances are good he is going to try and sell me a modem, or something.. but I'll be happy enough if its fixed for the sixty..



Apr 17, 2005
Yes, but Im not using the router in my current setup.. I'll get to that later. The problem is the sync or lack of it.. Without that, I can't get any further.

I wonder why RasPPOE or the old SBC software can't see my onboard nic... It's installed. Device manager notes no problems.. and the diagnostic I got from the NIC manufacturer queries and tests it without issue.

One more thing.. the green LED on the back of the modem, on steady and solid is supposed to denote a proper connection to the NIC... (or so I think)


Jun 19, 2000
If you can't get a sync light on the modem it's either the modem or the wiring coming to the modem.

As far as establishing your connection (after the sync problem is fixed) you have three options actually.

Install SBC software.

Configure your router to do the login. This is the best way because for security purposes alone, a router is the way to go.

Or, (and I haven't touched on this yet) XP can be configured to establish a PPPoE connection.

Get the sync light problem taken care of and we can go from there.


Jun 19, 2000
Could you post the model numbers of your modem and router?

I won't be able to do any research until later though. At work right now.


Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: CameraShy
Originally posted by: bob4432
since you are coming off of the router, you should not have to use any special software, because at that point you are on a lan. just tell your computer to access the internet through the lan. if sbc can not hit your modem, then it sounds like either the modem or some wiring is bad. like boomerange says, power everything down, and just for kicks wait 1 minute, then plug in the modem. if it will not connect to the WAN and have a steady lit led, then that is where the problem is.
Yeah.. it's been done a couple times now. SBC had me power everything down, take all the wires off.. and hook it back up. Flashing light. No sync..

Even as a novice, it seems my problem is with the wiring, modem, or onboard nic. I'm just concerned the SBC guy is going to tell me just what you said... walk out, and charge me $60 for doing so. Chances are good he is going to try and sell me a modem, or something.. but I'll be happy enough if its fixed for the sixty..

you could always go buy one at best buy and that doesn't fix the problem atleast to get the sync, return it because, in theory, it could be your wiring.


Jun 19, 2000
The DSL at the wife's office was not working one morning when she came in. She called and they sent a tech out the next day.

He walked in and proclaimed that the problem was somewhere inside the building. He got into the wiring closet and poked and probed for a few hours making phone calls for advice all the while. After a considerable length of time he more or less said he didn't know what the problem was and left.

My wife called again and they sent a different tech out the next day. He more or less repeated what the other guy had done but seemed less confused. A better actor was he, actually. He also left without fixing the problem.

My wife called again and talked to a supervisor and he assured her he would send his best tech out the next day.

Suddenly she remembered that she had switched her long distance service from another provider back to SBC and that it had gone into effect the same day the DSL quit working. She called and sure enough, they had disabled her DSL service on their end. At the switching station I would assume, although I really don't know the ins and outs of their business.

Two techs and three days and they were unable to tell that there was no DSL enabled on the line.

A little interesting (scary) story to pass the time.


Apr 17, 2005
I've not fixed my problem but I just talked to the SBC tech confirming our appointment. When I told him of my new build, new NIC, etc.. he suggested that I go into the advanced configuration of my NIC in device manager, and drop my link speed to 10-Half Mode...

He says more than half of the sync problems are solved with this little configuration change. Unfortunately, I can't try it till I get home

Im hopeful... but even if it doesnt work for me, somebody else's problems might be solved with this tidbit


Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: boomerang
Two techs and three days and they were unable to tell that there was no DSL enabled on the line.

A little interesting (scary) story to pass the time.



Sep 6, 2003
Originally posted by: CameraShy
I've not fixed my problem but I just talked to the SBC tech confirming our appointment. When I told him of my new build, new NIC, etc.. he suggested that I go into the advanced configuration of my NIC in device manager, and drop my link speed to 10-Half Mode...

He says more than half of the sync problems are solved with this little configuration change. Unfortunately, I can't try it till I get home

Im hopeful... but even if it doesnt work for me, somebody else's problems might be solved with this tidbit

what the tech told yo does not really make sense to me, but maybe try it anyway


Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: bob4432
Originally posted by: CameraShy
I've not fixed my problem but I just talked to the SBC tech confirming our appointment. When I told him of my new build, new NIC, etc.. he suggested that I go into the advanced configuration of my NIC in device manager, and drop my link speed to 10-Half Mode...

He says more than half of the sync problems are solved with this little configuration change. Unfortunately, I can't try it till I get home

Im hopeful... but even if it doesnt work for me, somebody else's problems might be solved with this tidbit

what the tech told yo does not really make sense to me, but maybe try it anyway
That figures.. A dummy like me being advised by a tech who doesn't know what he is talking about... Maybe I will cancel.. try to get another tech next week.


Jun 19, 2000
I think it's the modem. This should be pretty straightforward for whomever comes out. He's going to swap the modem and he'll know right away if that fixes it. Stay the course.

If I understand correctly the original computer is still available? Have that hooked up when the tech comes. You'll for sure know that you have an operational setup when he leaves.

Adding the router and/or new computer afterwards, well you'll know right off what device needs a little massaging.



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
if your sync light is flashing, forget about EVERYTHING except the modem, ac adapter, and the RJ11 cable (telephone cable)

you said you just got a speedtouch home,... where did you get this? are your SURE it still works? if you hook up the old alcatel stingray, does it get sync? maybe your speedtouch home is bad

try hooking your speedtouch home up to a friends DSL and see if it syncs up... if it does.. its good,... if it doesnt, its probably bad

once you know you have a good modem... and it still doesnt sync up at your house... do the following...

unhook every other device in your house that uses the telephone line (phones, modems, satellite dish, cable box, etc.)

then hook up your modem and see if it gets sync
if it doesnt, bring it to another jack in your house and see if it will get sync there
if you cant get sync on any jacks... proceed...

if you have a telephone box on the inside or outside of your house,... sometimes they have a test jack... you can unplug the cable which will disconnect it from all your internal wiring... then you can hook up your modem to that test jack and see if it will sync from there

good luck

Bozo Galora

Diamond Member
Oct 28, 1999
good god, trying to help here is such a stupid waste
I think thats about it

Seacrest out! 6/4/05



Apr 17, 2005
Originally posted by: Bozo Galora
you have made this far more complicated than it needs to be.

I have seen this dozens and dozens of times.
First of all, if I understand right - you have both onboard and add-in NIC card.
You have to decide which one you want to use.
The NIC card has a network port in the rear, and the onboard NIC has a network port in the I/O backplate.
You will either have to remove NIC Card from dev manager, then physicaly remove it, or remove onboard NIC from dev man and disable it in bios on next boot.

Your software is also a mess.
Remove from control panel add/remove all SBC and Rasppoe sw (or any other) It is NOT needed.

The answer to this prob is to let XP Pro create your connection

To sum up: START CLEAN.
Remove software
Boot into safe mode and delete ALL NICS and TCP-IP stuff showing under them in Dev Man.. This removes drivers and Network cnnections.
Shut down.
Enable-disable NICs to your single preference as above.
Boot with single enabled NIC, XP will ask for drivers (and possibly XP CD)
Load drivers for onboard OR addin NIC.

Go to control panel, network connections, and delete any named connection other than local.
Click on create a new connection. Go thru the wizard. Name your connection.
After setup, double clicking on Desktop icon for connection will bring up window for password entry.
Works for me.

You should also look in Control Panel/Internet/connections tab to see if the connection you named in wizard is there and default.
Actually, you didn't pay real good attention to the thread. I only attempted to use the older ethernet card in place of the onboard NIC.. I have NEVER had both the onboard NIC (without disabling in the Bios) and the Add-in card installed together. Further, my software is not a mess. I pride myself on a clean, efficient system. I only attempted to install software as an avenue for checking out the onboard NIC. There is no SBC software installed on my system. RasPPOE is installed currently. It is a VERY highly regarded app that adds little to no overhead to the windows operating system. Your suggestion that it is somehow messing up my system is misguided. I prefer it to Windows PPOE.

My problem was that I couldn't get sync. If only somebody had told me that my onboard NIC has nothing to do with sync, I could have saved myself a lot of wasted time.

The SBC tech came out here last night and found the problem... it was in the wall plug. The wall plug was affected by the bed that pushes against it.. When I uninstalled my old computer, the wiring, leaning against it, taking it out, pushing it in.. I somewhat crushed it... My entire problem was there.

I appreciate your trying to help.. but if you attempt to help.. it would be better if you read the thread more carefully.. That way you won't offer criticism that is not appropriate or relevant to the problems at hand...


Golden Member
May 28, 2004
Blast it!!!!!!!!!I was just going to say to look behind the bed!
Glad you got it.
I was going to say check filters on all telecom jacks.
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