Duggars - should they stay on TV?

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Feb 6, 2007
Nice that you and your merry band of fuckups pretty much conceded the debate once I bitchslapped you back to Sunday.

Enjoy defending one child molester (Dunham) while bashing another.

I conceded the debate when the central thesis of your rant was complaining about a website that I don't like either. You really nailed me on the "fuck Twitter" point. On everything else, you're wrong, but considering that your posts here are making Texashiker look like a bastion of reason and sanity, I don't know what I have to gain by continuing to engage you, especially as I'm a "fucking failure" in your eyes. Why would I waste my time with someone who is incapable of responding to differing opinions without resorting to baseless ad hominem attacks, and why would you bother responding to someone you clearly have no respect for? Or were you hoping that we could just sling insults back and forth because having an Internet asshole fight is such fun? I'm afraid that you'll beat me with experience, but I'll give it a shot.


Your move, slick.
Nov 25, 2013
Nice that you and your merry band of fuckups pretty much conceded the debate once I bitchslapped you back to Sunday.

Enjoy defending one child molester (Dunham) while bashing another.

Still waiting for an answer:

"When and how did she molest her sister and how is what happened comparable to what the Duggar boy did to at least 5 girls?"


Feb 15, 2002
More gold...


Um..... how about some good old fashioned outrage and Old Testament justice?

I made a little mistake and molested a bunch of little girls. Just a little slip don't you know.... Forgiveness y'all....

I think that last one may be from Huckabee, it sounded a lot like what he said in defense of them.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
I really really love this quote:

at least he sought help, he told his parents, he got counseling, he has moved passed it, he has been forgiven. Now he has been forced to resign from his job and lose his source of income that supports his family because of the evil of some people in this world.

He is not evil even though he molested children. Other people are evil for dragging his felony to light and actually making him pay a price for his crime. Another self-inflicted wound for Christianity.


Dec 27, 2001
I really really love this quote:

He is not evil even though he molested children. Other people are evil for dragging his felony to light and actually making him pay a price for his crime. Another self-inflicted wound for Christianity.

Have you not read any of this thread?

You really are an ignorant and hateful person. You only read the things you want to see and the only things you want to see are filled with hate.

This has been explained in detail, with references and done quite well. But you continue to go on with your drivel.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Nice that you and your merry band of fuckups pretty much conceded the debate once I bitchslapped you back to Sunday.

Enjoy defending one child molester (Dunham) while bashing another.

You're complaining about taking one (highly qualified) guy's assessment of Dunham without larger context while diagnosing her as a child molester over the internet, also with nearly no context.

Does that seem like a good argument to you?
Nov 25, 2013
You're complaining about taking one (highly qualified) guy's assessment of Dunham without larger context while diagnosing her as a child molester over the internet, also with nearly no context.

Does that seem like a good argument to you?

Apparently it does.


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Republicans, you can't make this shit up...

Arkansas state senator Bart Hester, whom we last saw passing a law making it illegal for cities to pass ordinances forbidding discrimination against LGBTs, has called for the city of Springdale to fire its police chief. He alleges that Kathy O’Kelley improperly released information about the Duggar case.

And hey, releasing information sounds pretty bad, doesn’t it? Only O’Kelley did exactly what the law requires. She was complying with a Freedom of Information Act request made by the magazine In Touch, which first reported on the allegations. She also made sure to hide victims names, as required by the law and basic human decency.

Read more: http://bluenationreview.com/right-w...op-fired-for-following-the-law/#ixzz3baaiNkqY


Mar 5, 2001
He's got an undergraduate degree i Psychology

And again, what do you have to question me?

This is the awesomeness of your guys' argument.

You can't question those who have more education than you in a specific area.

So give up in this and finance because you clearly can't discount what I say.


Mar 5, 2001
You're complaining about taking one (highly qualified) guy's assessment of Dunham without larger context while diagnosing her as a child molester over the internet, also with nearly no context.

Does that seem like a good argument to you?

My point is that Dunham's behavior can be debated and discussed here, including the points I have made. However, using some 3rd party's opinion, which cannot be debated and discussed in the first person, as some god-like refutation of any argument, is sheer idiocy.

As I said before, it's like you using The Bernank to end all discussion of QE. First off, we can't debate with The Bernank. Second, he has been massively wrong in the past. Third, we cannot judge his motives in isolation. Fourth, using him as a Godwin-esque law to end all debate is also sheer idiocy because you can't debate any of the prior 3 points. You take his non-contexted and vacuum opinion to be gospel.

This is the Twitterhead way of dealing with debates. You invoke somebody else in the 3rd person and think you win.

That way you don't actually have to know anything about the topic yourself.

Then, like the other fucksticks here, you just try to refute me, rather than my points, by laughing it off and posting meme's. It's quite pathetic, but very ironic. You pretend to engage in debate but don't, you pretend to know but don't, and you pretend to be witty but aren't. You're just sad, pathetic, twitterheads.

What's ultimately ironic about your quote, Eski, is that I am *FAR* more qualified in finance than you are, so who the fuck are you to question me?
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Feb 6, 2007
What's ultimately ironic about your quote, Eski, is that I am *FAR* more qualified in finance than you are, so who the fuck are you to question me?

Who the fuck is he to question you... about child molestation? What the fuck does that have to do with finance?


Mar 5, 2001
Who the fuck is he to question you... about child molestation? What the fuck does that have to do with finance?

About psychology, or finance. The finance part is from another thread.

As far as the psychology, you guys haven't answered my questions, or even begun to debate them.

Here are my questions again, for your convenience. Try to debate those, if you can.

Again, you have a statement, not a debate about fact or context. What would he say once you incorporated the other lies she told? What about when we inject reality of the situation into this? Could he possibly believe that a 1yr old would have done this to herself? If not, then who did it? Lena herself? Then what do we think when a girl is inserting stuff into her 1yr old sister?

What about studies behind exactly when deviant sexual behavior develops into sexual predators? Some psychology studies have hinted that serial murders develop their behaviors in early childhood. The anger, environmental effects, and other factors, evidence themselves at an early age. Is this also true for sexual predators?

Could this have been an evidence of that? Have there been any case studies of sexual predators to find out when they develop the behaviors? Any larger studies taking into account hundreds, if not thousands, of predators?
Nov 25, 2013
And again, what do you have to question me?

This is the awesomeness of your guys' argument.

You can't question those who have more education than you in a specific area.

So give up in this and finance because you clearly can't discount what I say.

Still waiting for an answer:

"When and how did she molest her sister and how is what happened comparable to what the Duggar boy did to at least 5 girls?"


Feb 15, 2002
You already got the answer. She molested her sister by her own admission. Molestation is molestation.

At what age can a child be guilty of "molesting" another?

And what does this other case have to do with the Duggars and whether they should stay on tv again?
Feb 6, 2007
About psychology, or finance. The finance part is from another thread.

As far as the psychology, you guys haven't answered my questions, or even begun to debate them.

No, we've answered them, and your rebuttal was "you're not allowed to consult experts, just your own opinions, which can only be informed by the level of education you've received specifically in psychology, and by the way, I have a degree in it so I outrank you." But that's not debating in good faith since expert opinion is something that everybody relies on. If you're not willing to consider outside sources and you aren't willing to consider the opinions of people without at least an undergraduate degree in psychology, what point is there to debate? I'm still curious why you think we should accept your opinion over someone like Ritch Savin-Williams who has more expertise than you, and all you've offered in support of your position is abuse and nonsense. But you've also managed to convince exactly no one, so I guess it's a wash.


Mar 5, 2001
At what age can a child be guilty of "molesting" another?

And what does this other case have to do with the Duggars and whether they should stay on tv again?

Are there prepubscent molestors in development? Some of the info I have read indicate there may be.

Look at Dunham now, she enjoys forcing her nudity upon others. There was an article this week about how she runs around naked on her set, not caring what others think, and daring them to challenge her. She'd ridicule them as sexist patriarchal misogynists if they did.

Sounds like somebody who enjoys sexually assaulting/harassing others.


Mar 5, 2001
No, we've answered them, and your rebuttal was "you're not allowed to consult experts, just your own opinions, which can only be informed by the level of education you've received specifically in psychology, and by the way, I have a degree in it so I outrank you." But that's not debating in good faith since expert opinion is something that everybody relies on. If you're not willing to consider outside sources and you aren't willing to consider the opinions of people without at least an undergraduate degree in psychology, what point is there to debate? I'm still curious why you think we should accept your opinion over someone like Ritch Savin-Williams who has more expertise than you, and all you've offered in support of your position is abuse and nonsense. But you've also managed to convince exactly no one, so I guess it's a wash.

No, you did not answer them. You posted a 3rd party's viewpoint that you view as irrefutable.

My rebuttal is that that viewpoint is insane. I can't debate Ritch Savin-Williams, but I can debate you. Rather than just using a 3rd party viewpoint, why not actually debate and address my questions directly? Why not do your own research?

Why are you so fucking lazy?

And if you haven't figured out why I say you can't debate debate me because I have credentials is because that's what you're doing. I am pointing out the logical fallacy of your 3rd party non-debatable "irrefutable" data based upon somebody else's credentials.

Essentially I am exposing you for the moronic fraud you are.
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Nov 25, 2013
You already got the answer. She molested her sister by her own admission. Molestation is molestation.

Just to get this straight, your claim is that this is a confession of molestation?
"Do we all have uteruses?" I asked my mother when I was seven.
"Yes," she told me. "We're born with them, and with all our eggs, but they start out very small. And they aren't ready to make babies until we're older." I look at my sister, now a slim, tough one-year-old, and at her tiny belly. I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte's Web, and her uterus, the size of a thimble.
"Does her vagina look like mine?"
"I guess so," my mother said. "Just smaller."
One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.
My mother came running. "Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!"
My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.

And you also claim that the above is the equivalent to what Josh Dugger did to at least 5 girls when he was 15?


Feb 15, 2002
Are there prepubscent molestors in development? Some of the info I have read indicate there may be.

Look at Dunham now, she enjoys forcing her nudity upon others. There was an article this week about how she runs around naked on her set, not caring what others think, and daring them to challenge her. She'd ridicule them as sexist patriarchal misogynists if they did.

Sounds like somebody who enjoys sexually assaulting/harassing others.

I really don't know/care who this Dunham person is, I don't watch primetime tv. I'm still curious with what she has to do with the Duggars remaining on TV. Is your argument that since she is on TV for something she did as a 7yr old is the same as Josh did?


Mar 5, 2001
Just to get this straight, your claim is that this is a confession of molestation?
"Do we all have uteruses?" I asked my mother when I was seven.
"Yes," she told me. "We're born with them, and with all our eggs, but they start out very small. And they aren't ready to make babies until we're older." I look at my sister, now a slim, tough one-year-old, and at her tiny belly. I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte's Web, and her uterus, the size of a thimble.
"Does her vagina look like mine?"
"I guess so," my mother said. "Just smaller."
One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.
My mother came running. "Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!"
My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.

And you also claim that the above is the equivalent to what Josh Dugger did to at least 5 girls when he was 15?

First off, the story is ridiculous, so I lean towards her massaging it a bit. A 1yr old putting rocks up there? Where was the diaper? No diaper and sticking rocks up there in the middle of the day, in the middle of the driveway?

She is a known liar willing to slant stories in her favor. But you won't catch the liberal media calling her to task for any of that.
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Feb 15, 2002
You do realize Josh could be tried as an adult in many states at the age he was when this occurred? I don't think the same could be said of Dunham, Also using your logic, should the five yr old that shot his mother be in jail for accidental homicide? After all accidental homicide is accidental homicide.
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