E6420 What are your OC results?


Senior member
Jun 11, 2003
The E6420 I have is OC'ing like a demon and was wondering what results/experiences others are having.

E6420 (Retail Box from BLT)
GA-965DS3 V3.3 Bios F10
Scythe Ninja HS/Scythe Sflex SFF21E 1200rpm fan
2G Patriot 800 PDC22G6400LLK
Hiper 730 watt
Vista 32
Antec 900 case
Virtually silent system @ 2'
Cpu voltage 1.375 (runs stock also up to 3.4)
Ram voltage +.3
all other voltage stock

Temps with Orthos running >1HR

NB Hot at any setting

400*8=3.2Ghz Coretemp 0.95: core 0 45-50C (varies) core 1 45-50C
425*8=3.4Ghz 47-50C 47-50C

Boots and runs but temps too high for me to run any tests until I add another fan and some NB cooling.

475*8=3.8Ghz 57C 57C


Senior member
Dec 9, 2003
Originally posted by: Cardio
The E6420 I have is OC'ing like a demon and was wondering what results/experiences others are having.

E6420 (Retail Box from BLT)
GA-965DS3 V3.3 Bios F10
Scythe Ninja HS/Scythe Sflex SFF21E 1200rpm fan
2G Patriot 800 PDC22G6400LLK
Hiper 730 watt
Vista 32
Antec 900 case
Virtually silent system @ 2'
Cpu voltage 1.375 (runs stock also up to 3.4)
Ram voltage +.3
all other voltage stock

Temps with Orthos running >1HR

NB Hot at any setting

400*8=3.2Ghz Coretemp 0.95: core 0 45-50C (varies) core 1 45-50C

what u mean by Coretemp 0.95 ?


Nov 18, 2005
you have a very similar system to me. And I too need proper NorthBridge cooling on my DFI P965, as of now it only has a passive heatsink solution.
However, I am able to reach 3.44ghz (430x8). Currently I have the vcore at around 1.4v, and the Northbridge at 1.35v. I believe I can eek a lot more out of the CPU, even at the current vcore, if I can raise the northbridge voltage and get a little more FSB out of it. However, if I do that, the temp's rocket up to 60ºC, from the current 52ºC. Not sure if 60ºC is safe for the NB, as the Smart Guardian software that came with my mobo starts beeping when it notices it hit 60º.


Senior member
Jun 11, 2003
Originally posted by: destrekor
you have a very similar system to me. And I too need proper NorthBridge cooling on my DFI P965, as of now it only has a passive heatsink solution.
However, I am able to reach 3.44ghz (430x8). Currently I have the vcore at around 1.4v, and the Northbridge at 1.35v. I believe I can eek a lot more out of the CPU, even at the current vcore, if I can raise the northbridge voltage and get a little more FSB out of it. However, if I do that, the temp's rocket up to 60ºC, from the current 52ºC. Not sure if 60ºC is safe for the NB, as the Smart Guardian software that came with my mobo starts beeping when it notices it hit 60º.

I haven't found anything that measures my NB temp but it is hot enough to burn you. I may add a fan but hate to mess with another set of wires running actrosss the MB. Spent hours trying to keep it clutter free. I would like to add the Thermalright HR-05 chipset cooler. I think it would fit but hate to think of removing the motherboard to do so. It might be possibe to install it in the case but it would be tough. The stock NB heatsink is right under the Ninja's fins and am not sure I could even remove it.

Actually, I have not tried any settings that did not boot and run Windows but haven't tried anything higher than 475 for 3.8Ghz. If a Monsoon II didn't make such a racket I would try one just to see how high it would go but I had one a while back and it drove me crazy clicking and snapping and changing speeds. I guess you could run the fan off a MB outlet by passing its speed controler and just let it run full speed. I don't know if anyone has tried that, does it mess up the pellier control. The fan itself was not the problem just the changing speeds on and off. If I can cool the NB I will add another fan in push-pull to the Ninja and see what temps are at 3.8, higher if it will do so.

Could not be happier with the E6420, it is faster than an E4300 at the same speed (3.4) with almost the same components except the HSF which is a Big Typhoon, on the benches I have run so far.


Senior member
Jun 11, 2003
I added a 5 cm fan to the stock NB heatsink that previously was hot as an iron. It is now cool to the touch and looks pretty good also. Also added a second fan to the Ninja in Push-Pull. The CPU temps are down about 8-10c at load, more than I would have thought. The second Sflex fan added no noise at all. The NB fan is the loudest thing in the case and am going to put a speed controller on it and slow it down. Will see how high it will go, but wish I could find something that would measure the NB temp. Easy Tune 5 either does not like these speeds or Vista or both, it doesn't work right. Either wont start at all or quits.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: Cardio
I added a 5 cm fan to the stock NB heatsink that previously was hot as an iron. It is now cool to the touch and looks pretty good also. Also added a second fan to the Ninja in Push-Pull. The CPU temps are down about 8-10c at load, more than I would have thought. The second Sflex fan added no noise at all. The NB fan is the loudest thing in the case and am going to put a speed controller on it and slow it down. Will see how high it will go, but wish I could find something that would measure the NB temp. Easy Tune 5 either does not like these speeds or Vista or both, it doesn't work right. Either wont start at all or quits.

You can look up the program ITE Smart Guardian, see if it works for you.


Sep 21, 2002
Yea?!? Well, I gots me Athlon X2 4800+ all the way to 2.7GHz (I made a rare mistake and didn't grab Intel's far faster Core2Duo E6600). But, you know what? I can play games like F.E.A.R, Quake4, FarCry, Poriah, Doom3, STALKER: Shadows of George W. Bush's Integrity at 1600x1200 everything maxxed with 4xSSAA and 'High Quality' 16xAF.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: ScrewFace
Yea?!? Well, I gots me Athlon X2 4800+ all the way to 2.7GHz (I made a rare mistake and didn't grab Intel's far faster Core2Duo E6600). But, you know what? I can play games like F.E.A.R, Quake4, FarCry, Poriah, Doom3, STALKER: Shadows of George W. Bush's Integrity at 1600x1200 everything maxxed with 4xSSAA and 'High Quality' 16xAF.

this is a CPU board. Why the P&N-like comment?


Junior Member
Apr 10, 2007
Hey OP. I have the same mainboard and CPU as you. I did the 400*8 O/C as you, but my temps were were in the 58-60c range on stock cooling.

Do any of you guys think it is worth while to remove the stock "tape" and apply Artic Silver? How much of an impact might that have?

Also, how do you go above 400 without taking the FSB above 1600 or memory above 800 or are these locked at 4:1 and 2:1 respectively?

Do you use Easy Tune to O/C or go right into the BIOS?


Senior member
Dec 9, 2003
LOL of course BIOS always for OC... And i dont think just applyin AS5 will make much of a difference... maybe 1c or 2C.... but if u get 1 of those arctic freezer 7 for $32 at ewiz then u might get like 10-15C less


Senior member
Jan 27, 2000
Got an e6420 earlier this week which I ordered from www.shopblt.com. Finally got time to put it together. These newer C2D seem to be really good. Still testing however I'm at 3.45Ghz @ 1.37 vCore underload running Dual Prime. I'm shooting for 3.5-3.6Ghz which should be doable..


Diamond Member
Nov 16, 2005
3.7 ghz for me, commando 1.45v vcore. Ram running 4:5, Corsair 8888c4 with CAS 5-4-4-12. Orthos load is 65 or so. Zalman 9700CU


Golden Member
Jan 22, 2002
I just ordered an Intel E6420 from buy.com. I wish there was a way to change my username now

Can't wait to see what kind of overclocking results I can get.


Apr 9, 2000
Just got my 6420 today. This will be my first system build (completely new) in 4 years.:Q What's sad is that i'm a PC Tech.

Waiting for mwave to deliver the video card, case, neweggg to deliver my g.skill 2gb RAM kit, waiting for my Tuniq tower, and ClubIT to deliver the Gigabyte DS3 rev3.3.

I am hoping to get a little help from you guys if I run into any overclocking issues.


Elite Member
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
whats the difference between the 6420, 6300 and the 4300?

Conroe core
4MB cache
1066MHz FSB
8x multiplier

Conroe core
2MB cache
1066MHz FSB
8x multiplier

Conroe core
4MB cache
1066MHz FSB
7x multiplier

Conroe core
2MB cache
1066MHz FSB
7x multiplier

Allendale core
2MB cache
800MHz FSB
9x multiplier

Allendale core
2MB cache
800MHz FSB
10x multiplier


Senior member
Jun 11, 2003
Originally posted by: dannybin1742
you could water cool your NB like me, then you never see morethan 33C

What are you using to measure your NB temp?

For me, the usual ones either will not run at all, or quit, or just don't work right. This is with Vista 32 @ 475*8=3.8 Cpu temps are fine at 50~55 full load max.



Junior Member
Apr 20, 2007
I am having some overclocking issues and wonder if some of you guys could help. I have tried searching these forums for help, and tried everything I could find in here before I asked.

I finally got my system up and running and it is as such:

Intel e6420, Scythe Ninja RevB
OCZ Platinum Rev.2 2x1gb pc 6400
Gigabyte DQ6 Rev3.3 BIOS F9
eVga 8800 GTS 320MB
2x80GB WD SE + 2x200GB Maxtor HDs
Antec P180b
Corsair HX 620

I was able to easily overclock to 2.93 GHZ (366*8) all on stock voltages but then I hit a wall. I have been using TAT to measure my temps and load the CPU. Here is what I ran into.

Stock (266*8) @ 100% Load for 10 min: TAT Core 1 42 C Core 2 43 C
(333*8) @ 100% Load for 10 min: TAT Core 1 44 C Core 2 46 C
(366*8) @ 100% Load for 10 min: TAT Core 1 46 C Core 2 47 C

Next I tried to bump up the FSB to 400 and the system would not load into XP. I bumped the Vcore to 1.35V manually then I was able to boot into Windows. I was able to run TAT for about two min then BSoD. I had read about some motherboards not liking 400 so I tried 405, 410, 395, 390 and finally set on 385 just for testing. At all times I got BSoD after ~2 min in TAT. Next I bumped Vcore up to 1.45V and also Vmch +.1V (FSB still at 385). Once I did these two things I was able to load windows and also run TAT but after about 10 min the screen goes to the windows baclkground with no desktop icons and doesn't recover and my Core temps were each ~ 53C. It does not appear to be an overheating problem as far as I can tell.

I first wanted to rule out my memory so I left the SPD setting of 5-5-5-15 active with a 1:1 multiplier and i bumped Vdimm to 2.1V (the rated voltage for my RAM). After a couple more tries at TAT resulting in windows background with no desktop icons and doesn't recover after 10 min I decided to check my RAM. I ran MemTest through 8 complete passes with no errors. I next decided to give Orthos a shot. I let Orthos run for 12 hours (@385 FSB) and during the run the Junc Temps were each ~43-45C and I had no errors. I am kind of stuck. I see almost eveyone else getting way better numbers than me so I am thinking it is me. I set the following in the BIOS:

No-Execute Memory Protect Disabled
Enhanced Halt (C1E) Disabled
Thermal Mon 2 (TM) Disabled
EIST Disabled
Virt Tech Disabled
Smart Fan Ctrl Disabled

FSB 385
PCIe Freq Fixed to 100
Memory Multi 1:1
Memory Settings 5-5-5-15

DDR2 Volt +.3V
PCI-E Volt Normal
MCH Volt + .1V
FSB Volt Normal
CPU volt 1.45 V

I seem to find it weird that TAT causes the system to crash after a bit but Orthos gives no errors whatsoever. I realize TAT loads the CPU harder so it likely just shows that my system is unstable. My biggest question is if anyone thinks I need to (or has themselves)raised the FSB volt to gain stability? I am just curious if someone else has a DQ6 or even DS3 that could tell me their voltage settings so I can see if I am missing something. I am not looking for a huge overclock, I want to get to 3.2 GHz (400*8) and that will be only used when I am doing my HDV video rendering. The rest of the time I will leave it at stock settigns. I love the ability to save numerous BIOS settings to easily swap between them of all these new boards...

Any help would be greatly appreciated...


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