eBay just raised their fees!?!?!?!?!

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Senior member
Oct 7, 2004
Originally posted by: Esquire
i'm done wirth ebay....


Ditto, just makes me sick to my stomach. I sold a few laptops recently and my friggin bill went up to $200.. $200 for god damn ebay! Not to mention paypal fees.. :disgust:


Golden Member
Jul 28, 2001
So you guys who are ebay freaks tell me how much a $2000 auction would cost today through ebay with a "buy it now" and a highlight and a border paid through Paypal vs in February after the hike.
Oct 30, 2004
Originally posted by: Mucker
Y'all aint seen nothing yet! The unsustainable US economy. Look at increased medical costs, insurance cost, energy cost, etc........The company I worked for slashed my pay by $10k over the last 4 years, you could blatantly see the tranfer of money from the workforce to the management, but by golly, they wanted more production out of you. My a$$ got sore so I left. I laughed when US Air wanted their employees to work for free over the Christmas holidays! Somebody's going to have to pay for it eventually and guess who that will be? Good-bye capitalism...hello socialism.....Good advice over the next 10 years.....BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!........

OK, I know this is off topic but... Here's what's going to happen.

As a result of foreign outsourcing, the use of work visas (H-1B, L-1, etc.), mass immigration, and illegal immigration, our first world labor market is being merged with the impoverished labor market of the third world (caused by socialism, communism, and runaway population growth--essentially inflicting those same horrors on the American people). As a result, America is transforming into a third world country.

Rather than acknowledge and address the real issues, the politicians, the media, and businessmen will distract the public by claiming that the nation needs more and better education. Even though we already have millions of unemployed and significantly underemployed Americans with college educations and degrees, including many with technical and advanced degrees, the politicians and the media will still scream that our problems are caused by bad education. However, in reality, even if everyone were to get a Ph.D., it wouldn't create new middle class jobs. Having a supply of educated people does not create an economic demand to employ those people at middle class wages. Rather, the monetary and temporal investment in education should be a response to real market demand for it.

Americans do value education, and rightfully so, but sadly, few have critical thinking skills and intellectual independence. Thus, Americans will fall for the Education Myth hook, line, and sinker. In the meantime, our labor market will get merged with the third world and the politicians, media, and businessmen will purposely and completely ignore the issue of labor wage arbitrage. The increasing poverty, unemployment, and underemployment, and the decreasing quality of life in this nation will get blamed on bad education and not the real problems.

After that, who knows what will happen. Can you really see the masses that watch Oprah and Dr. Phil launching a violent revolution? I suspect that they would just sit at home, confused, watching their narcotic TV shows. If the American people do stage a revolution, they'll probably set up a socialist or a semi-socialist government and it will be a disaster.

Ironically, our problem is caused by bad education--but not in the way the media and politicians would want you to believe--it is a failure to teach Americans to have critical reasoning skills and intellectual independence. If Americans had better reasoning skills, they would elect better politicians and they would be able to see through all of the nonsense. More fundamentally, you cannot have wealth without its precondition--the reasoning mind. So, as the American populace becomes dumbed down, it's only inevitable that the nation's quality of life will come down with it--whether that be from merging the labor market with the third world, turning the nation into an Iranian-styled Christian theocracy, the adoption of socialism, or something else--it would only be a matter of time.

It looks like our flavor of economic hemlock will be to merge our labor market with the third world--foreign outsourcing, foreign work visas (H-1B, L-1), mass immigration, and illegal immigration. With Bush in office we might even see some elements of Christian theocracy added.

...And before someone comes out and says "but our trade deficit means we get lower prices", let me state that you also need to consider "back end" prices--like the higher taxes that will be needed to help the increasing amount of working poor and the social costs of losing the middle class. In the end, you cannot consume more than you produce. We're better off having 3% (real) unemployment and higher prices but with higher wages, lower social costs, and lower taxes as a result of having less need for government expenditures (welfare) and a larger tax base (less unemployment, higher wages).

Take home message: Keep your eyes and ears open for politicians, the media, and businessmen smugly proclaiming that America needs more and better education. They are just trying to distract the populace from identifying the real issues (labor wage arbitrage with billions of impoverished people in the third world).

Condemn me for the off topic post in this thread if you wish, but later this week when you notice that someone is trying to sell you on The Education Myth, think of me. You'll hear it in terms like, "We need better education to compete..." I don't care how much education you have--it's hard to "compete" against 1/10 the wages somewhere else, not without significantly decreasing your own wages/standard of living/percentage of the value of your production you retain as wages/standard of living.



Senior member
Jan 18, 2002
I think the way bigger rip are the stupid PayPal fees on top of eBay fees. Heh, PayPal tells you that it is "illegal" to charge the PayPal fees from the buyer if they want to pay by CC... I still do it, few buyers scream murder, but most are just fine with it, especially if you explain that if they have a balance in their account, the fee goes away... Gotta draw the line somewhere... Another pet peeve of mine is that if you "upgrade" your PayPal account to accept unlimited CC charges, you still get raped by their fees, even when the buyer payment comes from a balance... Oh well, time to sell A LOT LESS CRAP.


Golden Member
Feb 22, 2001
PEOPLE... RELAX... this increases (with t don't affect you UNLESS you own and operate a Ebay Store. Before you fly off the handle take the time to read the entire thread.


Junior Member
Oct 17, 2004
We understand that fees directly impact our members, and take care to ensure that any decisions to change fees are made only after careful consideration of this impact. These changes will help us continue to sustain and develop a thriving global marketplace, while balancing the needs of our buyers and sellers around the world.


We understand that fees directly impact our pockets, and take care to ensure that any decisions to change fees are made only after careful consideration of how we can line our pockets further. These changes will help us continue to line our pockets and develop a thriving global lifestyle, while reducing the profits of our buyers and sellers around the world.



Oct 18, 2001
I've been a casual ebay seller for a looong time... And I've looked for an escape from ebay for a long time too. I thought Gegy was going to do it back in 2001, but they ended up having to sell out to ebay as well.

What's really done it for me, and explains these recents price hikes, is ebay affiliations with micro$oft...:|


Senior member
Apr 26, 2003
What, you don't think we have a socialist regime now? I live in NYC with over 1 million rent subsidized or rent controlled apts. 1 MILLION. I have to pay a sky high mortgage because we have concluded as a society that its important for poor and elderly to live with us in our neighborhoods. Nice idea, but forced.
Then, I get a pay health insurance for the irresponsible people walking around eating bratwurst till they burst, or smoking till they drop. Then, I get to pay social security, welfare, medicare, etc. Brother, if it gets any more socialist I'll have to wear pink suits.

I have a rent controlled apartment in NYC. Thank god. Don't forget that one of the elements that makes NYC great is that poor people can live there. Otherwise all the creative folks would be gone and you'd have only money people in the city; then it would be just another __________ (Anytown USA: Atlanta, Kansas City, Cincinnatti, wherever... call it Buttmunch, Iowa if you want)

What would we do if this weren't forced? Would you volunteer whatever is necessary to have a city where artists can live and mingle? Do you find value in that? Where do I sign up for the pink suit?



Golden Member
Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: WhipperSnapper
Originally posted by: Mucker
Y'all aint seen nothing yet! The unsustainable US economy. Look at increased medical costs, insurance cost, energy cost, etc........The company I worked for slashed my pay by $10k over the last 4 years, you could blatantly see the tranfer of money from the workforce to the management, but by golly, they wanted more production out of you. My a$$ got sore so I left. I laughed when US Air wanted their employees to work for free over the Christmas holidays! Somebody's going to have to pay for it eventually and guess who that will be? Good-bye capitalism...hello socialism.....Good advice over the next 10 years.....BRACE! BRACE! BRACE!........

OK, I know this is off topic but... Here's what's going to happen.

As a result of foreign outsourcing, the use of work visas (H-1B, L-1, etc.), mass immigration, and illegal immigration, our first world labor market is being merged with the impoverished labor market of the third world (caused by socialism, communism, and runaway population growth--essentially inflicting those same horrors on the American people). As a result, America is transforming into a third world country.

Rather than acknowledge and address the real issues, the politicians, the media, and businessmen will distract the public by claiming that the nation needs more and better education. Even though we already have millions of unemployed and significantly underemployed Americans with college educations and degrees, including many with technical and advanced degrees, the politicians and the media will still scream that our problems are caused by bad education. However, in reality, even if everyone were to get a Ph.D., it wouldn't create new middle class jobs. Having a supply of educated people does not create an economic demand to employ those people at middle class wages. Rather, the monetary and temporal investment in education should be a response to real market demand for it.

Americans do value education, and rightfully so, but sadly, few have critical thinking skills and intellectual independence. Thus, Americans will fall for the Education Myth hook, line, and sinker. In the meantime, our labor market will get merged with the third world and the politicians, media, and businessmen will purposely and completely ignore the issue of labor wage arbitrage. The increasing poverty, unemployment, and underemployment, and the decreasing quality of life in this nation will get blamed on bad education and not the real problems.

After that, who knows what will happen. Can you really see the masses that watch Oprah and Dr. Phil launching a violent revolution? I suspect that they would just sit at home, confused, watching their narcotic TV shows. If the American people do stage a revolution, they'll probably set up a socialist or a semi-socialist government and it will be a disaster.

Ironically, our problem is caused by bad education--but not in the way the media and politicians would want you to believe--it is a failure to teach Americans to have critical reasoning skills and intellectual independence. If Americans had better reasoning skills, they would elect better politicians and they would be able to see through all of the nonsense. More fundamentally, you cannot have wealth without its precondition--the reasoning mind. So, as the American populace becomes dumbed down, it's only inevitable that the nation's quality of life will come down with it--whether that be from merging the labor market with the third world, turning the nation into an Iranian-styled Christian theocracy, the adoption of socialism, or something else--it would only be a matter of time.

It looks like our flavor of economic hemlock will be to merge our labor market with the third world--foreign outsourcing, foreign work visas (H-1B, L-1), mass immigration, and illegal immigration. With Bush in office we might even see some elements of Christian theocracy added.

...And before someone comes out and says "but our trade deficit means we get lower prices", let me state that you also need to consider "back end" prices--like the higher taxes that will be needed to help the increasing amount of working poor and the social costs of losing the middle class. In the end, you cannot consume more than you produce. We're better off having 3% (real) unemployment and higher prices but with higher wages, lower social costs, and lower taxes as a result of having less need for government expenditures (welfare) and a larger tax base (less unemployment, higher wages).

Take home message: Keep your eyes and ears open for politicians, the media, and businessmen smugly proclaiming that America needs more and better education. They are just trying to distract the populace from identifying the real issues (labor wage arbitrage with billions of impoverished people in the third world).

Condemn me for the off topic post in this thread if you wish, but later this week when you notice that someone is trying to sell you on The Education Myth, think of me. You'll hear it in terms like, "We need better education to compete..." I don't care how much education you have--it's hard to "compete" against 1/10 the wages somewhere else, not without significantly decreasing your own wages/standard of living/percentage of the value of your production you retain as wages/standard of living.

As someone with critical thinking skills and two post graduate degrees (while barely being middle class, if that '50s romantic ideal ever existed, I can tell you what your "education myth" argument is lacking. People want fairness. They are idealistic, they want to believe that fairness exist in the world and that their child will have a fair chance to succeed in this country. That's a nice dream. Sadly, children do not have the same education opportunities and by the time they hit 4th grade, the writing is on the wall (though some 4tth graders can't read it). The script of their lives is written and inertia rears its ugly head.

Now, of course your right about the overeducated (me). All of the letters behind my name create little demand - (except the JD ). However, I think the argument can be made for tryin to right a wrong -- perpetuation of the same class of poor. Don't get me wrong, I'm very conservative and think we currently live in socialist country via taking care of all the lazy and stupid-chooser people.

We don't really need *better* education to compete, but the reality exists that our standards for education have fallen dramatically in the past 30 years. There's something there.

What we could use is a level playing field in public schools. But...how to get there?


Golden Member
Jun 11, 2004
Originally posted by: klingsor
What, you don't think we have a socialist regime now? I live in NYC with over 1 million rent subsidized or rent controlled apts. 1 MILLION. I have to pay a sky high mortgage because we have concluded as a society that its important for poor and elderly to live with us in our neighborhoods. Nice idea, but forced.
Then, I get a pay health insurance for the irresponsible people walking around eating bratwurst till they burst, or smoking till they drop. Then, I get to pay social security, welfare, medicare, etc. Brother, if it gets any more socialist I'll have to wear pink suits.

I have a rent controlled apartment in NYC. Thank god. Don't forget that one of the elements that makes NYC great is that poor people can live there. Otherwise all the creative folks would be gone and you'd have only money people in the city; then it would be just another __________ (Anytown USA: Atlanta, Kansas City, Cincinnatti, wherever... call it Buttmunch, Iowa if you want)

What would we do if this weren't forced? Would you volunteer whatever is necessary to have a city where artists can live and mingle? Do you find value in that? Where do I sign up for the pink suit?

No need to thank God, thank me, I subsidize your rent. .
Bu hey, more power to you, I'd be there with you if they were offering me reduced rent.


Junior Member
Jan 17, 2004
I'm not sure what you guys are talking about. I may not have the big words or the complex sentences but I feel I have a common sense view of the world.

I came out of a state college undergraduate accounting and mis program. I am making over $60,000 (includes benefits) straight out of college. I drive a new car and live in a nice apartment. I have to work about 55 - 60 hours a week but I feel thats just what work is all about. I might not be able to have this job forever for some reason or another. But I am trying to learn Chinese and also get as many certifications as I can in my spare time. Just b/c the situation isn't as we would like dosn't mean we can't/shouldn't adapt. And this whole thing about America imploding is simply rediculous. It is not "Now" or "End of the World." If anything there would be a gradual, perhaps painful, adjustment as America lost its economic and perhaps military "Superpower" status; big deal, who says we have to always be on top anyway. Maybe China will be the next "Superpower." Britain used to be a imperalisitc powerhouse; the global empire where the "sun never set." It's not like all the people over there are dying in the street.

I'm not sure if I understand the whole eduction scam thing either. I also would love to know what those post-docs were in. Anywho, my two cents.


Junior Member
Jun 26, 2004
oh so the final value fees only effect stores, then its no big deals for most sellers

does a regular listing include 1 picture free

also what are the typical paypal fees? when someone pays for something on ebay through it


Forum Director & Omnipotent Overlord
Forum Director
Oct 8, 2000
Originally posted by: railman3059
oh so the final value fees only effect stores, then its no big deals for most sellers

does a regular listing include 1 picture free

also what are the typical paypal fees? when someone pays for something on ebay through it

One picture free per listing. I think it's 0.15 for each extra picture.

Only sellers pay Paypal fees. Buyers do not. If a seller has an account like I do, (nothing special just a regular one) he/she pays Paypal .30 plus 2.9% of the submitted money (the selling price plus the shipping costs, if any).

A $10 sale/transaction would cost the seller .30 + .29 for a total of $0.59

A $100 sale/transaction would be 0.30 plus 2.90 or $3.20.

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