E3 2006 Pressconfrence : Sony PS3 , Microsoft XBOX 360 , Nintendo Wii


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Sony did screw up big time in its press-conference but people will still buy it but... getting the causal gamers would be really hard as the price is too high and causal gamers play games like madden , Fifa ,ect and this is where they may just buy an Xbox 360 because its cheap and it has all these games that causal gamers will play. Sony failed in showing why cauasl gamers and non gamers would buy a ps3 at launch or until the price drops to $300 below. They started of with a GT4 game demo and it failed to maze people into going "man the ps3 is awesome". They did get people attention with the heavily sword gameplay demo which looked awesome. They showed FF13 and Metal gear solid 4 trailer but shocked people with the Price and angered few people with the Final Controller Introduction. People weren't too Wowed when the dude was playing Warhack with sensor motion feature as he looked like he was having seasiors. Also I don't think i will be buying a ps3 yet because i don't want to spend $990AUD for a 60GB PS3 model just to play blu-ray media and current released games which most of them are already avaliable on xbox 360. I think i will wait for atleast untill late 2007 when Metal Gear solid 4 , FF 13 , Heavily sword and devil May cry 3 is out.

Nintendo Wii looks awesome but i am still ain't sure it will be a true winner. Got cool idea and great Game line up but i can't see my self coming from work and picking up a wii controller and start waving my hands and start jumping up and down. I would rather sit on my couch and play my games on a non-motion sensor controller. I think nintendo will really do great in getting the non-gamers in to Wii. I will buy a Wii at its launch just to play Mario , Yoshi island and Zelda. Nintendo did show some cool stuff but some of the game demo were broken and didn't work well with the Wii Controller and thats where Nintendo may fail into the core gamer playing on Wii as their 1st choice gaming platform.

Microsoft did a surprisingly a very good press-conference and did introduce awesome upcoming Live Update. Microsoft did achieve to show its current owners like me that games are coming by showing the awesome Gears of war real gameplay demo , Halo 3 trailer , Forza Motorsport 2 , Blue dragon , lost odyssey and also Microsoft did achieve in giving reason to people to buy one now.

My rating :
Microsoft Confrence : A
Nintendo Confrence : A
Sony Confrence : C

What did sony didn't do or do really bad or screwed up in :
Didn't Show anything about killzone 2
Introduce the price system
Shooting themself in the foot by not having a HDMI slots , Wifi , Memory slots in 20GB Model... say good bye to watching movies and playing games at 1080p and also HDCP support Sony did defeat the whole e3 2005 argument on true Next gen HD console
2Gigabit ethernet port were taken out , the 2 HDMI slots were taken out , 7 controller idea gone
Copying features of Nintendo Wii motion sensors controller and XBOX 360 trigger and home center button
Not having rumble feedback in the controller
Showing trailers that didn't make sense like Africa
GT4 demo that failed the impressive the crowd
failed to show anything Graphically that an Xbox 360 couldn't do
show the online feature
Devil May cry trailer

What did Nintendo didn't do or do really bad or screwed up in :
didn't Show any virtual console stuff they were talking about few month back , Features of playing your old Nes , Snes , N64 , Gamcube , ect games
Wii name :!
Game demos that weren't working really well with the Wii Controller
didn't show the online feature

What did Microsoft didn't do or do really bad or screwed up in :
Nina Gaiden Game ;(
demo of the XBOX vision Camera feature (eye toy thingy)
didn't show Lost Oddessy
HD-DVD price
Tell people how will they view 1080p for Movie playback
Get ATI to fix the damn DVD playback which can be done so easy as ATI do have awesome team that did AVIVO :!


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Halo 3
Gears of War
<< this game has the coolest co-op idea yet
Creed Assassin << people behind price of persia and gameplay demo looked awesome and graphic were like the trailer they showed.
Lost Planet
Mass Effect
Splinter Cell Double Agent
Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway

Final Fantasy 13/12
Metal Gear Solid 4
Heavly Sword <<greatest cinematic and sword fighting ever
God of War 2
Persona 3 <PS2 title THIS GAME IS TOTALLY CRAZY AND SOUNDS AWESOME School kids saving japan , you can fight with swords and bows or you can summon your persona which are awesome demonic demon that kick ass but that the crazy and coolest part is that your character pulls out a pistol and aims at his head and squeeze the trigger and bang the persona comes out.

Yoshi Island 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Bros. Brawl << Snake is in the game and trailer kicked ass : )
Zelda Twilight Princess
Reisdent Evil
Dragon Quest
Wii Sport

Battlefield 2142
Vanguard Could be a really hit MMORPG
Crysis One of the best looking game
Bioshock Underwater Utopia city , Mutant Things and it all goes horribly wrong and now you have to fight to survive. System shock feel , Cool RPG elements
Medieval Total War 2
Supreme Commander

most impressive game at e3
PS3 : Creed assassin
XBOX 360: Mass Effect
PS2 : Guitar hero 2 and God of War 2 tie
Wii : Wii Sport
DS lite : The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
PC : Bio Shock & Spore tie
Jun 14, 2003
nice review,

i think the wii, while seemingly very good fun on the show floor, wont be all that fun once you get it home. i mean games like super smash bros on the cube were genuinely fun, but i dont think 4 guys mincing around the front room waving remotes at each other will hold much novelty for long. eventually people will be back to kicking back in an armchair or on the sofa and playing their games just as they do now.

sony ps3, sony have definately dropped the ball somewhere, initial impressions dont seem too stellar. what im hoping, becuase ill admit i am fond of sony's products, is that this rather damp showing at E3 is a kind of wool pulling exercise. generally sony are guns blazing with the hype machine in fully automatic mode. what im hoping is that they've learned from past mistakes, and are kind of intentionally not going all out at E3, so that when people buy the console, instead of being abit let down on broken promises, they are subtley suprised by it, and in turn word gets out that the PS3 is actually better than people thought.

its just a thought, but then again sony could of been showing the best they got, and are simply acknowleding that things havent quite worked out and they are just going to ride on the PS1 and PS2 wave of success.

XBOX360, in my eyes seems to get stronger everyday, more, better games, graphics that for now are on par or better than what the PS3 has shown us so far. Live is amazingly well done, the systems out now are reliable, but, and its a big but.....they still lack any kind of HDMI/HDCP out, and they dont have a HD_DVD drive.

at the end of the day though i will be buying a PS3, primarily for GT5 and MGS4


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
nice review,

i think the wii, while seemingly very good fun on the show floor, wont be all that fun once you get it home. i mean games like super smash bros on the cube were genuinely fun, but i dont think 4 guys mincing around the front room waving remotes at each other will hold much novelty for long. eventually people will be back to kicking back in an armchair or on the sofa and playing their games just as they do now.

sony ps3, sony have definately dropped the ball somewhere, initial impressions dont seem too stellar. what im hoping, becuase ill admit i am fond of sony's products, is that this rather damp showing at E3 is a kind of wool pulling exercise. generally sony are guns blazing with the hype machine in fully automatic mode. what im hoping is that they've learned from past mistakes, and are kind of intentionally not going all out at E3, so that when people buy the console, instead of being abit let down on broken promises, they are subtley suprised by it, and in turn word gets out that the PS3 is actually better than people thought.

its just a thought, but then again sony could of been showing the best they got, and are simply acknowleding that things havent quite worked out and they are just going to ride on the PS1 and PS2 wave of success.

XBOX360, in my eyes seems to get stronger everyday, more, better games, graphics that for now are on par or better than what the PS3 has shown us so far. Live is amazingly well done, the systems out now are reliable, but, and its a big but.....they still lack any kind of HDMI/HDCP out, and they dont have a HD_DVD drive.

at the end of the day though i will be buying a PS3, primarily for GT5 and MGS4

yeah , i will be buying a PS3 just for MGS4 but not for GT5 as Motor sport Forza is much better as its got really awesome online play and much better so i am pretty sure Motor sport Forza 2 will be even more awesome and with the new live update .. i should be able to edit my cars on the computer and make it cool and tweak it to the max and then upload to my xbox 360. I think forza development team was talking about letting you even make your own car , paint with paintshop and tweak it so you could really make your own crazy cool car with the stuff you want and then you should be able to race it on xbox live.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: tuteja1986
Originally posted by: otispunkmeyer
nice review,

i think the wii, while seemingly very good fun on the show floor, wont be all that fun once you get it home. i mean games like super smash bros on the cube were genuinely fun, but i dont think 4 guys mincing around the front room waving remotes at each other will hold much novelty for long. eventually people will be back to kicking back in an armchair or on the sofa and playing their games just as they do now.

sony ps3, sony have definately dropped the ball somewhere, initial impressions dont seem too stellar. what im hoping, becuase ill admit i am fond of sony's products, is that this rather damp showing at E3 is a kind of wool pulling exercise. generally sony are guns blazing with the hype machine in fully automatic mode. what im hoping is that they've learned from past mistakes, and are kind of intentionally not going all out at E3, so that when people buy the console, instead of being abit let down on broken promises, they are subtley suprised by it, and in turn word gets out that the PS3 is actually better than people thought.

its just a thought, but then again sony could of been showing the best they got, and are simply acknowleding that things havent quite worked out and they are just going to ride on the PS1 and PS2 wave of success.

XBOX360, in my eyes seems to get stronger everyday, more, better games, graphics that for now are on par or better than what the PS3 has shown us so far. Live is amazingly well done, the systems out now are reliable, but, and its a big but.....they still lack any kind of HDMI/HDCP out, and they dont have a HD_DVD drive.

at the end of the day though i will be buying a PS3, primarily for GT5 and MGS4

yeah , i will be buying a PS3 just for MGS4 but not for GT5 as Motor sport Forza is much better as its got really awesome online play and much better so i am pretty sure Motor sport Forza 2 will be even more awesome and with the new live update .. i should be able to edit my cars on the computer and make it cool and tweak it to the max and then upload to my xbox 360. I think forza development team was talking about letting you even make your own car , paint with paintshop and tweak it so you could really make your own crazy cool car with the stuff you want and then you should be able to race it on xbox live.

i played the last forza and i really wasnt impressed, the online was great though, but as far as cars and tracks when, it just didnt look as good or as realistic as GT4. the nuburgring for example, in real life is a narrow very bumpy race track, on GT it was a very narrow, very bumpy race track, and was quite a challenge to drive fast round.

nurburging on foza was nothing like the GT4 version, being wider and seemingly smoother.

for me GT4 > Forza 1

hopefully they have added some new stuff to GT5 other than graphics. from the videos ive seen all ive seen is the same track and cars, and sounds, just the graphics are in HD.

if GT5 = GT4 with pretty graphics....i may not buy it.


Senior member
Dec 6, 2004
Once the PS3 matures after its release like the 360 is doing now.

It will PWN ALL!

End of discussion.


Aug 9, 2002
I call it murder or the PS3.

Hows over sea's sales of the x-box?


May 11, 2004
I have to agree with you tuteja1986 about Sony's poor performance at E3.

If I were Sony, I would hurry and fix the basic console version to be upgradeable just like the Xbox 360 core console. I don't know if they will but they do have 6 more months before the official release.

They may not be able to fix the sales price of the consoles because right now the blu-ray players will be selling for well over $1000.00 and getting one from Sony for $600 is a bargain but that won't be reason enough for consumers to buy the PS3. They need to fix the core console to be upgradeable if they want to sell out at release day like the Xbox 360 did.

I'm very excited for Nintendo. They have done their research and I think they will come out on top as the most sales around the holidays.


Aug 9, 2002
Originally posted by: Panthro
I have to agree with you tuteja1986 about Sony's poor performance at E3.

If I were Sony, I would hurry and fix the basic console version to be upgradeable just like the Xbox 360 core console. I don't know if they will but they do have 6 more months before the official release.

They may not be able to fix the sales price of the consoles because right now the blu-ray players will be selling for well over $1000.00 and getting one from Sony for $600 is a bargain but that won't be reason enough for consumers to buy the PS3. They need to fix the core console to be upgradeable if they want to sell out at release day like the Xbox 360 did.

I'm very excited for Nintendo. They have done their research and I think they will come out on top as the most sales around the holidays.

There is a fine line between retail price and manufacturing price of the blue ray drive. Sony is paying for whatever the business contract agreed upon. However if you meant what im getting at , which I think you are, it's still one pricy piece of equipment.


Golden Member
Nov 2, 2004
If I remember correctly Nintendo also made anew version of the classic controller and I'm pretty they said something about using to play games like smash borhters.


Aug 10, 2002
Originally posted by: phantom404
If I remember correctly Nintendo also made anew version of the classic controller and I'm pretty they said something about using to play games like smash borhters.

Yup, the AT article on E3 shows the 3 different Wii controller setups, basics wiimote + stick, wiimote + SNES style controller and a gun type thing.

They also talked about the 24/7 connected thing, which will likely relate to getting older games, and they don't need to show off their old games feature because, well, I expect they are just goint to make it work, and if you know that old games will be available there's not much point in showing them when you can show new stuff instead.


May 11, 2004
Originally posted by: Regs
Originally posted by: Panthro
I have to agree with you tuteja1986 about Sony's poor performance at E3.

If I were Sony, I would hurry and fix the basic console version to be upgradeable just like the Xbox 360 core console. I don't know if they will but they do have 6 more months before the official release.

They may not be able to fix the sales price of the consoles because right now the blu-ray players will be selling for well over $1000.00 and getting one from Sony for $600 is a bargain but that won't be reason enough for consumers to buy the PS3. They need to fix the core console to be upgradeable if they want to sell out at release day like the Xbox 360 did.

I'm very excited for Nintendo. They have done their research and I think they will come out on top as the most sales around the holidays.

There is a fine line between retail price and manufacturing price of the blue ray drive. Sony is paying for whatever the business contract agreed upon. However if you meant what im getting at , which I think you are, it's still one pricy piece of equipment.

Yes, it's too expensive and only the very hardcore gamer with disposable income will buy it. They won't sell out like the Xbox 360.


Platinum Member
Feb 15, 2005
I really like the Wii, and will definetly buy one on launch.

In fact it's probably the only console I'll buy this generation.


Dec 28, 2004
Have the X360 already. Have enough disposable income to buy Wii and PS3. Have HDTV w/ HDMI connection as well. PWN.


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2006
I hate to sound nitpicky, but work a little on your spelling. Things like "failed to maze" and "heavily sword" make you sound somewhat like a kid. Of course if English is your second language that's understandable.

It was a nice review though. You put alot of what I was thinking into words.
Jun 14, 2003
Originally posted by: RapidSnail
I hate to sound nitpicky, but work a little on your spelling. Things like "failed to maze" and "heavily sword" make you sound somewhat like a kid. Of course if English is your second language that's understandable.

It was a nice review though. You put alot of what I was thinking into words.

given his name, and past posts, i do believe english isnt the OP's 1st language.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
didn't Show any virtual console stuff they were talking about few month back

I have quite a bit of footage on the virtual console- menu screens, in game footage etc from the floor.

Creed Assassin << people behind price of persia and gameplay demo looked awesome and graphic were like the trailer they showed.

Assasin's Creed is PS3, not 360. Looks like the best reason to get a PS3 as of this moment.

Yes, it's too expensive and only the very hardcore gamer with disposable income will buy it. They won't sell out like the Xbox 360.

It will sell out without question- every exec at MS and Nin would tell you that. What's more, we will see price gouging on top of the $600 price point also. Next year when supply starts to catch up then pricing will become an issue- but the launch price is largely a non factor in terms of how many they will sell(everyone they can build).


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2005
Didn't really support any of the last generation of consoles. I ended up getting an Xbox + Halo for christmas, though I didn't ask for it. Bought UT:C and never played it after a couple weeks. Then after playing Ninja Gaiden and Fable with friends I picked them up in the bargain bin *recently* just for something to do until I start work. Girlfriend had a GC and I played the crap out of Zelda:WW and SSBM... still... I wouldn't have dropped my money on EITHER console. That said, I'm totally stoked about the Wii. I miss the great N64 titles like Mario 64 and ZeldaOT... just from what I've seen from Mario Galaxy, Zelda:TP and SSBB I KNOW I'm going to be buying a Wii. I could give a rats ass about MGS, GT and most console FPSes. With games like Splinter Cell and FarCry on PC, I'd rather save that 400-600 dollars for a video card upgrade. PS3 would be at the absolute bottom of my list.


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2005
Originally posted by: BenSkywalker
didn't Show any virtual console stuff they were talking about few month back

I have quite a bit of footage on the virtual console- menu screens, in game footage etc from the floor.

Creed Assassin << people behind price of persia and gameplay demo looked awesome and graphic were like the trailer they showed.

Assasin's Creed is PS3, not 360. Looks like the best reason to get a PS3 as of this moment.

Yes, it's too expensive and only the very hardcore gamer with disposable income will buy it. They won't sell out like the Xbox 360.

It will sell out without question- every exec at MS and Nin would tell you that. What's more, we will see price gouging on top of the $600 price point also. Next year when supply starts to catch up then pricing will become an issue- but the launch price is largely a non factor in terms of how many they will sell(everyone they can build).

well its not made clear yet about assassin creed being a ps3 exclusive totally as the game was shown in Microsoft X05 expo running on Xbox 360.

One thing i have learned is that Early Game Adopters are crazy and they will buy the console no matter what the price. I saw a video where a shop in Japan sold over 20 DS lite for 38000 Yen because it was sold out everywhere.

I do want to buy a ps3 bad at launch but the price is so high at the australian launch and i would be paying $990 (764USD)for PS3 + $110AUD (85 USD) for warhack and $110 for assassin creed. if your wondering why price is so high is because only USA , Canada and japan get the cheap price. Europe , UK , Australia , Korea , China all get screwed over with the high price.

So i am saying that Sony hasn't convinced me to buy a ps3 at launch. Games like Heavenly sword , Metal gear solid 4 , FF 13 , GT5 and Devil May cry are very far far away from launch and some will not even come out until early 2008 and even late 2008. I will end up buying the PS3 for sure in mid/late 2007 or even early if sony can deliever on the high quality game.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
well its not made clear yet about assassin creed being a ps3 exclusive totally as the game was shown in Microsoft X05 expo running on Xbox 360.

Just throwing this out. I have seen some conflicting reports since I went looking for it, but there are large sites claiming that it is PS3 exclusive at this point.
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