E6750 & Gigabyte P35C-DS3R Overclocking Thread

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Senior member
Aug 14, 2007
Originally posted by: 5t3v0
I would shoot for 400MHz with ram running synchronously. Dont know if its possible on stock volts given the big vdrop on these boards. MrFatboy will be able to recommend ram settings but I'm sure he has his on +0.3v with 4-4-4-4-12. If you opt for stock cpu Mhz then you can use a 6:5 ram multiplier to get the ram at it's rated speed. Auto probably tries to do the same thing.

I was under the impression its best to run your ram @ 1:1 for the Core 2's so stock would be 266:266 instead of 266:400, is there any benefits at all or is it just somone thinking they were clever and everyone picked up on it?

So whats best

266:266 or 266:400 ?

Answers on a postcard and send to

The Orange house
Isle of Mull
PA75 6PJ

Sep 21, 2007
Yea I know my temps look way out of whack but that is what speedfan and coretemp are telling me. When I cold boot up, the bios temp was 31 for system and 24 for cpu. I am currently running orthos for the last 25 minutes and my cpu temps are 23-27 in speedfan and the easytune utility says 38. So I don't know what is going on. I am in a michigan which is nice and cool this time of year but not an ice chest. I know that speedfan and coretemp are wrong as the tjunction is showing as 85 not 100, but I DL the beta version several different times but it never shows the correct tjunction.

As for the memory I upped the volts to +.4 with the 4-4-4-12 timings and it would not boot into windows. I had to clear CMOS and then I loaded fail safe defaults and bumped the volts +.1 with the timings of 5-5-5-16 and this allowed me to boot to windows and has made orthos stable, at least for the last 25 minutes. Speed fan show my memory volts as 1.98 by the way so I don't know what numbers to trust.

As for vcore drop I have it set to normal in bios and right now during orthos it is 1.296-1.312 in Cpu-z, Easy tune has it as 1.31. So I am figuring that to reach my 3.2 ghz overclock I will need at least 1.4 to 1.425 volts in the bios? Does that sound about right. I see all these 3.6 overclocks with 1.45 and above so that is what I am basing this off of.

I don't need any headroom for my memory as I was planning on running it stock of 400mhz for a 3.2 ghz overclock which is a pretty easy overclock for this board and chip from all that I have read on various boards. Hopefully once I get all these memory issues worked out I can start in on the overclock.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: SniperDaws
I was under the impression its best to run your ram @ 1:1 for the Core 2's so stock would be 266:266 instead of 266:400, is there any benefits at all or is it just somone thinking they were clever and everyone picked up on it?

So whats best

266:266 or 266:400 ?

dude, the default freq for the 6750 is 333 not 266. And yes, it is probably better to run synchronously when overclocking for stability purposes but small performance gains can be had from running the ram faster, so if it's stable, it's worth doing. Above all else, as an overclocker, there's nothing worse than running components below their rated speed.

BTW, I should tell you that I'm an Englishman like yourself. Just ended up in Jockland 'cause of the wife.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: random betrayal
Speed fan show my memory volts as 1.98 by the way so I don't know what numbers to trust.

Sounds about right. Read the the forum linked to by MrFatboy - it proves what we've suspected, that these board overvolt the memory voltage to the tune of 0.1v. Perhaps try +0.3v at 4-4-4-12 which will be more like 2.2v than 2.1v.

Originally posted by: random betrayal
As for vcore drop I have it set to normal in bios and right now during orthos it is 1.296-1.312 in Cpu-z, Easy tune has it as 1.31. So I am figuring that to reach my 3.2 ghz overclock I will need at least 1.4 to 1.425 volts in the bios? Does that sound about right. I see all these 3.6 overclocks with 1.45 and above so that is what I am basing this off of.

Possibly. Every chip is different. Start at 1.35v and set freq to 400MHz and try to boot windows. If it loads, try orthos. If you get errors raise by 0.01v at a time until you get it orthos stable. Fine tune by iteratively dropping by the minimum increment until it becomes unstable again & go back to the previous stable voltage.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
I was able to get 3.2 at stock volts (1.35) and my ddr2 voltage @ 1.9v. My mem timings are 4-4-4-12 @ 1:1 (set to 2.00 in bios).

I would have to loosen my timings to 5-5-5-15 to get higher OC without adding CPU voltage.

You are correct. For the first couple of days when I started this thread. I was set to +.4v for my ddr2. After doing more testing I was able to get a stable overclock with +.3v. However, since this board overvolts, +.3v really gives you 2.22v instead of 2.1v.

It's fine since the ballistixs need 2.2v anyway.

I will go back and make the correction in my OP and change the screen shot. Thanks for letting me know.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Ok, Good News & Bad News

Good News
I fixed the "Bios Pic 2" and other stuff in the OP. It now shows what i WAS running at.

Bad News
I say "WAS" because when I rebooted to take the pic of the bios and then restarted, my computer won't boot up anymore at 3.6 OC After listening to all these reboot problems, everytime I reboot I pray my computer will come on line. I stared at it and sure enough it hiccupped and did a double reboot and reset back to 2.66. It's been exactly 2 months since I built this PC.

I hope I'm not becoming the next victim of this board arrrrrrrrrrgh!


I dodged a bullet!!!!!!! :laugh:

I'am back at 3.6OC. When my PC reverted back to stock settings it set my System Memory Multiplier to AUTO(among other things). It aso had my Memory Frequency(Mhz) at 800 1080. I just switch my System Memory Multiplier to [2.00] which gave me 800 900.

Woooohoooooo! I think my heart just skipped a beat.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: random betrayal
Speed fan show my memory volts as 1.98 by the way so I don't know what numbers to trust.

When I was doing my voltage testing (see several posts back) I got 1.98v no matter how I set the DDR2/DDR2 voltage. Obviously, something was cleary wrong. This lasted for about 4 individual tests (4 bios changes/reboots). Gigabyte believes the board voltage sensor locked up for a bit and they were bogus readings.

I have a thread over at Tweaktown in which they gave me this answer -

This issue is caused by Everest.
It looks Everest violates some ITE8718 settings and causes the sensing of all voltages frozen.This violation causes you have to do power-off cycles to recover the sensor.

I don't know if this is right but that is what they told me. We are pushing them harder for a better answer.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
It's taken 2 months for you to experience the random reset syndrome? Count yourself lucky big fella. I have had at least 2 of these & there's others with the same experience on our 2 forums. It could be the writing on the wall or just a BIOS bug. Only time will tell......


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
It was not actually the cycle reboot problem. I went into the bios to take the new picture. When I exited it said "Save bios on exit? y/n". I said no because I didn't make any chances. As it was resetting, I turned on printer. My printer has the camera card reader built in. I actually thought "oh, crap, the printer is going to cause power flucuations".

Sure enough, it double reset. I think it was the Gigabyte bios fail safe kicking in and resetting to stock. But upon further inspection of the bios it only changed three things.

System Memory Mutiplier was set to AUTO
Memory Frequency was at 800 1080
CPU Host Clock Control was Disabled

Everything else was the same. Very weird. But hey! i'm still in the game!


Senior member
Aug 14, 2007
i tried to boot at 6x 450 this afternoon andwouldnt get past windows loading screen, i tried at +3v with 5-5-5-12 timings

@Stevo, i thought that Balmory thing was histerical, i was laughing while typing it, i must off been in a childish mood when i typed it.


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
Originally posted by: SniperDaws
i tried to boot at 6x 450 this afternoon andwouldnt get past windows loading screen, i tried at +3v with 5-5-5-12 timings

@Stevo, i thought that Balmory thing was histerical, i was laughing while typing it, i must off been in a childish mood when i typed it.

I'm impressed you know that Balomory is actually Tobermory. Are you a fan?That PC Plum, what a tin roof.


Senior member
Aug 14, 2007
i know, they should update AT forums so you can at least personalise it a bit, its very bland and very boring.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
Originally posted by: SniperDaws
i tried to boot at 6x 450 this afternoon andwouldnt get past windows loading screen, i tried at +3v with 5-5-5-12 timings

What has been the highest FSB with the "6" mupltiplier that you have been able to run stable on? When I was doing my testing I could'nt get much past 450 even when I lowered my multiplier to "6". However, i was using 4-4-4-12 timings and I never tried to losen them. My ram defaulted at 5-5-5-18. Have you tried that?

I am still paranoid about doing anymore tweaks I don't want to spit in the devil's face 3.6OC with 4-4-4-12 is great for me. But I'm really dying to experiment more


Senior member
Dec 22, 2005
Buy some new games. HL2Ep2 & Crysis will be here soon. Just leave it alone. It'll end in tears


Sep 13, 2007
Just an update for you guys since I tried to get the Gigabyte board working before...ended up getting the Abit IP35 Pro....been great so far...had a heart attack at first getting it to detect any sata drives, but it ended up being user error...now it's all working...only bug is my cpu says 8.18ghz booting up at first...but windows picks it up correctly....wierd....reseting this in the bios doesn't seem to do anything and for awhile it was making all my sata drives dissapear forcing me to clear cmos, etc...loops, so now I just leave it with the crazy reading and everything seems very stable.... hopefully a bios will fix my issue in the future....still curious what Gigabyte is going to say to explain these problems....but I'm glad I switched...at least my IDE port is in a better spot, lol

- Brett


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
congratulations! it's been rough going for you. I was reading the abit thread and saw you were having problems there also. I was thinking you had more defected components.

But for 8.18ghz, it was well worth it, eh?



Senior member
Sep 3, 2006

Here is Janus's (gigabyte rep) response to the gigabyte reboot problem. I could not get the first link to work and the second link didn't fully work.

I smell something fishy here. I don't like getting passed off to bogus links.

please let me know if anybody gets either of these working.


Dear all

We have a GGTS service, please link to
or http://ggts.gigabyte.com.tw

you will get more help

Thank you.
Janus Yeh
GIGABYTE Technical Support


Senior member
Sep 3, 2006
The first link still doesn't work for me. The 2nd link works but the "search question" option is broken. No matter what I put in it ask for "select a product".

am i missing something?


I sent in a trouble ticket regarding memory voltages and the cycle reboot problem. I can't wait to see what they say

BTW, the "search question" on their website is broken.
Sep 21, 2007
Ok I am attempting the OC as I type. I had to run the memory at the looser timing of 5-5-5-16 as I could not load windows with them at 4-4-4-12. I don't know why. I have loaded and ran windows at only +.2 before with the tighter timings ( I think I installed the OS at these setting if I remember right) but it did not run orthos very long before I got rounding errors. I tried +.3 and +.4 but neither would work. Once I was in windows I ran orthos for 2 hours to get a quick check that it was running fine. I know it is not a full blown stress test but I will do that with the Overclock. My final setting were with +.1 on the memory and speed fan reads this as 1.97 volts. I will live with these timings for the time being I guess. This memory is just giving me fits.

I am only going for a mild overclock of 3.2 and have set the Vcore at 1.387 to start. Cpu-z reads 1.328 under full orthos load. One question I had is Orthos is only using
~ %60 of my ram, is this normal? I thought it would max everything out. Temps are reading at 33 and 35 for the two cores under load for the last 30 minutes in speed fan and core temp. So I am assuming that is running just under/around 50 in actual temps. Easy Tune shows a max core temp of 45, it also shows the Vcore as 1.340. For the stress test I upped FSB by +.1 and the MCH by +.1. Do you think these will be needed when all is said and done? The cooler on the FSB is not hot, I can hold my finger on it as long as I want without feeling even mildly warm, same as the memory sticks. It's amazing how much air this case moves, when I stick my hand in there.

Thanks for all the help I have received, this is my first build and obviously my first attempt to OC.
Sep 17, 2007

@mrfatboy - is this for your own curiousity, or are you experiencing the reboots? I gathered that you'd pinned it on the printer powering up, etc. I'm with Sniperdaws on this though - why go looking for trouble where there isn't any? You've got a pretty super high O/C, and running it 24/7, on air. Maybe scale it back to 440fsb...3.5 or so, and bring down the voltage on the vcore and vdimm..prolly no need to run at "benchmark" speeds 24/7 on a board that might be temperamental. Honestly, I have the same CPU, and running at 3.5 is plenty fast, and yet seems real stable. I simply don't want to look the recycle boot monster in the eye, you know what I mean?

Sep 17, 2007

@random....have you looked at my Bios settings that I posted in this thread a while back? You're running the same basic config as me. Is that Patriot ram rated at 2.1v at those tighter timings? You really shouldn't be having any problems running that setup at 400fsb. Your temps are great. Have you tried MemTest'ing the ram at 400fsb, while setting your DDR voltage at +0.2v? I would try that first, and rule out any instability on the ram's part. Look at my settings, and set your ram manually to 4-4-4-12. Put your vcore back to normal for the time being. Set your DDR/VDimm to +0.2v. Boot to Memtest and see if you can run it longterm. If you can, then we've sorta ruled out the ram, their timings, and their voltages. We can address vcore voltage next. You're running Wiondows XP SP2, right?

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