ECCp-109 Team Stats as of (Mon Nov 26 12:06:06 2001)


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2000
<<< Team Stats >>>

1. Dutch Power Cows : 1241692 (+437848)
2. TechIMO : 835094 (+31250)
3. Team Anandtech : 803844
4. Entrust : 367695 (-436149)
5. SmartTrust : 363848 (-439996)

<<< Team Anandtech >>>

New DP since yesterday noon: 9402
Total DP : 6894856
Team Total: 803844
new DP since last update: 4820

User : DP new DP (% of team total)
1. Team_AnandTech_Federation : 122109 1131 (15.190634%)
2. [TA]DroolMAN! : 95266 1 (11.851304%)
3. DnetMHZ : 83176 2186 (10.347281%)
4. Jagators : 80285 0 (9.987634%)
5. kmmatney : 73816 60 (9.182876%)
6. MereMortal : 32815 346 (4.082260%)
7. Distributed : 27059 345 (3.366200%)
8. KGBMAN : 22194 78 (2.760983%)
9. Twioz : 17424 0 (2.167585%)
10. TheReaper-TeamAnandTech : 16282 0 (2.025517%)
11. TA|phatstyl : 15126 45 (1.881708%)
12. Rendus : 14881 27 (1.851230%)
13. Farlander42 : 13796 0 (1.716253%)
14. Chipster22 : 11380 0 (1.415698%)
15. [TA]Chokko : 11167 18 (1.389200%)
16. BitSpit : 11016 2 (1.370415%)
17. hai1039 : 9229 0 (1.148108%)
18. [TA]Nic_Colt : 8767 0 (1.090635%)
19. Doomer : 7643 0 (0.950806%)
20. AppleTalking : 7596 0 (0.944959%)
21. kantana : 7014 13 (0.872557%)
22. Thyme : 6442 0 (0.801399%)
23. ThomasL[TA] : 6144 4 (0.764327%)
24. hymy : 5468 0 (0.680231%)
25. Hawkeye : 5185 0 (0.645026%)
26. partx : 4504 0 (0.560308%)
27. nexus : 4451 0 (0.553714%)
28. KifArU-Team_Anandtech : 3869 0 (0.481312%)
29. tweakmm : 3839 0 (0.477580%)
30. mmurdock : 3780 73 (0.470240%)
31. CyberWire : 3773 0 (0.469370%)
32. TACube : 3741 173 (0.465389%)
33. schafer_scott : 3740 0 (0.465264%)
34. Jarhead : 3640 0 (0.452824%)
35. yo_ma-ma : 3538 0 (0.440135%)
36. XL : 3452 0 (0.429437%)
37. OrangeKid : 3143 0 (0.390996%)
38. SlangNRox : 2716 0 (0.337877%)
39. vcdunk : 2654 0 (0.330164%)
40. Terminal : 2584 0 (0.321455%)
41. [TA]Slowbones : 2455 161 (0.305408%)
42. Corsairpro : 2398 0 (0.298317%)
43. Ken_g6 : 2225 0 (0.276795%)
44. jliechty : 2146 0 (0.266967%)
45. nukefarmer : 1920 0 (0.238852%)
46. Gatsby : 1697 0 (0.211111%)
47. nateholtrop : 1664 0 (0.207005%)
48. sduguid : 1663 8 (0.206881%)
49. LANMAN : 1506 0 (0.187350%)
50. [TA]jkersenbr : 1444 0 (0.179637%)
51. Athlex-TeamAnandtech : 1425 0 (0.177273%)
52. somnium : 1378 0 (0.171426%)
53. sciencewhiz : 1241 0 (0.154383%)
54. n0cmonkey : 1186 0 (0.147541%)
55. ohohel : 1176 0 (0.146297%)
56. TheNakedCrackers : 1150 0 (0.143063%)
57. Logix : 902 0 (0.112211%)
58. metallibloke : 827 95 (0.102881%)
59. dseidl : 806 0 (0.100268%)
60. EdwinFinland : 715 0 (0.088948%)
61. Juran : 673 0 (0.083723%)
62. SetiCavalry : 664 0 (0.082603%)
63. corky : 652 0 (0.081110%)
64. thepachman : 646 0 (0.080364%)
65. BellosX : 578 0 (0.071904%)
66. richardlehman : 562 0 (0.069914%)
67. hprcrazyguy : 536 0 (0.066680%)
68. Hapless : 500 0 (0.062201%)
69. MOOKOW : 500 0 (0.062201%)
70. MustPost : 485 0 (0.060335%)
71. Bot2600 : 453 0 (0.056354%)
72. jlarsson : 412 0 (0.051254%)
73. talisman : 400 0 (0.049761%)
74. LANMAN : 288 0 (0.035828%)
75. NOendINsight : 196 0 (0.024383%)
76. Francodman : 192 47 (0.023885%)
77. nexus9 : 163 0 (0.020278%)
78. rebldomine : 158 0 (0.019656%)
79. SnO : 158 0 (0.019656%)
80. : 125 0 (0.015550%)
81. cirrus : 117 0 (0.014555%)
82. DAPUNISHER : 106 0 (0.013187%)
83. Vince : 94 0 (0.011694%)
84. TNTrulez : 93 0 (0.011569%)
85. [TA]S0rcerer : 92 7 (0.011445%)
86. TA_LANMAN : 79 0 (0.009828%)
87. Tarca : 59 0 (0.007340%)
88. JB_L : 58 0 (0.007215%)
89. NccOps : 57 0 (0.007091%)
90. Crackers : 26 0 (0.003234%)
91. aswedc : 21 0 (0.002612%)
92. thecool1 : 21 0 (0.002612%)
93. bryce : 16 0 (0.001990%)
94. LordGwynz : 9 0 (0.001120%)
95. PeterN : 9 0 (0.001120%)
96. serialb : 7 0 (0.000871%)
97. roddy : 5 0 (0.000622%)
98. Kantana : 3 0 (0.000373%)
99. CyberDuck : 2 0 (0.000249%)
100. DarkMajiq : 1 0 (0.000124%)

<<< Top 100 >>>

7. Team_AnandTech_Federation
10. [TA]DroolMAN!
12. DnetMHZ
13. Jagators
15. kmmatney
38. MereMortal
49. Distributed
81. Twioz
85. TheReaper-TeamAnandTech
92. TA|phatstyl
96. Rendus
99. Farlander42

<<< Today's MMs >>>

Tean_AnandTech_Federation: 122k
DNetMhz: 83k
kmmatney: 73k
MereMortal: 32.5k
Distributed: 27k
BitSpit: 11k
kantana: 7k
Jarhead: 3.5k
jliechty: 2k
Hapless: 0.5k

<<< New Members >>>



Golden Member
Jun 23, 2000
Took me one hour to do all of this by hand and eyeball. I never realized till now how much effort MereMortal had been putting into the noon time report. Certainly makes me a lot more appreciative of his work

I have just began developing a system to automate this work. My solution/approach will be to use the freeware (open source) MySQL database. I have written a M$ Word macro to convert the data from a text file created by InternetExplorer to a tab delimited text file, but I would like to find a conversion tool that does not rely on a M$ product. I can think of a couple of Linux tools that could be used to do the conversion but I want to stick with the Windows platform and have a conversion script that can easily be changed if the html layout changes. By sticking with the Windows platform it will be easier for me to pass this tool on to almost anyone within our team.

I downloaded MySQL last night for the first time ever. I have created the needed table and have been able to populate the table using the tab delimited data file that was created from my M$ Word macro. Current dilemna is that I can not think of a query that will produce the desired results that does not join the table to itself. The latest MySQL for Windows does not support joining a table to itself. From what I've read it seems that we may be able to do this starting with MySQL 4.0. I want to use Windows as the platform so that I can more easily pass my work onto someone else within our team. Hopefully MereMortal, or anyone that may be interested, if MereMortal would like a break from creating the report.

The table I am using contains three columns 1. username 2. current dp total for the user 3. today's date

The query needs to use the floor function (current dp/500). We want to find all users where floor(current dp/500) is greater than floor(previous dp/500). Floor returns the truncated value from the division. Since the dp column is integer I'm not certain yet if we must use floor.

Since it's always possible that we may miss a report for a day or more, we can not determine 'previous dp' by using date = date - 1 day.

Anyway,.... I'm off to create a temp table and work on developing the desired query .... The temp table will allow me to join the table to itself. Unfortunately as the size of our table grows this solution is not all that great. Perhaps by the time the table becomes very large MySQL 4.0 will be available for Windows.

Another possibility would be to create the report by using some MySQL API functions within a C program. The downside is that changing the query becomes more difficult.


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2000
LANMAN is listed twice
he has 1506 and 288 DPs, one of his usernames appears to have a trailing space or unprintable char.

kantana and Kantana, is another similar situation

Kantana and LANMAN might want to drop Chris a note and get joined together


Aug 12, 2001
:frown: Already did about 3-4 weeks ago and stiil waiting. Oh well.
BTW thx RC. You're a stud!


Golden Member
Jun 23, 2000

create temporary table currdp (eccpuser varchar(128) binary not null primary key, dp mediumint unsigned not null, dateval date not null);

create temporary table prevdp (eccpuser varchar(128) binary not null primary key, dp mediumint unsigned not null, dateval date not null);

insert into currdp select eccpuser, dp, dateval from eccpdata where dateval = current_date;

insert into prevdp select eccpdata.eccpuser, eccpdata.dp, max(eccpdata.dateval) from eccpdata, currdp where eccpdata.eccpuser = currdp.eccpuser and eccpdata.dateval < currdp.dateval group by eccpdata.eccpuser;

select currdp.eccpuser as "Milestone Maker", currdp.dp from currdp, prevdp where currdp.eccpuser = prevdp.eccpuser and floor(currdp.dp/500) > floor(prevdp.dp/500) order by currdp.dp desc;

| Milestone Maker | dp |
| Team_AnandTech_Federation | 122109 |
| DnetMHZ | 83176 |
| kmmatney | 73816 |
| MereMortal | 32815 |
| Distributed | 27059 |
| KGBMAN | 22194 |
| BitSpit | 11016 |
| Doomer | 7643 |
| kantana | 7014 |
| Jarhead | 3640 |
| jliechty | 2146 |

Sorry Doomer for missing you on the MM report. Tomorrow's report will be more accurate now that I got the MySQL query working


Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2000
Thanks for the stats RC!

I have an Athlon 1.4 Ghz machine which hasn't produced a DP in 3 days! I restarted the client several times but its still chugging away with no DP's I'm wondering if I should just wipe out the plist file and start again, or wait a little longer. Supposedly, DPs which take longer to create are considered "valuable". However 3 days is sort of ridiculous.


Sep 14, 2001

do i understand AT will get real stats
My code for the Milestones is as follows:

The milestones:
&& Mijlpalen
* 200
* 500
* 1.000
* 2.000
* 3.000
* ...
* 9.000
* 10.000
* 15.000
* 20.000
* 25.000
* ...
* 100.000
* 110.000
* ...

SELECT Naam, INT(Totaal / 1000) * 1000 AS Mijlpaal;
FROM OverallTopList;
WHERE MOD(Totaal, 1000) - Aant < 0 AND Totaal BETWEEN 1000 AND 9999;
SELECT Naam, INT(totaal / 10000) * 10000 AS Mijlpaal;
FROM OverallTopList;
WHERE MOD(Totaal, 10000) - Aant < 0 AND Totaal >= 100000;
SELECT Naam, INT(totaal / 5000) * 5000 AS Mijlpaal;
FROM OverallTopList;
WHERE MOD(Totaal, 5000) - Aant < 0 AND Totaal BETWEEN 10000 AND 99999;
SELECT Naam, 200 AS Mijlpaal;
FROM OverallTopList;
WHERE MOD(Totaal, 200) - Aant < 0 AND Totaal BETWEEN 200 AND MIN(199 + Aant, 499);
SELECT Naam, 500 AS Mijlpaal;
FROM OverallTopList;
WHERE MOD(Totaal, 500) - Aant < 0 AND Totaal BETWEEN 500 AND 999;
nMijlpalen = _TALLY

dDatum is the date of the current statsrun and dprevdatum is the date of the previous statsrun
Totaal = the total amount of DP's, and Aant is the new amount of DP's since the previous statsrun.

it is somewhat bigger code then yours, but we have another milestone system.


Golden Member
Dec 15, 1999

<< create temporary table currdp (eccpuser varchar(128) binary not null primary key, dp mediumint unsigned not null, dateval date not null); >>

Hmmmm. This is all Dutch to me!!!

Thanks Roy - As usual, huge effort!
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