DUDE! I'm gettin' a Dell! (need laptop for school, here's what I picked out, need suggestions/have questions)


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
First off for those who don't know I own/run Mikhailtech.

Ok, I'm going into digital design major and I need to get a laptop. This will also be used for occasional gaming/DVD playback. Dell is the only place I've found that gives me the customizations I want (looked at Fujitsu, Toshiba, HP, etc). Here's what I priced out so far (educational pricing):

edited version thus far:
$100 OFF Mobile Pentium® 4 1.6 GHz-M, 15.0 Dell UltraSharp Display!
128MB,DDR,266M,1DIMM (I can get 512mb-1gb SODIMM DDR for free so this can be the minimum)
64MB DDR 4XAGP NVIDIA GeForce4 440 Go? 3D Video [add $67]
Save $99 (Savings included in price) 40GB Ultra ATA 5400 RPM Hard Drive [subtract $46]
FREE 24XCD-RW/DVD Combo Upgrade (from DVD) Roxio's Easy CD Creator®
3 Year Limited Warranty plus 3 Year At-Home Service and CompleteCare
Microsoft® Windows® XP Home Edition
Microsoft®Works Suite 2002 w/ Money 2002 for CD Drives [subtract $189]
Lithium Ion Spare Battery [add $94] <-- not included in price, still considering

Inspiron 8200

Is there something wrong with my configuration? Anything I should add/get rid of?

Now, for some questions:

Is Dell the best place to get a laptop? How good/fast/reliable/stable are they?
What's the difference between SXGA+, UXGA and UltraSharp displays (couldn't find it on the site)?
This is a dumb question, but I can get the cheapest OS and then reformat (can I go into the BIOS and change boot order on the Dell?) and install WinXP right?
Can Dells be overclocked and what kind of BIOS settings are available?
What's the performance difference between a "regular" hard drive (I assume 4200rpm) and the "performance" (5400rpm) drive?


Golden Member
Dec 15, 2000
Looks like a fine configuration to me. Wish I could afford that.

Dell is definitely one of the best places, if not the best place, to get a laptop. I have an Inspiron 8100 (a very minimal configuration, just needed a machine to travel with) and I love it.

The UXGA display is 1600 x 1200 resolution, the SXGA+ is 1400 x 1050. I have an SXGA+ 14.1" display on my 8100 and it's very nice. The pixels on the UXGA display might be a little small, so you may have to increase the font size or icon size in Windows. They really are first-rate displays though.

You can change the boot order in the BIOS. Just make sure to have your driver CD ready (comes with the machine) when you install XP.

Dells cannot be overclocked except through the FSB, and even then I wouldn't recommend it as laptops put out enough heat anyway . Buy the fastest processor you can afford. BIOS settings are minimal at best, pretty much the only things you can adjust are the boot order and the time.

Buy the performance hard drive. I skimped and went for the 4200rpm drive (like I said, I just needed a cheap travel machine) and Windows XP takes forEVER to load.

Good luck,


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
Thanks for the display clarification, but what's UltraSharp? And is it really worth to get the high end LCD (gaming with that vid card at 1600x1200 probably won't happen anyway)?

The CPU speed differences don't seem to be worth the extra cost ($500 for 400mhz? I don't think so).

This laptop's gonna last me at least a couple years so I'm trying to get good stuff. The program is big on Titanium G4s (don't ask why, they're dumb) but you can get a PC instead. They said 3rd year I might have to get a G4 because they don't have a PC equivalent of FinalCutPro, but I'll try to find a way around it


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
Yes this is a bump, I'm trying to get as much info as possible since I might have to order this tonight or tomorrow.

Ok, next question about the tech support options:

Optional Support Services

Choose Priority Call Routing to express your path to 24X7 Phone Support! Shortens your hold time by routing your technical support call to the head of the line! Save time no matter when you call, every time you call!

None [subtract $79]
Technical Support Priority Call Routing Service, 1 Year [subtract $40]
Technical Support Priority Call Routing Service, 3 Years [subtract $10]
Technical Support Priority Call Routing Service, 4 Years

I chose 4 year, is this even worth it? I mean, how many times do you have to call Dell? And when you do, do you wait a long time without the routing?

Limited Warranty, Services and Support Options

Upgrade Dell's Award-Winning service and support. Hardware phone support is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can choose from a variety of services to supplement your Limited Warranty2, including At-Home service3. Click on the ?learn more? for important consumer information regarding your limited warranty and service. CompleteCare is not available for Dell Home Sales customers in WA, CA, FL or NY; not available for Employee Purchase Program customers in WA, CA or FL.
3 Year Limited Warranty plus 3 Year At-Home Service
3 Year Limited Warranty plus 3 Year At-Home Service and CompleteCare [add $141]
4 Yr Ltd Warranty plus 4 Yr At-Home Service, FREE Training [add $114] Dell Recommended
4 Yr Ltd Warranty plus 4 Yr At-Home Service and CompleteCare, FREE Training [add $283]

Is the CompleteCare worth it? It protects from spills, power surges, etc, but what's the difference between that and just telling them to replace your parts because something happened to your PC?


Golden Member
Dec 15, 2000
The quote from the Dell website regarding UltraSharp:

"20% brighter and a 33% improvement in contrast ratio compared to standard notebook displays, giving you richer, sharper images and more colors for viewing photos, watching DVDs and for desktop publishing.

80% faster response time than standard notebook displays improves your viewing of motion video such as DVD movies or video files due to less ghosting or smeared effects."

I don't have this on my Inspiron 8100 (it wasn't even an option), but I have absolutely NO complaints about the sharpness, response time, or contrast of the screen. It's really up to you I guess, but given the quality of my 8100 screen I wouldn't pay for it.

I have never had to call Dell in the eight months I've had my laptop, so I don't know about hold times. From what you quoted, I think it's a bit of scam, though. I mean, imagine if everyone bought that . . . you wouldn't notice any difference since everyone would be "routed to the head of the line." I don't think Dell's going to make you wait for extrordinarily long periods of time anyway; they usually get pretty good marks for customer service.

I also wouldn't pay for the CompleteCare service, either, unless you're particularly clumsy and like to drink soda while using your laptop. Extended warranty policies, IMO, are just a way to get more money out of you.

Regarding the CPU, perhaps I should change my "fastest you can afford" statement to "fastest you're willing to pay for." I realize that the faster CPUs are a huge ripoff, but you're not going to be able to OC this baby, so you might as well pay for as much speed as you can now.

Good luck,


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
I also wouldn't pay for the CompleteCare service, either, unless you're particularly clumsy and like to drink soda while using your laptop. Extended warranty policies, IMO, are just a way to get more money out of you.

Ok, but what if I do spill something on it or something falls on it; will Dell replace it then?

Oh, and I'll drop the call routing (that makes sense), saves me some $$ LOL.


Mar 9, 2000
Very nice. I'd go with the SXGA for a little less strain on your eyes (and the video card) [but free is free].

Also, make sure you purchase it with a "premium" credit card (e.g. Visa Gold). That way - no matter which warranty you choose - you get an extra (extended) FREE 1 year warranty (in addition to the mfg's).


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
Also, make sure you purchase it with a "premium" credit card (e.g. Visa Gold). That way - no matter which warranty you choose - you get an extra (extended) FREE 1 year warranty (in addition to the mfg's).
Is this fine print? How does this extra warranty work?


Mar 9, 2000
Go to their site under "premium services". Not so fine print - you get a free extra year warranty (actually up to a year doubling the manufacturers).

I believe you pay for the repair an Visa reimburses you . . . you don't even have to register your purchase with them.

I never had to use it yet (but have it automatically when I purchased my Dell 4100 *Confirmed* with Visa).

Gotta run - work calls.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
When I got mine I went with the slowest CPU. I don't think a faster CPU makes as much difference as some other things on a laptop. If it gets too slow I can upgrade it later. I would go with the SXGA+ display. I have it and I think it is an excellent LCD. I run it at 800x600 since I can't stand (and don't need) 1400x1050. Also, they have had some problems related to the LCD that happen more often with UXGA and USUXGA screens.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
So I guess the final question is: should I or should I not get CompleteCare? It's worth $140. It covers accidents, something I don't think the regular warranty covers. What do you think?


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2000
how long you gonna hold onto it?
if it's over 2 years I'd say it's worth it.

BTW the 15UXGA is nice, I have one


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
At least 2 years; probably more if I convince them that there's no way they're going to force me to buy a Titanium G4.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
One more silly question: installing extra memory (Crucial, Kingston, etc) doesn't void any warranties does it?


Aug 9, 2000
One more silly question: installing extra memory (Crucial, Kingston, etc) doesn't void any warranties does it?

Not a bad question at all. I would think not, because they have an specific bay for it that does not ruin the void sticker on the notebook. I am not sure though.


Diamond Member
Dec 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Maverick2002
One more silly question: installing extra memory (Crucial, Kingston, etc) doesn't void any warranties does it?



Sep 26, 2000
I have the Inspiron 8100 which is essentially the same cept it maxed out at Pentium3 1.13 ghz. Note that this laptop is heavy, one of the heaviest around. As to the screen I have the standard screen and with the geforce to go video I can't seem to get the contrast the way I like it (I am very picky). The additional controls for gamma and individual color adjustments are not available. They may be on your newer model. BUY the extra battery. Playing dvd's I can get one movie, barely. Dell offers a good price on the battery when you buy the laptop. The standard carrying case is pretty cheap, you might want to consider the upgraded one, or one from an after market manufacturer.
AS to the faster hard drive, go for it. My 4500 rpm drive takes forever to load win2k. Consider most decent desktops use a 7200 rpm drive. the standard 4500 is way slower.
Otherwise if weight is no concern you are getting a machine that would cost 2600 to 2800 from toshiba, etc.
BTW make sure you have every disk that you were supposed to get. I didn't get my Power DVD disk (although it was loaded on the dirve). I called and got it in one day, but Dells new policy would prevent them from replacing the disk after 30 days.(yes, its true). For the same reason, burn backups of all your disks.
Almost forgot. Get the floppy drive. It was only 10.00 and turns out I needed it.


Diamond Member
Jan 23, 2001
I think it's a fine laptop. The only thing I would do is go with a faster processor, but that might be just a waste of money.



Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
Ok, will get the floppy. The second battery, is that for a replacement? Or is there a secondary bay (where you can use two batteries simultaneously)?

For a case I need the smallest possible, just so I can get some sort of padding around the laptop. I don't need ANY pockets (I'll be carrying this case along with my backpack so I can store all my stuff there). Smaller + cheaper = better. Any recommendations? Is the $47 Dell is charging a lot? Kinda seems like it.

As per CPU, I just can't find myself spending $500 for 400mhz extra. I'm not made of money you know


Aug 9, 2000
For a case I need the smallest possible, just so I can get some sort of padding around the laptop. I don't need ANY pockets (I'll be carrying this case along with my backpack so I can store all my stuff there). Smaller + cheaper = better. Any recommendations? Is the $47 Dell is charging a lot? Kinda seems like it.

No, $47 is a normal price for it. Lots of good quality notebook bags will exceed that price. I wouldn't buy the bag from Dell unless you find teh exact same case in a store and like it. Try before you buy. I saw a nice small Samsonite bag in CompUSA the other day. It's blue and is padded very nicely. I cannot find it on the CompUSA website though. I hope they still have it on stock cause it's the one my g/f would probably like to get.


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Maverick2002
Ok, will get the floppy. The second battery, is that for a replacement? Or is there a secondary bay (where you can use two batteries simultaneously)?

For a case I need the smallest possible, just so I can get some sort of padding around the laptop. I don't need ANY pockets (I'll be carrying this case along with my backpack so I can store all my stuff there). Smaller + cheaper = better. Any recommendations? Is the $47 Dell is charging a lot? Kinda seems like it.

As per CPU, I just can't find myself spending $500 for 400mhz extra. I'm not made of money you know

Definitely get the floppy (the cable is nice for cheap). The second battery is normally used as a replacement. However, in the Dell 8200 you can have both in simultaneously (if you want, you can "hibenate" your computer to R&R the battery). All the drives are swapable while the computer is running.

Cases . . . . if you watch "Hot Deals" there are some great deals on cases - I got mine free after MIR (it fits with the notebook/case inside my backpack).

I am totally satisfied with my Inspiron 4100 PIII-866M (DVDs/3D games/office apps) - you should have no problem with 1.6Ghz.

Oh, and Dell gives instructions how to add your own RAM/Cards = 'no problem' with warranty unless you're a klutz.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
Actually I can probably get an OK case for free, along with some other goodies (small mini optical mouse, lock, USB light, etc). These are all items I can review

How much more weight does a secondary battery add? And would it really be worth it? I mean, classes/workshops won't last for more than an hour, two at most and when I go home I can just plug it in to the AC. $99 seems a bit steep for something I might not use.

Someone mentioned something about service issues with operating systems. Will they give me crap if I reformat and install my own OS on there (I have WinXP)?


Mar 9, 2000
IMO, the second battery is worth it.

Try this (it worked for me) . . . configure your notebook with the low-power battery (-minus $49) and buy the $99 battery as a spare . . . that way you get 1-1/2 batteries (well, a 2-3 hour battery and a 1-2 hour battery).

The lower power battery weighs about half (1 lb or so) the hi-power one but great for "emergencies" or traveling. (and for only 50 bucks more)

EDIT: Mine came with WinMe (*gag*) . . . I have Wink2K on it and HAVE got technical support from Dell for it. Worst case: you'll have to reinstall the O/S it came with to RMA (EXCEPT in a HD failure - *CONFIRMED* by Dell).

Now buy the damn thing and quit asking questions.


You have 30 days to send it back if you're not happy.


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2000
Why did someone tell me it was like 12lbs? The 8200 is actually lighter than some of the other models: 6.82 - 7.9 lbs. / 1.6" thin.

Anyway, I don't see an option to select a low-power battery, I can't even choose the original one; all I can add is the spare $94 Lithium Ion.

I'm probably going to order it today or tomorrow (need to do it before Thursday when all those offers expire).


Mar 9, 2000
Originally posted by: Maverick2002
How much does each battery weight?

Why did someone tell me it was like 12lbs? The 8200 is actually lighter than some of the other models: 6.82 - 7.9 lbs. / 1.6" thin.

Anyway, I don't see an option to select a low-power battery, I can't even choose the original one; all I can add is the spare $94 Lithium Ion.

The 8200 is evidently configured differently than the "budget" 4200 . . . the second battery is still a great option . . . I doubt that your original will even last 3 years (certainly not with a "full" charge). It weighs about (under) 2 lbs.

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