Duggars - should they stay on TV?

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Nov 25, 2013
]First off, the story is ridiculous, so I lean towards her massaging it a bit.[/B] A 1yr old putting rocks up there? Where was the diaper? No diaper and sticking rocks up there in the middle of the day, in the middle of the driveway?

She is a known liar willing to slant stories in her favor.

Molestation is molestation.

So, you made some shit up in your head and figure that this imagined action is the same as what Josh Duggar *actually* did. You remember what that was? In case you've forgotten, among other things, it involved touching several of his sisters (and their friends) in an overtly sexual manner while they slept.

This is your story and you're sticking to it?
Feb 6, 2007
First off, the story is ridiculous, so I lean towards her massaging it a bit. A 1yr old putting rocks up there? Where was the diaper? No diaper and sticking rocks up there in the middle of the day, in the middle of the driveway?

She is a known liar willing to slant stories in her favor. But you won't catch the liberal media calling her to task for any of that.

Unless she lied about her age at the time, I still wouldn't consider that sexual molestation. Seven-year-olds don't have sexual urges. They aren't producing the hormones that make sexual urges possible, at least not in the quantity required to influence such urges. A seven-year-old touching a one-year-old's vagina is inappropriate, but it is not sexual. That's my view; do you have something in your years of psychological training that would refute such a viewpoint and demonstrate that seven-year-olds can be driven by sexual urges?


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
So, you made some shit up in your head and figure that this imagined action is the same as what Josh Duggar *actually* did. You remember what that was? In case you've forgotten, among other things, it involved touching several of his sisters (and their friends) in an overtly sexual manner while they slept.

This is your story and you're sticking to it?

I have no idea what the fuck he is on about. He keeps talking about anything except what the topic of the thread is about. Apparently he is obsessed with some girl putting rocks in another girls vagina. Ok that is interesting and all but what in the fuck-all does it have to do with this topic? I am not sure, he is probably the only one who does and he certainly is doing a poor job of communicating the linkage on this thread.

Did one of the Duggar girls put rocks in one of their sister's vaginas? Is Josh diddling his little sisters ok because some girl put pebbles in another girl's vagina? Not exactly sure where he is going with it.
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May 28, 2007
First off, the story is ridiculous, so I lean towards her massaging it a bit. A 1yr old putting rocks up there? Where was the diaper? No diaper and sticking rocks up there in the middle of the day, in the middle of the driveway?

She is a known liar willing to slant stories in her favor. But you won't catch the liberal media calling her to task for any of that.

Hmm, so the only witness that you have is a liar. Guess you don't have much of a case.

Or do you have an undergraduate degree in criminal justice too.

"Checkmate! You bitches can't debate me!!"


Diamond Member
Mar 12, 2013
Hmm, so the only witness that you have is a liar. Guess you don't have much of a case.

Or do you have an undergraduate degree in criminal justice too.

"Checkmate! You bitches can't debate me!!"

Here is an interesting quote:

Dr. Lucy Berliner, director of Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress in Seattle, Wash., said it is “completely outside” accepted medical practice to characterize a 6-year-old’s actions as sexual assault.
“Sexual exploration, curiosity and play among children is common,” Berliner said. “Even if there was an attempt to penetrate, it’s still a 6-year-old doing it.”

So that is a doctor's take on it. Doctor probably doesn't know shit though.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
My point is that Dunham's behavior can be debated and discussed here, including the points I have made. However, using some 3rd party's opinion, which cannot be debated and discussed in the first person, as some god-like refutation of any argument, is sheer idiocy.

As I said before, it's like you using The Bernank to end all discussion of QE. First off, we can't debate with The Bernank. Second, he has been massively wrong in the past. Third, we cannot judge his motives in isolation. Fourth, using him as a Godwin-esque law to end all debate is also sheer idiocy because you can't debate any of the prior 3 points. You take his non-contexted and vacuum opinion to be gospel.

This is the Twitterhead way of dealing with debates. You invoke somebody else in the 3rd person and think you win.

That way you don't actually have to know anything about the topic yourself.

Then, like the other fucksticks here, you just try to refute me, rather than my points, by laughing it off and posting meme's. It's quite pathetic, but very ironic. You pretend to engage in debate but don't, you pretend to know but don't, and you pretend to be witty but aren't. You're just sad, pathetic, twitterheads.

What's ultimately ironic about your quote, Eski, is that I am *FAR* more qualified in finance than you are, so who the fuck are you to question me?

The only thing I did was point out the obvious logical flaw in your argument.

You were doing exactly the same thing that you were complaining about, which was giving an opinion absent larger context. At least the other guy was highly qualified, unlike you, and if I understand it correctly at least he was making a general statement about child behavior instead of making a specific accusation/diagnosis, unlike you. Of course his position could be refuted, you've just failed to do so.

You're getting dog piled here for a reason, which is that you're trying to draw an equivalence between a 7 year old's behavior and a 15 year old's behavior. That's a dumb idea. You should stop.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
It's also abundantly clear that you had never bothered to read the passage out of her book that you were referencing as basically the entirety of your evidence for her being a 'molester' and then when confronted with what it really said you decided to try and hand wave it away by calling her a liar.

When you are making an argument this bad you should probably refrain from calling other people 'fucksticks' unless your plan is to escape the argument by bullying your way out of it.


Dec 27, 2001
It's also abundantly clear that you had never bothered to read the passage out of her book that you were referencing as basically the entirety of your evidence for her being a 'molester' and then when confronted with what it really said you decided to try and hand wave it away by calling her a liar.

When you are making an argument this bad you should probably refrain from calling other people 'fucksticks' unless your plan is to escape the argument by bullying your way out of it.
LK is a moronic fuckstick.


May 28, 2007
Just to get this straight, your claim is that this is a confession of molestation?
"Do we all have uteruses?" I asked my mother when I was seven.
"Yes," she told me. "We're born with them, and with all our eggs, but they start out very small. And they aren't ready to make babies until we're older." I look at my sister, now a slim, tough one-year-old, and at her tiny belly. I imagined her eggs inside her, like the sack of spider eggs in Charlotte's Web, and her uterus, the size of a thimble.
"Does her vagina look like mine?"
"I guess so," my mother said. "Just smaller."
One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn't resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked.
My mother came running. "Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!"
My mother didn't bother asking why I had opened Grace's vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.

And you also claim that the above is the equivalent to what Josh Dugger did to at least 5 girls when he was 15?

Highlights of the redacted Duggar police report

The alleged victims are *********** who live with their parents Michelle and Jim Bob *************. The caller says that there are ********** total in the home. The caller says that the family is not willing to tell anyone this unless they find out. The caller says that they found out this and asked the family about it, so the parents told them about it with ****** sitting righter there. The parents said that 3 1/2 year ago when ***** was ****** admitting to fondling ****. They said that ***** said that **** had been fondling **** breast and vaginas when they were sleeping, from the time ****** was ******. They said that *** also admitted to fondling ***** outside the home on her breasts...

James said that in March of 2002, *********, who had just ********, came to him very upset and crying. James said that ****** had told him that ******** had been sneaking into ****** room at night and had been touching ********* in the breasts and vaginal areas while ******* were sleeping. (Apparently ********** were sleeping in a common room at this time.) ******** told James that this had occurred 4 to 5 times and had occurred once one of the ******** was sleeping on the couch. Apparently ****** had always been asleep when these incidents occurred. James said that when ******* later told ********* what had occurred, *************, had said that **** remembered one time when ***** woke up and was taking the blanket away, but ***** did not remember anything else.

James said that in July of 2002, ****** admitted to him that one night as **** was sleeping ***** had gone to the couch where ****** was sleeping and had fondled **** breasts as ***** slept. ***** was later identified by James as ****...

Yeah, looks like the exact same thing.

But what do I know, I don't have an undergraduate degree in psychology.


Dec 3, 2013
Never have watched anything they had anything to do with.

And never will.

I guess that is a no.
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Diamond Member
Aug 2, 2007
Unless she lied about her age at the time, I still wouldn't consider that sexual molestation. Seven-year-olds don't have sexual urges. They aren't producing the hormones that make sexual urges possible, at least not in the quantity required to influence such urges. A seven-year-old touching a one-year-old's vagina is inappropriate, but it is not sexual. That's my view; do you have something in your years of psychological training that would refute such a viewpoint and demonstrate that seven-year-olds can be driven by sexual urges?
Don't know where you got this bullshit but I had my earliest sexual urges (that I remember) at the age of 6. Anecdotal evidence is generally garbage but even with a sample size of 1, I think it fairly well puts this supposition to bed (pun not intended).


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2005
The Duggars represent what is wrong with Christianity today, they have one foot in God's house the church, and another in the Devil's whorehouse the world,

they wear their religion on their sleeve like the Pharisees of old to show the world how much better they are on top of their self righteous pedestal,

yet they want to partake in the riches, glitz, and glamor the world offers, the same world that hates them and will look for the tiniest beloved patriot in their armor, no thanks to their son, that has turned into a gaping hole that will be used to take them down.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Im not a Christian, nor am I religious. But, the Bible says that you cannot hide something. Eventually, it will come to light.

It just bothers me that the Duggars are so prideful that they will say in the same breath that someone like Caitlyn Jenner is a pedophile for being transgender...but their son is not a predator for molesting his 5 year old sister as she sat on his lap. They said that it isn't the same thing because it was a Child preying on another child.

Josh was 14....I cannot be convinced that he did not know it was wrong to do what he did. They forgave him so easily, but don't extend the same forgiveness to others?

They are so upset that this was even revealed about their family. They had no intentions on dealing with it. Their two daugers, Jill and Jessa don't think that Josh molested them...what do they call it then when someone comes into your room at night and fondles you?


Feb 1, 2008
I guess I'm pretty normal.
In my household, we never heard of these shows or people until some weird off the wall scandal happens and we have to google who the hell the outrage is all about.
Never watched the Duck guys neither. Not once.
Had to google them when that homophobic shit hit the news.
And whats it name, baby Boo Boo?
Absolutely no idea. Never watched. Never would.

However, Naked and Afraid we've watched. White folks running around crocodile infested swamps butt naked. What could go wrong?
And Dating Naked. Every mother wants to see her daughters boyfriends naked rear end.
Otherwise, how is a mom to know?
Hey guys, there's more than one place to wear an engagement ring.

Little chance of scandal on naked reality TV.


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I caught part of the interview with the Duggars. Jim Bob was crazy to actually defend his boy and downplay the molestation.

He said:

&#8220;They didn&#8217;t know that anything happened because they were asleep.&#8221;


&#8220;This was like touching somebody over the clothes. There were a couple instances where he touched somebody under their clothes, but it was like a few seconds.&#8221;

That's terrible to downplay it like that because it makes the girls feel like it wasn't a big deal and the intense emotions they felt aren't being taken seriously by their own father.


No Lifer
Jul 12, 2006
I caught part of the interview with the Duggars. Jim Bob was crazy to actually defend his boy and downplay the molestation.

He said:


That's terrible to downplay it like that because it makes the girls feel like it wasn't a big deal and the intense emotions they felt aren't being taken seriously by their own father.

With these kind of people, girls are raised to understand that they exist as nothing more than baby factories. Whatever a man wants to do to her and whenever he wants to put a baby in her, she has to concede. This is simply the type of behavior that is enforced at an early age in both boys and girls.

Jim Bob believes this type of nonsense to his heart and is almost certainly a raging pedophile/sexual assailant himself from an early age. But alas: mums the word.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
&#8220;This was like touching somebody over the clothes. There were a couple instances where he touched somebody under their clothes, but it was like a few seconds.&#8221;

My goodness..... How can somebody just downplay molestation like that.


Nov 4, 1999
Josh Duggar walks into a bar. Bartender says, "Hey, Josh! What'll you have?"
Josh sits down and says, "Same thing my sisters had - three fingers."


Jan 31, 2010
There you have it folks., no one can be rehabilitated and all incarcerated should stay that way until the end of their. When eligible for parole it should be declined as no one can be rehabilitated.
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